Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 08, 1888, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 18G
feouthorn Pacific Company's Lino.
tab nr. HuisrA uovtb.
,bit Albany ana a Pranc'., 5 hoar.
WLiraiau sxraaea n t'
Ui-.n-ILoav. rurtl.nd Arrlv. 10: a m
won. ,! Tui'i!i:
I'l-iim K I Leave A'tMl
Arrivul S:'.6ra
Luave I ll'.JD a
L-vo M
Al. TKAIM "" """
Airivel 2:45PM
Leavo 2:UJ r M
: : .I,,, , Arrive 0:3U a M
Tourist Sleeping Oars
r Acorn eeonil.clm Pueo
gers, MlUcBI'll W MprBW iraiiii.
Iv'tit . u I Lpa-'O
Kj:SS t Aniv.
Talis DAILY ( Sunday.)'tu
Arrive I (1:3) r M
Leave 1:30 M
irasss thins daily (oxcjp. Sunday.
i:S0r I
8;U0ra I M ' l
M Minnvi"e
Airive I 11:00 a M
Leave 6.45 a M
.. n,1 n.irvillia LOt.nect with trains ol
Omu Paciflo Railroad
Throu ih tickets to all uoiim loam ;anu ea Tia
For lull WtoraiUlon roirardiiiir rates, maps, etc.,
ni on ConpanrS Aeut a. AlUa.iy. -
M. nvB.iii.K.n, . - . " '
Hmjx lll'li.l'.tin'.At
Oregon Pacific Railroad,
iron Development Company's Stoam
sliip Liue.
than by any other route.
ti,ntiinh nfiusniitrAr ana
froicut line from Portland and all points
In tile Willamette Valley to and from San.
Francisco, Cal.
lillamBttB River Lino of Steamers.
The "Win. M. Hoag," The "'N. S, Bent
ay," The "Three Sisters" are in service
(or both passenger and froliiut trallio be
tween Corvallls and Portland and inter
mediate points, leaving Company'!' wharf,
Corvallls, and Messrs. llulman St. Co's
wharf, Nos. iiuu ana mi x rout, ai., rort
land, three times a week as follows :
Cahtiora Ung Ways at Ju'loi Urailwo'il'
I have made arrangements for buying
goods direct from the factories In Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast.
The following are some of my cash retail
prices :
'i dozen unhandled teacups and saucers,
35 '
y2 dozen unbundled coUce cups and sau
cers, 45 cts.
Yi dozen handled coffee cups and sau
cers, 50 cts.
yi dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45
These goods are all ironstone China and
net a cheaper grade of goods. These prices
are for 30 days.
Julius Gradwoiil.
Luave (J.irvalHs, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
diyiatSa. in. Alluny, 9:3.1 a, m. Arrives at Salem
3p.m. Liavg Balem Tuesday, '1'hurnday and Satur
diyatUa, ui. Arrive at I'urtlaud 3:311 p. m.
Leave Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Frid
ays at I a. ni. Arrive at Sale.n at 7:15 p. 111. Leave
Stum Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at t) a, iu.
Arrive at Corvallia at 3;;W p, ni.
Boats make close connection at Alban
with trains of the Oregon Pacltie Kailroad
TIMB SUIIKHULB. (oxcopt Sundays.)
Luvt Albany, p. M,
Uav t'orvallis, 1:40 P.M.
arms Yaiiuina, 6:U0 P. M.
Leave Yaquina, e:45a,M.
Leave Ctrvallis,ll):3f A.M.
Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. M,
0. A C. trains connect at Albany and
Corrsllis. The above trains connect at
Viquim with the Oregon Development
Company's bine of Bteamships between
Vaquina and San Francisco,
WUtnetteVnlley, Tlmrs, Doo. 0th Wed. Dec. 12lh
ilUmstie Valley, .lion. Deo. 17tli JIou. Deo. 21th
iUwwlle Valley, bun. Djo. SOtli.
The Company .jmrves the ri-rht, to
chance sailing dstas without notice.
N. B. PasMengors from Portland and
Willamette Valley points can make close
connection with the trains of the Yaquina
"rote at Albany or Corvallls, and ir des
tined to San franoisoo xlinuld arrange to
'inveac xaqulua tlio evening botore rate
tawnier mud Ptrlulit Italea alwsvi IBs
- , . Lowest.
