Daily Democrat. Mr.llalford whom Mr. Harrison has selected at his private secretary, Is an En. glishman. Can any now doubt that the next administration will fee run In the interest of the British? A Cincinnati firm compelled its employ ees to parade for Harrison, and to vote as they paraded,and now it reduces their wages from is to 30 per cent. These things teach and exhort' To keep onions cool is to prevent them from sprouting. It is better Tor them to freeze than to keep them too warm. Freez ing does not injure them if they are not disturbed and are allowed to thawjgradu ally. The object should be to keep them as near the freezing point as possible. If they receive warmth enough to sprout they will be injured. L. T. Bavin, chairman of the republican state central committee, and I". N. Shurt- .leff, ex-collector of customs, both have an eye on the office of collector of customs -now filled by II. Abrahams. Representative Stone of Kentucky has introduced a resolution in Congress propos Ing an amendment to the constitution ot the United States providing for electing the president by the popular vote of the people The taxable property of Marion county ifor the year xSSS is ?i,oSo,S2i, less than it was in 1S87. No sane man would, for a moment, think that there has been any shrinkage in the values of taxable property in Marion county. This growing evil of unequal taxation demands the most serious attention of the earning legislature. The OrcgoHian now opposes the remov al of taxes from whisky and tobacco. It has not dared to say this since a few days after the adoption of the republican plat form at Chicago. That document declared that the party would repeal all internal taxes before it would surrender any part of the protective system ,and this accounts for the enforced silence of that paper. Speaking of the color line in politics, Texas, with its democratic majority of 163,400, has elected five colored men to the Legislature. What Northern republi can state has elected even one ? It looks aus though the Northern republicans were j more than willing that the Southern dem ocrats should furnish all the recognition the .colored brother is to get. If tht buttermaker would thoroughly please his patrons and secure from them the highest prices going, his butter must not only be of good quality, but uniformly good. It will not do to furnish a poor arti cle one month out of the twelve, or even one week out of the fifty-two. When butter is so evenly superior that customers are able to detect no appreciable variation in it the maker should be getting a fine price. The New York Tribune states that In Mississippi eight years age there were 238,532 males 21 years of age and over, yet at the last election the total vote was only 116,000. It then asks if anyone believes that there was a free vote and an honest count. In this connection it may possibly be germane to state that the male popula tion of Rhode Island 21 years of age and over in 1885 was 85,727, and yet the yote at the last election was only 40,783. From these figures the unprejudiced observer would be apt to declare that the pathway to the polls was no more thorny in faraway Mississippi than it is in near by Rhode Island. The taxable property in Linn county as returned by the assessor is one million dol lars more than the taxable property of Marion county as returned by the assessor in that county. Every one conversant with the two counties knows that the taxable property of Marion county at par value exceeds that of Linn at par value by at least one million dollars. Here Is a grcyious wrong and the coming legislature would do well to expend all theiraggrcgated wisdom is righting tills wrong. If no relief is given, the people of Linn will feel it their duty to Insist on their assessor making his assessment low enough to correspond with other counties. This is self-defence. TAKE YOllll MEDICINE. Harrison was elected President on the 6th of November ; on the 13th Caruth's cotton mills, in Philadelphia, reduced the wages of employes 10 per cent. Kerr's cotton mills in the same city on the same day started up with a reduction of 10 per cent on the wage scale. Leak's Star mills manufacturing 'lcrry towels and cloth, on the same day cut wages 20 per cent. But the unklndest cut of all was Hall's Safe and Lock Co. of Cincinnati. This company gave their men to understand that it would be unhealthy for them if they didn't vote for Harrison. A large majority cf them obediently did so. On the Saturday fol lowing the election the fillers were cut down 30 per cent, and the wood workmen 15 per cent. November 17, the Atlantic cotton mills cut their weavers 20 per cent, and two of the largest currier firms in the