Albaar Market. Wheat-75 OatH 25c Buttor-2S U per U. Kg-25c Hav-9.00. . . . Potoe-5 an o-r buliH'. Besf-on root.SV$ spies oBOt par bu. P" 1' jressel. BijiK-iia.lK'. h U Trl-li'"''1''' RHoa'-l-l ,r "; K I -ri. I . P tool "Nl'ifi. 1 1- J -n'lliiw..3. "cnor ' W . F. READ, FIRST ST ,, ALBANY. OREGON Conrad Meyer, STAR BAKERY, lOomer Broaflalbin ul& rirst Sts., Canned Frail, Glassware, Dried Frails, Tobacco, Sugar, Coflee. .. i u.. in irAnt. Ii a ten In hot everywmv.-..-- ral YarletyandBroesry store. HigueM market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. CauarA .lleaW, qaeenwref Vegetables! Cigars, Spices, Tea, Etc H J. Misrmoa. Fro. B. 8. Cook, S c. 8. Fianil. Vies " rri.Anr.fl.rnn I.sinsi Coiliuany 1UO JIViivu 1 - -, eauw. dvor.isin the W "'""j g,at. Employing v"!f AruTVaSi- and art Sox'i. nnsnjaDlCKlNSON, Manage!. PSD I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neodu't Bay that ; for a fglance at my i-'.zi and a look in my ey, and you plainly can nee there's no llioa upon me. 1 m a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. 1 smile and I laugh, I joke and I chiff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where roy happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what yon never oould guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar eured meat.makes you feel so content with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad d you couldn't get mad though a man just a thm as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread 0n yor toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if you, e pleasant or mean, just give W. & i- "w to Bell you right low, you will ieel U . iU.:il nf Ann tPntmPTlt Until VOU 11 BUGU uim w ; , to enjoy moreoi iu immense and you'll sense by buying ' visions and of W&T CSS The Leading Cash Drfjtods House ofMbany, wiHh vou were fat For the feeling's stow your good crockery "jy- o.M. H EN DERSONACO'SJ in Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. C. J, DILLON k C9 THE PLACE. 1A5-ON J. K. "V7EATHERF0BD, nrn-lDV PUBLIC.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, a-rriTf PRACTICE! IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE W Suui R SUl -tSntlon given W ooHection. and DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORINC, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNHullii. Special advantage to purchasers; of rustic flooring;, Factory at loot of Lyon Street, HOW, TO CO EAST. G Eirt vU XI mot Sha,ta Roate. Nice climaU and a lensry at all times of the.year. See Moont Shasta, Saoramonto, Oyieu, Salt ui . .nin.Liiku cars Lake, ujovor. - - , made are run amy. ut j- - - . and save yonr fare to I'ortlaDrt. I am the . j v ,1,., .n u vou a ticket from Albany direct to anv point in Aeot s. P. EedCrownMills IS05I, L-NNIXfl & CO., rilOPR'S kw procbw ruina superior fob famimes AHO BAKERS USE. SEST STORAGF FACILITIES trsn-ii nt. Vrina in Cash fo Wheat k 19. F. MERRILL, B ANKE K', ALBAHY, - - " OHEBOH. 8.11 .xi' on S. York. S.n FranclKO and .forU-nd. itimt depotiW. CoHMtlom wtl recelv prompt ttUntloD. .( frrnTn.u;lur.Ur.V.plaMiin rdUU. New and Second Hand Store rin to the inoreaaed demands ot our business we bave been compelled to move into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8. E, Young, wneri we will be pleased to soe our patrons. If yon need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit ars, tienks, books, roller skates, ddlM, Ws, pianos, etc and ibouna ou- foroolinduso a.tioles you c nH no lt.ii tis idl San rrauanco can do vUh u ou a purchase or eiehangs L. GU1TL1-BS 123 First Stroet, Albany, Or. By all meant sail on Parker Brothers, Successors to Ma Fox, 'or your Groceries, Produce, .Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their Roods are the best and their prices reasoimuio. First National Bank OF AB.N1, OREGON. President . Vice President .. Cashier Ass'lCoibter.... T.. FUKN ".I.... 8, E, YOU NO "'.TiV,-. if PHiMI(l'UI.AIN .JAS. F. POWELL FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE OOHJEUTIOKH. nr. n.Bn.i1 n AT. wholtt VO ttio mvin ji "J"' - -- " I Bale, always fresh and pure at Fortlsvd iue of fMs and TroDical Fruits, I CIGARS AND TOBACCO Our stcol- is ccrrpMe snd 1 r.vl l(ld all the new novelties as lasies j - - Would call Iciul attention to the following lines Dicss Goods,PlasUcs,Vclvcts,Uosiei7 Jcrsies, Ocnls' Furiiisiiing Goods, Blankets, Boots ami Shoes. AllJIaBk iB a thorougbjinspection of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN111H EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders promptly attendei to. W J. EEAD, Jos. Webber Annonncea to his patroni and friends that i I i-A in n.i. Bl,nn in thm Fn. I nS 19 DUW luwwu iu .. " - shay & Maaon Block and with able workmen . i, . t..nfi to ni cusLnmora L KB n'MHIUHUlB nrices as any other hop. A he has three ath-rjomi ma ning !1 bo.irj thire wil be wait', i ( t" nuni . TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking bmlneia. ACCOUNTS KEPT lubjert to .heck. .n.,,tfnw ,j t.lmnhii tnmpfor. fol LnT tnFrancTcafcaaO an Po,' Own- .,. ...-h1. lrm. COLuEiTllUB3 plRBcroaa. j K Torn,' Oso. E CBiamiai1 L K Blair, l- Fu, WlLlaaE Tuaaltu, Linn Vanty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Succnaon to Cowan A Ciulok.) ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking buaineal. CRtW 81(1111 DRArrSon New York. San Fran laco and Portland, Oragon. LOAN MONEY on appiored iocurltT. i. ... V. Iu. .a .hawk . jhm.itwuoiwiwwj. SVOM.ECTIOMS antnutoo to u will net n proma FOSHAY & MASON, n.n an aiun nrnirdstsand Booksellers. vy Ar.nts for John B. Alden's publications, rhich we sell at publisher's pnoea wiu Ml I ostag"u. ALBANY, OUKWUS. JOHN BRICCS, FLOEIST, ALBANY OREO Koses a Specialty. Cemetery loU planted and attended to fine Horses. We have just brought from j.i its n,.nnn a lot nf finfl WOtk frorSGS ' hi v.h..f . . no mill nnll on tortus to suit the time Amnnsi thpm are q,)mn Drouiisini! vouu rlrima trrmi Oneco. Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also some choio kin. rr rr. Anvonp wiubins to dui chase a horse will do well to look tkem over. We will take pleasure m shfw- to all intending purchasers. II Tallman, Or. Big bu given univer sal BAttttactfon In the cura of Gonorrhoea and Uleet. I prescribe It and feel mate In recommend Ing H to all B-fferen. A.J. RTOlfEB. I.Dh Deeatar, 111. PBICE. Sl.OO. Bold br Drarclfta, Fetkay A Mahii WHoleaale Ageata, JULIUSJOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars, AMD DEALER IN Ft TO ft DAT8.V M ro-n-tMd aoi n I eaaaiBirteiate. El rcr-MiTty-M IU Ihm (ualtl Oa v r ; a tm Wj Tn FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CiRa:,FlugannSniokiiift Tobaccos, Meersohauui and Brr Plpes,and " . llneofSmoksrs' Artsles, Also dealer " OALTFORNIA AND TaOPIOA.Ii JilUir S.