! i I C. J, DILLON k CD., Wheat 7 OaU-25c Buttor-25 U per lb. Eggs 26c Bef-oa foot, .aples ') cent. pr bu. foriUeXoperl' "essel. Bvioat- a, l'W. ahoallari, l4i. siloi U-Lirl-iSiP"' Flour -U Pr oil. lokiu.-JdJ pjrdos. Ii tFa3l-. U.OJpirtonl sioriH, t'i. 'Chor onrad Mayer. -PROPKUST'""-1 0.- 3y all meant sell on Parker Brothers, Successors to John fox, r your Groceries, Produce. Bake! Goods, Etc., Etc. r nodB are tlie best and their price 1 cr. reasouau.u. C. J, DILLON & CO. DEALERS XN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. iwai inh Wnrk. Dressing and UUliUJ I mm " - Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring, Factory at loot ofx-yon Street. F. READ, ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dty Cecils House Mm, MIENDERSONACO'S" 3O.TC0 ROOTS 1 SHOES Z STAR BAKBttJ, CTOT HORDES. fCoruer BroadalMn and First Sts; u DEALER IS O.uae'l Meals, Cuuned Frails, Glassware, . Dried Fruits Tobacco, Sugar, CoQee. Etc, Qneeusware, Vegetanies Cigars Spices, Tea, Etc lur.tevery.1- tal variety ana gro,w market price pain'"' ALL H J. Misruoax, fras. iSr.nnd: Company lUC-JBw"G3r and selU,,r .l vXy. an ''rrnrb.on. Cl.ckaU and town, ol ano". J"' Z in looting lianiwrunw. I Sew and Second Hand Store Owing to Ue increased demands of) our business we have teen compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to S. a. iouuK, we will be pleased to see our patrons. a ., .tns. furniture, tinware, you liuun "j " ' . ,, ,..!,. namets. pictures, fruit CrocKfljr, - iars, t.cuks, books, roller skates, saddles, .to on;l thousand dif- . j u.MnlftS VOU CU fersni ana u , , ,, bettor hlsslJ3!, ewdo with us on a purchase or exchange ,05 virat Street, Albany, Or. ,D. iVWWi Wvt-- -r. TpQ ai" I IS03I, LANSING & CO., PltOPR'S. Excursion Bast ! ;mr;oci3SIMraKmiraroi - V in- AND BAKKKB NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R- BEST STORAGE FACILITIES, " . . ... . . r , v. no in uasu iv MicrnMNU iiiuH Wheat - .r 1 - ttllflBATSO BOOTS ft SHPW . i " iM,t. from :Sj )te vve navo ju"" u.B-.- Oreaon, a lot of 6ne work horses ti .. thft time we win ben . . Among them aresoro- promising youu drivcis trotn Oneco, Mason Chief an - & 1 anma r.nOlO Edward Everett. heavy narea. "r"v ; . , .t . nhase a horse will do well to look tern Highest over. We will take pleasure in snow- to all intending purcuMo. ,'McUIGHT BROS., Tallman, Or. Cheapest rate ever made frem the faciuo was - "TlrLWEATiERrORD, lTTOKNEY AT LAW, a1,llthecocrtsofthb wIss?ffl"w-,-,,,4 robau maw- $80 $80 $80 Kor round trip from all poinU in Oregon Tor rounu jj.H Territory to anU ,Ya.."B"- COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL Tickets for eale- September 3, 4 and .5. . ,n tn'Onlober 81st, UOCU w loiu.- ti th O A. R. spscial train carryln Join the ".jC-.iv. i; Territory 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, C.A.R i.i nU tv, not h in Colnmnus, September 12th, 1888. - Wz-vTr Kft This rate is open tor "to get so can have use of free berins lon sleeping oars, rut call on or address how, to co Esr. o. Rut via M.t S-ta lVr.t. pNic climate ""rtram""o. 0len,'s.lt See Mount 8ha.t 8-r oar. UUe, iDVV.;i n ,v Yr ticket, ol me majUarerau dai y. B..y J T m the and save your la" ovl ,ei yoa a ?"Ly Tfrom Staler ot to aV nofot S tiokot from A'''y , m, fr rates, the United State., tall on H. F. MERRILL, t MTKEB, ALBANY, " " " 0RUUN- I ... t.i.-....liuwi anil 8.11 ohng. on Ne Yor.t, Dn Ported. warranw..- gCoUoction, will rec.lv. prompt attention. .33. France pl.dj In nwaw ACADEMY UI n.. Tdflu nf PoTnot.Ttfl.l "RfllH. 11' JjovaY ut - norfinw. ConducteTby'the Sister, of St. Benedict. thXdnrcTdem, Donors. B3ABDINU Sl.nuuu " Board and tuUlon...........