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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1888)
VOL. I. ALBANY OR., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1888. NO 182 OVFflLsM TO CAUFJMIA -,VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Line. TU8 at. SUisT. BOUf. , bet.. Alburn. .J touJrsaOH'.n hour. gAUnmau sirs.. North 10:45 ah 0:45 A M 7:w r M It Pays. What ? Why, to get your groceries, canned goods, etc., at the Wil lamette Packing Co's store. Their stock of home canned goods, consisting of pears, peaches, cherries, etc., vegetables, chow chow and pickles,is the best in the market, They have a splendid line of holiday goods, such as fancy groceries, nuts, candies, etc., and their prices are remarkably reasonable. (Jail at this store tor good goods ana bar gains. Tnnw""!'' Bandar). 8:00 A U I 12:40 m I Leave S:40rn Arri. Portland Aiuauy Kuireue Arrive 3:41 r H Leave I 11;35 A H Loave inOK A fine line of holiday goods for oar crock ery department and marked very low in price WALLACE at THOMPSON UWAL raaiasoaa ' "" " 8-20 r I lva Albany B'OU I Arrive Lebanon 12:60 M I Loav. Albany I'M r u I Arrive Lebanon Arrive I 11:30 a h Leave &-.45A H .vrrive I 2:45 r M Leave 2:UU r M PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars or leesiam.nalma ol secend-tlaas raMfn (en, attaeued U Expre.. Tralus. West Side Ivlvlslon. ItKTWKES POUTLIXO ASO CORVALLIS, train uailt (ox ;opt Sunday,) 7-3D A M I Leavo Portland Arrive I 0:-M t u li.if f II I Arrive Uiirvtllu Leave 1:W M Btraas tkains daily (oxojp. Sunday . i jl) r a i Lei ii Portland Arrive :00 A V S:U0 r a Ar.l -e MMinuville Leave 6.46 A M AtA'.anr tnd Corvallis coi.noct with trains ol Oreg w I'acino Railroad Tlirouh tlckuts to all points south nd oast yi California. For lull information roxardlnir rates, map", etc., call on Company1. A;oiit at Albany R. KOtfULKH, K. P. BOOERS, Jln.r.r n t J. al P. Af HE VAQUINA UOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad. tfon Development Company's Sloan 8 ship Lino. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than hv n.nv other route. wni . i tlimmrh nautiMilcmr ftO(l freight line from Portland and all points In tuo Willamette Valley to and from Ban FrancUco, cai. Willamette River Lino of Steamers. nir. Una ,r It Tim 'V. H. Rint XUo ' ill. " ... . -- ey." The "Three Siatera" are in service for both passenger and freight trailio be tween Corvallis and Portland and inter mediate points, leaving Company v wharf, ii..: ...i m.uutm Mniitiitti A ijo'b wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a wmk s whu MOHXtt BUUNU. . .nt- U.n.itVA WmiiKMilava and FrL dyata. iii. Altuuy, U;iJ a, m. Arnvu at . tfalera . ' Trim- lav and HiLtUT a p. m. fja oiisi - day at u a, uit Arnye at rurunuu o." UOUTI1 BOUNU. . I U. .... .ir.ulnniula.Vtl and Kriil Liuava i-uriiMin " ikysaLtla. m. Arriva at dale ji at 7:16 p. m. Leave Arrive at Uirvauuat ou y, ui, Boats make close connection at A I ban with trains of the Oregon Paoltlo Km 1 road H. has a splendid assortment of goods for the Holidays, consisting of a nlcs seloctien of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, ETC., ETC. Gold Headed Canes. Now assortment all kinds of Jewelry. REAL ROGER BROTHERS SILVER PLATED WARE. Also Spectacles, Clocks, etc., etc. TIMIS miWCI.ULB. (except Sunday..) Lerv. Albany, 1:00 r. , Loav. Corvallm, 1:10 p. M. Arrive Yaquiua, &:) r. H. Leave Y.q,utna, 0:45 A.M. Ijeavfl CorvalliatlU:35 A.M. Arnve Albany, 11:10 A H, I O. A C. trains eonneoc at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquin with the Oregon Development Company's Line of tjtetmsuips between Yaquina and iaa Francisco, NAIlilNG DATES . faOH HKX VKAKCIHCO. FROM TAQHIKA WillainetUi Valley, Thuri, Deo. 8ih WeJ. Deo. 12th "illamett. Valley, Moll. Dee. 17tli Alon. l)eo. Ulti JVlllainelto Valley, Hun. Dee. Suth. The Company .j.orvex the ribc. to okange sailiii dates without notice. N, u. PAMeniiDrs from I'orJitnd and Willamotle Vniluy points can make close oontioctlon with ibo trains of the Yaquina routoat Albany or Corvallis, and II des tined to San Kranoisoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening bol'.irc ('ale of sailing, nuaoaaer anil Firlcht Rales always ib Lowcha. For information .tply lo G J Stuart, Freight and Ticket A-,'ent, Albany, or to U 11 Haswell, Jr., O. F. A P. AgtM Oregon lievelopuiejit Co,, 'J4 ilontotnery Uati rVanoiiaj, Cal. C. V. llillJt.V, A. i. K.