Albaar Market. Wheat-75 Oats 25c Butter 23 Us per lb. Eggs-25: Hav 9.00. Potatoes J5 ots par bushol. Beef on foot. 8 i pplea 0 cents par bu. Porit 60 per lr tressed. Bti-a-i4 il' I'I'i i. jholUin, 143. silx 111. Lrd IJipir l'. Flour-l.ii pr hbl. Oiioksm-S DO pir !. Hill Kdal-braa, U.Opur too J rirc, 14. 0 OHor "V. I EWERT, Jhas a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nice selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. New assortment all kinds of jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. Conrad Mdyer. PR0PKltT''3 0 STAR BAKERY, fCrnuM BroadaMn and First Sts -DEALER IN Canned Fronts, Ci!i- Host. GltMSware, QueeuHWHrc, Dried Fruit, Vegetable. Tobacco, Cisara Sugar, Spice. Conee. Tea. Etc., Etc.. In hot everything thV. i kept K Ron ral variety and grocery tor.. Hlghe market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PROSUSH. f V - O rv H. J. Mistiiors, Pre. 0 U. Slw!i4s Ties ThftOrftiron Land! Company Organised (o-the purpose of buying and soninfr reil muw dver:Ulna -the Will imotte Valley la all of the S& r, :1i?p. ol the UnlUri State. K&stern ienti to direct nuuic , town. ol Marion, rone, Yamhill counties to am m iw-" ----- - SE ln tho Tate BuiMing one door .est of Stew art ;Sox-, H0DSO;,.t DICKINSON, JUnsjers. lOK SALE BY FOSHAY MASON .10W, TO GO EAST. Oj Kwl vi M mnS Snti ll jif.!, Nice cliniAt and sienry at all tiuns of the year. See Mount Stiaiti, Sioramonto, Olen, Salt Lake, Djuver. Fintist oonnil-iiiaa cars made are run d lily. Huv your tielmt of me and save your faro to Portland. I nm the only person it, Albany thit cin sell you a ticktt from A'bmy direct to ativ point in tho United Ss.ito. Call on me for rates. W. U Jetf.k, Acut S. P. First National Hank OF ALBA Si 1 , OREGO.f. Frealdnt Vice President Cuhler H A'l Cashier , L. FLINN ... S, E, Vol' NO ..UKO. G. CHAMncKI.AIN JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking buslneas. ACCOUNTS KEPT fubjeot to eheck. RIGHT EXCHANGE and telnrraphlo transfer, sol n New Vork, San Francisco, Chicago and Pol Oniron. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DiMcroae. J. E. Yon, - Oao. F. Cnianaais' L K. Blais, L. Flimii, VlttUl TlIUILL, I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neoda't say that ; for a glance at iny size end a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can sea I'm all there. I Smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweot as our sugar cured meat,makes you feel so content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin us a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if yout'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll to enjoy more of that immense and you'll sense by buying visions and of W T wish you were fat For the feeling's show your good groceries,pro crcckery jhst Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. C. J, DILLON & CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyon Street. THE PLACE. New and Second Hand Store Owing to toe increased demands of) our business we have Veen compelled to move Into a larger store and wo can now bo found next door to 8. E, Young, wheri we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stores, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpats, pictures, fruit jars, tienks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, pianes, eto and a thousand dif ferentanduoo articles you cm nit do bettot bis sld3 of Sin Franolioo than you can dr. aUb. us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. 0, K. J aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. . VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor! to Henry Suesens.) Linn unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., rSuccssort to Cowan A Cusick.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS general banking builne. DRAWSimn DRAFTS on New York. San Frn Isco and Portland. Oregon. LOAN M Off EY on apptofed security. REC8IVK deposits snbjeo. to check, COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will rece re promo entien. FOSHAY & MASON, TVOLiiiii AitB lurrin Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B, Alden's publications, which we Mil at DUbllsher's Briaaa with poatageadasd. ALBANY, OKEOOM. By all meant;on Parker Brothers, Successors to Join Fox, or your Groceries, Produce, Med Goods, Etc., Etc, Their goodc are the best and their prices FRANCIS PFEIFEER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE C0NFEDTI0HEE7, We are how prepared to Mil at wholt, sale, always fresh and pure at Portla nd prices to dealers. We also keep afull 1IUV Ul Ms and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Jos. Webber Announces to his patrons and friends that iiw iiuw iuwwu in jus new anop in tna r 0- ShaV & f.nnn RIm.1t mnH with .kU I. will attend to his customers at as reasonable pnees as any otner inop. As He has three atn-rootn. nuuia; 11 hours there wil be waiter, ( f.,r baths . Fine hobsss. We have just brought from 2i )te Oregon, a lot of 6ne work horses ti we will sell on terms to suit the time Among them aresomn promising' vonn driveis from Oueco, Mason Chief a a Edward Everett. Also Some choio heavy n ares. Anyone wishine to nnr chase a horse will do well to look ttera over. We wiil take pleasure iu shew, to all intending purchasers. Mcknight bros.. Tallman, Or. CI MraMirtrOje V'anuOasalMlOa. V nnlnn J"l I BiaG haafflVfnun:vM.b I sal aatlirectioQ In the cure of Oonorrhcea and Uleet. I DretC rib. Hariri fc.1 safe tn recommend. Ins It to all auBerars. A. J. ST05EB, M.D., voeatar, ill. PRICE, a i. nn. Bold br DrnHlita. Fathar a Mason, Wkelesale Aaeals, W , F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY. OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Albany, $ r rjj eiving ray fall . stock end I can give my custemtru Ictteibar gains than ever tf.s ofl'trcd in All any Our stock is complete end I proprfo to krrp ! it tp to (l.cfttBn)arcl, ,lia!l add all the new novelties as fast ss they are in the market. Would call especial attention to the following lines Dress (Joods,Pliislies,Vclvels,lIosiery Jersies, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Boots and Shoes. All'Iask is a thorough inspection of slock. PRODUCETAKENiilN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders promptly ( J to. W .F. READ, JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer ol Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.:s, Plug ,nn Smoking Tobsecos i. Meerschaum and Brilr Plpes,!.nd a fn'. line of Smokers' Artsles, Also dealer i v OALTORNIA AND TAOPI0AL FRUITS ,