CLOTBIG For Fall and Winter -AT- FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: DRY GOODS In tUi department my stock is unusually Urpoaud complete. Di"m goods lu all the leading styles ; sood shades for Fall Winler-goods selected from the beat Eastern and Foreign importations. 1 ho latest novel ties in trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, some extra gaod values ja white blankets, table linens, towels, etc. CARPETS My ooUpl-oJ facilities for sWffmi; carpet lias onal.led mo to make iarge purchases in this department. lean show a fine . hno of Ingrains t low prices, some choice patterns in Doily Brussels and iapeatnes. 1 am making carpets a leading branch cf my business. RfiiVTS AND SHOES I carry the larest line of Boots and Shoes io the city and I IS!; paid Is, """attention to getting the good best su.tcd to ihis trad and I can show a fine line of goods. I keep in BtotL the best makes in the country, and have endeavored to get a Hire of low price goods that I can gnar anteo to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Rubber? for men, wo men ani children cja be found in this department. It is in fact a shoe store cf itself. PRfifiERIES I om giving special attntion to keeping a full Hue of Staple FncV Groceries, uncolored ttas.roastod and ground coffees, canned fruits, th latest specialties in breakfast Rofc etc.can .11 be found in this department. Pure, fresh goods nd good value for monty is ny aim. I would especially call the attonticn of pa-ties laying in thoirJFall supplies to my large stock nf FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! 1 am betterjpropared than ever to meet their wants. In all de partments I am preparad to meet the Growing Demands of Linn County -AND THE- City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of ray stock. Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS ! First-olaas goods at bottom prices is waat the pnblio wants. These I have atjmy store in this city. Bought at Bankrupt sales I can sell my stock of General Merchanise consisting of dress goods, gentslfurnishing goods, clothing, etc, AT COST. Cash or goods will bo paidjforjall.kinds of countryjproduce. GW. SIMPSON, Albany, Oregca. Daily Democrat. A story Is told of a political speaker In the recent campaign who began his re marks by quoting from the Bible, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." "Xow," said he, "let us have this understood, for unless we do, some one will claim that the republicans did it." Mrs. Polk,who was mistress of the White House over forty years in her eighty fifth year, and though more or less feeble, she is in comparatively good health. In walking she takes the arm of her maid with one hand, while in the other 6he car ries a gold-headed crutch cane. Mrs. Polk pays no visits, but she goes to church every Sunday, and has not misled a communion in years. It is more ami more patent that apple growers should spray their apple trees with sprayings of London purple or Paris green in solution to protect them against attacks of the codling moth. Proof A.J, Cook uses fortius purpose one pound London purple to too gallons of water. Profitable apple cuiture depends largely upon successful combat with insect enemies. The battle is not over. The monopolies have won a victory.but at a fearful cost to themselves and to the country. Their tri umph will be short lived. The forces of selfishness, ignorance and corruption will not forever prevail, A reaction wiil come that will grind them to powder. It will come sooner than most reformers deem possible to-day, as they contemplate the disaster that has overtaken their great cause By selecting the best animals and seeds of the best plants a constant improvement will be the result. By neglecting to do so both animals and plants will degenerate. There is a tendency to always revert to the originals, which can only be prevented by the careful selection of the hardiest, most perfect and beat adapted to climatic influen ces. Every fanner in the country cas as sist in the work of improvement by giving attention to these matters. Government officials assert that the de mand for oleomargarine for consumption at home and abroad is steadily increasing. The average monthly production of oleo margarine, as shown by the internal reve nue records for the last fiscal year, has been 2,860460 pounds, compared to an average monthly production of 2,711,828 pounds during the eight months immediate ly following the passage of the law and pre ceding the fiscal year lSSS. The quantity withdrawn monthly for export averaged 140,516 pounds, compared to 120,536 pounds during the preceding months, While there was an increase in the production and dis tribution of oleomargarine during the fiscal j ear ended June 30, 18S8, there was a fal ling off in the number of persons engaged in the business. PfRE Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas gotothe Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first class tea nnd warranted to give satisfaction. The democratic party has the consola tion that It alone of the two great organi zations could afford to lose j its opponent had nothing to fight for but the offices. The protection cause was only a pretext that It would have deserted in a twinkling had there been anything to gain by such a course. It was shouting for tariff reform four years ago, and its leaders have begun to do so again since the election was over. The sincere adyocacy of a good cause by the democracy must tell in time. The eternal verities are not to be knocked out by a temporary obstruction. The Bartlctt pear has been grown for over 100 years, and no new variety has as yet equaled it. It is,however,more subject to blight than some kinds ; but Its excel lence places it at the head of the list, fol lowed by the Seckel, which is also an old variety. The Sew York World C1KCULA.TION FOR 1SSS OVER 100 MILLION COPIES. TIis Weekly World AS THE BEST AND BIGGEST Newspaper On tho North American Continent, 12 large pages and 84 long columns. One Yenr (53 numbers), $1 ; 6 months (20 timbers), 50c. ; 3 Months, (13 nnmbcrs), 2Se. Send postal for specimen copy. Agent-i wanted at every Postefflce. Address THE WORLD.New York. 0 U CO r 3 G. L. BLACKflSAN, Successor to E. W. Lanptlon. DEALER3IN DRUGS, MEDICINES3 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. Wanted. Four eood, reliable men to sell the Im proved Singer. Team and wagon furn ished, Address, Tbe Singer M'fg Co. J. A. Akcuiuu.d, Agent, Albany, Or. A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. Graduate of Ontario Vetariniry College, Is proparod to treat dissasos of all do mestle animils on sclentlfis principles. Residence and ofBco two doors east of Opera House, Albany. DR. Ca WATSON M ASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodle has successfully operated on my ridding horse, ISAAO HAYS.Xi For further reference In regard to ridg ing Inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dave Pe terson, LebiTinn 1 John Hardman, Alfred Wolverton, Albany ; Sam Gaines, Sclo ; Wm. Foster, Prinevllla. I practice veter inary medicine In Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence corner 6th and Washington Sts. I. N. WOODLK, Veterinary Surgeon. Secretary Fairchild in his annual report says : 'I cannot too strongly rep eat my recommendations of last year, to reduce taxation and as far as possible, without too sudden disturbance of existing interests, to make this reduction In customs taxation, to the end that the people may get the great est possible benefit from the reduction. Beside the vexed economic question as to whether the country can make Itself pros perous by the tariff, whether it can increase the relative average comfort of its whole people by diverting a portion of its labor and capital from employments which could be most profitably followed under most natural conditions, thereby making the necessities of life more costly than they would be otherwise,there is a higher moral question which may well be asked, and that is, can a government be kept pure and free which, through the agency of its laws, offers vast pecuniary temptations to some kinds of business ? There are many indications that this question must be answered in the negative. There are many proofs that large classes of other business men have come to depend for success upon their skill in the manipulation of Government agen cies rather than upon Industry .intelligence and honorable competition. It is not Im possible that the eagerness for money which men assume comes to them only through Government may lead them to use an ever growing proportion of their gains to possess and influence the supposed source of their wealth ; and will not the endeavor to make men rich soon become the chief function of our Government ? Is this not already the case ? If these dangers exist, if they are not overestimated, then can it be doubted that the true welfare of the people calls for the rescue of the Gov ernment from private business f Steps should at once be taken In that direction! always, however, let rr.e repeat, bearing In mind the interests which have become es tablished under the present lawn, to the end that they may not suffer unduly while ben cficent reforms are made." L. E. BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla. Astrachan Pull Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets. HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. List but not least a large stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS XaJES BLAIN.