Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 14, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Friiay Evoning.DBceraliBr 14,1888
YITfcH A NIITriMU, EJIton anil Publishers.
1'illillshou every day itt the wruk.
Sundays excepted.)
Entered at the Part Olllie at Albany, Or
aH seoond-clasa mail mattor.
IIuildinc; Associations. Several Al
bany gentlemen have been contemplat
ing joining the American lluildiiig nnd
Loan Association oC Minneapolis. As the
following from the Pendleton E.O. treats on
the subject we publish it gratis: "Some
few Pendleton members of the American
Building and Loan Association of Minne
apolis expressed themselves as somewhat
dissatisfied with Mock certilicates received
and with the general methods of the asso
ciation. In this connection the oft-quoted
remark that it is better to patronize or be
long to a home institution, doubtless finds
its verification. A thorough examination
nnd comparison proves the superiority of
the focal organization, the Oregon Build
ing and Loan Association, over one the
Interests of which are elsewhere.
Black Bart. A big reward Is offered
for the capture of Black Bart, whose pic
ture is seen posted all over the Coast. The
detectives can't find him it is said ; but an
Examiner reporter is said to have called on
him in his mountain hiding place and had
a long interview with the gentleman. We'll
wager the reporter lied, though they do
say a reporter will see things no one else
Special Mektixc A special meeting
of the City Council was held last evening
to consider the proposed extension of the
city limits. Mr. lluckleman, Mr. Bryant
and Capt. Lanning whom it brings inside
the limits were present and favored the
movement, making suggestions in refer
ence to the same. Table r, Hoffman and
Wntsman were appointed a committee on
the survey ot the same to be made by air.
Will Get Mad. A young German
while out hunting six or eight miles back
of Hood river, was mistaken for a deer and
shot. The bullet entered the abdomen
The man is reported to be in a very crit
ical condition. We are going to get mad
if this kind of foolishness does not stop.
Uur Legislature should pass a law making
tills common mistaking of men for animals
a criminal ollcnse.
Freight Ahead. There is said to be
freight ahead enough for five months work
with the present facilities of the Oregon
Pacific, a fact which makes the present
disaster so much the more serious. The
"Willamette Valley," which is always
piloted Into the bay by its own pilot, never
has had a bobble, and people generally do
not believe there was anv excuse for the
present accident to the "Vaqulna Bay."
Columiiia Bar Spleen The Pioneer,
a paper published down near the bar where
the "Republic" and "Queen of the Pa
cific" were wrecked, has the following to
say about the wreck of the "Vaqulna Bay,"
which, if the editor has any eyes at all, he
must know had nothing to do with the har
bor: "The Oregon Development com
pany's new steamer 'Yaquina Bay' Is
ashore a few hundred feet from where hei
predecessor, the 'Yaquina City,' was
wrecked last December. There is a possi
bility thnt she may be saved, but a strong
probability that she will be a total loss. It
s expensive business trying to make a
first class seaport out of a tentli class
The following is from the Hartford items
n the Washington county Advertiser, of
Kort Edward, New York, anil Is a nice
notice of some new residents of Albany :
Mr. and Mrs. Or. Chamherlin and their
son Allic, and daughter Winnie, of this
place, leu Nov. 271)1 for Albany, Or. I hey
take the excursion from Eagle Bridge. The
doctor and family have hosts of friends in
iiaritoru, who sadly reurct their leaving
town. The doctor has been a very suc
cessful physician in this place for many
years ana lie win be greatly missed pro
fessionally, as many think there is no doc.
tor like Doctar Chamberlin. The wish of
their many friends is, abundant success and
No Excuse A gentleman of leisure
called at the Democrat office this morn
ing and argued with us over five minutes
for ten cents, which he did not get, though
he got plenty of arguments for not getting
it. He said: "Can't yer see yourself that
I aint a tramp." He may be the son of the
uuke ot Argyie.tor all we know ; but lust
as soon as he goes from place to place beg
ging for a dime he becomes a hobo,anu you
can't make anything else out of it,whatever
his previous condition In lite. . rity Is all
right, but there is no excuse for a healthy
able bodied man begging.
New P. M. at Salem. Richard R.
n. 1 1 1 I -. . . -.-
at Salem, at least he has been notified by
a friend in Washington City that he has
been appointed, and Hon. 11. 11. Gilfrey on
being telegraphed to, answered that the
appointment was handed to the Senate
A Small Crowd. The poorest adver
tised show that ever exhibited in Albany
was that of John Jack's, at the opera house
last evening. As a result almost no one
went, probably less than fifty, dead heads
and all. We understand, tiiough, a very
good entertainment was given, particular
ly for bo small a troup.