-and P. A.'niit, D.'Jiin ruili K RCo. Corvallla Eevere House; ALBANY, . 0REG0NJ CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In first-class style. Tables supplied with the bet in the market. Nice sleeping apartments, Sample rooms for commercial travelers, trm c.sna Is aai fr.os Jte sf.lel.-C Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob son's, Spacial bargains GOLDRN RULE BAZAAtt. Cash Goa Ixisg Ways at Julias Uradwon 1 I hnv made arrancements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cneaper ih.nn in where else on the Pacific Coast The following are some of my cash retail prices : ' 'A dozen unbundled tea cups and saucers, 35 cts. i dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 4; cts. dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, 50 cts. dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. TUn nra nil tmn atnn f?hina and not a rhenner rrade of coods. These prices are for 30 days. JUL.IUB UKAUWOHt, Bihitsaxd Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwain's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50 A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. m Clothing A large and complete lin gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .1. B. Mcllwain's. Id the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he wil' sell during the coming week for $2.50. For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Call at this office. How is your appetite ? Are yon nervous or irritable ? Are you subject to billioasness ? Dr Henley's Dandelion Tonio works wonders. It makes the weak and sickly strong, builds up tha whole Bystem and puts new life and engery in you . A splendid stock of library and ' hanging lamps just . '.iWiu & Cn-'U. FOSM & a&sn, Holiday Goods. Santa Glaus Headquarters, r a n lendid .tick of Plush Goods', Toilet Oases, Al bums, Perfumeries, Books, Etc., Etc., nor Mirpamii-d in thj Valley. New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this tn n foi many years and was so woll liked bv every body has returned aud will opeu up a lie wash house the first of September, o jv dour south of the Revere House. Lie dn- iood work and wants everybody to get .their washing done by him. I'(l IfUt l"i,UMllir"llt, 11 ilia.ll rmillt.'tLlMII. L'1 Khrrthani Common School ani Pinmuitaifp Depart- menu. HlmlfnW RtitiiiuoU lit miy linn. aln- V'""' P "iv 1 rre. Rjthcrtnari thcCto;M PORTLAND BUflKtSS COLLEGE, rortlnnil, Orcotit 11 ii.Ht 1 notion. . ?inl- ir i-HMilrtiity. Business, lituuo nnil !ue'hiins ol PflliDVJ! J. 4. Wrn w. rfflu superior Lines op 'agricultural im plements at de yoe & robso.m WILL BROS, Dr..:-r li t')eUtt improved Pianos Orifi.ii-. -win- MiciiinBH, Uuns. Also run '.In j .vnrranto I Itsznrs. Butcher aiH 1 okut KhIvms.. Tiio bent kind of yewinir machine oil, needles and extras, ftr all machines Ail repairing neatly and reasonably done. , CARPENTER AND JOINER. The und-jMigne.l Is prepred to do sail klnd of work in his lino In first-class or, dor and with promptness. Address P. O box 87 or call at corner of 9th and Maple treels. I. N, Surra, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. The promise of the earlier returnsof the elections are abuntly sustained by fuller re ports in respect to Democratic gains in the cities. Whenever men who work for wage8 in factories, mills, founderies and other in dustrial establishments a. gathered in large numbers and have access to daily newspapers of both parties, and have had fair liberty of discussion among themselves there the Democratic cause has made re markable gains. In New York City, the 'argest manufacturing city in the United States, President