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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1888)
Daily Democrat. ".'ASIIIXUTON. Frm our retiular corroijiomJent. Washington', Noy. j6th, iSSS. Mr. Clevelard and all the members uf his Cabinet have gone into temporary se clusion in order to prepare their annual re ports for Congress, These reports aill differ from those usually made inasmuch as they will give a general resume of the Democratic administration of the affairs of each of the Goycrnmcntal Departments for four years. Copies of these reports and of the President's coming message based thereon should be carefully read by every Democrat in the country. The President has taken a hand in the dispute between Senator Blackburn and Judge Kucker. He has no recollection of ever having seen Judge Rucker, and is po. sitive that he never any such language as Rucker ascribes to him. The weight of common sense is all on Mr. Cleveland's side in this matter. Docs any one suppose for a mo.nent, even allowing that Mr. Cleveland had doubts about the sincerity of Governor Hill's and Tammany Hall's sup port, which he never at any time had, nor has he now, that he would have given ex pression of those doubts to a perfect strang er, as Judge Rucker was,five days previous to the election ? Not at all. This disposes of the question at issue between Senator Blackburn and Judge Rucker and proves the latter to have been in the wrong, but it does not wipe out the hard things they have said about each other. It is said that a challenge has already been sent. Every body here is anxious to know what the out come will be. Both men are expected here shortly. Mr. Morton,the Vice-president-clcct,paid Washington an unexpected visit last week. He came ostensibly to look after his real estate investments here, but before leaving he held several conferences with prominent members of his party. Hon. Perry Belmont, recently appointed Minister to Spain, is here to receive his final instructions from the State Depart ment before going to his post. It hasbeen intimated that Mr. Blaine would attempt to prevent the confirmation of Mr. Bel raont's nomination by the Senate, in order lo be revenged upon thatgentleman for the clever manner in which he,as chairman of the House committee on foreign affairs,ex posed Mr. Blaine's manipulation of South American affairs during the Shepherd in vestigation some years ago. Perhaps Mr. Blaine would like very much to do so, but the fact must be remembered that there are quite a number of republican Senators who heartily dislike Mr. Blaine, and who would much rather do him an injury than a favor. Mr. Belmont is sure to be con firmed, whether Mr. Blaine tries to prevent it or not. Newspaper men here are pleased at the selection of Mr. Halford, editor of the In dianapolis Journal, for President-elect Har rison's private secretary. Mr. Halford will be fortunate if he succeedsin making him. self as popular as is Col. Lamont. One would think the republicans ought to be satisfied with the result of the recent election. But they are not. Quay and Dudley, In the language of the street,'want the earth and all therein." They will at tempt, through both state and federal courts to change the result in Virginia. Ben. Butler and ex-Senator Henderson are said to have advised this course. Littlo "Billy Mahone" is happy over this determination on the part of Quay and Dudley. It wilt prevent, for a time at least, his return to the obscurity which he so richly deserves, and he also hopes to make this case a peg upon which to hang his expectation of fu ture favors from the Harrison administra tion . There Is a new arrival at the house of Col.' Lamont. It is a girl, and has been named Francis Folsom In honor ot Mrs. Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland has some very good army berths to dispose of as soon as he gets a chance to decide who shall have them There are five appointments in the staff,all very desirable positions, also three cadets at-targe to send to West Point. It seems that every republican Congress man who arrives here has a candidate for Harrison's Cabinet, and will be mad if his man is not selected. A little figuring will show how many mad men there will be In Congress when the Cabinet Is announced. It is said here that Senator Sherman be lieves that Governor Alger, of Michigan, prevented his getting the republican nom inatlonfor president, and that he is determ incd that Alger shall not go into Harrison's Cabinet if he can prevent tt.and he thinks he can. Another republican Senator who Is not pleased with the outlook is Dan Cameron. Quay has served notice on him that he shall not be allowed to control the federal patronage in Pennsylvania. That is a lit tle job that Quay has reserved for himself. Senator Blair Is also worrying for fear Har rison will oppose his Educational