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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1888)
, f. . .... ,.A ..M ONE HUNDRED YtAUS A00 IN TENNESSEE. It It not a generally known historical fact that from 1774 to 1784 the territory now known as Tennessee formed a part o f North Carolina, and that In 1785 the Ten nesseeans, becoming dissatisfied with their government, organized a state government under the name of "Franklin," which was maintained for some years. The state or ganlzed afterward disbandcd.and Tennessee was again annexed to North Carolina. The following is among the laws passed by the legislature of the state of Franklin. We copy it as found in a speech by Daniel Web ster on the currency of :83s: Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Franklin, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, that from the first day of January, 17S9, the si lariesof the officers of this common wealth be as : Ills excellency, the governor per annum 1000 deer skins, Hit honor, the chief justice, per annum 500 deer skins. The secretary to his excellency, the gov ernor, 500 raccoon skins. The treasurer of statc, raccoon skins. Each county clerk, 300 beaver skins. Clerk of house of commons, 200 raccoon skins. Members of the assembly,per dicm,three "raccoon skins. Justices fees for signing a warrant, one muskrat skin. To the constable for serving a warrant one mink skin. Enacted into the law the iSth day of October, 1 7S9, under the great seal of the state. will amount to $80,000,000 and her Demo cratic majority Is 163,000, It must be said for her that she is the most American of any state In the Union, and Is likely to re main so, for she attracts American rather than foreign Immigration. S. F. Alta. BAD MANNK1U OF HISDANDS. - A friend was spending the day with me the other day, and while she was here our pastor called. After he left the friend said : "Did you ever notice with what respect Mr. Conrad speaks of his wife and how courteously he treats her at all times !" I nodded assent,and my friend went on : (I suppose my husband is as good a man as ever lived, but his mother did not train him to be courteous to ladies. His sisters were his slaves, and thereby he is spoiled as a husband. I wish I could train several hun dred boys to be husbands foi the next gen eration. Do you suppose the'd consider it theirprerogative to drive the girls out of the easiest chair, take the sunniest corner of the room.the best place by the Hght,throw books,papers or slippers down for some one to put away, and grow up with the idea that a wife must be the valet and the rest of the household stand respectfully by to obey or ders ? You smile, but this is anything but a subject to laugh over. "I really believe husbands never think how their unkind ways hurt. They don't realize the difference to us for instance,in their manner when they come to dinner. All day the wife has been alone with the children and servants, and Is more hungry for a kind word from her husband than an epicurean feast. He comes in just as the dinner bell rings. 'For a wonder dinner is once ready on time,' the husband Bays Couldn't he have saved the heart stab by say ing.'That's a pleasant sound to a hungry fellow,' and what hinders him from adding, what would be milk and honey to a weary soul all the rest of the day nay, all the rest of her life 'You are a good wife,Cornelia.' And if dinner is not quite ready why need he say.'Of course not J never is.' In work ing mottoes for the home.why hasn't some one taken Wesley's remark : ' I'd as Soon Swear as Fret,' instead of hanging up 'I Need Thee Every Hour.' "When I think, I have a hard time I just think of the women who have no servants but who themselves care for the children, wash, iron, cook, mend, churn, milk, carry wood and water, all for less than an Irish servant girl's wages. Of course men appre ciate their wives, of course they ds,but thev keep their polite manners and courteous way for other men's wives. One time James thanked me forgiving him room be side me at a concert, and then sort of apol ogized for being polite by saying he thought it was my sister Mary " Atlanta Vti'stitu-tion. We referred recently to the r'ght of the State of Texas to dissolve into several states without consulting the Federal Government except to demand admission for such new states. This statement having been ques tioned,we beg to quote from the Act of An nexation: "New States of convenient size, not ex ceeding four in number, In addition to said State of Texas, and having sufficient popu lation, may hereafter, by the consent of said State, be formed out of the territory thereof, which shall be entitled to admis sion under the provisions of the Federal Constitution," Here, then. Is the authority for making five states where there is one, and getting ten Senators where now ore two. Texas is as large as all the original thirteen colonies, leaving out North Carolinla. In the Elec toral College of iSqj the will have twenty, four votes, and in ten years more will cast the heaviest electoral vote of any state in A dispatch frem Chicago says: In spite of the confident