United States made a cut of $1 per week. We can congratulate the worklngmen who voted for Harrison and high taxes that they or their brothers and sisters are reaping the legitimate crop from the seed sown on Nov Mh. Parsnips, salsify and horseradish can re main the rows where grown, as freezing does not Injure them. If they are covered with litter, however, it will prevent sudden thawing around them in the spring. It is too much warmth that does injury in win ter to such crops rather than cold, A few warm days in winter may be more detri mental than beneficial. THE 'Confederate Spy," o AT THE OPERA HOUSE, Saturday Evening, Bee. 15th. For the benefit of the G. A. R. building fund. BEST LOCAL TALENT. Admission, 25 cents ; reserved seats at Blackmail's, SO cents. , . Rather than the Cheaoest rtVft! PJRTUND BUSINESS 'C&'ZX COLLEGE. :w rirtland, Oregon. P'l'lVut t-i;ui:n' I: . w msuiteiion, slnn lisi.cd roput iiio;t,!in.v i.'imluniy. Busfnvas, unorthar.d, Cimmon School uii Penmanship Depart ments, rittuteiiis ;uiM.i;:(. ;;t any time. Cnta lntilio nml submits cf pci nr.Mlip piu free. J. A. W"M'(l A 1 XlOlVHtONU. I'rld. O 3D C o H CO - O -o m H j O CO CO -3 CO -3 O Gi Li Successor to E. IV. Laupdon, DEALERJJIN DRUGS, MEDICINES9 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. DR. O.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. CLOTHING For Fall and Winter -AT- L E. BLAIN'S. Eubber Coats and Boots, Shoes ' FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the , Following Departments : DRY COODS Tn tuia department niy too, 111 unusually largo ami complete. DrtHS goods lit all the leading stylos ; ijood ensues for Full mil VV"ii:tur gooda selected from the beat Eastern and Foreign importations. Tlie lutost novel, ties in trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, souio extra gt,0J values ia white blankotn, tablo linens, towels, etc. CARPETS enlarged faciUtijj for s'lowinij ourpeU hs ensiled me to make large purchases ia this department. I can show a Cmi line of Ingrains t low prices, some choice patterns in Body BrnsfshW and Tapestries. f am m&kiDg carpets a leading branch of nij business. BOOTS ANO SHOES 1 carry tb0 lttre8t lin0 ot BooU un1 .ShocB in 11,9 and have paid special attention to getting the goodt best suited to this trad and I can shovr a fine line of goods. I keep in stocl. the best makes ia the country, and have endeavored to get a lino of low ptioe goods that I can guar antee to giye satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for men, wo men and hildren ci be found in this department. It ia in fact a shoe store ot itself. GROCERIES1 m givin special aL'ntion to keeping a full line of Staple to ii : ..... Hnnufa.l ami nrnimd enffriPH. Canned fruifa U ranuy wroueriefi, uuvuiuicu utwpiuflovow -- latest specialties in breakfast gocda eto.,,can all be found in this department. Jrure, iresn gooas una gooa vaiue iur uiunoy I vrould especially call the attenticn of pa-ties laying in their Fall supplies to my large Btock nf a to betterjprepared than ever'Jto meet their wants. In all de partments I am prepared to meet b.3 Giwing Demands of Unit Comity -AND THE- City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea JacketsCIiiuckilla. Astraclian Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL grades woolen over shirts Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AMD ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last but not least a large mock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS ! First-class goods at bottom prices is wfiat the publio wants. These I hare I an my score in wis city, Bought at Bankrupt sales I can selrtny stock ot General Merchanise consisting c( dress goods, gents.furnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. Cashor goods will be paidforall kinds of counttyfproducu. G W SIMPSON, Albany, Oregcs. A. J. ROSSITER. V. S Grafluata of Ontario Veterinary UUliogo, Is prepared to tret dlssaus of all do mestio animals onsclentlflo principles. Residence and offloa twn Op6r House, Albany. Nursery. I. F. Backento I. th. credited agent of Vancouver Nursery. Ap ply to him for fruit or ornamental trees at Aljarj-, Oregon. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD I hereby certify that Dr. I, N. Woodle has successfully operated on my rldirimt horse, ISAAC HAY3. For farther reference in regard to rigg ings inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dave P; terson, Lebanon ; John Hani man, Alfrw Wolverton, Albany; Sam Oaines, Scioi Wm. Foster, Prlneville. I practice vte'' Inary medicine in Albany and country surrounding, Office and residence cornf titnanu Washington Sts. I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon-