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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1888)
Albanr Market. Wheat-75 Oats 25c Butter 45 its per ll. Etrg-25t Hav-9.00. Potatoe 15 ut per bushel. Beef on fjot. 8X1 pples 40 osnM pr Ou. Porn-BXo per Ir .resseJ. . l$i;u -11 it H3J. sVi'l'.i'ft, 14.1. li t t 11 v Ctrl- liirl-i. Flour I. i inr 'lt. Ohlokvu-i "I pir 1 . Mill Fail oral, ll.Olpnr tan! H. f n'lliii:.,,29. Oa-r- Conrad Mayer. ,-PROPKHST:. OF - STAR BAKERY, BCnrnor Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN- Caaaeil Fruits, Glassware, Dried FruiU, Tobacco, Sugar, Codec Etc, C'm.uuimI .Heats, Qaeensware, Vegetables, Cigars, Spices, Tea. Etc., Inftct everything thai is kept in a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KISSDS OF PRODUCE. D. S Cook, S c. (J. U. Mjjkk.4 Ttiu H. J. Mistiiorx, Pris. S. FAaa.ii;, Via Pcju The Oregon Laa.lj Company Ortvimzed fotho.jrp otb iyi..:..' and aellin? reil estaw, B.lveriiainj His Will initio Villey i"" tho leading nnttv iora of tho Uullo 1 Sinter K.ulnyluir Eastern sjreuts to direct Sl'Vi" to 'hd rfillain- ette Vallov, and h .in, ;il'. in all tna principal towns of Marion, Polk. I.i.m. lleiilon, Clu-kauru ami Yamhill counties to aid in 1 willii hum ir.M-it-t. Office in the Tate U'liidinr one d or west of F art d.Soxs. II0M0;..A dickinsOS, Manazm. jl OR SALE BY FOSHAY MA?ON J. K. WEATHERFOSD, (NOTARY FUBLIO,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALRAJVY, OREfiOM. 1TTILL PRACTICE IN ALLTHS COURTS OP THE VV State. Special attention given to 'jollectlona and rooate matter. HOW, TO GO EAST. G-) Eufc vi Mmut Shasta Utilise. 'J Nice climate ad sjanary at all titrus of the'year. See Mount Sh-ulu, Sioramento, 0,ident Salt Like, Denver. Finest soconl-cUss cars made are ruQ diily. Buy your tickets uf me and sava your fare to Portland. I am the only p9oa ia Athaiv that can sell you ticket from AUnny direct to any point in the Unite, abates. Kjill on me tor rates. V. L. Jk4tkh. Agent 8. P. Red CrownMills SOM, LANXINU & CO., PROPS'S. HEW PIIOCKSS FLOUR SCPXKIOR 011 FAMI'IKS AND BAKKRS nSX. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat S3. F. MERRILL, . B -A. 3ST K! E tt ALBANY, - - - ORECOH. Bell exchir.f i 01 Ndir Yrl(, Shi KranuUco and Porilaiul. Buy n.'3, Stit ovntvr a. J c'ty wir-rant,. Re ceive dspofiH Btibjoa to ctiojk. luloroat ttllmve.l on time deposits. (Collections will receive pm-opt attention. ' Correpon-.enc solicited. Kiroantl mirina lnuranco pUeJi In reliable coin rici. OIL I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neodn't say tbat ; for a glance at my tbo and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can Bee there's uo flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of l.air, but from tboulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confaaB what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar cured meat,makes you feel so oontent with the money spent that you're bound to fel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin us a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give V. & T. a show to sell you right low, jou will feel such a thrill of con tentment until you'll wish yon were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immense and you'll slow your good err.Be by buying groceries,pro visions and crockery of W & 1 IF JSHM Wallace k Thompson's Fat Man. Plinn Block, Albany, Or. C. J, DILLON k CO., -DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOORINC, RUSTIC, ETC, General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers oi r-stic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyon Street. New and Second Hand Store Owing to toe Increased demands of) our business we have been compelled to move into a larger store and wo can now be (bund next door to 8, E, Young, wheri we will be pleased to see our patrons. If youceolany stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit lars, ticnks, boosts, roller skates, 'addle, saws, punas, eto anil a thousand dif. I'erent in luia a-tides you can not do beitui L it si J of Siu Franai ioo than you can dr. lib u on a purchase or exchangs L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. First National Bank OF A L, HANI , OREGON. President Vice President Cashier Ass't La,hier t. Fi.'XN . 