Cleveland, as already stated, gained 14,000 over his majority in 1884. Chicago gave a Democratic gain of over 13,000 and eyen Philadelphia, New York's rival as a manufacturing city, re duces its Republican majority by over 12,- 000. There is a Democratic gain ox 7000 In Boston, and other cities show similar re suits. Thus Lowell gives the Democratic cause a net gain of almost 700, Worcester of over 1400, Fall River nearly 1000, Hoi yoke 704, and so on throughout the list. In New Jersey, Newark and Jersey City show heavy Democratic gains, and In Connecti cut, New Haven and Bridgeport largely in crease the Democratic vote. The farmers of New York State turned the State over to the Republican party, and there is poetic justice in the fact that on them the burden of tariff taxes falls most heavily. They have bought their whistle, and during the four long years they will have ample op portunity to reflect upon the price they must pay for it. THE YOT&IN TnC CITIES. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents ; a heavy three ply car- net for 7? cents, and two ply carpets Irorp 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrier a large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. a. Mcluvus Weather. Summary of Meteorology for Nov, 1888, from observations taken at Albany,Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.voL observer for the Signal Service, U S. Army. Highest barometer on the 27th, 30.18. ' Lowest barometeron the 12th,. 29.52. Mean barometer for the month. 29.88. Highest daily average of bar. 30.17. Lowest daily average of bar. 29. 2. Highest temperature on the 11th, 60. Lowest temperature on the 21th, 30. Mean for the month 45.24. Highest daily range of ther. on the 11, 18. Lowest daily rangeof titer, onthe 27th, 0. Mean temperature at 7 a. m. daily 42.7, -Mean temperature at 2. m, daily 49 3. Mean temperature at 9p. ni. daily 45.1. Prevailing directions of wind, S. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 4. 13 inches. Depth of snow at end of mouth, 0. Number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell, 15. Number of days of cloudiness average 8 scale of 10, 22. Of 99 observations 19 were clear. 22 cloudy, 8 fair, 20 foggy, 14 raiu, 1 hazy, 14 overcast, 1 misty. Frost on the moriiegs of 15th, 24th and 20th. Temperature,tl.4l on average of 10 years. Kaiufall-0.19 00 average of 10 years. FOK PILES. Itching Pile, are Vnorn br miisture Ilk. V".plr li,u urnducin a very diwrreoable iu-hlnir after warm. This form as wall aa Hliiiii, blecHllrir anil nrutrudinjr Piles, yield at one. to the apnllcation of l)r. UoBanko. Pile romi.riy, Wiiich act. directly lion thr narts affected, absorbing, the tumors, allavinff the iiiUmae itcliiiiir and clTectintr a nemianert ritro. Hi cnu. Addre. The lr Bosalilco VUciti Co , Piqu O. Bold by Dr. C'liss and Son. We will sell ou groceries cheaper than any store in town. tl L. C DK. HO NAN-KO in his new discovery for Consumption, tuc ceoiled in producing a medicine which i) ac knowledged by all to ho simply marvelous. It in exceedingly pleasant to t he taete. per fently harmless, and does not icken. In all cases of cates of Cuusutnption. Coughs. Colds Whoopiue Cousrh, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Chest, it has given universal satisfaction. Dr Bnsankn's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at 50 cents l-y Dr tiuiss Ac fc'on. I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Congress Meets. Washington, Dec, 3. Long before the hour of meeting of the second session of the Fiftieth congress, the public galleries were filled with spectators. On the floor, hand shaking was indulged in and congrat ulations on re-election or condolences on defeat were exchanged among the mem bers. Jocose raillery on the part of repub licans, patient resignation on the part of democrats were everywhere evident. Both houses have taken a recess, the house at 1 2: 30 for one hour, and the senate att 1247 for half an hour. Congress Xeets. Washington, Dec. 3. It maybe stated as almost a certainty