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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1888)
Daily Dcmocra f edneslay Evaning.DBcembBr 5,1888 )TM UTTWU. Editors and Publishers. rubllshed eery cUy In tlu.wrek. Sundays excepted.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Delivered by csrior per woek .. .IS Ky mail, r yf by wul, ietmau'M M..mM. Ml RATES FOR WEEKLY : 0eyor, Inadranoe ... Ooeyer,t end at your -,50 Six months, i advance 00 Entered at tbe Pjst 0:11 :o at Albany, Or an seoond-cla.'W) mall matter. LOCAL RECORD. A.v Explanation. Two or three days ago we mentioned the (act that a Philadel phia gas man was In tiie city and that wa. ter gas could be Introduced for $i.-'S thousand feet. We are now informed that the gas man is not a gas man at all, but an electric light man and is quite inimical to gas generally. This water gas, too, is not even a settled fact in the East, and it will probably be a great many years before it will be introduced on the Coast. The es tablishment of a bi plant like this in the city Is an Important matter, and it will be well to investigate the fact whether cities ever obtain such franchises without giving exclusive privileges. A prominent Port land man says that city is ten years behind time by being close in such matters. Some one else says Portland people want to kick themselves for having granted an exclusive franchise to a gas company ; but we are informed that East Portland, just across the river has just done it for fifty years. An other thing. One man savs with a $4 limit the price of gas would" be kept up ; another gentleman says it would not at all; but would be regulated entirely by the general price in the cities of the State. So the thing will be seen to be mixed up some. The Democrat has only the good of the city at heart and simply gives the present aspect of the matter. Ills Will. The will of the late W. R. Cannon has just been probated. Mr. Can non left property valued at about $5000. He left his property, real and personal, to his wife, Mrs. Jos. Tyler and Mrs. S. G Dor ris, in three equal shares, Mrs. Cannon, though, receiving only a life Interest in the home residence near the Democrat office. His gold watch was bequeathed to his grand ion, Albert Dorris. Mrs. Belle Tyler was made executrix of the estate. The will was made on Sept. 17, 1888. From Lyonsvillk. Mr. Ilenrv I.vnn. of Lyonsvllle, the new town which he has just established this side of the Mehama bridge on the Oregon Pacific, was In the city yesterday. He infoimed us that he had already sold twenty-one lots In Lyonsvllle, all of the purchasers of which declare their intention of building at an early date, so that the prospect of quite a thriving village there Is good. Work on the road Is being pushed, and Mr Lyons thinks Breltenbush Will h rmnU-A .1.1- it-ancu whs wiiucr. Loose Latciistrings Those of hos- plubie people who believe there is a social lide to one's nature. Those of merchants who tell the public through the papers to call on them. Those of the minister when the young man calls with a marriage fee ; those of the miser only when the debtor "lis to liquidate. There are several In Al bany, Those of any gate when an Albany cow attacks it. NOW FOR T 1 1 V PnT f li, - - " " ' . ILJV, I V. HIG Informed that two petitions are now In cir culation in this city for appointment as postmaster. One asks for the appointment of Mr. C. W. Watts to begin as soon as the Mange can be made after the inauguration Harrison. The other petition asks for w appointment of Mr. Krank L. Kenton whenever a vacancy shall occur. We un Mritand Mr. Kenton and his friends do not want any change until Mr, Thompson crves his term out. Christmas Coming While hunting for holiday presents do not fall to call at Will Starks and examine their fine stock of 8ods,consistingof gold and silver watches, "wins, fobs, earrings, breastpins and jew- 7 generally. Also silver plated ware, Clocks, etc. Th ... i.i. Patents in the market. Drsss Shoes A Rnr, inh int i m.v 'hoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7., best he city, at G W Simpson's. They "ge in price for from to $ Jbout half of the regular price. No such wgains anywhere. Want. Vnur k..o. .i .i "ill pay you either cash or trade for It. UROWNELL & STANARD. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE The City Charter, A special meet ing of the city council was held last even ing to consider proposed amendments to the city charter, preparatory to the pre sentation of the same to the next state leg islature. They will be reported by the committee to the next meeting of the coun cil. The amendments proposed proyide for the extension of the city limits so that they will take In Hackleman's third addi tion, running beyond Hub liryants proper ty, through the Ilackleman property to the road In front of the Nickerson farm, thence west to the present city limits. Providing for the increase of the limit of indebted ness from $iOOO to $5000 and the leving of a tax not exceeding 8 mills, now 5 mills. Providing for the punishment for the use of obscene, abusive and profane language. Providing for the restraining of cattle, mules, jacks, etc. from running at large. Giving the city power to buy land for a public park. Providing for taking up teams left standing a certain length of time, and for prevention of cruelty to animals. Providing for connection with main sewers when within three blocks, now two, so far as practicable. "Providing for power of council to revoke licenses on party being found guilty. These amendments will be seen to be in keeping with the growing condition of the city, and are all reasonable to the extent of the change proposed. IIakrisiiurg's Election. About a year ago the saloon license, at Harrisburg was raised to $1000. .It proved a local op tion measure. The saloons stopped ; but the drug stores kept running. As a result, though, during the last year it has not cost a cent to run the city. There have been no drunks and the Marshal has had nothing to do. But the sidewalks have become dilap idated and prominent citizens refuse to consent to the levying of a tax, and as a re sult there lias been a slight reaction. Mon day at the city election the Issue In th e choice of the Councilmen was low or high license. The low license ticket was elect ed as follows : Dr W F Mendenall, John Bennett, Theo. Roach, Win, Roach, Jas, Sabin and J L Fuller. The remainder of those elected were J P Schooling, Mayor j L Douglas, Marshal, and Geo lsom, Re corder, there being no Issue except as to the councilmen. As a result two saloonswlll Immediately be opened in the city and a revenue of $600 he raised. That Is the way the matter stands at Harrisburg. The Marshal will now have business, and the Recorder's Court will be opened. Those Two Chinamen. Deputy Sher iff John T. Ward, of Portland, arrived In the city last night and this morning took the two Celestials arrested by Deputy Sheriff Smith to Portland. When arrest ed the Chinamen claimed that they had gotten on at Salem ; but the conductor of the freight train said they boarded the train at the car shops in a suspicious wav. After they were taken out of the caboose I two revolvers were found that thev had ( concealed. Mr. Ward says they are the j Chinamen wanted and were mixed up in uic muruer. iney naa $100 on their per- uiis lugcuicr. Fatherless. No institution In Oregon has quite as much fun poked at It as the Narrow Guage railroad. The following Is from an Astoria paper: "They've got a little fatherless and motherless concern up the country called a railroad. It Is a nar row gauge, and trips that they undertake are attended with misfortune; when the cars don't upset or jump the track they get through with about as muck certainty and promptness as does the mail to this city, brought down on the "Black Mariah." At Salem. This comedy was rendered at the opera house last evening to a fair sized audience, which was highly amused from the opening through the whole per formance There is not much plot to the comedy, but the troupe is admirably made for the manufacture of fun. Miss Bonstelle is an excellent actress, her natural naivete captivating the crowd In every scene. Mills and Scott also do some fine work. States- Foot Prints. A traveling man stopped In town a day or two this week, and done up the windows of several of our business houses in grand style, painting them In colors. Grant's Pass Courier. Such a man was here a few months age and paint ed the town red in more ways than one Lafayette Remitter. He also left his Cheap John but flaming marks in Albany recent- )y' - Died. Mr, Bardwell, father of A. Bard well, died at the home of his son last Satur day at the adyanced age of 89 years, and was burled on Monday. Mr. Bardwell came to Linn county with his wife in 1877 from Iowa, and was'quite a remarkable old gentleman. Go To-Night On account of a lack of time to prepare the stage the matinee was not given at the Opera House this after noon, but the stage will rise to night on time. Go and see the most laughable busi ness ever in Albany. A tenbach having STOCK of Gen Call early before the stockjis bro HOME AND ABROAD Holiday goods at Frenoh's. Oregon City's new bridge is finished. IturgaiM in silverware at French'a. Circuit court is in session at Dallas this week, A'',n, P'lral'ty in Washington Territory is 7.171. lw prices prevail at '-The Corner Jewel ry Store." A cap social was given by the W R C last night. The best ooufoctiouary in the city at Fran ois Pfeilfor's Corvallis is totaye a big military ball on Christmas eve. Work has been entirely suspended in the Santiam mines. Oold and silver watches. Big bargains in them at French's. The grand jury of Clackamas county say that county is $u5,000 in debt. Tho largest stock of nnts and candies in the Valley at F H Wether's. A full I ine of Christmas candies and nuts will be kept by Brewneli & Stanard. Kvery Chinaman is said to carry a revolv er, a watch and a police whistle. Two Salem young men will open a skating rink in the armory to-morrow evening. A line stock of artists materials at Dr Guiss & Son's. No better in the Valley. "Chip O' Old Block" is undoubtedly tbe funniest and most laughable comedy that his over been in Albany. Finest display of Christmas presents in the city, is to bo found at French's "The Corner Jewelry Store.1' Price low. The best comedy company traveling will be here on Wednesday afternoon and evening Dec 5, Cive them a good house. Making a specialty of candies, nuts, etc Francis Pfeiffer can do better than anywhere else. Remember this in getting your holiday confectionary. Mr W W MoGee. of Sweet Home, is in the city. Trayel, he says, continues over the mountain wagon road, oa which there is now no snow. Why is it that when you hear a person on crutches, particularly a youth, coming into your front door, you instinotiyely look for a request for money. On Saturday evening Deo IS, McPherson Post assisted by the W H C will present the drama "The Confederate Spy." A strong east is said to have been made for the play . A very fine thing is the New Mikado Si phon oil can, for sale by Conn Bros. All yon haye to do is pump and the oil comes, and a amp is as easily emptied if desired. Noth like it. Minneapolis is crowins because Brad. street's records show that oyer 125 different articles are manufactured in that city, while ouiymcy cuuerent articles are manufactured lnstfaul. The citizens of Albany and vicinitv are in vited to call at F. M. Frenoh's, "The Corner Jewelry Store" and sea his stock of Christ mas presents, and examine prices, which will be found very low. The wife of Mr Bardwell, whose death is mentioned elsewhere, who rtmemitApA hArhn.. band two or three years, onoe sat on the knee of George Washington, and the incident is one tne tamiiy very justly refers to with pride. An exchange says that some merchants would like to advertise their goods if it did not cost anything. This has become an ad vertising age, and the belief is rapidly ex tending that liberal advertisers get more trade, and, hence, can sell cheaper than anoh as do not advertise. Some of the shrewdest business men advertise most when trade seems to oe gettlog dullest. Scio Election. The eleotion at Scio Monday was very exoiting. Issue High or Low license. Hon Wm Cyrus, high license was eleoted Mayor over Al Johnson by 1. E Goin and H Shelton, low license, were elect ed to the Council, and Jack Bilyen, low li- vbubv, uiarsnai. Carpets. Cheaper than vou can buv them In Prf land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet tor 00 cents ; a heavy three ply car net for ne Cnte inH furn nlv ramm 1 1 j " " f ' J jjv. 1 o nuiii An rent. In rn pnti facd: - nHA 11 T D wn. -. laijc IIUC of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. n.. a. MC1LWAIN Hotel Arrivals, Revere House. A N Watson, Port land: L C Fisher. I Mevers. Mehama: A S Cahan.SF; T McCartney, Mill City; A D Saunders, W T; F M Reld; F Donald: SKalne;J A Lambersen, D Hart, Leb anon ; R L Scott, II Mills, Miss Jessie Bon stelle and eight others, members "Chip O' Old Block." St Charles. R M Bush and wife.Leb- anon ; J B Sayson, Wheatland ; A H Black, Portland ; E S Jacobs, Ashland ; II Frank lin, Ed Wolf.Rock Creek ; T FMarsh.New nort : W W Parrlsh.Sodavllle ; J J Searle ; Mr Fuller and wife, Harrisburg. Russ House. T A Wilson, Aspen.Col j D Fraser ; A T Perkins : W H Rue : A Carter ; L T Thatcher, Naperville, III ; H franklin ; H f wooley ; u M Johnson j L P Haley : W Owen : P T FItzpatrick 1 seventeen Italian railroad men : T Levis ; W J (Jompton, Woodale ; J K Kirkpatrick, Lebanon ; Mrs Patterson ; W B Fisher, Corvallis ; A R Gaines. For land made harness go to E. L. Power, GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. Around and About Tangent. Miss AIMe Parkinson has gone to Iowa to spend the winter, where it is cold en ough to freeze the love of any one in love. A W. Moses has accepted a position as assistant teacher at the Klamath reserva tlon and has started on his mission. Mr. McM..M 1. -i ... . Tangent. 