VOL. I. ALBANY OR., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14,1833. NO 191 THE PLACE. Ryall means sallon Parker Brothers, Successors to Join Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc, Their Roods are the bast and their prices reasonable. Cash Goes a Long Ways at Julias Uradwohl' I have made arrano-ementa for huvlno- goods direct from the factories In Europe, ano win sen at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : 'i dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 'i dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau- 35 Cera, a e cf r i aozen nanuied cottee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. 54 dozen seven inch dinner nlates. ic cts. ' ' " ThlC rrftn.l. am all Im. t . Utn. .. .1 not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. JULIUS URADWOHL. H. has a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nice solectien of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. New assortment all kinds of Jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. &nd Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEUTIONEET, Wo are mow prepared to Fell at wholo sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers. We aUo keep a.full line or Nuts and Tropical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Conrad Myer, . PROPRIETY jt OK STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin aid First Sts. DEALER IN - Canaed Fruits, Cnnael Meats, Glassware, Qaeensware, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Nplces, ' Coflee, Tea, Eto Etc., In fact everything that is kopt in a gen ral variety and grocery More. Highest marltot price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. GOLDEN HULK liAZAAK. KEEPFOS'lb Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them In Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrie, a large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. U. McIlwain If vou want a elean and fine smoke ask r J. Joseph's home made white labor ciga s For sale by most cigar dealers aud at Joseph's factory. A splendid stock of library and hamzincr 1 . 1 1 ur n p nv. lamp, just reueireu at .vanace oc i.nomp How is your appetite ? Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billiousness ? Dr Henley s Dandelion ionie works wonders, It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds up the whole system and pats new life and engeryinyou. A fine line of holiday goods for onr crock ery department and marked very low in price WALLACE it III OXMOX tVheat, 74 cents. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jeraies at W. F. Read's. New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. F ReadV Fine line of bread kneading pans at O W Smith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUnard'a. A large stock of lifting force pnmps at O W Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. Monteith's, at the old Young store. Go to A. B. Moll wain's and ask to see those $6 suits for meo. In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods '.V. F. Read is leader. If you want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a elean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of beating and parlor stoves at G W Smith's, no better in the valley. The cheapest place to buy men's uniler. wear in the state is at A. B, Mollwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any house in Albany. Call and see for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goods at E and C Howard's. Oall and see tbera. No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Royal Argauds at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook stoves made. See them. Goods not sold for less than cost, goods not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable profit at W . . il 1 1 . Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silyer ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. POSHA? & II. J. Mirrnoiis, Pras. S. Fakraa, Vicj Pre 1. D, S. Cook, S c. J. U. Uoukk Tim 1 TlicOrcjnm Land! Company Organized for tho purpvro ofbuvinff and ellinff reil MUtA, ulveKlsliix '-tie Will imfltte Valley In all of the leading newM-ipor of the Untied Slate. tuii..oy.ntf Kantcrn agents to direct home seekers to the Willam ette Vallov, and hiimo agents in all the principal towni of Marion, Ilk, Linn, ilenton, Clackamas and Yamhill counties to aid in locatlh'r imm'nr rants. Offliie in the Tate U'llldinx 0110 door esl ol Etw vt AjSox , . HOD30S A DICK I If SOX, JUnaen. H. Holiday Goods. f ' Santa Glaus Headquarters. m ln stook of "Plush Goods, Toilet Oases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor surpassed in thB Valley. Revere "House; ALBANY, - - - OREGONJ CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the best In tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for oomuieroTal travelers, Tree Ceaea t and fr.tn the U.lel.'W SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT EY; j! I ) B SOU WILL BROS, Twill-. In nil the lutest improved Pianos Orcsi:, Sowing; Maphines; Uuns. Also a full line of warranto ) Kuwwh, Uuietier and fockot Knives. Th be-it kind of sewing ma"hiiie oil, neeuios ana for all machines. Ail repairing neatly aud reasonably done. POPULAR SCIENCE, According to the statement of a Brazilian physician in Nouyeaun Remedies, flies are most active agents In the propagation of yellow fever. Other authorities hold these little insects largely responsible for the spread of pulmonary consumption and cholera. Among the curious facts brought out at the late congress on tuberculosis was that persons who have had the smallpox are peculiarly liable to tuberculosis. M. Lan douzy stated that for this reason persons pitted witb smallpox should never be em ployed around the tuberculous wards of hospitals. ' ,'', A German patent has been issued for the preparation of wood fibre for spinning.The fibre Is separated in the first place by boil ing in a sulphurous acid or bisulphite solu tion, and the fibres are dried and softened in water and subjected to sundry mechan ical operations. Strong fabrics are made from the product. Iron, when heated, bends very readily un dcr weight, so that it cannot be considered the best of material for fireproof buildings. Stone, and especially granite, is yery little better than iron to withstand the ravages of fire. There is no material,accorciing to the best fire insurance authorities, that can be used for construction equal to brick. It is the opinion of both insurance men and heads of Are departments that brick has stood the test better than any other material. Look Here! We are closing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean what we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4.35, regular price, $5.50, none better in town ; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies, good French lid, button, at $3, regular' pnee, $4; lames Drignt uongoia, Duuon,ai $2 75, regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Uongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3 : ladies' American kid, Si. 2 regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, from $1 to $1.20; a few pairs of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents; men s rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Brownell & Stakard. Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store into rooms In the Pearce block over J. J. Dubrulllcs harness shop, where they invite old and new customers to can on tliem. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Appointment. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. The rr..si.l,.nr sent the following nominations to the sen ate: G. Parker Norton, Salt Lake City, uiun, 10 uc surveyor-general of Utah; J. M. Krutz Indinna rmitt nf k u-.i ... , tan,, in (ice at North Yakima, V.'. T. ;H.T. Tolmin ittiuiicaoia, agent :or Indians at the Nez Perces agency Idaho. f. U. Edwards. nn.tmg.Ur at T'l!.. . 1. Tillamoook county, Oregon, has reeigned,' .u j.xih i.iusun nas Deen appointed: in his place. - William W. Chemnrs hnc mn.lnl.J postmaster at Peoria, Linn county.Oreeon .t uaiiiuci u. rinnegan, resigned. A OOStOfTiA Uao Kn ao.nUl.'oU.J fr Trent, Spokane county, W. T., and B D. Nassey has been appointed postmaster. The Death Rate. San Fhaxcisco. Dec. it Thr stale board of health has issued its monthly r!r cular for November. In a population es- "S4i4"" me mortality was 097, making an annual death rate of 18 per 1000 which is above average for the past six months. Consuption caused 142 deaths. Want Them Bad. San Francisco. Dec. l The sale of season tickets for the sixteen performances to be piven bv th. Frirth ariut. t r- quelin and Jane Hading, closed yesterday. " ."ivurntu 10 3ij,ooo. Marcus Mayer, manager in advance, states this is double the amount nf Tlmli-ir.V .l A, side of Boston and New York it is tne great est saie ine r rench artists have had in the unueu states. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of goods, consisting of gold and silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew elry generally. Also silver plated ware, clocks, etc. There are no more suitable presents In the market. All kinds of woolen dress goods are 25 per cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stork is all fresh, consequently J can give yerj ow prices. V UK 1 -N 1 1 1 l,U rm.lia - fi- ' " - of the above goods has been received, and .... . . I . 'T'l .1 .. will oesoia at rcaucta prices. nc, u,c us sirable patterns and are a bargain. New Wash House. I.co Chinaman, who lived in this town for many voar n.l was so wn'.l likod by every body h relurued and will opon up a now wash house the tirst of S.