I Imii License. We're sort of in favor
of something of the kind too, that is, a li
cense of about $20 a day for tramp tailors,
peddlers, brass jewelry men, etc. Make it
so high the fellows will skip from Salem
ciear to Lugene or vice versa, just so as to
pare Albany.
A Big Rope. This morning a man Ilia
hawser six hundred feet long, being over
twelve times the length of a baggage car,
and eighteen inches in circumference, was
received at this city b,v express from San
rrancisco and shipped on the atternovn
train to Yaquina Bay.
Golden Wkddino. Yesterday "Uncle
John" Beard and his venerable spouse, of
Tangent, celebrated the fiftieth anniver
wryof their married life.
A Novelty A novelty in Albany Is a
Sirl's tricycle at Mr. Julius Gradwohl's.
rnt. By all means at least call and see It.
Montetih & Sei
'all early before
A Democrat man has boea through Mr.
Julius Gradwohl's (inely equipped store, and
is able to report ono of the finest stocks in
the Northwest, probably none better in the
State. He is carrying a very superior stock
ot crockery ware, navlug tue latest patterns
in the market. Iu toys and children's play
tilings generally the variety carried is as
toniahiuv, eyerythinc almost from a tin
whititle up. His stock of Koger Bros, silver
plated ware is a good one and in plush goods
he keeps a large stock of toilet sets and al
bums. What you cannot find at Mr Urad
wohl'afor the holidays is hardly, worth getting.
Stole the Paks. This morning a farm
er drove into town and bought some tin
ware of Deyoe & Robinson and put It in his
wagon, which was standing in an alley.
Shortly after a tramp espied the pans and
took them off, and was trying to seil them
when the farmer who by this time had
missed them came upon him and took them
away, letting the tramp go in peace to his
great disgust,wlio fully expected to be ar
rested and ted at public expense.
A Grave Yard. The very Inst act In
the transition of the Oregon Videlte is
about to be performed. The material has
been bought in by some of the holders of
mortgages and the p'.ant Is being broken
up and removed. Thus Is rung down the
curtain and the expiring hours of the Ore
gon Videfe and Anti-Monopolist are peace
fully marked, demonstrating the truth of
the oft repeated saw, that Salem is a grave
yard for newspapers. Journal.
Baling Press The Isx&tSa'cncific Amcr-
cian In its list of patents, has the following:
"William P. Martyn, Harrisburg, Or. This
machine is one which may be used for
baling while traveling or moving, by
keeping a pair of horses on the tongue and
another to press the bale, in such way bal
ing from a cock or window, the invention
providing various novel features of con
struction and combinations of parts."
Censuiied J, J. Winant, of the Bay,
says the steimer could have been saved by
the use of its anchor, but Mr, Winant says
the officers of the road seemed to be afraid
of a little expense and so the ship was
wrecked. Mr. W. talks In remarkably
plain language, and if what he says is true,
there are certainly grounds for censure of
the management of the wreck.
Not Insane. Several weeks ago the
Democrat mentioned a difficulty beyond
Scio between Mr. Wright and Mrs. Piatt,ln
which an ox was shot, and Mr. WHght ar
rested and discharged. Now comes Mr.
Wright Into Court and has Mrs. Piatt ex
amined on a charge of insanity. The com
mission of physicians declared her not In
sane. She simply has a temper.
Small Pox. A gentleman who came
down on the train at noon from Oakland,
says that the wife and two children of Mr,
Burt who died some day ago at Drain from
small pox, are all down with the dread dis
ease. The same gentleman says there are
four cases at Roseburg.
Dates, figs, etc, at Pfeifler 'a.
Holiday goods at French'
Baby carriages at Stewart & Sox'.
liargaitu in silyorware at French's.
Fresh ehestnutsat Franoia PfuitTdr'..
Corvallia now has twelve kerosene street
Low prices prevail at the ''Corner Jewel
ry store.''
Go to P, J, Laportcs for your boot amljshoe
The best eon fectionary in the eity at Fran
eis l'feitfer'a
Gold ami silver watches. Big bargains in
them at French's,
Nearly all of the Albany 8 S'a will have
Christmas trees.