JCJ" Aont, Albanv.'or to O II Haswoll, Jr., (. F.
o Ar' Oroffon Dovelopmont 0o VOt Montgomery
n-Atioisoj, ij. 4J. UttltlL,
V. O. F. and P. Airont,
Orjon Puiitii It R Co. Corvaltie
Revere House:
."f"3 ,") In flrsl-class stylo. Tables
Mpplled with the beet In the market.
f. l9PnK apartments. Sample rooms
ior commercial travelers,
ree Ceaeklti sail frant the Mtel.1
Pine line of Guns and
Sood stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Rob-
8oa's, Special barsains
Boots AMn Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc
Ilwaln's and see the ladies' kid and pebble
goat shoe, for $.50, former price $2.50
A Dkmocrat man has seen the shoe and
can pronounce it a remarkably cheap bhoe
for the former price.
Clothing A large and complete lin
gents' clothing and furnUhing goods at
v Ft Af,-Tl, .--.I..'., Tn II, nlhlnn .l,r,:.rl.
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he wil sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
Foil Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only
used two or three months. Call at this of-licc.
How is your appetite ? Are ynu nervous
or irritable ? Are you subject lo billiousaess ?
Dr Henley's Dandelion Ton'c works wonder.
It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds
up the whole system and puts new life and
engery in you.
Asplendid stock of library and hanging
la mps just received at Wallace Si Tit j mp
The prudent farmer will not leave his
animals out in the cold storms, j
Nire bacon will sell for about twice the
price of poik in the carcass. j
The side of a pig made Into huon will
sell for as much as the whole body.
Better house stock during a cold rain
and feed nothing than to expose them.
Do not make the pork for anybody to
eat in a foul pen , or from any food which
will make fever.
Get building paper and cover the Inside
of the Liable and then cover this with old
boards If you cannot get better ones. This
a hundred per cent, investment
A dispatch from Indianapolis says :
"The federal building was crowded to-day
with witnesses summoned to appear before
the federal grand In setsion. All
interest centers upon the prosecution of
what is known as the "Dudley case."
Opinion is openly expressed about the
court house that an indictment will cer
tainly be returned in the case. The posi
tive instructions of the court, (District
Judge Woods,) relating to violation, or ad
vice to others to violate the election laws
is what convinces many that the jury will
find a bill against Col. Dudley. A United
States marshal's warrant for his arrestwss
issued two days after the publication of the
"Blocks of five letters," said to have been
written by Dudley. This warrant is sill'
out,and will be held ready for instant ser
vice until an indictment is returned against
him. The letters, of course, will be the
basis of the indictment, in case there is
one." The letter referred t Is one in which
Dudley openly adyised chairmen of repub
lican county committees to purchase all the
votes they could get.
nekiatavaawavavavaavaaavaaawaaiaaMBaaaaMwsra Ilium new 11 lliialliMiaMMaMMMSPMBBSSSasSBBBIBaji
Holiday Goods.
Santa Clans Headquarters.
It-til d Mi l k i.f
Plush Goods, Toile Oases Al
bums, Perfumeries, Books
Etc., Etc.,
nor MirjMVH.-.i in tha Valley.
Dealers in nil the Wteit linnrnvs i ."iui'is
Organs, Sewlne; Mtohlnei, Uum. Mm
a full lino of warranto I Kiztrx, U ilo inr
and 1-ookot Knives, The bent klni of
sewing machine oil, needles anil bx'.i'h,
for all maohinos. All repairing n.atly
and reasonably done.
The undersigned is prepared to du : all
kinds of work in his line iu flrst-clas or.
der and with prorupioin. ddres-s P. O
box 87or call at ooruer of Olh and Maple
treet s,
I, N, Mmrn.
N ti on i hereby given that there are funds
in Hut t'ouuty Treasurer's ofHoe of Linn
c'iiiM',:v, unnn, 10 remico an outebauuiuK
war !'. Interest on all warrants cease
from 1 tis date.
l).t-d December Gth, 13S8.
