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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1888)
VOL. I. ALBANY OR., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1,1888. NO 180 ' OVMWM Ti) CLIF JiAllA Southara Paciflo Company's Line. this mt. saisri aaivu. GOLDEN KULE BAZAAR. Albtny wid " Frnclu, 85 hoars UUIOUU BSMM lktun "''' Souih 4 00 P. M. I Leave Portland 8-lSrM Ljivo Albany ?:15 A 11 I Arrive 8an fnmclsM Arrlv. Luave Leave North 10:45 A u O Ai A M 7:00 I u L03AIj risssauK truss OAi" (exoopt Bimlay). 8:00 A H I Leave 12:40 p u I Leave 2:40 PH Arrive Portland Albany Euirene "Arrival Loave I a m LeavelSjOOAK TRAIMB DA1, MO'" """ 8:20 p 11 9:ollPM 12:50 PM 1: JO i M Leave Albany Arrive Lebanon Leave Albany Arrive Lebanon Arrive Loave Arrive Leave 0:30 A M 6;45A M 2:45 P U 2:OOPM Cash Goefia Long Ways at Julius GradnroUT I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are 6ome of my cash retail prices : J dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 i dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. 'i dozen handled coffee cups an d sau cers, 50 cts. dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices are tor 30 (lays. JULIUS ORADWOllL. PULLNIABUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars , Acorn eu " eM. uttucheil t Express 1 ruins. Veil siae division. BKT1TKKX rUttlXAMa AMI) tURVAILlg. train daily (exjept Sunday,) 7:30 a lilSS P M Leave Arrive Portland Corvillis Arrive Leave 0:20 p H 1:30 u Forest Grove, Or,, Maroh 8th. I have been troubled manr vuars with weakness of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies sought aid from different physioians and even changed climates to obtaiu relief, but have met with indifferent success. Hearlne through a friend of the val ue of the Oregon Kidney Tea, I obtained a box of it and have ie nvea more Denelit from it than from any thing else I have yet found, J. x, MUFF. Sold by Foshay & Mason. uxrssss tcaixs olllA (oxojpi Sunday. 4:50 p a 8:00 PM Lei ro Portland Ar.i-e MoMinnville Arrive Leave 0:00 A M 5.45 A H AtA'eany wl Corvallis connect witu trains 01 Grot in Pacifte Kallroad Through ticket, to .11 points south and east Vl CAlifoinia. For lull information reZardlnS ratoe, map., etc., call on Company's Aeut at Albany. M R. KOliULliB, Ait't J- i1 A g YAQUINA 110UTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, ,on Development Company's Steam B ship Line. 225 MILES SH0RTE8. 20 HOUftS LESS TIME than by any other route. n,mni.h nasseniror and froiih Tine from Portland and all points mie wSumetie Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal. Willamette HAver Lino of Steamers. n. M. Hoair." The S, Bent .. , .,Th,u KiutnrH" are in service twe,n. ":.vinVcomDanv'7' wharf, r'r. : m.... Hu man & Co's wharrNos. 200 and .m Front St Port- land, tnree iimera no NORTH liOUNU. FrI- - , ,11. unnii.Di WfliluuHdava and Loaveor.u.j, "--"-j-. " .- , Sl,orn days at o a. " '..,. .nilraday and Satur- Arrive at rorwanu f. 3 u. ro day atOa, m. SOUTH UUUKu. " 1 vi ....inva Wadn.dduvs and Frld' a at sale. at 7:15 P. m. Leave Salem Tuesday, Tlmraday and Saturday all) a, Arrivo at CorvallU at 3;W p. in. Boats make close connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon i-acitto Kailroad TIME SCllBPULK. (except Sunday.) Lotve Albany, 1:00 P. M, Leave Corvallia, 1:10 P.M. Arrive Yaquiua, 6:30 P. M. Leave Yaquina. 0:45 A.M. Leave Corvallie,10:35 A,M. Arnve Albany, 11:10 A. n n frftinn nnnnest at Albany and florvallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development rvunnane'. Line of Steamships between Yaquina and Sid Francisco, SAILING BATES . FROM BAH PltANClSCO. FROM TAQUINA Willamette Valley, Thur., Doc. 8th Willamotte Valley, Mou. Dec. 17tn Willamette Valley, Sun. Dee. 80th. Wed. Dec. T-'th Mou. Dec. 21th CUKE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Dorou want, remedv for B'liousneui. Pimnlna on the face, and a sure cure for sick hoadache, auk Dr. Ou'ita and Son, the Dru-'giflts, for Dr.'s Live 1'illa, try a dose, eampiee free full box 25 cent, Senator Hale declares the Stnate Tariff bill will be passed and Blaine will be Secre tary of State. This la eqnivalent to say" ing that the Surplus will vanish from poli tics and the nation will spend its time defy ing the rest of the earth. I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all the mischief in the world arises from fhe fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower.and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut. Goethe. 