Butler, the Portland pugilistic barber, is
in the city.
The Oregon Pacific talk of building a dry
douk at Toledo.
Tweedale carries the boss heating stoves
aud cells thetn the cheapest.
William W Cheniora will now oancel post
age stamps at Peoria.
Fresh corn ineal, 3 cents per pound at
Blodgett'a Mill. Try it.
Dr. O'Dell, of Sodavillo, ia lying dnnger-
uuniy 111 ac Lebanon.
Call and see those Earlv Breakfast stove,.
and ranges at W C Tweedale't.
For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the
Wil'amette Packing Co'a store.
A full line of Christmas candies and nuts
will be kept by Brownell & Stauard.
Mr A B Culver, of Crook county, a former
resident of Linn county, is la the city.
Perhaps Mr Hermann would like a place
in President Harrison's cabinet. Why not.
You will save money by getting your
plumbing aud job work done at Tweedale's,
There ia a piece of land io Portland that is
assessed at the rate ef $400 an acre that the
owner proved in court was worth $25,000 an
If you want a tender chicken be sure and
got one of those new style roasters at W C
Dr. Chamberlin. our new homnnnnthin
physician, was called to Lebanon yesterday
vu proicasionai business.
Manager Hoas. of the O P. left San Fran
cisco, last night for Yaquina bay which he
Tin reacn to morrow.
Mrs Martin Payne is prepared to take
tirst-class boardors at her residence opposite
mm uugregacionai t;nurcn.
Finest display of Christmas presents in the
city, is to be found at French's "The Corner
Jewelry Store." Prices low.
The district teichera institute arranged fen
be held at Corvallis beginning Deo 2ti, has
ueeu inueuuaieiy postponed.
Mr Landseidel, of Pittsburg, Penn, who
was living with his seventh wife, committed
suicide yesterday. No wonder.
Subscriptions for the leading periodicals re
ceived by F L Kenton. Orders forwarded
promptly, fries lists furnished free.
The indications are that the exclusive gas
irancnise ordinance naa been laid to rest.
The present council at least will not pass it.
"Confederate Spy" at the Opera House to
morrow evenine. Everybody should no. Re
served seats only 50 cents. Admission 25
Mr and Mrs Jos Webber, Jr, are in the
city on tneir way to fortlakd from Califor
nia, whero they have been on their bridal
Mr A Beard, of Fossil!. Oretron. waa in
the eity to-day with his brother, J F Beard,
of Tangent, from whom we acknowledge a
In the city election at Astoria Wednesday
717 votes were cat 247 less than a year aeo.
That is the interest people take in city eleo-
Mr L V Looaway, formerly ef this city, is
now in the wholesale butober business in
Seattle, and, we understand is coining
Grants Pass has a Blue Kiblwn Club. th
oniy one we Know ot in Oregon. Albany
usea to nay a very nounsbiog on along
aoaut toon.
Making a specialty of candies, nutn. ntn.
Francis l'feiller can do better than anywhere
eiso. itememoer tins in getting your holiday
The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in
vited to call at F. M. French's, "The Corner
Jewelry Store" and aea hia stock of Christ
mas presents, and examine prices,which will
be found very low,
Mr William Vance Ieavea to-morrow on a
trip to Tacoina and Seattle. We hope Mr
Vance will not get the Sound fever that is
striking some, aa we need men of his enter
prise and push at home.
Cherry k Parkea new foundry and ma
chine ahop buildings at Tacoma are complet
ed and ready for occupancy. The firm will
neve their Albany plant there aa soon aa
their work here is finished.
The citizens of Lafayette have offered the
Evangelical Churob its Court House and jail
and several thousand dollars in money, if
they will locate their proposed College there
a startliugly liberal offer
Superior. That Is the name of the
stove at G, W. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It is a splendid cook stove.
New raiteos, ourrents,oitron, lemons and
orangea received'at Wallace & Thompson's.
Skates. A full line of new skates just re -oeived
at Stewart & Sox's. Just the thing!
for Chrismaa presents for the boys.
As recorded In the Recorder's office for
Linn county, Oregon :
Wm Cyrus, Referee to G VV Harris,
40 acres. 11 w 1 S snn
O & C R R to Judson Loofbourrow,
84 acres, 11 E 1 126.65
W E Yates to J A Beard, Interest
in 5.2x1. cri feet, Lebanon 6co
J A Beard to W E Yates, interest
.in 00 acres 1500
M J Alkjre to S E Thompson, 38.44
acres, low 3 200
S II and A F Hamilton to W B Don-
aca, iooii acres 2500
II Brvant to M I Alkire. I8.ji acres lie
Jacob Smith to E J Lanning and John
uuuu, 44 ucrcs, 10 w 3 100
W C Miller to Jas L Arnold, 90
acres, 10 w 2 2000
S II Althouse to P M Althouse, 2
lots, block 6 E A, Albany 1
S II Althouse to If K Merrill, in
terest in -ft block 1, I A, Al
bany, also all personal property
of every kind and description.ail
mining claims and interest in
same, in trust for benefit of cred
itors and wife and children 1
H J Clark to D B Monteith, 2 lots,
ui a 11 s znu a, and piece land
near Calipooia RSo
Noah Shanksto A J Shanks,5o acres
'4 w 1 700
D J Hayes to F M Morgan, 1 lot,
Halsey ,0
W J Ribelan to F M Morgan, 1 lots,
"' 100
tenbach having
STOCK of Gen
the stock is bro
A Prompt Co A few wl. ,n nr.
Burr M. Sloan insured with Mr.Oscar
Marshall, agent, in the Bankers Mutual Re-
net Association, home office at Portl.-imt
Through an accident he crippled one of
ins nanus tor several days. On Dec. 10 he
received a check fnr tifin r.,11 Li
This is a safe, reliable, home company, and
, .,,,,, . jjuuey in a prompt com-
nnnv el,n..M 1 r T . 1 . ...
r.v v..Um.u Hume wit-i iur. Aiarsnau in
this company. Accidunts are liable to
happen any day.
decided to close
Clothing A large and comdete lln
gents' clothing and furnishing goods at
A. 15. IVlcIlwatn'a. Tn tl, inlhinn Annn-t-
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he will sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
Pcre Teas. If you want a first.rlni;
article of teas go to the Willamette Packing
1,0 s. store, tneir German mixed tea is just
v.tij. unc uugm to use, as it is hrst
class tea and warranted to give satisfaction.
auction Auction every afternoon at
. j. 8, ml o. c, . xoungs old
store. Goods at your own price. Must
About (jiven Up.
The stranded steamer remains in about
the same position as yesterday, with Its
bow down in the sand, the boat careening
towards the north, and the water running
through it. How many holes there are In
the bottom is a matter of speculation. Par
ties at the Bay have concluded that there
Is little chance of saving It. A diving out
fit was received yesterday but no one was
with it. The boat will probably be turned
over to the underwriters to do as they
please with it. It was first-class in every
respect, and was insured for a large sum,,
the exact figures are not known here.
The small boy who did not previously
spend all his money for Kimball's nude pic
turettes cow knows where to put it, that ia,
in the skaking rink, much the healthiest ex
ercise, by the way.
The largest stock of nuts aud candiea in
the valley at F U PfeifTer'r.
Babies. The finest line of baby carri
ages in the Valley just received at Stewart
& Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap con
sidering the superior quality of the carri
Don't Throw Tour Money Away
buying silly little toys and gawgaws, Come
around to our place of business and get
something that will be of utility, both use
ful and ornamental. Look over this list
and it may help you to make up your mind
what you want,
The very best grade of Shears and Scis
sors, Lap boards, Pocket Knives, Curling
Irons, Skates, Knives, Forks and Spoons of
all kinds.Call Bells,Babv Carriaees.Wrine-
ers, fancy sets of Fiat Irons, Kitchen
Grindstones, new style Coffee Mills, etc.
Carving Sets, Razors, Razor Strap and
Brushes, the finest Pocket Cutlery. Tools
of all kinds, Revolvers, Guno, Skates, etc.
Pocket Knives, Skates, Tool Chests,
Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Bicycles, Axes,
Just the place tn get Xmas things cheap'
and nice, in the latest art, leaf hooks, tripods,
thermometers, banner rods and hat marks or
crowns painted to order. Nice oil paintings
on hand, just the nioest thing yon could se
lect for a present. Call and aee fot yourself
at Mns. B. Htman's
First door east of Yonng'a old stand, .
F. L. KM
Choice Family
Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco
Ail goods sold at the lowest cash prices
and warranted to give satisfaction.)
Butter and Eggs Tab in Exchange for Goods.
Subscriptions receive for all the leading
out their Albany business offer
for sale without reserve at COST