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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1888)
VOL. I. ALBANY OR., THURSDAY, DECEMBER G, 1888, NO 184 0VRUN3 TO CALIFOSNIA -.VIA-. Southern Pacific Company's Line, TUB HT. 811 1ST A MUTE. . Albany .nil F""". 85 hour. ' oxuroMU sirssas l.uns " !"d its North 10:45 AM 0:45 A u 7:110 ru - ,..m Piltr (excapt Sunday) . UMau ram"- . - Portland Arrive I S:4&FM 8:00 A M I Uv. P"" w I 11 ;35 A M iSn0.'-" .rrlv". KuX L..V. .00 A ;tu r i . -'". . i i..,a Albany l-Mra Arriv. Lnuaiwn ?i&r Uav. Albany lJOrH Arriv. Lanauon Arrive 0:30 A M Loave m jvrnve Leave I 2:40 r l 2:00 ri PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars r Acesmntiiiiv of Heconil-t'lass Pa sen ecr. Haclieil t Express Trains. TTest Side tVlvlslon.1 TRAIN DAILY (eX 30t Sunday.) 7:3') A X Leave Cortland 12.iv f M ( Arrive a-..rv una Arrive &.M r i Leave I 1 :1W i ixrasil tiaims OAiLY (exop. Sunday. 4-50 r H I Let ro Portland Arrive tf:UO A H U0 m I Ar.l-e McMinnvillo Lve 6.45 A u ktA'axnr iti'l CorvalKs connect with train! ol vreg tu Pau-iflo Kailrutd Throtuh ticket to all points s win .ana ea3l yia California. For full .nformitlrm rojrarding rates, mtps, etc., call on Company's Agent at Albany. B., r.. r. r.uwt,na, Mi tir A n't J. r. 1 1 . A YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Eailroai, gon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME (bin by ny oilier route. Vi..t.Maua r.hrmiLrh niiHMAtiirnr ami freight line from Portland and all points In Clio Willamette vauey to nan iroui nun Francisco, Ual. Willamotte Mm Lina of Steamers. Tho "Win. M. Hoair." The -'N. S, Bent- ey," Tbo "Three Slaters" are la service tor both passentror anil l'rnllit trallia be tween Corvallis and Portland sud inter mediate potuts, leaving Company'! wharf, Corrallis, and Messrs. Hulman it (Jo's wbari, Nos. zou ana 'JHi v rout at., ron land, three times a Wbek as follows : Noitru bound. Leave C .rvallw, Monlayj, Ve.inei lay. and Frl dyaats a. m. Alliiny, 0:3.1 a. m. Arrives at galein 3p.m. Ljavo 8ilemTuela, Tliuraday and balur- iliy attl a. in. Arrive at rortland aMil i. m. SolTU HOUND. Leave rVirt land M unlays, Voduotay. and Frid diytatOa. 111, Arrive at dulo. 11 at 7:16 p. in. Leave Sftieiu 1 ilemliiy, I nunway aim Saturday at u a, ni. Arrive at CurvalUa at 'i;i'J p, in, Boats make close connection at Alban ila trains of the Oregon PaclUu Kailroad TIMK 8IJ1IBDIJLS (except Sumlaya.) Lwv Albany, 1:00 r. H, ban Corvalha, 1:10 r, M. arrive Vaquina, 6:30 r. M. Leave Yaqutna, :46 A,M. Leavo (Jorvallut,10:& A.M. Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. s, I 0. ft C. trains conno3t at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Vaquina with the Oregon Development Company's bine of Steamships between Vaijuina and San Francisco. MAIblNU DATE!) . tieURRS, FROM HAM KKANCIHCO. FROM VAMUINA WilUmclte Valley, Tnura, Uoc. ih Wed. lcc. 1'Jlh Willamette Valley, .lion. Dec. 17th Moil. Dec 24th .illamette Vallev, Hull. Dm. SOUi. Tlia Company corves ihe ri(?ht to ebiUKe sailing dates without notice. N. 11. l'A4Hnxors from Portland and Willamette Valley points can mxke close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, and il des tined ui San Francisco should arrantro to arrive at Yaquina tho evonlnjr before Ute of sailing. 'Siwnjrr and I'lHuht Itnlra always mo B . Lowral. for Inl .niuUnn apply to 1) .1 Stuart, Freight anil Jiat A.ont, Albany, or to C II llull, Jr., O. I'. At Orujron Uevolopmont Co,, 104 !nt)foinery Sw rVanoiij ,, ci. C. . ll: il. t. IV. il. F. and P. Ar.vit, O.-ijii Pi:ilj It It Ci. Corvallit Revere House; ALBANY, CHAS. PFEIFFER . OREGON PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class style. Tables Jiipplied with the best In the market, nice sleaplng apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, TFrr Oara t. ami tv.aa the H itel.'V Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob di'3. 3?33ial bargains" H. UOI.DKN ItUI.F. IIAZAAIC has a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nlcs selection of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. New assortment all kinds of jewelry, REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. Also Spectacles, Clocks, etc, tc. C'uhIi (ioesa Long Ways at Julius UrailwoM' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 cts. 'i dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. dozen handled coffee cups an d sau cers, co cts. Yt dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goode are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are lor 30 days. Jt'Lius Gradwoiil. 0, K. I aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper HangersJ Piano Varnishing. All work guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor to Henry Rueaens.) FOR SALE. 20amal tracts an J .throe farm con oanv erini Some near town. II, Bdvint. Boots anij Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc I (wain's and see the ladies kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1 .50, former price $2.50 A ukmocrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap 6hoe for the former price. Clothing. A large and complete lin gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .v. Ii. Mclhvain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, which he win sell during the coming week for $2.50. For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Call at this office. How is your appetite ? Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billiouanoss ? Lr Henley's Dandelion Tooio works wonders. It mikes the weak and sickly strong, builds up tlis whole system and puts new life and engery in you. A splendid stock of library and hanging lampH just received at Wallace & Thomp- F0SH41 4 J4S01I, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. - '7iii.aatflifftaiJiii That learning which thou gcttest by thr own observation and experience is far be yond that which thou gettest by precepi as the knowledge of a traveler exceeds that which is got by reading, Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one, have ofttlmes no connection. Know, ledge dwells in heads replete with thoughts of other men; wisdom in minds attentive to their own. UOClOr lack: "HOW'S till. nn Ih sirir list?" Aigy: "Ya-as. Weally, I cawn'l stand this wild life! Thwee cirrawettes and a class a 0 . ot wine lawst nignt, and Had to get up thi morning Deiore 9. I mustweform. " If thou ncglecteth thy love to thy neigh bor, in vain thou professest thy love to God ; for by thy love to God, the love to thy neighbor is begotten, and by the love to thy neighbor,thy love to Gcd is nourish ed. Masqrekade Ball. At thconera house Friday evenine, Dec 21. under the man- agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy- anie Dan ot the season. Urawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the mn.rilli-'lrlprs nc woll nc nt nil ni-AeAn It yourare fond of sweet music come and listen A fine line of holiday eoods for oar crock try department and marked very low in price Wallace 4j TuoMrsojc 1 lmli'l t..ick i.f Plushl Goods, Toilet Cases, Al bums, Perfumeries, Books Etc., Etc., nor iiriss(id in tha Valley. WILL BROS, Doalors in allthe latnst Improvo I ."linos Organs, Sowing Machines, tiling Also a full line of warranto 1 Itazira, II iloimr ani 1-ookot Knivxs. Th bait kin I of sewing; machine oil, needles and xlr. for all machines. All repairing naatly and reasonably dono. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nndarslgne.l Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line In flrat-olass or, der and with promptnsis. Addrs4 P. O box 87 or call at ooraer of 9th and Maple tr eets, 1. N, Smitii. C3UNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Nititw is lierehv given that there are funds . TiL.-snpor'a .(linn nf T.inn O'-uiity, OtHtfon, to reduce all outstanding w.irrH:. interest on an wariaiiia frnni thifl Ante. Uitvd December 6tht 1SH8. H. Farwell, County Treasurer. New Wash House. Chinaman, who lived in this lown.for many years and was to well liked by every, hoily lia returned and will open up a new wash houae the first of September, one door south of the Revere House. Lee doesluood work and wants everybody to get fctheir washing ilono bv him SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS AT DE YOE &1ROBSO.M PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. FOR PILES. Itchniy lilc are known by mVisture lilts 'f."jsfir iuu. producing a yery disairroeable iu'h.nfr after inirwarm. This form as well as Blind. lileedlr-ir and protruding Pile), yield at once to the cpnlication of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, w.iich acts directly upon th pirts affected, absnrbin? the tumors, allaying the Intent itchintr and effecting a permanent cure, tfi cants. Audress The lr Itosanko SJ4.cine Co , Piqu O. bold by lr, C'ussand Son. We will sell you groceries cheaper than any store io town.. 15KOWSELL& bTANARD. .. DK. in his new discovery for Consumptioo, suc ceeded in producing a mediciue which ii ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous it is exceedingly plt-asant lo the taete. per fectly harmless and dees not sicken. In all oases of cases of Consumption. Coughs, Colds W hooping Conch, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains iu the Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr Bosankn's Cough and Lung Syrup in fold at 50 cents by Dr Uuiss & Sou. Try our mincjiii't in gUs. it. riae. vae c r i 1 1 i J. P. Wallace. Physician mid Surgeon, Al bany, Or 1889. Harper's Weekly. ILLXTSTEATED. ''Harper'j Weakly" hit a well-establliho-l placa as the lesvdinfr illustrated newspaper in Amri, Ths fatrcess of its editorial comments on current politics has earned (or It the respect and ednfldenco of all Im partial readers, and tho rcriety and excellence of its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the beit and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range oT tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense Is spare! to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bsar upon the Illustration of the changeful phaws of home and foreign history. A new work of Action from the pen of Willitwi Dean How. ells, and one by Capt Charles King, will be among the leading features of the Week1? for 1S&). nmn periodicals. Per Year . HARPEIf3 WJSKKLT 00 HAHFER-S MAGAZINE 4 fo HARPEirs BAZAR......... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG VEOPLK s 00 Postage free fa all subscribers in the Un itetl States, CaiHkla or Mexico . Tho volumes of tho Weakly bogln with the first Number for January of each year, Whon no time is mentioned subscriptions will hegln with the Num ber current at the t'.medf receipt of ordoi. Bound vol umos of "Harper's Weekly," for three years hack, In neat cloth bn liivr, will be - sent by mail, post-paid, or by express, free of experiF (pro vided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol ume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mal, postpaid, ok receipt of 91 each, Remittances should be made by Ptstotnjs Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy th!s advertisement without the expresi order of Hirner and Brothers. Address: HARPER and BROTHERS, New York, TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Morphine Fiend Death. Sax Fkan-cisco, Dec. g. About two weeks ago James Holey and two other young men were arrested in a back room on Clay street as being addicted to exces sive use of morphine. All three were in a terrible condition, their bodies being cov ered with sores from Injections of the drug. They were sent to the house of correction but Haley's condition becoming worse he was transferred to the city and county hos pital. He escaped from thsre, and was found to-day in the Chinese quarter, hob bling along iu search of a haunt where he could satisfy his craving for the drug. He was so for gone, however, that he fell to the ground, shortly after being discovered, and died soon after he was taken to the receiv ing hospital. Wants to Clnch the People. Chicago, Dec. 5 Now that the propos ed railroad trust has fallen through, it Is stated that a scheme is on foot to unite all roads west of Chicago under one manage ment.. bv the Iras. ,f n rAf P:i. 1 luiiivau syn dicate, the stockholders to be guaranteed c per cent. A Big Leap. Washington. Dec. e Tn- PhinAc. question, it seems, will again demand the, vi i.ui,rcs mm session. Kepre" sentative Morrow of California said las' night upward of 800 Chinamen had arrived at Victoria, B.C., since last August. It is hi belief that nearly all of this number have gradually woi'ked their wav across the frontier to the United States. At a meeting of the immigration committee this WAplf Mirmu- ..-111 .....a . 1-1- . . ,., ,KC uj.uii ills IC1IOW members the advisability of proceeding to Brillsh rnlmK! A !..L. 5.u u.h .iiu 111 vcaugituiig inC mattter from that standpoint. For a Life Saving Station. . Washington, Dec. 4, Among the bills introduced in the house to dav was one by Hermann, appropriating S 18.000 for th-. construction of a life-saving station and ugiu-nouse at the mouth of the Coquille river, Or. An Old 3!nn. Astoria. Or Dec. ludire T. W. Moffett died this morning at St. Marv's hospital, nged S3 years. The funeral will be from the hosnitnl nf I "Hi afternoon and the interment will be at Clatsop cemetarv. The funeral will be under the auspices of Temple. An Kasy Job. San Francisco, Dec. The stage from Mendocino to Ingrains, the terminus of the North Pacific Coast railroad, was stopped by a robber last night six miies north of Ingrams. The driver was compell ed to throw off the express-box and two mail sacks, which the highwayman secur ed and then allowed the stage" to proceed on its way. The loss is not known. Its Limit. Washington, Dec. 5. The river and harbor committee spent several honrs to. day in work on the details of the bill for the next fiscal year. Thsjcommittee has fix ed $io,oco,ocoaa the aggregate amount of appropriations to be carried by the bill. Danrlrnff is prohally one of the most dif ficult liers- of the Mialp to cure, but Du tnril's Spec itis never to n-moye it perm anently. Sireness after shaving is instant ly relieved by its us. For weak and delicate women nothing builds up the entire system more thoroughly and tfteotntlly than Oregon Kidney T.. Ii is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to the sex, is p'easant to tako and in eveiy 111 staaeo proviso! Ijreat value. Oregon Kid ney Tea is composed of herbs found in Ore gon, is pnt up iu noA tiu boxes, ai:d can l e prepared frekh hy simply steeping in hot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasaut to take and never fails to euro kidney or urinary troubles. Highland. Clackamas connty.Or., March 20. I have suffered with a disesse of the kid neysforCor7 years and for tho last, two months navt been lnid up with a pain in my bosk. A friend sent me a sample, of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, and hnvirg used it one week I can do a good day's work. I have derived more henetit Iromit than fromolltbe medicinra 1 have ever taken. J. Q. Kkwdill. C:TRE FUK NICK IIEtDACIIE. Dyo- want a romrilr for immune., Pimple, on ...v.w..... .. m ,, nur. .ir aiea neauacne, ask Dr. (luM and Hon. th. I)rii;.lau, for's LI v. Pill.. Irv a il.tM. umnu. f-. i ..e If you want a clean dnd fine amn'so ask for .1. Joeph'a home made white labor ciiiars Forssl- bv most cigar deahrs and at Joseph's factory. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & 30BS0N