-;V"V-:"H1U- ""rwiTusoofVlanoandorgan 15.00 Ouilar 12 00 Zlthern g.oo urawiugauu -- . . ,1 wianrilnor free to Fancy woru boarders, from Tuition in select aay Normal instruction of ajpiranU for teaoner's certiuu"o j ..... o ' r Uraauating ,o. v . further Darticulars apply ' First National Bank OF ALBANY f OBEGOM. .... . .1. a 1 .,n niva mv custcnu-rs lettcrbai- receiving ray tan ; gains tuan evoi 1 it 1 n lo llnIFfctBrifrf, thai Our Block is complpte ann 1 I . ,, , add all tne new novelties bs fast as they are in the market. Would call e.cial;attention to the following lines Oi-css Goods,Pliisncs,Yclvcls,IIosicry Jersics, ueius .vuruisiiiug Goods, Blankets, Boots ami Shoes. All Ik is a;tlioroiigl)!ineFfctirn of stock. PRODUCE TAKEN. IN EXCHANCE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptly attended to. President . Vice President . Cunler....... Am'. Cashier... TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT suejee. w "u "7 , ; on new loja., . . . v?1? .Av.a v. k nv. lTorble terms. UULtliEiVaaVLIO j. e. yoom. ?".c.","R:'t',i,, W.F.EEAD, TRANCIS l'FBIM'EU. Albany Soda Works Aud MaocfJturM ot- caoiGE ooHFfiuiiaasai, . . ii t who It. Weare-owpMP'".' " ' Flirtlud p,R7o- WW koep a ton liDe of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Linn unty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., . ow.n Cuiiluk.) bucceseorn fi v-" - ALBANY - - - OREGON. i w.tiirintr niHincsn. TltAXSAUraa. --" ; . Fr, llUtff SUlll" u isco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MOriKt n appnow REC.EIVKdeiosiiuuj- w r,.IXCriOSi entraswl w a. will ree. v. promo eivio. t Vowrsou. "1 vrionllbjli. T.l . n.mt,il fie vv -i . Kirs V V oua. ra ROOMS TO RENT. ins. Webber will attend U h " VT hil tta-. prices at au otuer ."-r - wi, bs ath-rjomi ra . - waitu i-" . ... t :.u.4 nimm in rent. Farnhhed ana on.u u V. J" "t ' , Iu,1U.ro at corner o. , . h7Bar!(K9; 0, K. I aim Shop. nHouse and Carriage Painters, ii Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. I All workiuaranled., VASSALLO A THOMPSON. (So.coei.orto Haory Saassns.)! tii-nhaaslvon unlvet flat Batlsfactlon In the Icnre ot Oonorrno? ana Uleet. I prescribe Hand leel sale in recwiuiuww InB It to all auiierera. -A. J.STOStB, dntd hv Draeidsts. Trad. -m- Foshay A Mnson, Wlmlcmlc Agents DR. Ga WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Qince. ALBAHY COLLEGIATE IKSTITUTE -t Qft 1889. . ...ii raf ititttnirlnra. esat.fcsWSVtaSeriWJae.'s. rrtCUttY 5l MASON. irw"""- A lull corpBuiiuowuviu.i aa,t- CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, Druggists and Booksellers, commercial and normal jostageadJod. r ....mil B0TIC1 TO SHIPPERS, . v. a Un Francisco. HI" M Of wheat, oats. hop. and wool I am pre- A careful supervision exerciseu hftJSsS Franciaoof For further partic particular. !"" 1 . I Kill ailVa.a ' uUrs, addrets Harris. I Albany, .Oregon Agent California Ins. Co, aqmna, ur, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ECourses of study arranged to meet tb' .r.n .rarlna of students. neeu b ..... Special inducements ojered to students tvom aoroaa. Tnltlon range, from i $5,60 to ia.50. Rnard in private iaiuuiew L.ir.hn.rrtlni at small excense. V0.-:! .Tn.rvl.ion exercised over tu- . . lz:. f,m home. Fall term opens TTT1 TTTO TnQTT.PH. n d lJ JlX lJ aw" OVa--- - ' Manufacturer ol Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AHQ KEY WEST Cm:, Plug ann Smoking Tobaooos, Meersohautii wd Brjar PiPh,l''i Eg1 ' a Une of Smokers' Arteles, Also dealer OALTJORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. .c. ' . "" - . " ' "