H. Farwkll,
County Treasuror.
New Wash House.
Lee Chin&min, who lived in this town for
many yean, tnd whs so w11 liked by every
body hat returned and will open up a new
wash house the Hrst of Soptember, one door
south of the Revere House. Lee doesfuood
work and wants everybody 10 get (their
waAhinQ dime bv him
Ed: fill, aibiiy W 0.T, D
At a special meeting of the V. C, V.
called for the purpose of deyising w ays
and means for furthering the work of the
Union, it was decided to give a social every
Firday evening at the Hall, that the young
people of the city may haye a social time.
An admittance fee of five cents will be
charged at the door to assist in defraying
the expense of opening the hall. These
socials will be under the supervision of the
ladies of the Union, who will see to it that
everything is done "decently and in order."
The first one will be held immediately af
ter the holidays.
The thank-offerings have now reached
$104.10, "Small favors thankfully received,
larger ones in proportion. Send on your
The liutn Signal will give the coming
year a special department for work for
Local Unions, and a weekly question box,
where errors can be corrected, and the true
position and work of the organization 6ct
The lady teachers of Illinois outnumber
the gentlemen many times over, They are
equally good workers, but In the State
Teachers' Association have received very
little recognition. Last spring they decid
ed to organize an Association of their own,
which they did, electing as their President,
Miss Sarah E. Raymond, who has been for
many years the city superintendent of the
schools in Bloomington, Last week thev
held their first convention in that city, ft
was a very successful and interesting one ;
attendance large, the papers and discus
sions of an unusally high order. Miss Ray
mond was re-eiecteu president.
The Vassar College girls have a flourish
ing Prohibition Club.
Our round the world missionary, Mrs.
Leavitt, has just reached, after a quarantine
of twenty one days the city of Mauritins,
She describes the Island as being volcanic,
the mountain peaks rough, jagged and
bare. She stales that all cultivation on the
Island is done with a hoc, on account of
the great number of stones covering the
ground. The greatest length of the Island
19 thirty-five miles, the greatest width
twenty -eight. Her letter is full of interest.
She pauses in her recital, of the work, and
thows In the following little paragraph :
September 22nd, xSSS. I am celebrating
my fifty-eighth birthday silently and priv
ately, with great thanksgiving that God
has kept ine In life, given me sufficient
health and strength to accomplish what has
been done ; that up to so late a date as
July 8th, all my dear ones were in life and
hea'th ; and with earnest prayer that He
will during the next year enable me to do
much to help forward Christian Temper
ance, and thus help forward the kingdom
of Christ, and all the pure and good things
it brings.
New Goods. Latest styles in toques
turban and soft felt hats just received at
Ida M. Brush's.
A fine line of holiday goods for onr crock
try department and marked very low in
Wallace & T n oursrK
ItchlliK Pile 1 are known by miis'.uro Hk3 .- isplr
Inn, producing a very disairreeahlo itching after
injr warm. This form as well as Blind, bleeding and
protruding Piles, yield at once to the apnlicaton of
Dr. Hosatiko's i'ilo remedy, w.iich acta directly upon
the parts affected, alia rbing the tuiiors, allaying the
Intense itching and effecting a pemiauoi-t cure. 6v
cents. Address The Dr Uosanko il Ucine Co , J'iqu
o. Sold by Dr, 0 'lies and Son.
We will sell jou groceries cheipcr than
any store in town.
BrowmkllJe Staxakd.
A Railroad Sensation,
Chicago, Dec. 7. A statement was pub
lished this morning to the effect that the
Michigan Central Railroad has been mak
ing a secret cut of rates on grain to the
East. This caused an Investigation by
leading officials of the road. They assert
that they are the victims of a conspiracy
between one or more of their clerks, and
representatives of a very prominent board
of trade firm, by which grain was shipped
at a concession of two and a half cents per
bushel from the regular rate.
A Dig Shipment.
New York, Dec. 7 The largest ship
ment of freight ever forwarded to the West
at one time to one consignee will leave
this city to-night. It . is composed of two
special trains, one of twenty-three cars
loaded solid with dry goods, consigned to a
new firm in Tacoma, W. T-, the other of
sixteen cars loaded with coffee. It is ex
pected to make the trip in twenty days.The
shipment is valued at $200,000.