1 A sound mind in a sound body is a short but full description of a happy state in this world i he that has these two has little more to wish for, and he that wants either of them will be but little the better for anything else. Locke. When a man mistakes his thoughts for persons and things, he is mad. A madman is properly so defined. Coleridge. Clothing A large and complete lin gents' clothing and furnishing goods at .v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pants, regular value, $5, which he will sell during the coming week for $2.50. For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only used two or three months. Call at this office. a I'm jolly v and fat, though 1 ueodn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of Iiair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I Smile and I laugh, I juke and I chaff; I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise whore my happi ness lies, so I'll up and coufess what yon never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet H8 oht sugar eured meat,makes you feel so oontent with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your tees. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel such a thrill of coo tentment until you'll . wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immense and you'll show your good sense by buying visions and crockery 'jSL r.f W & T The Company jrvef) the right HuIum wiLhnllt notice. m i p.,.m'ii from For. Unci and Win,. ...nim Vnilnv nnints can make close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albauv or Corvallis, ana 11 ues tine.l to Mau Franeisuo should arrange to Arrive at Yaquina the evening before (Ute of sailing. iJoMCiwr ami Fiflalit Knles always me LuWCHt. "For Information apply to U J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Aent, Alnany, or. to 0 H Hasvell, Jr., O. p. Si P. Aitl,, Orcirun Development Co., 3U4 Montgomery Han Vr.fioij, Cal, MJlillli, A. O. F. and P. Ajent, Oreion Pacidc It B Co. Corvalllj Revere ALBANY, - - - 0REG0NJ CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR, Fitted up In first-class stylo. Tables supplied with the beat in the market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, artrt Concli to ami frim she at etel.- Pine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe and Rob so a's, Special bargains' Wallace k TSiompsow's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for many years and was so well liked by every body has returned and will open up a new wash house the first of Septembor, one door south of the Revere House. Leo doesjiiood work and wants everybody to get fitheir washing done by him. Wanted, Four aood, reliable men to sell the Im proved Singer. Team and wagon lurn lshed, Address, The Singer M'fg Co. J. A. Abchibald, Agent, Albany, Or. SUPERIOR LINES OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ATDDE-YOEI&IROBSON'S. TKXPEttANCE COLUMN. Edited by Albany W, 0. T, V The Albany Union is to be congratulat ed upon the liberal spirit of its members. The receipts of the Thanksgiving social, ($89.00) prove their generosity, beyond question. To the public who gave con tributions at the door, the ladies tender hearty thanks ; to the ever polite and oblig ing editors, they are very grateful, and to the friends who furnished the program they offer sincere thanks. The occasion was certainly a very pleasant one and will long be remembered. The Empress of Japan has established a college for women, to be superintended by a committc of foreign ladies. Two of these are Americans, two English and the other two French and German respectively. It is stated that wine grapes of Califor nia are not in such demand as heretofore. They have sold this season as low as $6.00 per ton, white table