assertions of the Republi can organs that Gen. Palmer's defection would have no effect upon the Grand Army, new6 of other Democrats following his example come in every day or two Yesterday Col. J, B. Nulton, Anthony Connolle, A. II. Doughty and Dr. Eherle Wilson, of Carrolton, who have been among the most prominent Grand Army men in the interior of the State, sent in their resignations. They ore Democrats and say they cannot stand the Republican proclivities of the order. A dispatch from the south says that col ored farm tenants in various parts of Soutl Carolina have become imbued with the idea that they will not be required to pav their rents now that General Harrison has been elected President. Hotel Arrival, Reverb House. W Barrett, Halsev A P McDaniel, Dallas: II K DuBois. Sal em ; J Gillain, S F ; L O Allen. Astoria : R A Fuller, II Lang, W Frazier, Portland; R Johnson; LCF Smith, Syracuse; R L Toplitz; L. IS Crane, H U Martin, T F Bar. rett, Chicago; A B Wells and son, Salem, unio; l, lladley, 11 U Hadley, Eugene; A L Klotze, city, St. Charles G L Kinsley, L Hale, St Louis, Mo ; J S Niles, E D Wenban, A P Butler, S F ; Mr and Mrs John Jack, Annie Flrmln, A F Jack, J W Keystone, A J Rat. cliff, W Walker and family, Jas Mathena ; R A kampy, Harrisburg ; J A Blair and wife, Chicago ; G E Bushnel, Sardine Crt ek j G H Garrett, Portland. Russ House. G Bosquett ; E Drury ; CLang ; J W Meajher j TL Rice, Leb anon ; S Wilbur ; J II Jones ; W Young, Oakland ; J Murphy j J Conner ; C Hall, Eugen ; L M Graves ; W Robinson, W C Phealin, Portland ; R M Richards ; J Thompson, Scio. jo n CO o z r 1 . 3 Mar . b r m co H - O O TJ G. L. BLACKMAN. Successor to E. W.Langdon. DEALERJIN DRUGS, MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. DR. G.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite tha Democrat Office. CLOTHING For Fall and Winter -AT- L. E. BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoes OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla, Astrachan Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves an! Mittens . ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Lst but not least a large stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: DRY GOODS I" dupartraent my Btook is unuauB,y I'trt-o utl complete, ress goods in all the leading styles ; good shades for Full and Winter goods leotedfrom the bent Eastern and Foreign importations. Ilia latest novel- Dr, ties in trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, some enr goju values la white blanketB, table linens, towels, eto. CARPETS enlarged facilities for Bhowin;? carpets, lias enabled ma to make large purchases in this department. I can show a fine line of Ingrains at low prices, some choice patterns in Body Brussels and Tapestries. I am miking carpets a leading branch of my business. UnfiTS ANO SHOES I carry the larest line of Boots and Shoes in the city and naveaid Isj iecial attention to getting the good best suited to this trad and I can show a fine line of goods. I keep in stooL the best makes in the country, and have endeavored to get a line of tow price goods that I can guar antee to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for men, wo nnd h'ildren cad be found in this department. It is in fact a shoe store of itself, PRfir.FRIFS I am civing special attntion to keeping a full lino of Staple Fancy Groceries, uncolored ttas.roasted and ground coffees, canned fruits, th latest specialties in breakfast goods eto.can all be found in this department. Pure, fresh goods and good value for money is my aim. I would especially call the attention of parties laying in their Fall supplies to my large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! am betterjprepared than everto meet their wants. In all de partments I am. prepared to meet, tha Growing Demands of Linn County AND THE- City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. Samuel R Young. BARGAINS ! First-class goods at bottom prices is wnat the publio wants. These I have at my store in this city. Bought at Bankrupt Bales I can Bellamy stock of General Merchanise consisting ol dress goods, gentsjfurnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. Casbor goods will be paid4forll kinds of countrygproduce. GW SIMPSON, Albany( Oregon. A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. Graiuata of Ontario Vet9riniry uoiiege, Is prepare! to treat dlsaases of all do mestio animals onsctsntlflo principles. Residence and office two doors east of Opera House, Albany, Nursery.!. F. Backensto is the ac credited agent of Vancouver Nursery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Alaary, Oregon. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS I hereby certify that Dr, I, N. Woodle baa successfully operated on my rtdgling horse, ISAAC HAYS, For further reference In regard to ridg ing inquire of Win. PeUraon, Dave Pe terson, Lebanon 1 John Hardman, Alfred Wolverton, Albany j Sam Oalnes, Solo; Wm. Foster, Prinevllle. I practice voter inary medicine in Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence corner 6th and Washington Sts. i. M. WOOBI.B, Veterinary Surgeon, A