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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1888)
Albany Murkrl. Wheat-7 Oats 25o Butter-25 it por lb. Kkrs-25. Hav-9,00. Potatoe i5 ots inr bin'iol. Beef -on fjot.SVJi pple 4'1 cent par ha. Porn 8'Aa per 1' tressed. B3 it in l i i ). i'l n! 143. Si 111 111. Lrl-I5iai-13. Vio ir l.i) mr b')l. Ohinkia -J M par d '.. .Jill Fsii arm, ll.O'ipor ton s iirn, I'l. ni I lii I ;i.,2. Oaor -V). Conrad Myer. .-PROI'mET'":. OK STAR BAKERY, - fCnruer BroadalMn anl First Sts., -DEALER IN- - Canoed Fruits, Canf' Mots, Glassware, Queens ware, .Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sagar, Spices, Coflee. Tea, Etc,, Etc., In faoi everyt'iiiiit thV. is kept In 4 gen ral variety and grocery store. Hifrhest market price paid for ALL KJNDS OF PRODUCE. "H. J. Mistiioiis, Pris. 8. Fjuuiar, Vuj Pro. B. S. Cook, S c. TheOregon Land Company Orfc-aniZdtl fir t.u purpim ofbuyinjr and selliuar roil MUto, (Ter:i9imr.he Willtwatta Valley in all of tbe leading newrtp ipera of the UniteJ State, fi Jili lug Eastern aijeiitJ to direct home seuke to the Willam ette Vallev, and li ni9 atfontain all the prhwliwl towns of Marion, Polk, l.inri, Benton, Clackamas and " Yamhill count tea to aM in locating immiirranH. Otllce In the Tate Itoil'tiutf one door west of S5w art &.Sox 8, II0D30;J ,A DICKINSON, Miliar. C, J, DILLON & CO., DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc., Eto. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers' of r.stic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyon Street THE PLACE. New and Second Hand Store Owing to toe Increased demands of our business we have been compelled to move into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8, E, Young, when we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, docks, carpets, pictures, fruit jars, ticnks, books, roller skates, saddle! saws, planes, eto and a thousand dif fereot and use articles you can not do better bis si lo of San Francisco than you can dr. n lib us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Stroet, Albany, Or. First National Bank ;OF ALU AM, OREGON. , 'FOK SALE BY FOSUAY 4. MArON J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ILBlsr, ORECOX. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE Bute. Special attention given to collection and robate matter. HOW, TO GO EAST. G Eut vii Mmut Sia-tta It on to. Q Nice climit an 1 ( s-wnry a!; all tims of the year, isee Mnnt Stit.. Sacramento. 0den. Salt Lake, Denver. Finest second-class cars made are run daily. Kay your tick its of me and save your fare to Portland. I am the only porjon in Albany that can sell yon a ' ticket from Allimy direct to anv point fin t the Va ited States. Call on me for rate?. W. L. JlMTKll. A3c.1t 8. P. Red CrownMills IS03I, LANSING & CO.. PROPR'S. HEW FROCKS fLODR SUPERIOR OR rAMlMKS AND BAKERS tTSK. BEST STORAGE fACJLITlES. Hijrhest Price in Cash fc Wheat M. F. MERRILL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - - ORECON. Sell ewhan;? on Na York, Sin Francisco and Portland. Buy mln, Rt cninlr aij c'ty warrants. Re celve (l)p'HiH aubject to clieck. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondence solicited. Fire and marine tniiurance place.l. In reliable com no j, I h i President . Vice President Cashier Ass't Cashier L. FLfKN 8. E. YOUNG GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN ..: JAS. F. POWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT Bubjeet to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, lol on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Pol Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. ai, E. YOI'MO, ' GBO, E ClUMBlRillSl L E IiLAlN, L. FLINN.J Waltisk E Turrbll, DR. G WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. MRS. B. HYMAN, next oast of S. E, Young's, Albany, O Cutting and Fitting a Specialty, STAMPINC OUTFITS, AND STAMP. ING DONE TO ORDER. LESSONS IN PAINTING. Wednesdays and Thursdays of each week, and painting done to order on plaques and other material, Nice assortment of Artist materials on nand. FOSHAY & MASON, VSUbXtl AMD rUaTAIlr Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden's publications, which we sell at publisher' prioos witi postageadisd. ALBANY, OKEOOK. Linn unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., 8ncoestors to Cowan A Cualck.) .ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW8IOII1 IRFMon New York, San Fran "Iscoani Portland, Oregon. LOAN HONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjee'. to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted will rece ve promo fsntlon.2 GRAND Excursion East ! VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from tho 1'aciUo Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points In Oregon and Washington Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. Tickets foi Bale- September 3, 4 and 5. Uocd to return to October 31st. Join tbe G. A. R. special train c.irrvin Oregon and Washington Territory Department to the 22M0 NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, G.A.R which meets In - Columbus, September 12th, 1888. This rate is opon for everybody. No nec6SMary to be a (). A. K, in order to iret this cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist sleeping cars. For further information call on or address A, D. CHARLTON, Asst, Gen. Pass, Agt. N. P. R. R., No 2 Washington nt Portland, Or. 3y all meant sill on Parker Brothers, Successors to Joint Fox, or your Groceries, FroaucG, .Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goode are the best and their prices reasonable. FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works and Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFEliTIONEBI, We are now preparel to pell at whol sale, always fresh and pure at PortUud f trices to dealers. We also keep a .full ine of Ms and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO Jos. Webber Announces to his patrons and friends that lie is now located in his n'evr shop in the Fo shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend to his customers at as reasonable prices as any other shop, Ashe has three ath-roumi ru u i; (t tin in there wil be waitia ' t' ir b villi. 0, K. i aim Shop. House and Carriage Painters, JjJ Decorators and Paper Hangers ' Piano Varnishing. All workguaranteed. " VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successor! to': Henry Suesens.) FINE .H 15! We Lave juKt brought from jte Oregon, a lot of fine wotk boises l i we will sell on terms -to suit the timo Among them aresonin promiHtng youu drivets Irom Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also snoje cboic heavy nares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look tteoi over. We will take pleasure in shfw- to all intending purchasers. T BROS.. Tallman, Or. ALBANY COLLEGJATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 188S, 1889. Flnt Terra Open. September 11th, 1HHK. A lull corps of instructors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to moot tbr neea 01 an graaes or students. S fecial iuductments offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranees from t5.50 tn 112.50. Board in private families at Inw mtoo. Rooms lor self-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision ezercised over stu dents awav from home. Fall tarm nnono September 7lh. For circulars and fuli particulars address tbe President. REV. ELBERT N. OMIIT. AIbanyOrflS!on NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, (via Y.quina to San Franeiaco.) Of wheat, oats, hops and wool. I am nr.- pared to take Marino In.urarce on all cereals, hops, wool or any consignments of goods to and from San Fraucieco. For further partic ulars, address A I. a Harris, Agent California Ins . Co., Y equina, Or. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual HelD. ALBANY. - - - ORERfiN. Conducted by the Sisters of St. Benedict, This AmiiAmv la InAnpnnrata ... thorized by the State to confer academic UWIIUIB. HOARDING SCHOOL PER TERM. Board and tuition $40.00 Music, insrtuninnlal, theoretical and vocal with use of piano and organ 15 00 lnilar ,.nn ilhern 3200 rawing ana palming g.oo ancy wort and mending free to uoaraers, Tuition in select dav echnnl Rinirni frAni r ... . Pi 9l W .IV. Normal Instruction of aspirants for ionuuvr-s certiucate a specialty. Gradnallng fee, (10. For further particulars apply at the Academy, ' m.le""C g f TO DTi. Btf Hr.l,b70o V ' V" Catakal 0. oiaelBiiatl .WP V OMo. J TrWSaaBHaWkl I Biff G buflr,aiin:v.f. I Ml aailefacllon la th. ciir. ot Oonorrboaa and Ulert. I pracrlb. Hand reel sar. in recommend Ini It to all enireren. a. J. STONES, M.D., Declur, III. rtilCE, 81.00. tint A K T "J Foikay A Nas.a, Wh.le.ale Agents, W , F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, ORECON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House ofAtay, BUXCM. II EN DKRSON.&COBJ Now receiving ray fall stock and I can give my cuttcnii rs betfcrlar gainB than ever v.ns cflV-inl in Alltnv Our stock is complete and 1 propnpe to kfrp it tip to tbejf ittrdard, (kail add all the new novelties as fast as the; are in the market- Would cull especial attention to the following Hues Dress Goods,riwshes,Vclvc(s,liosicrj Jersies, Gents' Furiusin.g Goods, lUankets, Uoots antl Shoes. 4 AllIat-k is a tborougl.irjt-p(cttoD of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN! IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mailorders promptly attended to. W .F. READ. JULIUSJ OSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST J- a f. CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS,