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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1888)
Daily Democrat. THE COJ1INO PHENOMENON. On January 1st the people of a portion of the pacific coast will be treated to a grand spectacular play to the accompan ient o the music of the spheres. On that day there will be a total eclipse of the sun by the moon, a 6ight which has been wit nessed by only a small number.and there are many astronomers who have never seen one. The path of the total eclipse strikes the continent a little north of San Francisco and turning northward crosses Nevada, Idaho and Montana and ends up far in Canada. While only ti e observers aleng this line will see the sun totally e:lipsed and in the middle of the day be in darkness, a partial eclipse will be seen all Over the United States. Here in Portland we are so near the line of totality thai it will be almost a total eclipse. An astronomer says in speaking of the eclipse in January : "An eclipse of the sun is always in the highest degree inter esting, because there is hardly any phe nomen of the heavens at once so sMrtling, so beautiful and so awe-inspiring. Millions have seen partial eclipses, but in order to see total eclipse you must be somewhere along a line only a few miles wide, from which the moon, at the moment it comes between the sun and the earth, will be ex actly in line between the eye of the observ er and the center of the sun. Then the moon for a few minutes will completely cover the sun, shutting off its light and heat so effectually that the chickens go to roost, and the observers frequently shiver with the sudden lowering of the tempera ture of the air. Then, too, with startling suddenness, those great and mysterious banners of the sun, that astronomers call the corona, are seen displayed in the sky around the hidden orb, like vast streamers and enormous spreading beams of nebu lous light. Occasionally with the naked eye.and always with the telescope,ficry red masses like huge tongues of flame may be seen projecting beyond the black edge of the moon at various pointsaround the bor der of the hidden sun. There is no greater mystery in the visible universe, perhaps, than the coronal streamers appearing around the sun when it is totally eclipsed. Of course these strange phenomena are there all the time,but owing to the effect of the glare of sunlight in the earth's atmos phere, they are invisible to us except during the very few minutes that the blaz ing face of the sun remains hidden by the opaque body of the moon." Aw5. Mrs. Sartaris Is expected to join her mother before long and she will probably spend the greater part of her time at Wash ington in the future. The Grant house will then become hospltable,as Nellie is the only member of the family who cares for society. Mrs. Grant always found her social duties In the White House and as the wife of the most distinguished citizen very irksome.and ever since her husband's death she las suited herself in that respect and never formally entertained any one. She has guests to dinner in an informal wnv iw anu men, out the women come in high iwns, the men in frock coats. This will I be chanced on Mrs. Sartoris'.-wlvent for tier tastes were not formed in a countrv town. Mrs. Sartoris carries her veam ell. She has retained her pretty figure nd comple.xion.and, despite manv hints of serious troubles, her face is unmarred by tiic traces of care. A dispatch from Charleston, West Vir; glnla,says: "The county court, in the matter of the recount in this, Kanawha county, decided to-day to take the original count in Charles ton City and St. Albans precincts, and re ject the recount in these precints, to throw out Lewlston and Coleburg precincts, and accept the recount in the balance of the precincts in the county. By this, McGin nis (rep.) has a majority in this congres s'onal district of 29. The matter will be taken to the circuit court by the demo v crats." Here is a open, dare-devil steal. On the first count McGinnis had a few votes over his democratic opponent, but 011 a recount made by a republican board the democrat was elected. Now the republican county court of Kanawha county deliberately pro poses to steal a Congressman by throwing out precincts enough to do it. It is time for Quay and his cohorts to use hisumai!ed hand" on the throats of his own political managers in Vest Virginia to prevent them from committing theft openly. Such fraud and bribery as has been practiced in that state by republican managers is with out parallel in elections. If Quay was an honest citizen he would hang his head in shame instead of talking about holding his majority in Congress with a"inailed hand." The Duchess de Luynes returned to her home In Paris the other day after a trip into the country, and found her Italian waiting maid strutting about arrayed in her mistress's ball dress. Before the Duchess could remonstrate