grapes have been in demand at the highest figure of $25 per ton. Surely this argues well for the tem perance work that has been done in that State. The President of the State Union of Texas, recently organized a Union in the city of Mexico. So the gooii work goes on. The Pundita Ramabl has raised in the United States for the establishing of her school in India, $18,325.96. This does not include the Pacific Coast contribution, as that has not yet been reported. About $12,- 000 more is needed for the general fund. The State President of West Va., thus accounts for the defeat of the Prohibitory Amendment : "The Republicans stoned the Amendment, the liquor men furnished the stones, and the Democrats stood by con senting to its death. WILL BROS, Dealers in all the latest improved Pianos Organ, Sewing Machines, Guns. Also a full line of warrante 1 Razors, Butcher aii'f rocket Knives. The belt kind of sewing machine oil, needles and extras, for all maohines. Ail repairing neatly ana reasonaoiy aone. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The undersiene.1 is nreoared to do ;b11 kinds or worn in nis line in nrsi-eiass or, der and with Dromntneas. Address P. O box 87 or call at, corner 01 via ana mapie tree ts, I. N, Smith, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEYOE & BOBSON'S, Mrs. Bishop Simpson, so lone a resident of Philadelphia and so active in its philan- thropies, is still at tne lore in me Desr. worn of the ereat church her husband did so much to buna, wot longagoagemieman who had civen her the ground for a Child ren's Orphanage of the M E Church told her tnat it in lour weess sne wouiu oring to the bank at 9 a. m. a check for $10,000 towards the new building, he would give her one for $20,000. The indomitable wo man set at work.advanced as she is in years and by the help of the M c, (Jhurclies to which she went with personal appeal, 6e cured the sum and was promptly on hand at the designated time and place, where upon Colonel Bennett gave her 5,ooo more than he had pro.nisea. The Raleiuh ( N 01 Chris '.ian Advocate, in giving examples of total abstinence from intoxicants.relates the following of General Robert E Lee : "Just as he was starting to the Mexican war a lady 01 v lrginia gave him a bottle of fine old whiskey, stating that he would no doubt need it, and would not be able to find any in that country. The General said, years afterward, in reference to this bottle : I carried that bottle all through the war without having had the slightest occasion to use it, and on my re turn home I sent it back to my good friend that she might be convinced that I could get on without liquor.' On another occas ion the General invited some friends to drink with him. The demijohn was brought out, the glasses were filled not with old 'Cognac or 'Bourbon' outwun iresn our termilk, which a lady, knowing his taste, had sent him." TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Seattle Fire. Seattle, Nov. 30.-The mostextensiye fire Seattle has experienced for two years broke out at midnight last night in the rear of the Fruenthal and Post buildings, on the west siae ot front street, between Union and University streets, and in an hour the whole structure was in ashes. An estimate of the losses gives the total at $5i,65o,upon wnicn the insurance was only $i2,ooo.The lowness of the insurance is accounted for by the high rate in that locality. Fred Grant's. Wants. . New Yok k.Nov. 30. The Mail and Ex press is authority for the statement that ioi. 1 red Orant wants to be minister to China, and Senator Farwell went with him to Indianapolis to say so in his behalf. Tht Veto of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Nov. 30. The official can vass shows a total vote for president of 35466 an increase of 34,776 over 1S84. Harrisons plurality is 21.271. Blames plurality in 1884 was 14,680. Piske recelv ed 14,227 votes, a eain of 6621 over 1884. The labor vote was 8552, as against 18,518 in 1SS4. Next House. Washington, Nov. 30, The few mem bers at the capitoi to-day were talking chiefly of the complexion of the next house and a little abou'. the speakership. It