-ptoinher, oneloor south of tho Unvere House. Lee doesood work and wants everybody to gos Uineir was rune done dv nun CARPENTER AND JOINER. The underslgne.1 Is prepreil to do all kinds of work in his line 1U ursi-oisss or. Her .nil with Dromotness. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treets, I. N, Smith. TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there are funds . . 1 , nn n ... 'rvna.nrAr'. mild, ui JUiuu 111 hi. vuutj - " " -" - county, Oreon, to reduce all outstanding warrant. Interest on ail warrants w.o from this date. Datrd Deoomter Cth, 1888. H. Farwell, Csuoty Treasurer. PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES ATjDEY0E & ROBSON'S. We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you cither cash or trade for it. Drhss Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, nil different, No 7's, best in the city, at G W Simpson's. They range in price for from Si. 50 to $3.50 about half of the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w have alwnys shown the very best goods to K faitnrl In the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment ns tney must go. v;iu anu ior yourself. iMONTEITH OC OKITIiBAL-ll. The National Soldier's Home. Washington. Dec. ir-In the hnu to-day the annual report of the president and board of managers of the National Sol diers' Home was submitted. It suhmtts an estimate of $2,310,60? for the support of t. - 1 1 ' 1 ., rr , ..iiuus uii;ui;iie& auring tne coming year, The estimates of $90,000 for the Pa cific branch at Santa Monica are sufficient to accemmodate 600 persons. Fifteen ,iwu" iiunureu anu eigniy-nve 001- iui. iius ucen expended at Santa Minlca since March 1, and accommodations are now ready for loo men. The Democrats Seady to Go. Washington, Dec. 13. It is stated here that democratic office holders,as a rule are not asking or expecting much favor from the incoming administration. Indeed, so many of them are making arrangements to go Into private business at once after March 4 that Gen. Harrison may be em barrasscd by more vacancies that he can at once give attention to filling. Slitchell Mentioned. ' Chicago, Dec. 13. A special from In dianapolis says : A significant bit of gos sip regarding the next cabinet came from one of General Harrison's friends to-day and relates to the recognition the Pacific coast will probably receive. There are various reasons for the belief that one of . the administration advisers will represent that section, and according to the gentleman wnose views are lollowed, the honor will not, as everybody has supposed, fall on a California man. "but Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, is likely to be tne choice of the president-elect. A Itnnil of Pirates. Paris, Dec. 13. The French have brok en up a band of Chinese pirates at Baenink, Tonquin. Eleven of the captured pirates were shot, and a portion of the town de stroyed by fire. CURE FOB KICK IIEIOAIIIE, Ti yon want remedy for rVHomness, Pimples on the faoe, a-.il a fViie cure (.r sick hewiiiche, sk Dr. Cui sua snn, the Drusrsi.ta, for Ur. Goi.ni's Liv. Pill.., try a dose, sample. Ire. mil uox cent. nn. Hit stV KO in his now di-covery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine which il ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It is ex'jeeuiuiy ii'-ipo" . i 1 1 m,.A .)..- nnt f 1 on ,11 all ie.:tiy imiuu.-, - - - - - ca.es of cares of Consumption. Coughs, Colds .... .1 n UK..K;tia mnA W nOOping lOllgn, iruiip, muuuit.. rains lu to. tiieii., 1. " - - j t satisfaction. Dr Kiaukn's Cough and Lung , , . -. . . 1 .. n. 1 At onn nyrup is som si uu eeiit. 'j f Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's. Special bargains We will setl OU grocerioii cheaper tlia any store in town. JJIiOWJNELL & C TANAItP. Monttith & Seitenhach's grout closiu sale will enable oil to luy any lino of poods fully 50 perceut. less than auy other Btora in the valley. Itching rilei are known by in ilawire Ilka y.r jsptr im producing a very tj'ft'turodabie itchinvr utter nitf warm, 'J'his lorm as wtll as lilimt, bleetilrg and nrutnidin Tiles, yielti it onc to tho &ulitati'jn uf Ur. BoMmko's Pile remedy, Wiiich acta direct iy ujw.n the parui ffccteil, absi rbiii(r the tumor, a'lajuiff tha IntfiiM Ht-hiiiif arid el7tfctiu a unniio-t ruse, Hf viit. AudreM The lr Uonniko A4.cine Co , Picm U. bold by Vt, C 'tisa and bu. VViuter wmjH, are not r'rv6l in the great mle. '1'tiia will be the g'eatcst o po. u:iiiy ever otircd tu btty a aiyliiti wrap ct low pike. MONTKITH &3EITESDAClIt BABY AT STEWART & SOX'S. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS:: AT DE YOE & ROBSON v - .