another servant walked into the room, and remarking that the mil lenium had come, began to throw bric-a-brac, albums, and other ornamental articles out of the window. The police were called In, and on examination by physicians it was found that both girls had gone stark mad at the same time. No one is able to find any reason for the coincidence. The San Francisco Examiner has inter viewed quite a number of G. A. R. men In that state as to the charge brought against the order of being political In Its character. Most of those Interviewed denied the charge, though there were some who said it was true. From a number of interviews held In the East we sec that In some local ities the charge Is denied In toto, while in other localities It Is quite often alleged to be true. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to ue, as it is first class tea and warranted to give satisfaction. 73 O Auction- Auction every afternoon at M. T. Monteith's. at S. E. mine & nlil iiuic. uuuus m jour own price, be sold. Must ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, December, 8th. GRAND CONCERT By the Celebrated Boston Quintette Club ! John F, Rhodes, Solo violin. Paul Mende, violin. Oscar Hentsehel, solo flute and violin, Paul Stoevig, solo, viola and violin. Louis Bluuienberg, solo violincello. MiS9 Anna CarnnnfAr. nrltna nna , prano. ResnrvAfl coatu i , , , " , , firiici aj UUU11SH1UH, I?,0' J?ery, 60o, Reserved seats at ,, u Pora open at 7. Concert will begin at 8:15. CO O m co I O m 2: "I H O CO o I- CO h-3 - O CO -3 O G. L. BLACKMN, Successor to E. IV. LaHdon, . DEALERJIN DRUGS, MEDICINES9 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. Wanted. Four good, reliable men to soil the Im proved Singer. Team and wagon film ished, Address, The Ringer M'fg Co, J. A. Abchibld, Agent, Albany, Or. CLOTH For Fall and Winter -AT- FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: DRY C00DSIn tlii department my stock is uuusnally large and complete. D. n,lM 1.. h11 tha lend ma stvlss ; cootl suauca lor ran , uier, goods selected from the best Eastern ami Forn importations. 1 he latest novel- tics in trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, some euru gwu values. )a white blankets, table linens, towels, eto. CARPETS My eiUr.l f.:i!it,iM f.r a'ioin cirpeU mm enabled mo to ,k!rV. ..11 chases in "this department. lean show a (inc. line of lnSrains t low prices, somo choica patterns in Body l)rusnU and Tapestries. 1 am making carpets a leading branch of my buaiueBS. n n-pM .im minre t .. i. l,.r.,.,k linn nt' Hoots and Shoes in tho citv and have ,mid s, "ell attention to gettieg the good best suited to ibis trad and I can show a fine line of goods. I keep in Btott tho test makes in the onntrv. and have endeavored to get a lino of low price goods that I cau guar antee to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Buhners tor men, wo men ani children cea be found in this department, x . . - of itself. mrn t :. : ..;! .ilnllnn tn lflol)inL' a full line of SUdIs Fancy Groceries, uncolored ttas.roasted and ground coffees, canned fruits, th latest specialties in breakfast goods etc.can all be found in this department. Pure, fresh goods and good valut, for mot&y is my aim. I would especially call the attenticn of parties laying in tlieirFall supplies to my large stock nf FALL AND WINTER GOODS! 1 am better prepared than ever to meet their wants. In all de partments I am piepared to meot the Growing Demands of Linn Comity L E BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots Shoe OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla, As! radian Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last but not lot a large stock of fJLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS AND THE- City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS ! First-class goods at bottom prices is wnat the public wants. These I kW at, my store in tnis city, isougnt at .Bankrupt sales I can sell my stock of General Merchanise consisting of dress goqds, gents.furnishing goods, clothing, etc., AT COST. Cash or goods will be paidJforall kinds of country (produce. G W, SIMPSON, Albany, Oregcs. A. J. ROSSITER. V. S. Graduate of Ontario Vetariniry uouege, IsprcparoJ, to treat dluaies of all do mestic animals on sciential principles. Residence and office two doora eaut ni Opera House, Albany. DR. G.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Offlos opposite the Democrat Office. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAD I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Wopdle horse, ISAAC HAYS For further reference In regard to rw !- 1 1- .,m tj-i Tl.mPt' terson, Lebanon ! John Harclman, AlW" Wolverton, Albany; Sam Gaines, So1' Wm. Foster, PrlnevilU. I practice Tst inarv fnArltnln In Alhanv and cOUDtrf surrounding. Office and reaidonce eon) oin ana Washington sts, I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon