VOL. I. ALBANY OR., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,1888. KEEPPOffit, I , . ! Iook Hew! 1 NO 189 THE PLACE. By all means rilljon Parker Brothers, Successors to Colin Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their (roods are the best and their prices reasonable. H. EWERT, lias a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nic6 selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. New assortment all kinds of Jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. FRANCIS PEEIFEER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEb'TIONEEY, We are now prepared to mil at wholo sale, always fresh and pure at Portland prices to dealers. We also keep a ifull line of Nuts and Tropical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCO;? Conrad Meyer. PROPKlETVa OK- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN Canoed Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit, Tobacco, Sugar, Coflee. Etc,, Caundl Meats, tacensware, Vegetables), , Cigars, Mlen, Tea, Etc, Infant everything that is kopt In a gon rl Tarletv and irroenrv ntnrn. Jn.rl.oai markot price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. II. J. MiTrimas, Vra. B. 8 Cook, H c. tAA, Vu. Froi J. U. Uwulim, TheOrejron Land! Comnanv '"d'","" purpaoflnilnr and aollinir reil E?J!;'''""'',"n'.lWillnntt Valley In .11 ol the ngwsa iK)n. of the United State.. Kinplovinif X u'"!"t"u"llro'"llo""'M"lori to the WUitn- 2,J Marlon, Polk, Linn, Uenlon, Clackamn. and lamnlll coiiiiiio. u niil In loc-aiini- linmlirranla. art K " B,,,l'"" "a Uour Mt H0D30M A DICKINSOM, Managers. Revere House: ALBANY, . - . OREGONJ CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, snnaifj ? Jn fl-ol 'y'. Tables LP '?d w,lth the beat ,n tb market. fcfX. """P,n8PrHBen(, Sample rooms ' commercial travelers, tn Citaek te ami fr.ica the Hitel.ta Pine line of Guns and good Stock Of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob- soa'a. Soaaial I GOLDEN HULK HAZAAIt. Caah Uorsa Long Ways at Julius (iradwour I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : 'A dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 cts. A dozen unhandled cnff.. .... .-.I ccr, 45 cts. 'i dozen handled coffee cups and tau cers, 50 cts. cts 'l0Zen 8eVC" 'nCl1 "Jinner P,ates. 45 These fOnds ui nil t.n ,t.i j - o h.i i.uti.iuui; nina ana not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. Julius Gradwoiil. Boots and Siioks Call at A n nt- Ilwaln's and arp tl, In.iiau 11.1 . 1 -.1.1.,. .u .IU UCUUIC goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Dkmocrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for till. fnrmipnr! 1 Clothing A large and complete 11 n gents' clothing and furnishing poods at . JJ. MnTlwntn'o T. ,1,- .ii.i . . o- ...... jiuiiko, icuuiHr value. Sc. whir-h ho will clt .1...:.... .,. . coming week for $i.t,o. For Sale Cheap. Cook stov.. nnlv used two or three months. Call at this of- .ice. HftV la VOnr nnno.ttA A ..... . . . t.tu.v" i nerval: or irritable T Are you subject to billinuenesa ? ji numey a uanuenon 1 0010 works wonders. It mikflfl tllA WA,lr .i.Mn ..-.,..