is no longer admitted or claimed that there is any doubt about the republicans having a majority. Miles of It. 1!. Washington, Nov. 30, The anual re port of theinter state commerce commis sion is now in type, From it the following is taken: From the best information now available. the railroad milenge of the country, on the 20th of June, 1SS8, is estimated at 152,781 of which 2312 miles has been completed and brought into operation within the six months precedinn that day. A Flurry. Chicago, Nov. 30. A flurry occurred on the board of trade to-day, on receipt of ad vices from San Francisco that inquiry was being made there for wheat Australia, on account of the almost total failure of the crop in the southern part of that country. Some weeks ago commerdial papers re ported damage to Australian wheat, but this was the first intimation that the dam age was serious, Walking Hatch. New York, Dec. 1. At 1 A. M. the score stood: Little wood 538, Ilerty 525, Moore 496, Cartwright 487, Nortimac 475 , Howarth 461, Hart 468, Connor 463, Mason 455, Golden 45S, Elson 3S5, Taylor 398, Campana 400, Perch 229, bmith 172. : At 1 A. H. Llttlewood was three miles and six laps behind Albert's worlk's record. We will sell ou groceries cheaper than any store in town. DKO.YNELl. CC o 1 A BAKU. Tf vou want a clean and fine smoke ask for .1. Joaeph home inaae wnue laoor cigarr, t or sale bV most cuar ueniers au.i Joseph's factory. Ladies, do not ruin you complextion by the use of poisonous cosmetics and face powders. II your lace is red er sunourneu if "ou are so unfortunate as to have pim iU or hint ones on the neck and face. Du- lard's Speuifio will not cover them like a coat ot paint Dnr. win mot eiinuuvmy re move all blemisuos irom tun f Kin nnu re store them to it nituMl youthful bloom. For sale by Foshay it Mason, DR. BO-NAN-KO in his now disoovery for Consumption, roo oeederl in producing a medicine which ij ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous, It is exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and does not sicken. In all eases of oaes of Consumption. Coughs, Colds Whnnnino Onnoh. CrouD. Bronchitis, and p.;. f th Chnat. it has riven universal satisfaction. DrBnsankn's Cough and Lung Syrup is sold at SOoents by Lr Uuiss eon m WARE AND HARD OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, It Pays. What ? Why, to get your groceries, canned goot etc., at the Wil lamette Packing Co's store. Their stock of home canned goods, consisting of pears, peachep, cherries, etc., vegetables, chow chow and pickles(ls the best in the market, They have a splendid line of holiday goods. such as tancy groceries, nuts, candies, etc., and their prices are remarkably reasonable. Call at this store for good goods and bargains. New Goods. Latest styles in toques turban and soft felt hats just received at Ida M. Brush's. Cnn you imagine auy ailment that will make a ;ood natured person so peevish, disH-ttislied, 1)1 tampered and cranky tin bllliouHnfrss? Thure is no reason, what ever, why any one should suffer from In digestion, dyspepsia, torpid liver and loss of appetitewhen Dr. Henley's Dandeilou Toni- which every ona knows is a cer tain cure, cau be so easily obtained. For slo by Foahay tfc Mason. I OK PILES. Itchmtf File are know i by moisture Hko j.- jspir ion irotluciiiK ft very UiBturreottble Uclilnjf after ing'wArm. 'Mils form a will Ulimi, hleodirtf and firt'tnutiriif Pi Ion, yield at onuu to the aip!t?ation uf Jir. Bottiikn'i I'ilu romHy, w.iich acts dimclly upon th" parts n fleeted, -rbinif the tumurn, allaying the int. dm itrhiiitf atid elfcthisr a permiiiert cure. 60 ceiilf. A'iiireHfi Tlv) Ur Bosanko Vticine Co , J'iqu O. bt-ld by Ur, Cnlaaaml Son. New ratHn, currents, citron, lemons and oranges received at Wallaun & Thompson's, Pknrlkton, Oregon, January, 12. Having suilered with my kidneys I was induced to try the Oregon Kidney Tea whicn relijyeu me in a short time. Hake pleasure in recommending it to the pub lic as a safe remedy for kidney difficul ties, Gf.OKOB W., County Judge of Umatilla. SECURE PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEYOE & R0BS0N i