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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1888)
Daily Democrat Moniay Ev8ning,Decemb3r 3,1888 BYlTt.4 Hl'TTINU, Editors and Publisher. Published every day In tho .week. Sundays excepted.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES : jolivored by caarier par wook 9 .15 Ity mail, por your 6.00 ity iuaU, puruioii'.h m t'J BATES m WEEKLY : One year, In advance ... . . .92.00 One year, al end of year 2. SO Six months, in advance 00 Entered at tUa Put (i!lent Albany, Or ay soooml-tilaftft mail matter. LOCAL RECOttD. CITY CONVBSTIOS. The democratic city convention was held Saturday evening. It took just ten min utes to transact all of the business ot the convention. Hon J K Weatherford was chosen chair man, D V S Reid secretary and J J Du. bruille and George E Chamberlain tellers, On motion of J L Cowan ratification of the want nominations, nominations oi mar shal and treasurer was made the order of business. The ward nominations, for councilmen and members of central committee, were ratified. 1 N Hoffman was nominated for mar shal unanimously and Wm A Humphrey for treasurer in the same way. Gas. A gentleman representing a large Philadelphia gas works, is in the city talking gas works for Albany. He say water gas can be introduced for $1.25 s thousand feet and other gas much cheaper than four dollars, and that his company would not expect an extended exclusive franchise. Recently a petition circulated asking for an exclusive franchise for A Bacon for "say thirty years," was signed by 132 business men of the city. Some of these now, though, say that they had not considered the matter sufficiently. From a talk with quite a number we judge that majority want the franchise granted if it is the only way 10 get sucn a plant, oeiieving that it would auu 10 ine weattn ot tne city but would prefer to get u witnout tne elusive franchise. Whether such work can be secured without granting such ex clusive franchise Is a matter of dispute, some positive assertions being made on both sides. It is a good matter for our cit izens to consider and an important one to our city, as all new enterprises are. The Democrat's columns are always open for discussion on an important public matters Round House on Fire. Just before twelve last night the watchman at the round house discovered the roof of the house to be on fire, the same having caught from an engine that was placed in there in the evening. He gave an alarm and sent some one down street, a Chinaman running through the streets yelling "quick, quick, quick!" Nightwatch Jones was notified and as well the chief engineer; but it was understood that it was a building beyond the round house, and the city's hose would not reach the place anyway from the near est water, so no alarm was given on the bel I . People living in the vicinity took buckets, and with a small hose the flames were ex tinguished after quite a hard fight, and some damage had been done to the roof. Two Fingers Off. Yesterday while cutting hay in a cutting machine, Henry, son of Capt. Phillips, residing, across the river, caught his left hand In the knives of the machine, mangling the fingers in a fearful manner as well as cutting some on his right hand in hit efforts to get his left hand out. Dr. Ellis dressed the hands, amputating the two middle fingers of the left hand, and young Phillips is now re ported as doing well. HOME AND ABROAD. City eldctkn day. Judue Blackburn was in SaleJi Saturday. Lucian B. Fullertoo died suddenly of hesrt iseaae at Salem Saturday. Tho boat confectiouary in the oity at Fraa cis Pfoi tier's, Moody will be in Salem. Is Albany big enough tot him. 100,000 worth of postaca stamps will be sold at Portland this year. A good hit the matinee Wednesday after noon at 2:30. Lot everybody go. P S Veatch died at Cottaeo Groye last Saturday, noc-in-Uw of W W MaCootn, of this couuty. Al! the gambling dons are running in Port land again. Shutting uj gambling holes is a spasmodic but, in ess. ChinO'Old Block" Wedirvlay atternoou and evening, JJec 0. The I ircest stock of nuts and candies the Valley at F II Pfeiffer'a. Every bode go to the matinee Wednesday atternoou at J:o0, only 00 cents. A full line of Christmas caudios and nuts will bo kopt by Ilrowuell & Stauard. A fine stock of artists mater in U at Dr Guixs & Sou's. No better in tho Valley. Chip 0' Old Block" in undoubtedly the funuient and most lauchableoomedv that his ever beuu in Albany. The best corned v com nan v travel in c will be here on Wednesday afternoon und evening Deo 0 Give them a good house, I J G Crawford