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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1888)
Albany Market. Wheat-75 Oats 25c Butwr 23 Ui par lb. E(?gg 25c Bay 9,00. Fotatoe. 5 cts mr buslml. Beet on foot. 3'4c pples 40 cents per bu, PorK Ma per It- .ressed. Bum n u lii 'i i. shi il Uri, 14 t.U U:. Ltrd l.i) o,r lb. Flour 1. V pir b'l. OWiins-lo) pDrdx. '.dill Fool bran, 1 1.0) pur tin ;:nH, U. i n 1 lii l ri, ,23. C!nr-. n OVFfltAM TO CMIFIIA Southern Paciflo Company's Line. tub nr. 8H isr rihtk. msbjtwn AlbviyaU Sit. Frviclao S5 h3ur OAUfORNlA KXP&SSS li, USS DAILT Souih North 4.00 p. u. I Leava Portland Arrive 1 10:45 a h 8:18 pm 1 Leave Albiny Leave I 0:45 a 7:45 A U Arrive San tVanois-JO Leave 7:00 p LOnAL FASSIXQBK TB.AIS8 DAILY (OXCept Sunday). 8:00 A V I Leave Portland Arrive 3:45 p H 1-2:40 ph I Leave Albany Leave I 11,35 a h 2:40 P M ) Arrive Euifono Leave 9 J)0 A M LOCAL FASSHSQSa TRAINS DA1L1( IXCKPT SUN DAT. 8:20 pm Leave Albany Arrive 16:30 AH 0:00 P M Arrive Labium. Leave 6:45a m 12:50 pm Leave AlbAiiy Arrive I 2:45 pm l.&ira Arrive Lobauoa Leave 2:0upm PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars or Acsiiuiu-inntHm of Secauil-Cluss Passe a Km, nttacbeil la Express Trains. n'ei Side lWvl.on.j thaix daily (ex ;opt Sunday,) 7:30 i It :2f Leave Arrive Portland Corvilh Arrive I 6:: Leave 1:: 10 P M 30 II bxfrss TU1.H3 daiut (oxajp Sunday. t:M) r u I 8.00 ph Let re Ar.l-e Portland MeUiimville Arrive I 0:00 A U ieave a k AtA'.nnv and Corvallis connect with trains of Oreg in Pacifl6 Kailroad Through tickets to all poiats south nd east via California. . For full iuf jrmitUn rojirdin? ratos, tuina, etc.. call on Company's Agent at Albany. R. KOliULER, E. P. HOG ESS, Aihlt.'jf J c nit. A "1E YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, ' gin Davelopment Company's Steam ship Lino 225 &1.LES SH0aTa 20 HOURS LESS TSFjIE than by any other route. First-class through passenger and freight line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valley to and from &an Francisco, Cal. Willamett9 B,iver Line of Steamers. The "Vm. M. Hoajj," The -'N. 8, Bent ey," The "Three Sisters" are in service for both passenger and .freight traffic be tween Corvallis and Portland and Inter mediate points, leaving Company'r wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. Huluian & Co's wharf, Nos. 200 and 2U2 Front 8t., Port land, three times a wsek as follows : " S 13 W r P .V I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neodn't say that ; for a ' glance at my size nnd u look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's uo flies upon me. I'm a little bit shorl both ot breath aud of liair, but from aboulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I Smile and I laugh, I joke and I chill; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what yon never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat,tnakes you feet so content with the mcney spent that you're bound to feel glnd ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin us a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or trend on your toes. If you're fit or your'e lean, if youi'o pleasant or mean, just give V. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until vou'll to enjoy more of that immense and you'll sense by buying visions and wish you were fat For the feeling's show your good groceric?,pro crockery m of "W & T Wallace & TSaompsoai's Fat Mai., Plinn Block, Albany, Or. Fine hoim c, j, oillou to., NORTH BOUND, Leave Orvatlh, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 8 a. m. Albany, U:3) a, m. Arrives at Salem 3 p.m. Ljave SJem Tuesday Thursday and Satur day at 6 a, m. Arrive at Portland 3:30 p. m. SUITTU liOUNl. i .mi's Portland Mjmlavs. Wednewtavs and Frid- davsatOa. m. Arrive at 8ale.ii at 7:15 p. in. Leave 8a lorn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at tl a. Arrive at CorvaliUat 3;30 p, mt ' ' Boata maks close connection at Alban witb trains of ttiu Oregon Pacitio Hitilroad TIMK sJHfiULE (except Sundays.) L"ve Allnnv, l:t P. , Leavs C.r11w, 1:1) P.M. Arrivo Yauiua, o.Si r. u. Leave Yacjuina, (1:45 a,h. Leave CtrvaUis,l0:3.'i a.H. Arrivo Albany, 11:10 A. M. We bave just brought from lte Oregon, a lot of fioe work borsea lii we will sell on terms to huh the time Among tboun aresotnn proraininc; you u riveifl from Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also 8om choio heavy a ares. Anyone winhing to pnr chase a horse will do well to look tt&oi over. We will take pleasure m sntw to all intending purchasers. Tallman, Or. I Big G has given nnlver- I sal satisfaction la the cure of Gonorrhoea aod uleet. I prescribe it and feel sale In recommend Inr It to all sufTerers. .A.J.STONEB, B.D., Decatur. 