Albaar Market. Wheat 75 Oata 25c Butter-2S Us per lb. Kggs-26c Hay-9.00. Potatoe -5 ots p bushel. Beef-on foot,3Vi pples M cents per ba. pat messed. Bum - n hi H'- J. lr, Us. 41 In Hi. Inrl 1- i ok lt. Floar l.i'i par b'ol. Oaiolr.ui-3 OJ par tlia. Hill Fosl bran, tl.Oiper ton 'ta-tnt, 14. '5 nitliii;,a29. Cnor- "M. Y V - f ' s s V QVRWM Tfl CMJFOMIA -sVIA-. Southern Pacifla Cflmpany's Line. TUK JIT. SB 1ST BOITE. O' Tim. between Albany ana 8" Francisco. 88 hour. ....... 11.UXI DAILT OAUIWU Between Portland nd San Francisco. South 4.00 p. ii. I Leave 8:18 P M Leave 7:45 a u Arrive Portland Albany San Francisco Arrive Leave Leave North I 10:45 A M 0:45 A It 7:00 P H LoniLfAssiSQiatawss dailt (except Bnnday). 8:00 A 11 Leave i :40pM I Leave 2:40 PU Arrive Portland Albany Euvrone Arrive! 3:45pm Leave 1 n, a m Leave! 9:00 AM LOCAl PA93BNOBR TRAINS DA1L1, BXCBPT SUSDAT. 8:20 P M 9:oti F 12:51) PM 1:33 PM Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Leave I (1:30 A M &;45A M 2:45 P M 2:0U PM PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ThVcmgli Ticlsets To all point. SOTTTH .A-XTX) EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. Tourist Sleeping Oars For Aomn.dl.on ol second-Claw r BM. atlacacuts KxiireuTrulu.. TVe.t Siae IWvlnlon.i betweev ronrnxp x cokvallis. Tium daii-t (expt Sunday,) J31) A a la.iif t a I Leave Arrive Portland Corvillia Arrive Leave I ti-.-M r i 1:30 l sxrssn tsaiss oaily (exo jpt Sunday. :50 p H ollX) PM Lei re Ar.l-e Portland McMinnville Arrive Leave 0:00 a H 5.45 A H AtA'oany and Corvallls connect mtn train. 01 Orel in Faclnc Bailroad For lull Information reiardln? rata., mans, etc., call on Company'. Agent at Albany. I'm jolly and fat, though 1 needn't say that ; for a glance at my rict and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's uo flies upon me. I'm a little bit shorl both ot breath and of hair, but from .boulders to kneea you can sea I'm all there. 1 smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff;', s I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat.makes you feel so with the mcney spent that you're bound to feel glad , and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin us a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or yonr'e lean, it yoni e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a .how to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until yon II wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's . immense and you'll aLow your good sense by buying oroceries.nro visions and crockery W . F. READ, FIRST ST ,, ALBANY, 0REC0N The Leading Cash DiyGooisto ota of W & T Wallace & Thompson's Fat Alan, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. "irf?C M.HENDERSONAUUWJ fc YAQUINA ROUTE. Orepn Pacifio Railroad. a-on Development Company's Steam. ship Lino.. .ton rbiips SHORTER. 20 HOURS Less iime than by any other route. j First-class through Pa8se.uKorft'i fro-lit line from Portland and all points in he wSurnette Valley to ami from San Francisco, Cal. Willamette River Lino of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hoag," The -'N. S, Bent i. The "Three Sisters" are in service forWh passenger and freight traffic . be twn Corvallis and Portland and Inter Ppoints, leaving Company-,, wharf . S'KidS F;onTst.,Port- land, tnree limes a Flffl HORSSi. . W tin iiist brousht from Jlte Oregon, a lot of fine work borses ti we will sell on terms tosftit the time Among them aresomo promising youu drireis from Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also Some choio heavy nares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look tlem over. We will take pleasure in show- to all intending purchasers. NOKTIl BOUND. T. . . tir.l..a.,latr. anil Kri Leave C.irva Hi, Monuuys, - -,,, w,.ni. Albiny. 