returned from llarrisbnrg on Saturday, having took" & great many people there during the last few weeks. Making a ftyecialty of candies, nats. etc.. Francis Pfeiifer can do better than anywhere elso. .Remember this in gettinr your holiday confectionary. Tho Boston Quintette Club is to exhibit in this city on Dec. 10th, enougk having agreed to take tickets to injure a big house, This will be a rare treat. Twenty-four school teachers were examin ed at Salem lost week with the following re sult : Nine firdt, ninescejnd and six third grade certificates, all passing. For the benefit of those who cannot attend in tho evening tho "ChipO Old Block" will be given ou Wednesday afternoon at the pop ular price of 50c. IUeeryed soats on sale at Blackmail's drug store without extra charge, A Prodigy. One of the stars in the "Chip of the Old Block," to be presented here Wednesday evening, is Miss Jessie Bon6telIe, who is only seventeen years of age. She is said lobe remarkably efficient as a soubrette. A Democrat man, who formerly resided at the same place, and had a limited acquaintance with some of the Bonstelles, heard Jessie on several oc casions when she was about six years of age. She was a remarkable little elocu tionist then and we understand has since grown rapidly in talent: The Portland Newa says: "She is the most talented soubrette, with probably the exception of Patti Rosa, that has visited Portland. Al though only 17 years of age, Miss Bon stellc has already' revised and rewritten a play for her own use, which will probably J be produced in San Francisco very soon. The whole company is a strong one. Re served seats at iilackman s. Another Steamer. The Oregon Pa cific's new steamer, the Yaquina Bay, has arrived in San Francisco and will be im mediately put to work. It is needed badly, as, we are informed, there is freight re maining on the wharf at Yaquina City that has been there a month or more awaiting shipment, No Use for It. The Democrat office is In receipt of a fine map showing the lo cation of consular offices throughout thft world. Just at present democratic editor have no use for such a map. Any of our republican contemporaries who want a consulship can have the map. Drss Shoes. A fine job lot of men's shoes, 100 pairs, all different, No 7s, best in the city, at G W Simpson's. They range In price for from 81.50 to $3 50 about half of the regular price. No such bargains anywhere. Montetih & Sei their IMMENSE Call early before A Fearful Fight. Yesterday four Chinamen were killed In Portland in a Chinese pistol and knife fight. About a dozen engaged In it and forty or fifty shots were fired. It arose from a gambling mat ter and seems to have been headed by the highbinders. It was reported that "Sulli van," the Seattle gambler who has been in this city recently was one of the killed, but this is uncertain. Mr. Seals, the drummer who came up last night, says he was pres ent Immediately afterwards with about io,- 000 other people, and that the scene was an animated one. CHICKEN ItlUSTLK. Yesterday Chief Marshal Daakins, of tbe ' rlriatlo led into Judtto Davenport's Comt a man that looked as if he had fallen among tbe I Philistines or been run through a coru-iheller. His Honor looked him over head to foot and 1 in a voice that made the benches groan ho wanted to know of the terror stricken pris oner, when the cyclone etiuck him and which one of the boys he was. May it please year honor said the culprit as he biushed a blue ta;led fly from his marble brow and wiped his nose on the sleeve, of his coat, I was a hooper up for Harrison, lam known your Honor as tho silyer plated tongued orator cf the foothills ; but in an evil hour I made a wheel borrow het with one of the enemies of the tribe of Benjamin, and yesterday ycur Honor, tbe stipulations of that cussed Let was carried out. Tho one that lust your Honor was to wheel the other frein the foot of Yamhill avenue to the head of Tiger street. What has that got to do with your beiiitf brought before me, your framo bearing the ear marks of a steamboat explosion or an Al bany ealoou, now asked tbe Judo in a voice of thunder. Most noble Jul.'a replied the cvmpaijp howler, I won that bet und it was tho proudest moment of my life whea I step ed gaily into the wheelbarrow and ordered the champion of democracy to proceed with the show. The start was made your Honor amidst the plaudits of the multidtude. At every saloon on the routo wo stopped to re fresh ourselves on a kind of drink called by the simple untutored child of the forest, fire water; but known to the pale face by tbe classic name of tangle foot. I have a