111. rmcK, si.oo. Sold by Druggists. Foshay A Mason. YVhoIrnale Aaenls, M JTltOt DATS.j AQotdU4 not to EI lirJ utb. . Iv'IItuu Ciiilal Ox Trd.SVBUrkl O. O. trains conneat at Albany and Corvallis. Tlio above trains connect at Yaquini Willi the Oregon Dovoiopmant Company's Line of ateatmhips between YiKjuiiia aiil Sin Francisco. H AILING DATES . rhuX TA14IIKA ( WillaniMte V.Hej, Tliur., Doc. 0th 'iIUiiijVI V.lloy, Mmi. Deo. ITtll A'llUinotto Valley, Sun. Doc. 30tli. Weil. Doc. l?lh Ma Djo. 24th to The Comonv j..t,ryns the right change sailing ilitei without notice. N. It. I'anongars from Portland and Willamotte Vailov points can make close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Aibiny or Corvallis, and If des tined to San FrAUcisty. should arrange to jrrive at Yaquina the oreniug before ' ite of sailing. iatiFn-rr and FirljiUt tulc. aliray. iu LiiirfNl. P.irinliirinitioii apply to (J J Stuart, Frfiiflit anil ricVdt e it, Aitjinv, ot t.i C II llnswell, Jr., O. F. A I. A,-t Oroifun Devcloptueiit Co,, P04 Montiromery Sin t'rn:n;i, l.'il, t . MltUUl;, A. O. F. P. Aant, O. i.-ii PiUlj 11 It O.i. Crlli. First National Bank OF ALBAS i, OREGON. Prwlilent L. Fi.INN Vic Presiilent 8, E, YOl'NU Cuhl.r ..UKO. K. CHAMDKKLAtN AM'tOuhi.r JAS. F. IHJWKLL TRANSACTS A (1 EN KRAL banking biulnMI. ACCOUNTS KEPT aubjMt to shock. SIGHT KXCIIANOR and telnrraphle tranafw, Ml cm N.w York, San Franclico, Cblcago and Pol Orron. COLLECTIONS MADE on iarorabl. twin,. " " DIRECTORS. 3, Tom., ' Oao. R Cnanaiaui) I, B. Blum, L. Fmnk, Waltix E Tvhum, Jos. Webber Announced to his patrons a oil friends that ho is now located in his new shop in the Ko shay & Mason lUock and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices as any other shop. As he has tbree HOW, TO GO EAST. Go East via Mouut Shasta Route. Nice climaU and scenery at all times of the)ycar. See Mount Shasta. Sacramento, Ojideu, Salt Lake. Denver. Finest second-class cars made arc run 'daily. luy your tickets of me and save your fare to 1'ortlai.d. I om the only person in Albany that cm sell you a ticket from Albany direct to any point in the United Statos. Culi'on me for rates. V. L. Jkstek, A eut 8. P. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing". All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to Henry Suesens.) Linn founty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., ."Successors to Cowan A Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a gonaral banking buafneal. DRAW SIOH1 DRAFTS on N.w York, San Fran laco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN HONEY on approved curlty. RECEIVE d.po.lUubJa'. to check. COLLECTIONS antruitsd to;ut will rsce njprom, l.ntioD.J -DEALERS XN- LUM8ER, FLOORING, RUSTIC. ETC. General Job Work, Dressing" .and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advaruag-s to purchasers of r-stio flooring, Factory at foot or Lyon Street. lew and Second Hand Store Owing to lae Increased demands of our business we bave been compound to move into a larger store and we can now be fbund next door to 8, E, Young, wherH we will be pleased to see our patron. If yon need any stovos, furniture, tinwaro, crockery, docks, carpets, pictures, fruit fars, li enki, books, roller skatoi, wadrlle., saws, pisnes, eto auil a Ufousand dif ferent and line articles you oan n it do bettor LU sl.l) "Mitl franc! too thin you can dr. nlth us on a purchase or nxchunga L. G0TTUS3 123 First Street, Albany, or. LJwlM""FS1laWM H italaflM alM FOR SALE BY FOSHAY A MAS-ON FOSHAY & MASON, TlUI'jAii AXD RT At If Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldon's putlioai'ouM, wbich we sell at publisher'! p.ioas witli ostagadJtd. ALBANY, OKEGOfi. W . F; READ, FIRST ST - - ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Albany, I VnCv Hbw BTJ1C CM. IIENDERSONACXysV V.f r ?s eivtn? ray full stock nd I can give my ctiKtomna bftferbar gnins than ever was offered in Albany Our stoclr is complete nnrl 1 propcFe to kfpp it up to ll 'M8rdard, fliail idd all the now novelties s fast as they are in the market. "Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress Gooils,Plwshes,Ychc(s,lIosieiy 1 aft w Tl Jcrsies, licnis7 rarmsuing Goods, lUankcts, lloois and Shoes. All'.Iatk is tbotoiigh'ini-Jiectirn of stork. prqduceitaken; in exchange for goods. ilail orderB promptly attended to. W .F. HEAD, lift -, (V i. r--.. VrIl v. a.;.., .-.v-r 'Vi'jv JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer 01 Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.ff:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Br'ar Pipes, and line of Smokers' Artsles, Also dealer!' OALTPORNIA AND T PI 3 A. tj 7a UITS