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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1888)
A I 1 1 n 18 1 Ul 111 I I I M II r II II I II i s i n i VOL. I. ALBANY OR., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1888. NO 185 VTA-. Southern Paciflc Company's Line. TU nr. UU1STA atMm Alb.nyana ttanjyanfMjT', oalipohsia ajrsiss li.US " 00P..L. ror". North 10:45 All 0:45 A H 7:UV m . u I iav. Portland "Y." . Albany i p u Arriv. - Arrive 8:46 F M Leave I n,ou m Leav. 9 .00 A M 10 p a I , . .. i i..,v Albany VIP a Arrivil Louanua 'if Arriv. LbQJU Arrive I 0:30 A M LtCttVO m arrive I 2:45 p II Leave 2:00 m ITIiTimsi. RllFFEr SLEEPERS. I rUkkinrt'.a tourist Sleeping Car3 r Aces mhiII" ecU'l' ,c Bern, attached t i:xuriTral..s. w.t hid. avlvlslon.l IeTVTEKV PURfUMO All CPU, TAttla. trais daily (exiept Sunday,) p Hi Arrive v" "' " ' mmnuxui" (uxc jp". SuoJay. IJpVhC. .0 Portland Arrive v:uu a u iml - IUVwnr n l Corvallls connect with trains of ;nr,aiifu Railroad mroujh tioktitl to all prints simth nl colt yla IklllUIU'a. Fwlall Informitlm roardinir rates, nuns, etc., lion tympany . a..." ,-,. R,, " Mil,Xjt- An'l J. r. u r. Af H. baa splendid assortment of goods for (be Holidays, consisting of a nice selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. Now assortment all kinds of jawelry, REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. tiOI.DKN KULE BAZAAIt- Ca.diUoesa Long Wuysot Julia." Grail wohl' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : yt dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 tts. J dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 4 c, cts. J dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. H dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days. Julius Gradwohl. 0, K. J aim Shop. House and Carriag-o Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangars Piano Varnishing-. " ' All work guaranteed.; VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor to Honry Suosens.)' Oregon Pacific RailroaiL jnn Deve'.opmont Company's Steam- ..l.n I Inn 225 ESILES SHORTEN 29 HOURS LESS TbsmE L-. ho nv nth or route. .U WJ J I n.A i.... tlirntirrh n9nnilll"fir and reizht line from Portlaad aud all poinU atbo Williitnotio Valloy to ami from Kan Francisco, uu. Jillamatta BAver Lina of Steamors. It rrt.a MThrnA KUlnrM" urA In Nnrviee lior 'both paviener and freight tralllo be- ILwoen uorvauia uu rwusuu iuu mediato points, leaving Company's' wharf, Uorvallis, and Messra. lluliimil dc Co'a wharf, Nos. aou and 202 Front St., Port- ltua, three limes a woeit as tuiiuwa ; XUKfll liUUNU. . toiva U irvallli, Mon lay., Woiinoa.Uys and Kri- Iltyt.tSA. 111. AIDuiy, Arrives m oaieiu . p. m. Ljavb Silem TumiIav, Thoriay and Hatur iirAtSa. in. Arrive at PortlanJ J:J0). m. SOIITU IIUUND. FOR SALE. 20imil trans andthres t Arm on j .any ertrs Some near tuwiu II, Db'ikt. Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. --e- Clothing A large and complete lin gents' clothir.g and furnishing goods at v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell during the coming week for $2.50. For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Caft at this of-iice. How is your appetite ? Are you nervous or irritable T Are you subject to billiousness ! Dr Henley's Dandelion Tonic works wonders. It mikes the weak and sickly strong, builds up tli whole system and puts uew life and engery in you . A splendid stock of library and hanging lamps just received at Wallace & Thouap- I Leaf. Pjrtlaml Mmilavs. Wednej'iav and Frid Arrive at 3alo.ii at 7:15 p. in. Leave I ilem Tuesday, Tliunrlay ana ttaturaay at a a, m. Irrireat CorvallUat a;3J p, in. I tt.l. m.l.. Mln3 flnnnaotlnn al. A than Lith trains of the Oregon Paolllu Railroad TIMB 3 JilKnULK- (except Sundays.) -ra Altuttv. 1:00 p. ; Loavo Yanuina, 0:45 A. lrt Corvallis, l'.tOP.M. Leave Corvallis, 10:35 A,K. V'nn Vaiinlna, 5:30 r. u. Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. u, I 0. AC. tr.Mns conno:t at Albany and orvsllis. The above trains connect at Inqnlni with the Oregon Development impany's Line of Steamships between aiuina and San Francisco, S tIUSO DATE", . I RM, paoM A PRASCIUCO. PHoM TA14UIWA huuttt Valley. Thnrs, Doe. 8th Wed. Dec. 12th amnu Vallev. tlon. Deo. 17th 31 n. Dec. 24th limeut Valloy, Sun. Deo. 30th. Holiday Goods. I Santa Claus Headquarters. a j Ipnrl.d "leek of ftlio Company .jryea the right, to tjui sailing dates williout nonce. PasHenirora from Pnr-ind and I'uaineue Valley points can maxe close ansctlon with liie trains of the Vaquioa '"eat AlbAnv or Corvallis, and ll des- to 8jn Frdnoisoo ahoulil arramre to rivsat Yaquina the evening before ('ate "iug. "(Sep anil l irlclit Rates always tuo l rioiirinitlon apply to U J Htitart, Frolht and t;-"cin, Ainanv, u. to u 11 Hasa'on, Jr., v. r. r art.. Orjffnii liAvul.iiimei.t I":.,.. S3I lloiitjmerr In r'.vuuci, Ul, C . MlsUliti, . U. P. and P. Airo'it, O.'jjj 1 Pi iil; It R U.i. u.irvalll. Lsvere House; IBANY, - - . OREGONJ AS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, - Ittld un In Aral jllajM al vla. Tables lopllsd with the bet in tbe market. ts sleoping apartments. Sample rooms r vuuiiuereiai travelers, 'res Csaekts ami frem the Mitel. TO Fine line of Guns and ood stock of Aaimuni oq at Deyoe and Rob- Ks. Special bargains Plush Goods, Toilet Gases Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor Mirii.