faint recollection your Honor of reaching the head of Tiger stroet then all was a blank till this morning when your Chief Marshal dug me out of an ash barrel in a back alley, my coat was ripped up tho back, my boots were gone, my raven locks filled with ashes and on the bosom of my pants was a placca'd, bearing in flaming letters the words "died of high proteotive train, ine Judge seemed to hesi tate for a momeut before passing sentence on this ouce proud loader of the hosts of Ben jamin and Levi. Then as a wave of pity in terlined with eontempt swept over his cold immovable face he told the wretched pris oner at the bar that he knew that the releut less hands of fate had been laid heavily upon his delicate frame ; butjustice demands that your selfconfesaed crime should be sat down on, and let me tell you pilgrim stranger that 01 all crimes io tbe eyes ot his (Jourt tbat ot a wbeelturrow bet in the most heiooas and depraved, I shall give yon sixty days on tho Island, and when your term expires quit politics, weave gimlets or start a poultice lactory, you aie ot too trusting and connding a nature for a politician. As the Marshal led the prisoner from the Court, a tear was seen to tr.nkle down tbe cheek of the Judge, and tne bald spot on bis bead shown like a bil liard ball in the gaslight. The friends of Judge Miller, of Lebanon, aro very muck elated over the report that he nai oeeu onerea tne otate portiolio in. 1 resi dent elect Harrison's cabinet. The Rev. Martin, of the M E Church South, preached an excellent sermon at Fere itidge last sabbath evening, Tne Mt. Pis&ah school under the leader ship of Prof. Sam Paul is progressing finely, Prof. Paul has captured the hearts of bis pupils, and the patrons of the school apeak in glowing terms of bis management of Chicken Bristle's Academy. Mr. T. M. Hassler's little son. Tesile. has been quite sick with typhoid fever ; but it now better. D Boon Deakias, Chief Marshal of the Bristle and the Hon. Judge Davenport, were at onoe iieei on xnarsday. School will commence at the Denny school house on Monday next Prof Newberry, of X'oia county win wield the birch. Brick Dust, G. A. R. Election. The annual G. A. R. election of McPherson Post was held Saturday evening with the following re. suit : E F Sox, Commander ; D L Cros n,S VC ; Geo Sly J V C ; R Koldeway, Surgeon ; L H M on tan ye, Chaplain ; R t Vunk, O of D ; D H Jones, Oof G ; W C Cussell, Quartermaster and representative to department ; D B Allen, rep. to dep. ; R Brown and B F Tabler, Alternates. A Letter. The Democrat in a few days will publish a long lettei from the talented pen of Mrs. Judge Bon ham, wife of the Consul-General at Calcutta, Hindo stan. It is written from Kandy, Ceylon, where Judge and Mrs. Bonham have been for the benefit of the Judge's health, which Is Imprsving. Mills, etc. Pendleton has failed to raise the subsidy for the Hunt railroad, and what has become of Us woolen mill. By the way a city generally builds a woolen mill on paper about a dozen times before it actually gets one. Oregon would be full of woolen mills if every city that has talked up the subject were to get one. We Want, Your butter and eggs and wilT pay you either cash or trade for it. Brow nf.ll & Stanard. A ltesolations by Linn Canuty Business Council V. or II. Whereas, It It with great regret that we learn that the title to what is known as the Agricultural farm t Corvallis, on which is erected the College building, is in doubt j and has (by our Supreme Court) been decided not to be the property of the State of Oregon,con6equcntly all improve ments made or to be made thereon, at the expense of the funds s?t apart for the maintainance of the Agricultural College and experimental station are liable to be lost, therefore be it Rcsoh-cd, That in the judgment of Hub Council no more of the funds belonging to the Agricultural College or of the appro priations by the Hatch bill, ought to be ex pended in iinnrovins said farm whiU ih. title to the same is in doubt ; and we spec-1 uii me auenuon ot our Legislature to this subject, and that such "steps be taken to provide the State with an Agri cultural College that shall be free from all such embarrassments. This resoultion was adopted at Oak Plain Grange, Shedd, Or., Dec. 1st, and ordered published. Kate Piucr, Secretary. r ..kmabi! wall. At the opera house Friday ev ening, Dec 21, under the man agement of W W Crawford who will use every effort to make this the most enjoy able ball of the season. Crawford II Lit tler will make a Hash light picture of the masqueradere as well as of all n..t n yourare fond of sweet music come and