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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
Jtn, T - nil Alkanj Market. Whet-75 Oats J5c Butter 25 Us per lb. gCgs-25c Hav 9,00, Potatoes 15 ots por bushel. Beef on foot, SXi pples 40 cents por bu, Porit 6Ho per 11" iressed. aUaait -uai li 3, a'nul l iri, 14), 11. in 11). Lird I5ipirl!. Flour 1.25 pir b!)l. nhtoksu. -S 00 per A-n. Mill Fs9d -bran, 11.0') par tfinj ilnr:, H. J nil lii i ri,,23. Oivin, 1. . Conrad Meyer. PR0PKlliT''3 OF.- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin anil First Sts,, -DEALER IN- Canaetl Fronts, CauneA Meats, Glassware, iueousware, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Spices, Coflee. Tea, Etc,, Etc. Infict everything that is kept In a gen ral variety and grooory Nloro. Highest market price paid for ALL OF PRODUCE. "H o W r o H. J. MlXTHORN', Pr. 8. Par, Vwj Frs. B. 8 Cook. S c. 0 It. HiJHKi T.e:ii TheOregon Laad; Company Orfc-Anizsd fo? the pwrp )80 of buyintf and nailing leil Htat,eder:ingtli3lVilliTirtle VHy in a!l of the leading ii9Wsr.xor8 of the Uuito.1 States. Kuiiiloving Eastern agents to direct home a.ker tu I lie vv uum ette Vallev, and ll .nij i!uts in all til. prmcipal towns of, Polk, Linn, Uenloii, CI ijkam.ui and Yamhill countiua to aid in Inciting ini-nlirrjuiti. Offlco in the Tate liuildluir one door oit of f'nw- art a .Sox 9. HOD30S DICKINSON, llna-rei, I'm jolly and fat, thuugh 1 oeodn't say that ; for a glance at my size tiid a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no Hies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I juke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and con f ass what you ' never could guess. A good thing to cat Is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat,makes you feel so content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're f:it or your'e lean, if yout'o pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll to enjoy more of that immense and you'll sense by buying visions and wish you were fat For the feeling's sLow your good crcckery of W & T Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. etjr'OK BALE BY FOSHAY MASON J. K. WEATHERFOBD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ITTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OKKVON. tiriLb PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE 1? Stat. Special attention givon to collections and robate matter. HOW TO GO E&ST. Go Eut vi Mmut Sri ist It una. 71 Nice dim at 5 an-1 manery atll ti-ma of the year. Seo Mount Shasta, S,.oranient;, Ciilen, Salt Lko, Denver. Fimst seconii-cl.vM cars made are run duly. Hav ynx tiulcnt of me and aava your fare to Portland. I nm the only person in Albany that cm st!l you a ticket Albany direct to anv piins in the United Statos. Call on ni for r.tcs. V. L. JlitTEK. Aueut S. P. G. J, DILLON & CO., -DEALERS IN UMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. eneral Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring', Factory at foot of Lyon Street. Red CrownMills IS0JI, LAXNING & CO., I'ROI'R'S. MEW FKOCKSS rLODR SUPERIOR FOR rAHIMd AMI) RAKKR3 VS1C. BEST STORAGF VCJLlTlES. Hirheet Price in Cash fo Wheat New and Second Hand Store Owing to tne increased domands ofj our business we have Veen compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8, E, Young, when we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stores, f jrulturo, tinware, crockery, clocks, carp6is, pictures, fruit lars, ttenks, books, roller skates, "ad.llei, saw, planes, etc and a thousand d!f feroal sn.l use Oitlcles you can n it do bettoi lis of San Fraactico than you can do Ith us on a purchase or exchange L. C0TTLBEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. THE PLACE. Byall meant st!l,on Parker Brothers, Successor! to John Fox, lor your s Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goods are the best and their prices reasonable. First National Bank OF AMI AM, OBEGOK. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OP-r Albany Soda Works. and Manufacturers of CSOICE CONFEfcTMERY, We are aow prepared to pell at wholt, sale, always fresh and pure at Forth ud lDeof 10 d8aler" Wo Rl" k8eP Nnta and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Jos. Webber Annonnces to his patronf ibA friends that uu m nis new anop In the Fo- shay j; Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable r. .-,., 0j uln snop. as ne has three run iii on .'inours there wil be , ,r uains ii. f. MEsmi, B -A. 3ST IC E E', ALBANY, - - - CRECO Sell etL'hi'u a i N'o Vrk, Htn KrAHciKo and Bur nrtet, 9:vn, o t itv ami c'tv warrants. R. WIT ilipMiu iubjjct to cliciik. Ititoroit llmreJ on ion uflxai, Collection will receive prompt attention. 1 Correspondence solicited. Fire and nurine imurmnce place 1 in roliaMe cota Linn ""ranty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan & Cuslck.) ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a gsaflral banklnf bnalneai. ORAWSIOin I)Krr.Son N. York, Ban rran Ucoanl Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOrlKTon apptored Heurity. RKCEIVKd.po.IU rabjee; to check. COLLECTIONS entnuted Co tu will ren re promo entieo. PrctMont Vk-o Previilent . Cannier Am 'I Cashier... L. Fi.INN . 8, K, TOl JAN. r. l'on TRANSACTS A OEXERAL banking bualneae. ACCOUNTS KEPT aubjeet to eheck. 8IOIIT EXCIIANOE and teliirranliio transfer, ml nn New York, ban Francinco, Chicago and Tui Urotron. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable term.. DIRKCT0R3. J. 8. Yorso, " Oio. E Chaxisr-,41 " L R Blain, L. Flihn,! WALrKk B Tl'RRRLb, Fine mm. FOSHAY & MASON, TIOLnUl ASD SITA1L Druggists and Booksellers. Rents ror John 15. Alden'a publications, ch we sell at publisher' prioe with t (readied. ALB.4NV, UKECiON. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST ALBANY OREO Rosgs a Specialty. Cemetery lot planted and attended to We have iust brouoht fmm 0 - - n " 1 10 rpgon, a lot of 6ne work horses t i we will sell on terms to suit the time Anions tbem aresome promisinrj youu driven frotnOnBco, Mason Chief aa Edward Everett. Also Some choio heavy rtares. Anvnnn i;.r.,'nn , oh..- , k ,. .7 .' H "" " ""rse win ao well to look tlfin. "er. v n wl,i (Abn ni. :. . ... --- , ll'W to all intending purchasers. J VUwrutMd DAI Ml V'UnuClamlMloj. x xiuMujri TraeaBJawaral T Tallman, Or. I Big o haeglven Dniverw Iaal eatlafactloa In the cure of Uonorrhoda and Uleet. I preecrlbe llanrt feel ute in recoinmendV log It to all inirerers. .J.8TOIEB, H.D., DeMtae. III. PRICE, 1. 00. Sold hv ripnff4ato.. raekay dt Muea, Wkoleule Ageala, W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON Trie Leading Cash DrylGoods House ofAIbany, HI7XLC.M. HEN DEBSON&CO'S" CELuBAIED boots a snow ctiiiiaBo. Hi rjioiving my fall stcck sud lean give my ciistciiKix Letfeitnr giuns than (jVtr bus olltna in All;i.i.y Our Btnck is complete ard 1 prrprre to krep ' it tip In llf "f,lpndpr(i, (hall add all the now novelties as fast as the; are in the market- Would call esptciul attention to the following lines Dress Gootls,Pli!slies,VcIvets,ISosiery Jersics, dents' Fursiisiaing Goods, Blankets, Hoots and Shoes, All'Iafek is a Ihoiough inspection of stcck. PRODUCE EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders prutuptly attendeJ to. W J. READ, 2 JUUUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer s Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GALTFORNIA AND TROPICAL PftUITS