- ------ - - - v . "irann, nunc S up the whole system and puts hew life and engeryinyou. Aanlendid afnolr nt Ilk...... 1 i : lamps just received at Wallace & Thcmn. son's. tVheat, 75 cents. New fall goods at Head's. See those sew jersies at W. F. Read's, New ribbon all shades and styles at Read's All lines of boys kilt suits at W. jr Read's Fine lino of bread bneadinrr nana at ft W Sjlitll's. Another lot nf Hull iIima ,t TrAn..ll f. Staoard's. A larie stock of liftiocr fnrA nnmn n W Smith's. Uood. at Goat at T. .T. fAnfith'B old Young store. GO tO A. ft. VfoTlviln'a .n L t. ... tboe tG suits for men. In a calm se every man is pilot. In dry Buu, .1 . r. jieaa is leaner. If you want to savo from 10 to 25 per cent by your gooda of W. F. Read. Six shaves for a dollar and a ckan towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Buy your tickets through to the East .. ujwr aim save xare to rortland. A complete line of heating and parlor stores at (i W Smith's, no better in the valley. The ch-apest place to buy men's under wear iu the state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. W. F. Read can and will sell drv oooda cheaper than any home in Albany. Call and see nr youraclt. All the luteal-. nAvJh'.. m;itlnA. 1- v ... - T. . . ... j nuwaru s. iaii ana see them. 4i ..uoiu bu onow coons. The line Of PaniKo nnrl Pnal A .4 O W Smith's is a large one. These are among wo,, uuua. .buves maae. oee tnem. Goods not aold for lea. tlian m.I r.A. n given away. But good honest goods Bold at JUHUS Ottlllwnlll 1. HAS M.binn - ' t . , ' ft ' opcuiai- ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware, ... us uiiiids a ian;c ana select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the beat in the markot and his line of dolls and children's play things gener ally is complete. Bis prices are the lowest We ars closing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean what wc say quote you a few of our prices x-.uics nest Trench kid button shoes at 4-35i regular price, $5.50, none better In ...... extra quality f rench kid, but ton, at S3 7c, retrular nrice. tri. l,l;. good French 11,1 l,.,,i .. . ' 1 if V. . ' t j, regular price, $; ladies' bright Dongola, Dutton.at --b f-iv-c, lames' bright 1ICH ana gooa, 3, regu lar nripp . Ia,l:. a ,'. . 1 'M lwulcs American aiu, 2, reg ular once. S7. la. Iloo" A,.: 1.1 jo.. A resrular nrirp - h!l,l. :i ' .'. u , C uii gram Duuon school shoes from $1 to $1. jo; a few pairs jj cenis to 40 cents: ...c. . ruuoers, 50 cents; also a large as- - "" Lome and see. Brow.vell & Stanard. Christmas CoMiso-While hunting for uoiiuay presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of goods,con,isting of gold and silver watches, , tunings, Dreastpins and jew e ry generally. Also silver plated ware, Clocks, etc. 'i'hrro or. n ...... i , ' . mule suitaDie l..wcnia in me market. FOSHSY & U889, Holiday Goods. I Santa Clans Headquarters. no, itt' 'Plush Goods, Toiitt Oases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor biirjartf-. in tn Vniloy. WILL BROS, Dealers in all tha lttt.'. iin:r v. 1 nr.,. Organa, Swinir Mt-uino.. ;mn a!:.h a lull lino of warranto i it .'', It i and rooket KniVHs, Tim 11.1.1 kin 1 .,1 sewing manliln oil, nioillo. an i xtr..s for all manhine9 Ail rpiirnu iioativ and reasonably dona. G3J!ir!f T,.E,3aHE8'S NOTICE. i.r-ruliv Kivcn that thore are funds 1 '' i 1 Triiasu-oi'a otiice of I.inn U '. . " . ., )., rednco. all outstanding am. I '..Mi on all warrants ceaae ! ll.t -.i !).c.; iil;er (i'.li CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned Is prep ra 1 to di tall kinds of work in his line in first-class or, der and with promptntu, vddros P. O box87oroallatooraerof9th and Maple treats, I. N, Smith. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS: AT DE YOE & ROBSON , 1SS8. H. Farwkll, Cjunty Treasurer. New VVasii House. IiBft Chinaman, who lived in this lown for irim-y vu..r t i.t whs io well liked by every lioily Unt nturrifd nod will open up A new wali huut the Hrnt of September, one door ftnutli r.f rhit Knvere House. Iee docslood wotk mid Wiiitu everybody to get their Wfthhinc d"Mie bv him PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. auiERiOR.That is the name of h t?Ve.i r Smil,''s'a"ra':ting so much snienuiu cook stove. Dr?ss S.IOES.-A fine job lot of men's "' ,uo Palr8 ail different, No 7's, best 1" !!le.C.it-v'.at -G W Simpson's. Thev about haVP;?,."r. .r,m.!-5 to $3.50 hnr,l." . . . "'-U"'r P"ce- Ch auj wiierc. Shoes, Shoes. Smn.- i .,. ' have always shown the very best goods to 1 lnc markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in thia rf.', yXlu y must K- Call and see for Moxteith & Seiten-bach. HighlandXlackamas oonnty,Or.,March 20 1 have suffered with a disease of the kid nevsiorb or7 viun ,nJ -1.. 1 . . ,. . : , ,WI "io iasc two a V , laM "P Wltn Pa'n in my k:a m " V . " nipie 01 tno ure , V snu naving used it on week i can do a good day's worte- I have o.ci mKcii, J. Q. Kewbill. A fine line nt hl,'.. j. ... , i..uiii ior our crock ery depriment and marked price ' ,u Wallace & Tho mpson New Goons Latest stvlea in to,,.. turban and soft felt hats just received at IDA M. BRUSH'S. Winter great sale. This will be the greatest oppor unity ever offered to bay a stylist, wrap at In IV nno a r MoNTErrn & Seitenbacii, FOKiPII.F. ftchlli! Pit I M Ven L ,. iou ;,v.rz" 1 M vn IniWarm. liulS. ""'V "' . . rlla remeny, w.ilen acta d reetlv unon S..E?f. ? 'rbnx the Mi, iuayfn? the iT iI .i.TlT'X peroine"t ran. 60 ii r Tm h. i, 7,' , . "r r?0 ""-t.oino Co , Piqu .3o uu aon. TELEGRAPHIC KEWS A Mass Meeting. Spokane Falls.Dcc. . . ,A mass meet ur was held here to-nlvht to ,!, larL'e ti,rf.n wa9 a Citizen, of alrX "I"" S., e.nU,us,asm- nt Tf u,,. j "7; -f"cs were pres ent, it was detiHtH fn .. i r , countv m,etin. 1" P,an , . "-s" "-cinoer 20, to select delegates on . certain basis of the vote cart for delegate at the last election, the de?e fitori',1 08e" bj,.the countie "t in ter acdon COnven"on Ja"ar 3 take united DR. RO tllV.lin in his new diacovery for Consumption, sue ceencd in brorluoii.. mo;n;n. ...i.j.l . . r n - -iuuu, miiun 11 ac- knowledoed hw all k. l t. . . . ""T'r marvelous, .. .....uxijr pieasam to the taete. nor. lentiv njtrm ub. - .... - " " ' ; ,7. . ",CKeu. In all yunaumption. Couchs. Colds looping L,oneh, Croup. Krooohitis, and Pains ill th. f;h.f if k.. : ! " satisfaction Dr liYrtCnh" TtZ " r "vvcm i7 nr uaias X Son Monteith i Snitanha.k' .i..: ... , ,. I . iD.injHisinif sale will enable all to buy any line of goods fully r man uy omer store in the Dandruff i nrnhl 1,. ... .r .1 . ... ., :, - ,0,i,ut. itnerm- anently. Sorooess after shavini is in.t.nt . ly relieved by its nan. Carpets, Chcaner than vrti, k. .. .1 i . 1 , :,, ,, . , wiii 111 i-on- land. Will sell a o-nsvl n i carpet for 60 cents; a hcavv three plv car r miiu iwo piv carpet Iron 40 cents to Cf rintB c-..il. . 1 . . r -"cs u .urj'c line of oil cloths, linoleum and window "shades. A. B. Mcilwain Tf vnn wnnfc .Uon r.A A. . i t. t - - i mi-, -ujiiho hk or J. Joseph home mad white labor rigaa ForsaUhv mntt cigar dealers and at Joseph's factory. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Ou m and 8nn, the Drutri-w, for Ur.CieMii's Livt Pillst. trv st ilnu a..ii 1 o. . TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, , Wood in Tneir Eyes. Washington-. D. p.. n.- were issued bv the na w , J j "'inn IWUilV fOr thfl T, nUaA C.-a ... . - rt . oieamers Oalena and forXtp' I demand of r hi. "r."""'. en orce. the whohn. h;;7" ..r...c.jr-ium'rai , from ih. 01V. j 10 transfer his flag I . . , Richmond to the Galena. The me tiaytian Republic, bv snecial permiss on of th 7' 8Pecia h -. "-.. siuijr ui me navy.wi 1 be a passenger on the Galena. The lllg Koar. WASHIN-OTOXDec. 11 Tk. .. ' . uisirmuuon of federal patronage. ..H :.i... -t - vopctiaiiy tne cabinet positions from New York aft. SZLS,'!! W-tt and rahin-t t. 7 . j , into Harrison's ak ,.' .Il that a way ,out ol the d fficulty in New York has been proposed Inte65!611 ,he' Senat" Evarts beffcr: wn 100c. James, that Warner Pla t beetatCdtt0 l,he Wnate' riatt be taken into the cabinet. An Excltinir Election. Boston-, Dec. n.T closed one of the most encitino- m.,ii.i campaigns ever carried in this city. Bitter persona idea hav. ,1 , ' .. !ller Principa, issue tn-ecampXrl n? n?j:0"iel'"the'-''estionva. how by the fact'fhaTo0 aTto. lican ticket fo;7'"V."".,nP,ete.rePub- .,1 k ,k. ..wui tuinniiitce.as indors ed by the committee of ioo, is elected. TllA 1'n.r,. J nun. KOME, Dec. H A sonmtirtn ee u HH9 uccu caused by the pope's refusal to cless medals and reliniinrtfe r , . not bless th," PPe "ern.y .a d . , can. disoheHinV -ru HP'e 01 Ireland are msobedient. They seem to preser the gos- PCI Of Dlilinn an,i rirj ai s. . Jesus Christ." "" 10 "e SsPel ot A nii Drop San Francisco, Dec. t,.Thi. morn ingthe California Refinery Comparv issued a new price schedule, Granulated sugar i, now J'A cents a pound, or 1 cent lower andnoy,herrd?--,- Co'"ectioncr. A is 7 cen" eutMed'fir" VA "ntS- Aur,h- A Boat Ashore. Sax Francisco, iw. to tu ' HllrtIC- back tug Thistle is ashore, high and d,y,at ?""c "yer. one was driven on the beach linn? the rerun. r . n. , ... xt - ".. .".mi, -njii rtcea 01 tne -New Zealand Insurance Company has gone north tr. .l.m, . r s s . ....... muiicning ner again. bhe is insured for $j5oo in Ids company, the same in thi Rnnth iirt.;..K 1 e..... Outtei; I rank's agencies. 1' or weak and dlmA ... ... , ..-.. v.. n.niisn IlUbllirK b.iil.is up the entire system more thoroughly and effectii .il than Oregon Kidney Tea. k especially adapted to disoasoi peculiar to the oex, is pleaant to take and in every in stance proves ot ijreat value. Oregon Kid -ney Tea is eompojeu of herbs fouud ln Ore gn, is put np in nea tia Lores, and can be prepared fresh by llmulv ataenin,, i k. ..... ter. It cuntaina no n.ii",r,.l ...1... , , 3u,,a,rtuuo anal ivcr. is oleaaant tb ..J , cure kidney or urinary troubles. Wawillaell m, r.,...: . l . .. B'.onvn uneaiier tna any store in town. 1 Brownell Stanard. The Iree.t atoel. nt r.Htm ...J .,. . the Valley at K H I'feitter'a. BABY C4RRL.1GES AT STEWART & SOX'S. SECURE PRICES. HO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & ROBSO H