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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1888)
Urnww fcfl.1T w sir rod VOL. I. ALBANY OR., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1888. OVFflLAM TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Line. tub nr. ls.Ta ROHM. o HB baLW'"" Alliaiy ani HrcTjMJ! oulnuu .xrssaa uim " It Pays. What ? Why, to get your groceries canned goods, etc., at the Wil lamette Packing Lo (tore. 1 heir stock ot home canned goods, consisting of pears, peaches, cherries, etc., vegetables, chow chow and plckles,ls the best in the market, They have a splendid line of holiday goods, such as fancy groceries, nuts, candles, etc., and their prices are remarkably reasonable. Call at this store for good goods and bar gains. MS?--, tell TEE1 Arrive Kan ITaiiclseo Leave North 10:46 AH 0:45 A a 7:00 m ' ... ...... uilt ieioept Sunday). iSK.'." iSR. "" '". A fine line of holiday soods for our orock try department and marked very low in price WALLACE of XIIOHIWIH -JT.ui TEAISSKAI". .IC.WSUS.AT. 8:20 r it u:oUra 12:60 M 1:30 m J:i f Kit: J!,. Albany .,rn. Mini Arrive Lebanon Leave s:uu r . PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars ..itwianXi" ol Demd-CUa Pawseu Rers, attached to Express Trains. West alilesVlvlsloa.i BETWKSV POKTIAJIO A COttVALUH. TRAl. BAUT (ex :opt Sunday,) J-SO 1 s I Leave r a I Arrive Portland Curvallis Arrive tt:2U r i Leave law l ,im txaiss daily (oxcjpt Sunday. I La re Portland Arrive :l)0 A a iw ' ! I Ar 1-e McMluuville Leave I 6..6 A At A'.eany wl Corvallia connect with trains ot Orejpn Pacini, Kallroad Through Ucketi to all points south nd east via California. For lull Inforeiation ro,rArding rates, maps, etc, eall on Company's Agent at Albany. B. KOKilLKlt, fc. P; ROGERS, lUnjr tU. aal f. ' ViE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Raiiroadj uon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 lUllS SHORTEN 20 HOURS LESS TIME than bv anv other route. wTii . 1 -. ... ihnwinh nauiuilH.Dr and freight line from Portland and all points In tha Willamette Valley to anil from San Francisco, Cat. - Willamette River Lino of Steamers. rri. .U7. T FTnoir V T)iA N. S. Rflnt er," The "Three SisLers" are la service for both passenger and froiKUt trallio be tweeu Corvallis and Portland nd tuter- . 1 1 a t .. t n luntnar rnmnanv'l' wharf. a-. 11..: I Vf.oui- i-1 i I man Ar. IVi' wharf, Nos. 200 and H02 Front St., Port- lauu, nroo uuiua NORM BOUND. ""1" 111 . l l-..a Wat. ...... onil FH div at H t. in. A1bny, U:) a, m. Arrives t 81 em " 3 s u I r..-.t... Tlnira.Uu ami Hatlir. 9p.m. lr)T" oaiBiu sutwuai, ---j Uay HU , Aiu,v l- HUUTU HOUND. I.MVN P.irtlaml M mdavri. WeUiiMl&vi and Frid 0ay at U ft. m. Arrive at Sa1o.ii at 7:16 p. m. Leave Bait)!!! lUUSUlay, aliurnuaj siuu - Arrive at Corvaim at p, m. UoaLs ma lift cloao connection at A. ban with trains of the Urogon Paclilo Hail road H. has a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nice selectien of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC, Gold Headed Canes. Now assortment all kinds or jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. Also Spectacles, Clocks, etc., i-tn. TIMK SJimPULK. (eieept Sundays.) Letr. Albany, 1:00 r. a, Leave Corvallirt, 1: 13 r, M . Arrive Yaquiua, bsi) r. a. Leave Yaqutna, e:4S AtK. Leave Corvallis,10:35 A.M. Arrive Albany, 11:10 a. a, I O. St. O. trains oonneot at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Uteamships between Yaquina and San Francisco. SAILING DATES . SIKAMKM. raOM BAM fKASCIHOO. FROM YA41UIMA Willamette Valley, Thurs, Doc. 0th Wed. Doc. 12th Willamette Valley, Mon. Dec. 17tll Mon. Dec 21th rVillamelte Valloy, sun. Uc j. SOIb. The Company '.rves tlio Hxht to Change sailing dates without notice. N. D. PaaHongers from . Por.liuo! and Willamotte Valloy points can maki, close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, and if dos tlned to San Kranoisoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before ate of sailing. llusenKer and FiHgUt Bales altrays iu Liiwrst. For Information apply to C J Stuart, Frel)rht and Ticket Aent, Alliauv, or to C 11 tUia'cll, Jr., U. F. A P. Ak'. Oregon Ocvelopuieiit Ho,, H04 Montgomery Ban p'rajciaoi, Oal, . C. HIIUIIU, U. il. r. and P. Aetit, Orjriu Pajilj K ROo. Oorvalli. Revere House; ALBANY, . OREGON' CIIAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class style. Tables stippllod with the beat In the market. Nice sloaplng apartments, Sample rooms or commercial travelers, tTVrte C-Miiri t. anil lm the Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob saa'a. 3D33il bargain i liOLOEN KUliE BAZAAIL Cash Goes a Long Ways at Jalla Uradwoli 1' I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories In Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 .. . i dozen unhamlieuconee cups ana sau. cers, 45 cts. 2 dozen handled cottee cups an a sau cers, 50 cts. ii dozen seven Inch dinner piaies, 45 cts. These goods are all Ironstone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are for 30 days, Julius Gradwohl. Boots add Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. Clothing A large and complete 11 n gents clothing and furnishing goods at v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell during the coming week for $2.50. For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Call at this office. How is your appetite ! Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are yon subject to billiousneBS ? Dr Henley's Dandelion Tonic works wonders. It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds np the whole system and puts now life and engeryin you. A splendid stock of library and hanging lamps just i.iWaceiS: T.iim). F0SH4? & mm, Holiday Goods. Santa Claus Headquarters. a tirlondid (took of Plush Goods, Toilet Cases, Al bums, Perfumeries, Books, Etc., Etc., tiaa,uaTti nor hiir(i4:l io ths Valley. 1 uu.tiiu tk v,tv KSZMSJ3WKBtBKM New Wash House. Leo Chinaman, who lived in llii to u,for many years and wus so wall liLetl liv every, body has returned and will optm u a new wash house the first of September, one ilmir south of the Revere House. Le dm-n md work and wants everybody to gut their washing done by him. TUB PUESI DENTS MESSAGE. Congress met last Monday when Presi dent Cleveland sent In his message. It is an able document. Its ringing words on the tariff question arc proof In themselves that their author is a brave, courageous! conscienctuus man. The plea in behalf of such legislation on that subject as will in sure to the benefit of those least prepared to bear the burden of taxation shows that whether in power or out of power he will stand in the fore front of the coming con test between the labor and agricultural people on the one side and the combined forces of protected monopolies and trusts on the other. No man in all this land has so endeared himself to those who believe that trusts and combines should be con trolled by the will of the honest masses, crystalized into law, than has Grover Cleve land, and the time is not for distant when a large majority of the people will do him ample justice for his disinterested, manly course. That the tariff question was set tled by the late election are simply words of folly and nonsense. Such a vital ques tion is never settled until it is settled right ly The contest will not cease, It can not cease until justice Is done to an overbur dencd people. Taking this view of It the president says: "The existing evils and in justices should be honestly recognized, bold ly met and effectively remedied. There should be no cessation of the struggle un til a plan is perfected, fair and conservative toward existing industries, but which will reduce the cost to consumers of the neces saries of life while it provides for ourman- ufacturers the advantage of freer raw materials, and permits no injury to the in terests of American labor. The cause for whichthe battle is waged is comprised with in lines clearly and distinctly defined. It is the peopl's cause." These are the man ly words of a bold consciencious leader. WILL BROS, Dftainrs in all the latest Improved Pianos Orients'. Sswlns; Machines, Guns. Also . inn 1 '.m ..f wiarraiitfld Kazors. Butcher and r orsket Kniyss. The bert kind of s.miui; machine oil, needles anil axtras, fur all inaonines. ah repairing uu; and rva9uably dona. . ri.itfcer than lh Chutist y, ramie BusisciS aT M 'M aT I -T-. Si , COLLEGE. Portland, Oreir'i. .... r-..r. .miiii.i.mi... 1. . ..1 ininariioit. .stiiti- ll.lied renut.iliiMl.liriKir :J tniMlLriiy. aWnj Uhorlliuii, Common tohnolavtl Puimwsnlp Deprtt m.t. HtudMiis iiitr.iiitiMl at any lime. ( nts liiltie anil suorlini-iiS of linrrnaii.Mnji'nt free, j . . w"rn rW. a fr TltnvrailNn. PH.. SUPERIOR LINES OF ..AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ATI DE YOE tVROBSON CARPENTER AND JOINER. Th nndrsltrnad Is nrenred to do fall kinds nf work la bis line la flrst-olans or, d.r and with nramotnea. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9lh and Maple treets, 1. IN, BHTTK, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. According to previous announcement many of the citizens of Tangent and vicin ity and several friends from a distance met in the church house in this place last Fri day afternoon to consider the feasibility of locating and building at this point a Dis trict High School for the Willamette Dis trict. As best we could gather from the speakers, it is the custom of the church to build in each Presiding Elder's District in each Conference a High school both to furnish local opportunities for advanced education and also to prepare those who may desire to enter College classes for ulti mate graduation. This is one of several they intend building in the State as pre paratories to their College at Corvallis. We hope they may succeed as such schools are much needed at many points In the State. The meeting was addressed by quite a number and the suDject ot nigner educa toin full v ventilated and a committee was appointed to select location and solicit sub scriptions, ine trienos ot worvains Agri cultural College seem to express no sur prise or joy at the decision of the Supreme Court of which Judge Bean's decision was set aside. Ax Observer. POit I'H.ES. ItchtuK Pits' are known by nnU'.ure like y,-wplr ion producing a very disagreeable itching alter Injr warm. This form as well a Ulind, bleedirg and K-otruilinsr Piles, yield at once to the application of r. Bosanko'e Pile remedy, w.iich act. directly upon thr ptrt affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the lntenM itching and etfectlnir a permanent cure. 50 cents. Address Tiie ur ttmauao