8. K, YOUNG Ufc'O. E. CIO MBUU.AIN JAa. r. POWELL Lino Vunty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., 8ucoeaaori to Cowan A Cuslck.) ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a ftneral banklnf btulnew. DRAWSI0H1 DRArrSoa N.w York, San Fran tacoan. Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOrJIY on appiored tecurltj. eCKIVIdepotlu nbjeo'. to eheok. COLLECTIONS entrusted will race re promo antiea. TRANSACTS A GENERAL tanking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to eheck. UI.TIT" L'Vl'If . ... . .. . uii'.ai B.wim....b win Kicr.i'iiiu iran.icr, sol nn Xew York. S.n l'r.nriMvi :hiu.n .ml .. Orejron. DULLE1711USS MAUt on Urorabla terms. DiKBCToaa. J. E. Torso, ' Geo ECiusi'.,, L K Blais, I,. Flijix, WAMkk E Tuaasm THE PLACE. By all means llton Parker Brothers, Successors to John Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, Baked Goods, Etc., Etc, Their goodc are the best and their prices reasonable. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEOTIONERY, We are now prepared to mil at whole, sale, always fresh and pure at Forth nd firices to dealaris. We also keep afull Ids of Nnta and Tropical Fruits, 9 CIGARS AND TOBACCO Jos, Webber Announces to bia patron and friends that lie is now located id his new anno in the Fo shay St Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices as any other shop. Ashe has tUree ath-rjjtm m 1 niug H hours there wil ba wait, i ; i ui t . W . F, READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash DrylGoods Douse oiMban;, I Taasjf ""T" ur C.M.IIENDERSON&CO'S" Now rec-civing ray fall stock and I can fiive my cnnluuieis bcllerlnr gains than Ver was cfl'trid in AH uny Cur slock is fcmplele end 1 prrprre lo kirp ' it tip fo ll ejf plstdarrl, (hall add all the new novelties as faatss they are in the market. Would call especial uttnntion to the following lines Dress Goods,Pliislies,Velvcls,Mosiery Jersies, dents' Furnishing Goods, Blankets. Hoots and Shoes. AllIai-k is a tborougb'iutprctirin of slock. PRODUCE TAKENIJN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. Mailorders promptly attended to. W.J. READ, FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Aldon's publications, which w sail at publisher's prices with (tosUgeadJsd. ALBANY, OKF.tlON. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST, ALBANY OREC Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lot ?lantd.ind;attndd to Fine HORSEi We have just brought from i ite Oregon, a lot of fine woik horses fci we will sell on terms to suit the time Amnnjj thmn areuma promising youu 'iriveis trotii UrrVco, Mason Chief aa Edward Everett. Also Soma choio heavy n ares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look Item over. We will take pleasure in sh.'W- to all intending purchasers. BsfssW j c.M.laSf M 1 TO ft DATS. V CI vriMirbrta lUnueUaUMlOii V fSniHnnatl Wm T i wiiuwi. Tallman, Or. I Big o hasffiven HDlva. I sal sallslactlon la tho I cure of OoDorrhcea and Gleet. I prescrlba lluvl feel safe In recommend In. it to all sufferers. A J. 8T0SKB, B.D., Doeator, III. TRICE, Sl.OO. Fnhar at latei, Wholesale Agf nls. JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer 01 Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AMD KEY WEST . fa-. CALIFORNIA AND 1?a0PiaAL ?flUir 8,