listen to Crawford's orchestra. Tickets, $1.50. Monteith & Seitenbach's will enable all to buy any line of goods fully 50 percent, less than any other store in the vauey. Hotel Arrivals. tenbach having STOCK of Gen the stock is bro Reverb House, J T Stone, G Moose, E Hooper, L. van fchet, a f ; s Knight C H Ewlng, Mill City; A J Richardson; K U Way, W wolt, M L, Clemens, t tr Mil lers, Portland; A Belden, Westfield. Massr S Kinsella, O P R R; G jQueener, mm uty; w n nue; 1 oecx; c Chambers, Knox Butte; E M Taylor, 5 ;J H Eugh. hartr T Hohman, W Q Adams, Salem. St Charles E T Russell, S E llamlett, R S Bradshaw, A Andrews, G L Kinsley, u riaie, j e. moore.n omun, 31 ixuis,nio A R Kutz, NV;K Brummer, Germany W P Prindle, Wm Wimer, Portland ; W Colby, Sacramento ; S G Jones, C H Ful. wiler, 8 r ; J H Bridleman, St Paul ; A Rogers, Omaha ; L. tr Bllss.Uhlcago ; O H Irvine, J L Cowan, C B Winn, Albany ; J T Kelley, D Scott, Grants Pass ; J Blum burg and daughter, Corvallis. ! Rf ss House. D B Allen, Jefferson ; J O Morris, Clackamas ; S C Presley, B H Wilcox, C I lagan, Portland ; J Llinn.W F Davison, J T Fallls, OPjIR Miller, Ya quina ; S Nixon, Harrisbug ; T L Rice, Glendale ; J D Rice ; T Forrester j O P Fullerton, Alsea ; F McKlnley, E Grimm, S L Henderson, W L Halley, W and J W Mathews, Corvallis ; G E Porter, Halsey ; W Wacker s M McCormick, Lebanon ; A T Perkins, Tangent ; Mrs V McCully.Mrs C McCully, Harrisburg ; H H Spalding, Kan ; EGolns, Scio. GREAT decided to close eralMerchandise ken. J. P. Wallace. PhvsliM.n n ,.. bany, Or ' Al- iijes, S:i 2i, SiUEi.-In this line w have always shown the very best goods to be found in the markets of America, the knife will be put to goods in this depart ment as they must eo. Call and t..r yourself. Monteith & Seitenbacii. Wanted. A respectable family desire to take three boarders. Good lndrln I urnieto It A-l I T ; . ... to ,,. bwiicu. inquire ai mis oilice KEEP. POSTED Wheat, 70 cents. New fall goods at Read's. Seo those new jersies at W. F. Read's. Now ribbon all shades and styles at Read's Af ull line of boy, kilt suits at W. F Read's. Fine Hue of bread kneading pans at O W Smith's. Auother lot of Hull cheese at Brownell & Stanard's. A lame stock of lifting forco pumps at G W Smith's. Goods at cost at M.' J. Monteith's, at the old Young store. Go to A. B. Mcllwain's and ask to see those tf suits for men. In a calm sea every man is pilot. In dry goods 'V. F. Read is leader. If yon want to save from 10 to 25 per cent by your goods of W. F. Read . Six shaves for a dollar and a clean towel to every customer, at Tbos. Junes. Bargains in general merchandise at M J Monteith's at the old Young store. Buy your tickets through to the East W L Jester and save fare to Portland. A oomplete line of heating and parlor stoves at U W Smith'?, no better in the valley. The cheapest place to buy men's under wear iu tne state is at A. B. Mcllwain's. Those small mixed pickles at F L Ken tons aro very nice. Try them. Only 50 cents per gallon. W. F. Read can and will sell dry goods cheaper than any bouse in Albany. Call and seo for yourself. All the latest novelties in milliuerv goods at E ana C Howard's. Call and see them. AO trouble to show goods. The line of Pacific and Roval Arzands at G W Smith's is a large one. These are among the best cook atoves made. See them. Dr. M. H. Ellis, phvsieian and snrseon Albany, Oregon. Calls mails in eity or country. Goods not sold for less than cost, soods not given away. Hut good honest goods Bold at reasonable pront at vv. sr. Ksids. Julius Gradwohl is now making a special ty of crockery, fancy goods and Bilyer ware, of which he carries a large and select stock. His silver ware is 1847 Roger Bros, his stock of crockery is the beat in the makot and his line ot dolls and children s play things gener ally is complete. His prices are the lowest on the coast. k 11 l r , , am iuiubui woolen areas frruwiaara " . cent cneaper than they were a year ago. Oar " " iresn, consequently we can give W. F. Read, Winter wraps, are not reserved in the great sale. This will be the greatest oppor- nmty ever ottered to buy a stylish wrap at low price. Monteith & Seitenbacii, F. M. Frerch keeps railroad tine. F. L EEEITOEI -DEALER IX- Choice Family GROCERIES. Confectionery, Cigars ant! Tobacco. All goods sold, at the lowest cash prices ( and warranted to give satisfaction. Butter and: Eggs Tab in Exchange for Goods, Subscriptions received for all the leading ; NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES NEAR THE POSTOFFICE, ALBANY.IOR. SALE. out their Albanybusinesso ffer for sale without reserve at COST