ywiicine t;o , riqu U. bold by Dr. G'tias and Hon. NO 183 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Salt Decided. New York, Dec. 4. The injunction suit of the Oregon & Transcontinental Company against the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company was decided to-day in favor of plaintiffs. By this decision the latter company Is prohibited from building branch lines,as well as using money in the hands of the Trust company ,or the proceeds of the Oregon Railway & Navigation com pany's consolidated mortgage bondsdn the construction of the branches in question. Free Hail Delivery. Wasiiikgtos, Dec. 4. The postmaster general has ordered the establishment of free delivery at Spokane Falls, W. T., and Walla Walla, W. T. Traasfcrreil. San Fraxcisco, Dec. 4 Herbert F, Beecher, special agent of the treasury, has been transferred from Port Townsend to the San Francisco district, vice Agent Moore, who is promoted to the charge of the Detroit district. Beecher attended to his duties yesterday. New States. Washington, Dec. 4. The democrats in the house propose to make the admission of the territories Into the Union their first care at this session. Cox. chairman of the democratic caucus, will call a caucus some time this week, probably Wednesday or Thursday, to arrange the order of bnsfness. Mr. Sringerwill argue that all the territor ies be admitted at once, according to the provisions of a bill which he reported from .the committee on terrritories last winter. This bill admits the whole of Dakota as one state. There are some democrats of whom Mr. Cox is one, who favor the divi sion of the territory, the admission of South Dakota and the organization of North Cakota as a territory. A Majority Should Itule. Washington, Dec. 4. Representative Stone of Kentucky to-day introduced a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, providing that the president and vice-president shall be chosen every fourth year by direct yotes of the people. One section of the bill forbids the holding of any local or state elections, except for members of congress, on the day set apart for the election of president and vice-president. Elections for president and vice-president are to qe held on the first Tuesday in November. A Ni'W."paper Scheme. Walla Walla, Dec. 4. The East Ore. gonian a newspaper printed at Pendleton, wdl shortly issue a Walla Walla edition, having a local editor here who will tele graph local news over daily, It is proposed to deliver the paper with full telegraphic service here at 4 A. M. West Virginia. ,, Charleston, Dec. 4. Leading demo crats have practically conceded that the re count shows an apparant plurality forGoff for governor, but nave fully decided to contest the election before the legislature, however, on a claim of fraud. We will tell 1 oa groceries cheaper than any store in town. BROWHELL C oTANARD. DR. BO-NAN-KO in his new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine which 11 ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous, It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In all cases of cases of Consumption. Couchs.Colris Whoopina Cnnuh, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pates in the Chest, it has civen universal satisfaction. Dr Bosankn's Cough ami Lung Syrup is sold at oU cents by Ur uuiss & bun, Try our mincam'at in U.s. hi Han. Wak ' C i 1 1 1 1 CURE FO It SICK HE4.DACHE. Do you want a remedy for B'llouimeM, Pimples on tne race, a-iu a sure cur. lor sick neauacne, ana ur, Qu and Son, the Druggist, for Dr. Gebnl's Llv. Pills, try a dose, samples frr. full box 25 cent, If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph noine mauo wnire laoor cigars, For sale by moat cigar dealers and at Joseph's factory, TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, Dandruff is probacly one of the most dif ficult diseases of the scalp to oure, bnt Du taril's Specific never fails to remoye it perm anently. Sareness after shaving is instant ly relieved by Its nan. For weak and delicate women nothing bjilds up the entire system more thoroughly and effectually than Oregon Kidney Toa. It is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to the sex, is pleasant to take and in every in staocn proves of great value. Oregon Kid ney Tea is compojoo ot Kerbs lonuu in u re gno, is pat up in nea- tin boxes, and can l.e prepared fresh by simply steeping in hot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasant to take and never fails to cure kidney or nrinary troubles. Iliahlaud.CUcksmas conn ty, Or., March 20. T 1.-... ... (T..rA -;,!, - nf tUm Lift neys for 6 or 7 years and for tho last two months have been laid up with a pain in my bosk. A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kidney Tea, ard having used it one week I can do a good day's work. I have derived more benefit Iromit than from ell the icdicincs I have evor taken. J. Q. Newbill. A l'lealnit Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the nseof Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effec tually cleanse the system when costive or bilinus. For sale in 60c. and $1 bottles by all letding drntrgists. Farmers, if you want the best harness all hand mtde, goto E.L, Power, next to Dem ocrat ofiioe. SECURE PRICES. NO - TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOii & R0BS0S