bill. Look Here! We ar: closing out our stock of boots and shoes, and to show you that we mean wha we say quote you a few of our prices Ladies' best French kid button shoes at $4.35, regular price, $5.50, none better In town ; ladies' extra quality French kid, but ton, at $3 75, regular price, $5.00; ladies good French kid, button, at $3, regular price, $4; ladies' bright Dongola, Dutton,at $ 2 75, regular price, $3.50; ladies' bright Dongola, button, neat and good, $2, regu lar price $3; ladies' American kid, $2, reg ular price, $3; lailies' American kid, $1 .25, regular price, $2; child's oil grain button school shoes, from $1 to $1.20; a few pairs of ladies' rubbers, 30 cents to 40 cents; men s rubbers, 50 cents: also a large as sortment of men's boots. Come and see. Brown-ell & Stanaku. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fail to call at Will & Starks and examine their fine stock of oods,conc,isting of gold and silver watches, chains, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew elry generally. Also silver plated ware, clocks, etc. There are no more suitable presents in the market. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, December, 8th. GRAND CONCERT By the Celebrated Boston Quintette Club ! John F, Rhodes, Solo violin. Paul Mendo, violin. Oscar Hentsehel, solo flute and violin, Paul Stoevig, solo, viola and violin. Louis Blumenberg, solo violincello. Miss Anna Carpenter, prima dona so prano. Keservea seats II ; ceneral admission 75o ; Gallery, 50c, Reserved seats at Blackman's. Poors open at 7. Concert will begin ac 8:1a. Q m co O tj m z O w o d co c P co ,3 Pp o o w 9. O r- crj 2 CO G. L. BLACKMAN, Sucesser to E. W.Landon, dealer:in DRUGS, MEDICINES1 CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. Wanted. Four cood, reliable men to sell the Im proved Singer. Team and wagon lurn ished, Address, The Hinger M'fg Co. J. A. Abchibild, Agent, Albany, Or. CLOTHING ForFall and Winter FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: ..... t ... i l i. urnt w iintiHiiiillv lart'tt Mini comtiTfl-A "UUl--- P- 'odluadesfor Fall d,W.B.,r selected from the best Eastern and Foreign importations. 1 hd latest novel, ties in trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, some extra good values la white blankets, table liuens, toweis, etc. niBDSTS-Mv enlarged ftoilitios fjr showing MfieM ow enabled ,oe to make arVe purchases in this department. I can il.o a hue Una ot lORmn. ,t low prices, some choice pattern in Body Br.iM.Wud famines. I am nikking carpets a leading brunch ol iny business. - Muni-a t ii. linn nf ftnntR and Shoes in the citv Ji: best suited ,. Ihis trii and I can show a fine line of Roods. I keep in ntoc.1 the best makes in the , and have endeavored to get a line of low pine goods that I can guar antee to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Uubben tor men, wo men and children ca be found in this department. It la in fact a shoe store 01 USGlt. . . i -i.i: Unmnnii a full linn nf SUaniA GROCERIES 1 g'ving eneeia. -- r7'Z Faucy Groceries, uncolored ttas.roasteu aim gi.iu.iu ------ - latest specialties in breakfast gocds etc.can ,.11 be found in tins department. r fDu nnAa anA onnil v!nA for mone-v is rov aim. uiC neon guuu & - I would especially call the attention of pa -ties laying in thoir4FalI supplies to my large stock nf FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! 1 am betterjprepared than ever to meet their wants. In all de ' partments I am prepared to meet tb.a Growing Demands of Linn County -AT- AND THE- L. E. BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment, Pea Jackets-Chinchilla, Astrachan Full Line of Duck Suitings, ALL GRADES WOOLEN OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackets, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and. Mittens ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Last but not least . large stock of CLOTNING AND FURNISHINGS City of Albany, And ask a thorough inspection of my stock. Samuel E. Young. BARGAINS ! First-elass goods at bottom prioes is woat the nublio wants. These I bin atlmy store in this city. Boucht at Bankrunt galea I can snll mv atock of General Merchanise consisting ot dress goods, genta.furnishing goods, clothing, ate, AT COST. Cash or goods will bo paidjfor.all kinds of country produce. G W-SIMPS0N, Albany, Oregcs. A. J. ROSSITER.V. S. Graduate of Ontario Yeteriniry College, Is prepared to treat diseases of all do mestlo animals on cUmtlflo principle. Residence and office two doors east ol Opera Bouse, Albany. DR. G.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEIAD T haMhv Mfttfir that T.K T. V. WOW ha M0 TirifrTlil) horfc ISAAC HAY liiratn. I .flhinnn .Tnhn HarHmfttl. WAltMFtnn A II,.... . Cm saltlM. 0C lnarv marital n In Alhanv ani OOOD nrt-fliiinrilnt. anrl rMlriatlOA 00" 6th and Washington Sts. v n VetrinarT Surg