-wt in thi Valley. GOaNTr TREASURER'S NOTICE. WTT.T. RRtl ' if " is liwehv given that there are funds In all the UtsstiinpravA.l ?i tnon in tin- r...,,ty rreasurer's office of I.inn nr..,.. N.wlne- MiohinHt. liuns Also ooumv. O, -.'vn, to rerluce all outsianainx THE BEST OF BACON. The lighter pigs will make bacon you need not be so particular about the size as a pig which weighs diessed 150 pounds will make choice bacon. Cut the sides in to strips and put them for six weeks into a brine made as follows: For ico pounds of meat, use six pounds of salt, four ounces of saltpeter and six pounds of brown sugar with water enough to cever the meat closly packed In a clean cask; sprinkle a thin lay er of salt on the bottom so that the meat will not come In direct contact with the wood. Put the skin side down and be sure the whole contents are covered with the brine. At the end of six weeks take up the meat and smoke it, using corn cobs or hard wood smoke till it is a light brown or tan color. The pieces should be sewn up in muslin bags and covered with white wash on the outside. When prepared in this way bacon can be cooked without freshening and it will keep sweet for a year or more. It should be stored in a dry cool place. Bacon prepared and preserved in in theabove way always comes handy for aside dish, or for a special meat taking the place of pork. It is excellent to cook with greens, and in various other ways that a thrifty and skilled housewife could devise. Brownsville. The Baptist church has just decided to call the Rev. LeRoy, of Astoria to fill their pulpit. A few weeks ago the license of Mr R A Sanders' salooon expired and the building was closed, but last week he opened it again. Yesterday the funeral of Miss Effie Dean took place from the Baptist church here. She was aged 19 years and had been failing for u long time. Last week thev had a coyote hunt in the hills near Mr A J Kirk's place, but failed to kill any. The following were duly elected to serve as officers of Callapooia Lodge, No, 43, I. O. O. F. ; G V Standish.N G ; C W Prim ly, V G i Geo Finley, R S ; J K McHar gue, P S ; W R Kirk, Treasurer ; C H Els wick, N B Standish, D M Walter.Trustees. Dr Curl has gone on a month's profes sional trip to Eastern Oregon. I.ook Here! We ar3 c'osing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean wha we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4-35. regular price, $5.50, none better in town; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies good French Hd, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies bright uongoia, J 7Si regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Uongoia, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3 ; ladies' American kid, $: . 25, regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, from $1 td$i.2o; a few pairs of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents; men's rubbers, 50 cents; also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come anil see. Brownkll & Stan rd. a full line of warranto 1 Razors, BntohHr ail"! 1-ookot Knives. Tba be-tt kin I of sowing machine oil, nseuios an't e.wiv., for all machines. Ail rspalriui neatly and reasonably done. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersigned is prepared to do lall kinds of work In his line in first-olass or, der and with promptness. Address P. O box 87 or call at ooraer of 8lh and Maple treets, I. N, Smith. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT 1 DE YOE &1ROBSON wan-sir. Inrerest on all warrants from tltis '!'!!. Ditrd lrt:n'jer fitb, 1888. H. Farwell, County Treasurer. New Wash House. r . rM.; remiss wVin livflil in thii town for many year awl wm o wmi iikou uj t..i.'. 1 - ainiArl nd will nnen UDI new waxh hme th firnt of September, one door 1 . it u.. T .aa A ruMiictnctA wnrli end wants ?veryoony w go ftuir waniune dime v mm PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & R0BS0N f . New Goods. Latest styles in toques turban and soft felt hats just received at IDA M. URl'SH S. A fine line of holiday aoo-is for our crock try department aud marked very low iu price Wallace Sc Tuo mtsck yon pii.ks. Itching Pile i ara known by mti uro vpir Inn rmMliicin? a vrv (I'rjJiirreeAtjIe Itcliltiir aiter in? warm. This lirm n well m Blind. UtefMltf anil pnjtrudiiir Pile, yield at once t the application of ur. UotnllKO'i 1 -lit remiti.v, w.uun uirucuj ujkh thr pxt8 affected, alj-rbinsr tho tumors, allayintr the inttfiiM itehlnir and effuctitij a imrrmnerit euro. 50 canu. Address The Dr Iiunko M.jiiie Co , Piqu O. bold by Dr. 0 Miss and n. We will roll oa groceries cheaper than any store in town. CROWN ELL Ob CTANARD. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS P, O's. 4c. Wasiiinctok, Dec. 6. An increase of pension has been granted to Charles J. Fox Seattle. A railway postoffice has been establish ed on the line of the Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore railroads, between Seattle and Tacoma, V. T. The following fourth-class postmasters have been commissioned: At Eola, Or., Sylvester Wilson; at Jewell, Or., Charles Botton ; and at Riparia, W. T, Henry Cars tens, v Kvea Authors Slake Pooir, New York, Dec. 6. The Mall and Ex press says Joaquin Miller, Edward Everett Hale, Lear Wallace, Maurice Thompson and Franklin File.haye agreed to write five associated works of fiction, to appear in January. The profits of the publication will be equally divided. Joaquin Miller writes with the glorious sunlit bay of San. Francisco in sight, Hale will locate his story in New England, Thompson in Bay St Louis, and File writes about New York CitVi A Brutal Policeman. San Francisco, Dec. 6 Police Officer Thomson.who shot and killed Christopher Rosenblock last night, and Officer Pugh, who was with Thomson at the time, were dismissed from the police force this after noon. They Say. Washington, Dec. 6. Five of Maine's representatives and senators say Blaine should and will be offered the secretary ship of state, and that he will probably ac cept it. Dakota. New York, Dec. 5. The Evemng Sim's Washington special says; A prominent citi zen of Dakota says there is very little pros pect of that territory being admitted as a state either during this session of congress os the next. The territory contains enough inhabitants to warrant its being cut into two states, and that is the desire of a majority of its people. They want the territory divided on the forty sixth parallel. This would give the republicans four more sena tors and two representatives. But the in terests of the proposed states would be largely in favor of tariff reform . Never Heard of Her. Rock ford, III., Dec. 6. Daisy Coster, aged 15, daughter of a prominent Oregon men, eloped with Charles Judson, a trai" hand. They were traced to Byron, and cap Hired as they were making for Wisconsin, The girl declares she will marry Judson on the first opportunity. He is under arrest, charged with abduction. The Union l'ariflc. Boston, Dec. 6. The statement of the Union Pacific railroad shows the gross earnings for the ten months to October 31 were $24,244,000 an Increase of $526,000. expenses, ai4,2; Increase. $1,114,000. Surplus $9,4ig,ooo; decrease, $58,000, MtMitcith & Seitenbach's great closing sale will enable all to buy any line of goods fully 50 per cent, less than any other store in the vallev. Dandruff1 is prohally oue of the most dif ficult diseases of the f-cnlp to cure, but Du tard's Specific never fn:ls to remoye it perm anently . Soreness after shaving is instant -ly relieved by its use. DR. BO HAN-KO - in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine which i) ac knowledged by all to hs pimply marvcloup. It is exceed intfly pleasant to Ihe taste, per fectly harniles-, at:d d es nut aiclt-n. In all oases of capes of CVuftttnp:.ioti. Couhs,Colds WhoopuiB Cimth, Croup, Hrnn'-hitis, and Paina in the Chest, it hs eiven anivertal satisfaction. Dr Bnsnnlio's Crnigh and Lnng Syrup is sold at su oenta by Ur Uuiss & son. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets frorr 40 cents to 50 cents. Carriec u large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwain TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & R0BS0N' S, For weak od delicate women nothiocr boilds np the entire ay tern more thoroughly and efleclitallv than Oregon Kidney Tea. It is especially adapted to disease peculiar to the ex. is pleasant to take and in every in- otaocn proves Tr great value. Oregon Kid ney lea is compojeu ot uerba found in Ore ijnn, is put np in nea' tin boxes, and can le prepared fresh by simply steeping in hot wa ter. It contains no miuera! substance what ever, is pleasant to take and ncyer .faiU to cure kidney or urinary troubles. Ilighland. Clackamas connty.Or., March 0. I have suffered with a disease of the kid neys fur 6 or 7 years and for the Inst two mouths navt been laid up with a pain in my naev a iriena sent me a simple or the Urt gon Kidney Tea, and haviog used it one week I can do a good day' work. I have derived more henttit from it than from all the medicines I have ever taken. J. Q. New bill. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Do von want a remedy for B'HouineM. Pimnlea on the face, a d a sure eure (-r tk-k headache, ask Dr, Ou'sa and Bon, the PruirgtifU, (or'a Lira ruia, try a aose, samples free run box 25 cent. If you want a clean and fine smote ask for T. Joseph's home mid white labor cia-re For sale bv moat cicar dea'ers atd at Joseph's factory. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & R0B30N