0:3 1. ,m. Arrive, at Sa em Si m LsaveSilemTuola, Tnurnaay tn dav at (1 a. m. Arrive at Portlaud 3:30 p. m. . ... u.un,i i .n.iAva. Wednesday, and Frid davral Oa-m, Arrive at Sale.n at 7:15 p. ui. Leav. SattmTaeSy.Thurlay ,d Saturday at U a, Arrive at Corvallis at p, m, Bolts make close connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Paalno Kallroad TIMK SJIIiiOULK. (except Sunday..) Leve Albany, 1:0) Leave CorvallU, 1:P. . Arrive Yaiiuiiia, 5:3J P, M. Leave Yaqmna, 0:45 A, H Leave uorvain.,iu:;i a.m Arrive Albany, u:iu a. m o (!. trains oonnoin at Albany and rir,rnu The above trains connect a v t. ti.a itmvnn Deveiomnsn ,....,', I.innof Steamships between Yaciuina anil Sau I'rancisco. SAI4.IU DATES . ."liuMltTu. PKOa AJ H1AXCHCO. rQ YAHU1KA Willamette Valley, Tlmr., lu. U'.h A'lllainetW Valley, Moll. leo. lith A'illamulle Valley, Sun. DoJ. SOtli. Wm). lhc. lt M in. bee. ;li The Compny .jsoryea the right, to ohango sailiun dates without notice. N. it. Pasioni?nrs from Portlano and nrin .... triln nmlrA nlns VT IIIHIHUVIO Trtiiuj connection with the trains of the aqulua route at Albsnv or Corvallis, and il des tined to Stn FrnciHi should arrange to . i . n....ri.r Imf.tPM .litA irrive at aanuiu mo . nf ..ilhitf. Qaaaratrr aud 1 lalit Kale, always ! i.HrM. , For Inform ition apply to C J Stuirt, V reiirht and Ticket Aifuitt, aioii, o, . .. , - i f Ail,, Ore-joii Dei olopmsi.t Co,, SOI Montiromery Sin t'rAU:iCJ, Cal., A. il. F. and P. A;ent, ' Oruin P.nlflj K II i!o. Oorvalii. First National Bank r ii.RiXi. OREUOS. PreMdent - tSnrSr Vlc..l-ra.u V;SV.".u7vinKi:.i5 i'.CMhier'.V.V.V."':'."'. ...... . JAS. V. 1UWELL TRANSACTS A ORNERAL ban ktnffburineaa. nmiTVfa kept ...Mm! to .heck. Al,vvuiii. ..... . SlOHTEXCHAJfOK and teleraphle tran.ler, wl . ,. .1 VmuIm, I ' I. ij'..l anil P. II oniwwiww" ' " Collections made on favorable term.. Diaacroaa." i K. YOCTrt,' Oso, RCHAallaiAlOl L K. Bum, L. Ftra, WALTiaS Tcm.ll, Tallman, Or. ftiv n hiui irlvpn univer sal satisfaction in the cure of Uonorrhoe and Gleet. I prescribe It and feel safe in recommend ing It to nil suiTerers. .A.J.STONKH, n.D., 1 Decitur, HI. PRICE, 91.00. TndeinVriiArkl Sold by Druggist Fostaay A SI anon, Wholewile AgcnM .aaW CI f W TO 5 UATS. V M JTOaatntntMd not ul wTB MOM Birleiurtv Q Mfd only by the Ii'lttui Chimleal Co. XV Ohio. JhA DEALERS IS- LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber. Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring;, Factory at foot or Lyon Street. Jos. Webber . . . u:. n,lMna ind friends that AUUUIlllOCn w mo - he is now located in his new shop in the ro shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to hi. customers at as reasonable. prices as an, other shop. A no una "i i; i-r i u i ran niui- . . 6 i : i i.- 'it!!.. HOW, TO GO EAST. . r t n..,,fa Kind nut via oiouuv ,iii. climate and noenery at all times of thcyear. See Mount Shasta, Sacramento, Oden, Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars made arc run daily. Huy your licneta in mo A t.n,, fnrn in Portland. I nil) the only pemou in Albany that can sell you a ticket irom nioaiiy uireuu io u iim, the Uniteii otatcs. iaiunn me ir iio. W. 1.. JKSTF.ll. AReut S. 1". hi and Second Hand Store Owing to loe increased demands of our business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S, E, Young, when we will be pleased to see cur patrons. If youtoelany stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, elooks, carpet's, pictures, fruit lars, titnks, books, roller skates, saddles. saws, pianos, etc and thousand dif ferent ml use a-tides you en n t do bett!t Lis si.l 1 f San Franc! wo thin you can dr. tilth us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. , r.,,i,io.. myWl stock and I can give rny enstomtrs betterlar- " 1 " " g . than eVBr W"8 U'ere y' Onr stock is complete nniU pro,- to W,p ' It p I., lk.ld.rc, .ball MM the new novelties a, fst as they are ,n the market. Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Goods,riuslics,Vclvcts,UosiciT Jersies, Gents' Famishing Goods, Blankets, Boots ami Shoes. Ali;iatk is a thorougblinppfction of stock. PRODUCE TAKENI IN EXCHAKCE FOR C00DS. in Jr. i.rouii.tlv atieudeJ to. illMll v- W .F. READ, 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to Henry Suesena.) Linn "eunty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan A Cuakk,) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking bustnesi. nn..omll1 no i lra n MW VnrW flan rnta URA " fliv.ll . ' ' Isco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOri BY on appiorea secumy. DLTPIVI Atwnalta IlhlM'. ttt fihefik. OOLI.BCTION9 entrusted will rece Te'promu lantinn I- TOK SALK BY FOSHAY MACON FOSHAY & MASON. VIXSIAM A.1D RITAtl- Druggists and Booksliti s, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell at publisher's prioss wita . r ...1 ImA oostagoadJud. ALBANY. UKKUUSi. JUL1USJOSEPH, Manufacturer oi Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CifC:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Plpesand a fil line of Smokers' Artsles, Also dealer OALTPORNIA AND T.??I3Arj ? 3, UIT3