1 ,lore m tion B' Jc,ll"''flne residence Is nearcomple- The public school at this place is full and overllnu In,, .,1. s. , , . u mai it requires an assistant teacher. Mace is gone for a time Indefinite and Irixie weeps. Mr. A. Barnes has knl,, M r. , , . tink H line iiwrsc and nnmrv nn.l T i, t ' osi" i. u. is nappy, 1 Some curinna lKIn. n-.i-. . I 1- . 7 1 urucs going 10 law, not knowing how they are going to 1 comeout. Country merchants when asked ! 10 suDscrlbe for a home paper rep'y, "Oh I want to take one from the metropolis, or I am taking one from there." Young men speaking of their father as the old man or my old man. Men swearing, as no man .. mm aswearing constitution. AnV Person !ninr am tU. ...u 111.. . 1 . & " it-J VVUUIU 11KC IO DC done by. Any man that would marry anv woman hat he would see visiting any of these hell dens, called saloons. P. W. Ryan has some fine second growth tobacco in full bloom, five feet high? T. T. Beard h.ia m!iiUenmAi . - - """wiiiiiuuiuy-cilicill- In the P. O. at this place. Mrs. P. A. Moses returned the first of the week from an irn.i.,i ...i.u 1 son, who lives in Aisea VaUey, Benton Co. MASqRERADEBALI At the oners. hnt Friday evening, Dec 21, under the man- agement ot W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford & Lit tler will make a flash light picture of the masqueraders as well as of all present. If yourare fond of sweet music come and listen iu vuiwioru s orcnestra. Tickets, $1.50. Superior. That is the name of the Stove at G. W. Smith's ntla.,ln M..u attention. It is a splendid cook stove. Monteith & Seitenbaoh's great closing sale will enable all tn hnV ftnv lina .f nnnrl. f..llH 50 per cent, less than any other store in the iiicy. KEEP POSTED "r-'t, 75 cnts. New fall goods at Read's. See those new jersiea at W. F. Read's. New ribboa all shades and styles at Read's Afu II line of boys kilt suits at W. F Read's. Fine line of bread kneading pans at G W S.nith's. A nnt.iT lnf i,f ITntl -4 n ,1 e -, m xiruwueil ot Stanard s. A large stock of lifting force pumps at G W Smith's. Goods at cost at M. J. Monteith's, at the old Young store. Go to A. B. Moll wain's and ask to see muse eo suits ior men. In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry good '.V. F. Read is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read . Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Thos. Jones. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at the old Young store. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A complete line of heating and parlor stove at Is W Smith's, no better 10 the valley. The ch-apest place to buy men's under, wear in tio state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken tons are very nice. Try them. Only 50 cents per gallon. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and see for yourself. 3 All the latest novelties in millinery goods at E and C Howard',. Call and seS them. No trouble to show goods. G W Smith s is a large one. These are among the best cook atnvp mul. c .1 uov buem. Dr. f JT mil. -1 am. V, -, pujrnniiao ana surgeon Albany, Oregon. Calls made in city or country, ' Goods not Bald fn las. 41 L 1 .. - WBt( goons not given away. But good honest goods sold at reasonable profitat W. F. Raacfs. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockarv. fan ,1- j f?i r . . v l . J "ulA miyer ware, or which he carries a large and select stock His Sliver WArn i. 1 U I T T n . . . . - xtroa, nis a Oct of crockery is the best in the market and bis line of dolls and children's play things gener all, 'is complete. Hi. prices are the lowest on the coast. Shoes, Shoes. S HOES. Tn this HnA w have always shown the very best goods to be found In the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment as they must go. Call and see for yourself. Monteith & Seitenbach. Wanted. A respectable family desire to take three boarders. Good lodging furnished if desired. Inquire at this office. Winter wrann Am n( j .- great sale. This will be the greatest opport unity ever offered to buy a stylish wrap at. l""w. Monteith & Seitenbach, All kinds nf wnnlan lr-.D. -M J. rr . Kwuvaro Pcr cent cheaner tlian thv mr. - r stock is all fresh, consequently we can cive vprv lniv n.:n.. "" "W;'F. Keab. . F. L. fiSM ; vv. : -DEALER IN- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. All goods sold at the lowest cash prices I and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions received for all the leading j NEWSPAPERS AND MA - NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.IOR. SALE. ut their Albany businesso ff r for sale without reserve at COST