A UisHOari Riot.
St. Louis, Dec. 7. The latest ddvices
from Brevier are to the effect that armed
neutrality still exsita, but an outbreak Is
liable to occur any minute. A man who
passed through Bevier after the riot atates
that the report that 2000 shots were fired
was not exaggerated, as is evidenced by
the bullet perforated buildings in the vicin
ity. Dozens ot wiruow3 were shattered,
and the front of the post office was riddled
with lead. 1 he stockade in which the
Swedes sought refujre fearfully -torn and
A Peculiar Accident,
San DiEGo.Dec. 7. A shocking accident
occurred here this forenoon. Benjamin
Watts, of Lawsence, Kan., aged 27, was
employed by the contractor for the new
Fifth street pavement to fire the boiler for
the plant A defective hinge onjthe door
caused an explosion, when a hot mass . of
molten rock was thrown all over the man,
literally cooking his flesh. He lived for
fifteen minutes and piteously begged tha
some one should blow his brains out, He,
died in frightful agony,
Vorry Fast.
San Francisco, Dec. 7. The vestibule
train known as the "Golden Gate special,'
which left Omaha Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock,arrived here at 945 to-night mak
ing tne run irom tne Missouri river In
sixty one hours and forty-five minutes. The
train is I he most magnificent ever out to
this is the most magnificent ever sent out
to this coast, and in general conveniences
and luxurious furnishings is said to rival
any other train In the world.
Wants Heavy Damages,
Sax Francisco, Dec. 7. Joseph H.
Sham has filed a complaint against M. H.
De Young to recover $50,000 damages for
publication in the Ciromrfc, on the 6th Inaf
of alleged false and defamatory matter In
reference to his connection with the Tele
phone Company of this city.
Will Fight.
LoxDoN.Dec. 8. A dispatch from Cairo
to the Daily JVeTvr says probably an attaok
will be made upon the rebel force at Sua
kim Wednesday next.
in his new discovery for Consumption, suc
ceeded in producing a medicine which ij ac
knowledged by all to be sihiply marvelous,
It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per
fectly harmless, and does not sicken. Iu all
cases of oases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds
Whooping Coucdi, Croup, Bronchitis, and
Pains in the Chest, it has tjiven univf)rul
satisfaction. Dr Hosanko's Gmgh and Lung
Syrup is sold at SOomts ly Dr liuiss il Son.
Cheaper than you can buy them In Port
land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels
carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car
pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets' from
40 cents to 50 cents. Curries u large line
of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades.
A. B. McIlwain
If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for
J. Joseph's home mads white labor cigs, s
for sale by most cigar dealers and at
Joseph's factory.
Christmas Coming While hunting for
holiday presents do not fail to call at Will
& Starks and examine their fine stock of
goods, consisting of cold and silver watches.
chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew
elry generally. Also 8nVer plated ware,
clocks, etc. There are no more suitable
presents in the market.
For weak and delicate women nothing
baiilds np the entire svstern more thoroughly
and edeotu illy than Oregon Kidney Tea. 1
is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to
the sex, is pleasant to take and in every in
staoen provts of great value. Oregon Kid -ney
Tea is compoied of herbs found in Ore
gon, is put up in DeA' tin boxes, ai:d can be
prepared fresh by simply steeping in hot wa
ter. It contains no mineral substance what
evei, is pleasant to take and never fails to
cure kidney or urinary troubles.
Highland. Clackamas connty, Or., March 20.
I have Buffered with a disease of the kid
neys for 6 or 7 years and for the last two
months nave heeu laid up with a pain in my
bnek. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore
gon Kiduey Tea, and having used it one
week I can do a good day's work. I havo
derived more henelit Irom it than from all the
medicines I have ever taken.
J. Q. Nkwmll,
Do you want a remedy for B'Honmess, Pimples on
thufscc, a-id asurs nura (or sick hendactis, auk Dr.
Ou'ss and Bon, th DnitivisU, for Dr.'t Ut
Fills, try a done, samples free full boa 26 otot,
) ! C 0E & H0BS0H