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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
Dally Democrat: Friiay EvBmng.Decembor 7,1888 SYlTtH A NUTTI.XU. Eillton and PublUhora. PublUhod every day In tlio wrok. SuniUyi oxoopUxl.) LOCAL IttiCOKI). A Farmer Roubkd. The present sys (em and practice of assessment Is consider able of a wholesale robbery. In Multno mah county the assessment is lcs than one- half what it should be. By fictitious In debtcdncss and other means the state is robbed of several thousand dollars in taxesi which the farmers of the country are pay ing. In Marion county this year the re- duction in the assessment was large, the total assessment, we arc Informed, being considerably less than in Linn county whereas it should be at least SJ.000,000 more, and Linn county has to pay a great er state tax on account of it. The present lew of mills would have been only 3 mills but for assessment robbery like this. All of this extra tax comes out of the pock ets of the masses through the country. The next state legislature might do well to investigate our present system ot taxa tion and do something to equalize matters, When men worth $100,000 pay taxes on only 5000 to $10,000, while the honest masses pay on at least two-thirds of their wealth, there is strong evidence that there is something rotten in Denmark and Urcgon too, Another Railroad. A railroad Is contemplated from Astoria to Yaqulna Bay. By and bye there will be a "feeder" from this city to Cresent City and tram there to Tillamook and so on via Astoria to Portland. Such a thing is net impossible. Grant's Pass Courier. We also understand one Is to be built from Salem to the moon. Anybody can build railroads on paper, and a project to build one from Astoria to Al bany after going the rounds of several ex changes would be sure to reach from Coot Hay to the Sandwich Islands. Moony. Moody is now In Walla Walla, holding Immense meetings. It would do no harm for Albany people to correspond with a view to getting him. There it only one Moody in the world and Albany peo pie should be willing to pay something for 'lie sake of having him here. We need a little excitement, not necessarily as much as in Walla Walla, where "with many it approaches frenzy, some hardly stopping long enough to eat their meals. People in going uj uic meetings . almost run. .Men holding the hands of women fairlv dra them along." I. M. Adair. Mr. I. M. Adair, agent for the Oregon Pacific railroad company at this city, died at his home in the Third ward last evening at the age of 43. Mr. Adair had been troubled with a lungjaffec tion for several years; but was not taken down seriously until Tuesday evening, from which time he gradually failed until his death. The deceased w as a man highly esteemed for his pure life and Christian conduct. He was a member of the Con gregational church and led the choir here for some time. He leaves a wife and daughter. In his death his family lose a loving and kind husband and father and the city a good citizen. Mr. Adair was a member of the G. A. R. and I. O. O. F. in each of which he was in good standing. Funeral services will be held to-morrow at 10 o'clock at the resi dence of the deceased and the body of the deceased will be taken to Salem for burial on the 1 1 40 train. More S. P. "Judge Shaw was yester day Informed by Squire Poujade, quaran tine officer at St. Louis, that two new cases of smallpox had developed in the family of Amadi LaChapelle. The afflicted ones are nephews of Mr. LaChapelle and as yet have but light attacks. The quarantine continues te be strictly enforced and the disease will be confined to one family Salem Journal. Lebanon. The new M. E. Church will be dedicated on December 30th, and the services will be conducted by the Prcsid ing Elder and President Vanscoy of the Willamette University. ... .The eightieth birthday of John Settle was celebrated last Sunday The G. A. R. Post have elect ed the following ollicers : F M Miller.Com mander ; George Sylvester, Sr., V C ; T A Swan, Jr., V C ; 1 Sallinarsh.Surgeon ; J M Budlev.Oof D ; M Heckman.Chaplain; Z T Brvant, Q M j T Alley, O of G. At Monroe. The rumor that there is a case of small pox near Monroe is con firmed. Mr. Samuels brought the word that a young man a few days 6ince return ed from Portland to that community and attended a dance