that two high palitica1 ofllces-will soon fall to the Pacific coast One, a cabinet place, will be given within a few months ; the other, an associate jus ticeship of the United States supreme court, . will be given within a few years at the furthest. Justice Field has begun his. twenty-seventh year 04 the bench. He might have retired on full pay two years ago. It is probable that one of these offices will go to California and the other to Ore gon. This fact will have its influence up on, at least one man on the Pacific coast. Stanley Alive Again. Liverpool, Dec. 3. Mail adyices from iiic west coast of Africa say : "A rumor has reached Bonny from Upper Niger that Henry Stanley Is proceeding back of the Great Oil rivers under the British flag and that the natives are friendly." West Virginia. Charleston, V. Va., Dec. 3. The- re count in this country was completed to-day. The recount shows that Alderssn (dem.)for congress from the Third district, gained 25 in the city, which elects him by. 17. Fleming (dem.) for governor gained 28. This will, it is believed, give the democrats the governor also. An Oarsman. Toronto, Dec. 3-Forty thousand per. sons gave Wm. O'Conner a reception to night that eclipsed the one given to Han. Ian on his return from the American cen -tennial. He was presented with an address, a check for $1000 and a purse containing $300 in gold; a telegram conveying the governor-general's congratulations was read, and many prominent cilwens made speeches. A Collision. Spokane F.LLS,Dec. 3 A freight train and a work train collided nearCocolalloto" night, and three men whose names are not known were killed. Man- cars were wrecked. Disagreeing. P.ERLIN, Dec. 3, The Cologne Gazctt declares that diplomatic relations between Russia and Persia threaten to become strained almost to breaking, owing to the ascendancy of England in Persia. It Is as certained that the shah refused an exe quatur to a Russian consul at Meshed, where an bnglisn consul has long been stationed. T.y nur miucjin'it in Wis. it flje. Wae i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 (IRE FOR NICK HEADACHE. Do you want a remedy tor B'linusneM, Pimples on the face, anil a sure our. for sick headache, ask br. Oum and Son, th Dmirgiata, for br.'s LW. Pill., try a doM, sample fre. full box ii cent. If you want a elesn and fine smoke ask for J. Joseph's home made white labor cigars. For sale by most cigar dealers and at Joseph's factory. TIN WARE AND HARD WARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S. Dandruff is probally one of the most dif ficult diseia;s of the scalp to cure, but Du tarti's Specitis never fails to lemoye it (erm anently . S )reness after shaving is imtant -ly nlieved by its usu. Foi weak and delicate women nothing bdilds up the entire system more thoroughly and effectually than Oregon Kidney Tea. It is especially adapted to diseases peculiar to the box, is pleasant to take and in every in stance proves ot great value. Oregon Kid ney Tea is composed of herbs found in Ore gnu, is put up iu ne' tin boxes, and can la prepared fresh by simply steeping in hot wa ter. It contains no mineral substance what ever, is pleasant to take and never fails to cure kidney or urinary troubles. Highland, Clackamas conDty.Or., March 20. I have suffered with a disease rf the kid neys for 6 or 7 years and for the last two months oavt been laid up with a pain in my baek- A friend sent me a sample of the Ore gon Kiduey Tea, and having used it one week I can do a good day work. I have derived more benrtit Irom it than fromsUthe medicines I have ever taken. J. Q. Kewbill, A IMoasinK Hmw Of health and stret gth renewed and of esse and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it nets in harmony with nature to effec tually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c. and $1 bottles by all lading rirucgutf. Fanners, if you want the best barneos all hand made, goto EL. Power, next to Dem ocrat oflice. SECURE . PRICES. NO i" ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & a333DN