somewhere above Mon roe. He broke out with the disease on the evening of the dance. If this is true.there is almost sure to be other crscs. Benton Leader. Evidently Butei. How would you like to be the editor of a Harney Valley paper. Here is what one of them says: "Estimates of the total popular vote is gen erally mentioned by exchanges, but given in none we sit on the tripod 150 miles from a telegraph pole, with only 15 cents in our pocxer, u in the casii drawer, and wait." A Deadly Sprino. Near to the soda springs of Ashland, Or., there is a spring which emits a gas so poisonsus as to kill whatever may breathe it.and it is said that there is almost constantly a ring of birds, snakes, lizards and small deer lying dead about it. A Highbinder, A subscriber wants to know what a Chinese highbinder is. Well, as nearlv as we can pet at it. he is a black. ... o . 2 mailer from "was back." and if vou don't pay tribute, good, by to your pulse beats. Official Vote The official count of the vote for city officers shows J N Hoff man's plurality for Marshal to be 40 ; W A Humphrey's plurality for Treasurer, 7 ; for Councilmen, F M French, First ward, 13 : C G Burkhart, Second ward,38 ; L W Deyoe, Third ward, 1. For restraining the cows from running at large, Oo,as follows : Yes, 318 j no, 158. There were 480 votes cast. Debating. The debating society at the McFarland school house near Tangent is becoming quite a success. The subject for debate at its next regular meeting (Tuesday next) Is, "Resolved that foreign immigration to this country should cease." The president of the society is Rev. D. C. McFarland, secretary Miss Minnie Mc Farland. A Cute Trick. A very nice little trick for a small children's party, which a Dem ocrat man saw practiced a few days ago, it to place some small China dolls in small cakes. The astonishment displayed when they bite into them is greater than that displayed by an old maid on being proposed to. Try It. Save Us. While guarding against the smallpox something should be done to pre vent the Braden-Underwood combination from exhibiting in Albany. They are now giving an eight day debate in Eugene v-ny. Tea. The Home Missionary Society ttf the M. E. church will give a public tea par ty this evening, commencing at 4 o'clock. Supper 15 cents. This will be followed by a social. Dr;s8 Shoes, A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7's, best In the city, at G W Simpson's. They range in price for from 41.50 to $3.50 aoout nail ot the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE 1 ' . . . Call early before Burned. Albany merchants have just had to pay 85 cents per hundred pounds for freight from San Francisco by way of the O. R. & N. By way of the O. P. the same freight is brought for 26 cents. Isn't this sort of outrageous ? Notice. Members of Albany Lodge No. 4, I O O F and sojourning brethren will meet at Odd Fellow's Hall to-morrow morning at 9:30 o'clock to convey the re mains of our late Brother, I M Adair to the depot, C. G. Rawlings, R. S. Pure Teas. If you want a first-class article of teas go to the Willamette Packing Co's. store, their German mixed tea is just what every one ought to use, as it Is first- class tea and warranted to give satisfaction. HOME AND ABROAD Dates, figs, etc., at Pfeiffer't. Holiday gooda at Fren 'a. Bargains in silyerwara at French't. Fresh chestnutrat Francis Pfeifler 't. There are 280 prisoners in th peniten tiary. Judgt- R 3 Strahan baa been in the city to-day. Low prices prevail at "the Corner Jowel ry Store." Go to P. J. Laportes for your boot and shoe repairing. The best confectionary in the city at Fran cis Pfeiffer'a Reserved ssata for the Boston Quartette Club at W F Read'a. Gold and silver watches. Big bargain! in them at French's. For holiday candies, nuts, etc., call at the Willamette Packing Co's store. The I argest stock of nuts and candies in the Valley at F II Pfeiffer't. A full line of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Browncli Si Stanard. An exchange says it sometimes pays to be funny. It is funny sometimes to bs paid by a lazy debtor. Hcrrison's inaugnration as presi dent will be just one hundred years after tbat of Washington. Ben Hayden kept his hops in order to get a bigger price, xney were soia yesieraay at Salern for 15 cents. O'Conner & Barr have been let another contract on tho 0 P to deepen a grade al ready mado. Miss Hallie Parnsh, of Salem, with a much improved voice, ia expected home from the East tins week. Nine candidates for city offices make their announcements in a Pendleton paper. Elec -tion next Monday. Tiick bears are heard from through onr Ex's all over Oregon. They and their masters are grand nuisances. Mr John Miato, ex-Sheriff of Marion county, now collector for Sta'ver & Walker, of Portland, is in the city. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to bo found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store.'' Prices low. D M Sloan was elected Chief Engineer o' the Eugene Fire Department Monday even ing and Willard Mclice Assistant. Scarlet fever is so'd to be raring ia Ea eene City, and the public schools have been closed. This is much worse than smallpox in community. A bill baa been introduced in congress asking for a division of California into two states. - Some day Oregon will be divided also. The Corvallis Timet nominates Judge Kel say for U S senator. By the bye, a good nomination. The judge knows uregon irom top to bottom. The total tax in Marion county, including the five mill school tax ia 21.5 mills. Rather elevated. Tax levies seem to have been rais ed generally through the State. Mrs. Lark Bilyen and ton have been in the city tbe guest of Hon R A Irvine, while Lark ha been attending the supreme Vonrs. Makine a specialty of candies, nuts, eto. Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere else-. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary.. Undoubtedly the handsomest lady in th musical profession is Mist Anne Carpenter the soprano ot tne cotton ijuinwte yiuo, one win sing nere nexi wuuuy weuiug. A very fine thins ia the New Mikado Si- nhon oil can. for sale bv Conn Bros. All yon r f have to do is pump and tne ou comes, ana a lamp is as easuy empbieu 11 uwuvi. Alum like it. The citizens of Albany and vicinity are in vited to call at F. M. French't, "The Corner Jewelry Store and tea hit atoek of Cirist- mas presents, and examine prices, wrnott will be lound very low. All music lovers should interest themielyei in the comine of the renowned Boston Uuiu tette Club which is to present one of the greatest musical treats onr city baa eytr en joyed, next Monday evening. Patronice Home Talent. Our citizens thould prepare to go to the Opera House on Saturday evening, Dec 15th, when the "Confederate Spy" will be presented for the benefit of the building fund of the G. A. R. Hall. The admission will be 25c. ; reserved seats 50c. The fol lowing Is given as the cast of characters for the play,which will be an assurance of good work : Geo Waterman, the patriotic Unionist Ueo t, r isn Phillip Bradley, the daring Confederate spy S W Reece Fred Ainsley, Rebel Aide-ile-Camp R B Vunk Maj-Gen. Banks, United States Army B FTabler Colonel Williard S S Train Mulgary, brave policeman when out of 1 dancer A B Woodin Clay, gemman of color R Fox sockery Schneidlebecker, drafted Dutch. man T J Overman Mrs Waterman, mother of George Mrs R B Vunk Maud Bradley, Southern belle and sister of 'Py Aliss B Martin Norah McLeggin, down on "Ilathen Chi- nayes" Mrs N J Henton Citizens, soldiers in blue and gray, etc. Hotel Arrival, Revere House W Carter, FMetzgar, S C Goldsmith, S Stock, J Newton, G Lane, F G Hanna, Portland; G Phillips, Me hama;C B Gano, E A Korthaur, Corvallis; J Minto, K A Welch, Salem ; J M Barden ana wile, Koseburg; S Bear, D Koss, W E Bennison; J Mills, S Taber, S F; W T Rig don, Jefferson; W Sutton; J O'Brien; A D Saunders ;T McCorthey, Mills City; Clay Anderson, Montana; G J Higgins; W H Kay, Mich; E B Hunsaker, Ashland; Jas Mills, S F, L G Adair, S P Co. Russ House. R Mothorn ; W Wilson, D Cornell, M Morgan, E Bushong, Port land ; T Callyhan, J S Berry, Mill City ; F McBride ; J A Wilson ; A Colorada ; E Collins ; J Menton ; A Venees ; C Mor ton, The Dalles ; A Brink, Scio ; T D Lake ; W II Rue ; J II Jones ; Capt Van Alstyneand wife ; W MaCoon and wife ; Josie Veatch ; C W Mariels ; E S Griffin ; Mrs Mariels. A Blaze.- -The electric light apparatus in L. E. Blain'e store caught lire last even ing, the whole business blazing up. Mr. Holman received several electric scorches in extinquishiing the business, which was done without water. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. In this line w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment as they must go. Call and see for yourself. MoNTEITH & Sf.ITF.NBACH Wanted. A boat suitable to navigate First street. Inquire of the electric light men, who are now obliged to swim out to the apparatuses when cleaning them. s Auction. Auction every afternoon at M. J. Monteith's, at S. E. Young's old store. , uoods at your own price, be sold. Must Wanted. A respectable family desire to take three boarders. Good lodging furnished 11 desired. Inquire at this olhce A tenbach having1 STOCK of Gen the stock is bro Winter wraps, are not reserved in the great sale. This will be the greatest oppor - unity ever ouered to buy a stylish wrap at low prioe. Monteith at Seitenbacu, All kinds of woolen dress gooda are 25 ner- cent cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stock is all fresh, consequently we can give yery tow prices. W. F. Read. Special Orders No. 7. Head Quarters McPherson Post, ) No 5, G. A, R. J Comrades of McPherson Post Ns. 5, G. A. R , will meet at their hall on Dec, 8th, at 9:30, a. m, sharp for the purpose of es corting the remains of Comrade Irvln M Adair to the 11:35 train, cyoraeroi , . w . keeck, B. F.Tabler, Commander. Adjt. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock ot goods.consistlng of gold and silver watches, chains, tops, earrings, oreasipins aim jew elry eenerollv. Also silver plated ware. clocks, etc. There are no more suitable presents in the market. Struck. It as reported here today that the workmen for O'Conner & Barr at Salem hsd "struck." At the grading it about done and the tiea are nearly ready for the railt we gusts there 11 nothing very ten out in the matter. Superior. That is the name of the stove nt G. W. Smith's attracting so much attention. It is a splendid cook stove. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. KEEP POSTED Vheat, 75 en New fall goods at Read'a. See those new jersiea at W. F. Read's. New ribboa all thadet and atylet at Read's L 11 line of boys kilt tuitt at W, F Read's. Fine line of bread kneading pant at G W Suiith's. Another lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & SUoard't. A large stock of lifting force pumps at 6 W Smith't. Goodt at cott at M. J. Monteith's, at th old Young store. Go to A. B. Mcllwain't and ask to tee those $6 suits for men. In a calm tea every man ia pilot. In dry goodt W. F. Read ia leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goodt of W. F. Read. Six thaves for 1 dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thot. Jones, Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stoves at ti W Smith't, no better in the valley. The cheapest place to bny men's under wear in the state it at A. B. Mcllwain't. W. F. Read can and will tell dry goodt cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in millinery goodt at E ar.a C Howard's. Call and see them, No trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Royal Argands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the beat cook stoves made. Seo them. Goods not sold for less than cost, goods not given away. But good honest goodt Hold at reasonable profit it n. . K 1 1 Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and silver ware. of which he carries a large and aelect stock. His silver ware is 1847 Koeer Bros, hit stock of crockery is the best in the market and his line ot dolls and children s play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard have moved their millinery store into rooms in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubruillcs harness shop, where they invite old and new customers to call on them. For rand made harness go to E. L. Power, New raisens, currents,citron, lemonsjmd oranges received at Wallace & Thompson's. Wide Indigo Prints. A large invoice of the above goods has been received, and will be sold at reduced prices. They are de sirable patterns and are a bargain. Samuel E. Young. ; We Want, Your butter and eggs and will pay you either cash or trade for it. . BROWNELL & STANARD. F. -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco All goods sold at the lowest cash prices and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions receive a the lead ing NEWSPAPERS AO Ml NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.EOR. SALE. out their Albany businessoffe r for sale witliout rsevereat COST