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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1888)
Albaar Market. Whoat-7 " Oats 25c Butter 23 Us per lb. BBSS-25C Hay -9,00. Potatoes 15 ots p?r bushel. Beef-on foot, 8i pples I') cents par bo, Poric 6Xo per II jressed. Bvojiu a m lifi ). shi'ildars, Mi. si Us Mi. Lri 15 1 o r lb. -Flour Lit per bol. 0!iiok9in-'J U) pjr d '.. ..till Ke9l bran, 11.03 per ton snorts, 1'J. nil ili!W,.2). Ohof V). THE PLACE. C. J, DILLON & CO., Conrad Mayer. ,-PROPr.llST". Ofc- STAIi BAKERY, Corner Broaflalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN Canoed Fruits, Cunet .MeW, Glassware, tjueeusware, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, Sugar, Spices, Coflee, Tea, Etc,, Etc., la fact everything that in kept in a gen ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE By all meant sill on . Parker Brothers, Successors to John Fox, or your Groceries, Produce, .Baked Goods, Etc., Etc. Their goods are the best and their Dricaa reasonable. DEALERS IN LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC. General Job Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc,, Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advaiuage to purchasers," of rustic flooring, Factory at loot of Lyon Street. W . F. READ, FIRST ST,, The Leading Cash Dry ALBANY, OREGON Cccds Hcuse of Albany, FINE HORSES, New and Second Hand Store CM-HENDKHSONACds H. J. MiOTiiORX. Pras. S. Fahrar, Viuj teeu i ' "B. S. Cook. S c. B. MujrtiM Treat ThftOrftffftnMj.nnl: ComDan? 1 i v OrsanliedfoTtliepurpjse ofbujins and sollinjr roil estata,; the Willtmatte Valley In all of the leauuig uewap tpio m m v ...w.. ........... .. . KaBtern agents to direct home seeker, to the w lllaui ette Valley, and hum agents In all the principal n. ii.nn P..IL- l.lnn. Itoiiuin. Clackainaa and yarnnm counties to am in unr-nuiy iu.iu.ti- OIBce In the Tate Building one door west of fit.- ' .mvii. mnk-iVinV Mni.wra. We bave iust brought from . )te Oregon, a lot of fine woik borses ' hi we will sell on terms to suit the time Among them are soma promising youu driveis from Oneco, Mason Chief an Edward Everett. Also some choio heavy n ares. Anyone wishing to pur chase a horse will do well to look tfceai over. We will take pleasure iu show to all intending purchasers. T BROS., Tallman, Or. GRAND Excursion East ! NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from the Pacific Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon ana wasnington Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. f Tickets for al&- September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return to.October Slst, "FOR BALE BY FOSHAY Jt MASON J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF THE State. Spaclal attention given to collections and rooate matter. HOW, TO co Esr. Go Kait via M juuS Siita R.mfce. Nice climate and sjeaery at all tinus of the year. See Mount Shasta. Sacramento, Olen, Salt Lake, Da over. Finest aeoonl-olvw cars made are run daily. Bay your ticket of me And save your fare to Portland. I am the only person n Albany that uau aell you ticket from Albany direct to any point the United States. Cill on me for rates. gV. L. Jkstkk. f J At-ut S. P. . FBANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF- Albany Soda Works And Manufacturers of- CHOICE CONFEuIIONERY, We ara M'j'.v praptra 1 it Mil at wbok sile, always fr.Mh and pare at Portland pries to dealers. We alsj Usp a full line oi Nuts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACOOU Jos. Webber Announce to his pitroat nd friends that he is now located in his new shop in the Fo shay & Mason Block and with able workmen will attend te his customers at a reasonable prices as an other shop. As he has three atk-r.uini ru . . 14 o ir, ttiirewil be wattm II. 0, K. 1 aim Shop. ("House and Carriage Painters, U I Decorators and Paper Hangers Piano Varnishing. 1 All workguarantaed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (SucearstoJHenry'Sueieni . ) r Join the G. A. R. special train cirryin Oregon and Washington Territory Department to the 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, C.A.R which meets in Columbus, September 12th, 1888. This rate is open for everybody, No necessary to be a G, A. R, in order to get this cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free berths in tourist sleeping oars. For further information call on or address A, D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass, Agt. N. P. R. K., No 2 nashington Bt Portland, Or. Owlug to loe Increased demands ofj our business wo have teen compelled to move into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8. E, Young! whert we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stovos, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpets, pictures, fruit fars, ti cults, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, eto and a thousand dif ferent snd use articles you can not do bettor hissliloof San Franalioo than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Alonny, Or. RedCrownMills ISOM, LANXIXG & CO., PROPR'S. KKW FROCKSS FLOUR SUPERIOR TO It FAMIMES AMD BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash fo Wheat ACADEMY . OF Our lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conducted by the Sisters of St, Benedict. This Academy is incorporated and au thorized by the State to confer academic nonors. school per term. Board and tuition $40.00 Music, insrtumental, theoretical aud vocal with use of oianoand organ 15.00 Guitar 12.00 Zltueru 12.00 Drawing and painting H.OO Fancv wort and mendlne free to boarders, Tuition in select day school ranees from 5 to $10. Normal instruction of ainirants for teacner's certincates a specialty. Graduating fee, ? 10. For further particulars aoolv at the academy. H. F. MERRILL, BANKER, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. ffiSeU exuhinge on New York. San Francisco and funiana. Buy notei. StVe. ciantv and c'.tr wimntt. R. ceivedaMislt9fiibJea to check. Interest allowed on nine uepoBits. .Collections will receive prompt attention. Correspondencd solicited. I Fire and niArioe Insurance placed in reliable com ru. First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREGON. President L. FLINN Vice President . 8, E, YOl'NG Cashier ....JEO. E. CHAMBKKLAIN Ass't Cashier JA3. K. I'OWELL TRANSACTS A GENERAL banillng buslneaa. ACCOUNTS KEPT subjeet to check. . SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, tol on fl,v xorit, San r ranclsco, Chicago and rol Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. J. E. Yonro. L E. BLA1N, Oso. E CHAMllaLal! 1.. r blHUJ WALT.H E TUHRILL, Linn Vunty Bank, COWAN. RALSTON & CO., Successors to Cowan A Cusick.) -t ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking builness. - isco ana Portland, Oregon. LOAN HONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjeo. to check. COLLECTIONS entruitel to us will rece vo iironie nei,.iuu. Big G has given univer sal satisfaction In the cure of 4onorrho?a and Uleot. I prescribe It and fool safo In recommend' ing It to all suffereri. A.J. STOXKR, H.D., Decatur, III. PRICE. 1.00. Sold by Druggists. tokliny A Mnson, Whulcsule Agents, C.rt.lafj W TO 5 DaTB13 M DnirulMd Dot .1 Ktm CSBM Strisian. CpJ itrdmiijbrtb. t'ltnoiCitmicalCo. Cuulnnatl.aVna Till lifllfflT Hull ROOMS TO RENT. 17 :t i - J t i. i . X' nruiniicu luu uuiuruiaiieu roorPS to rent. Inquire at corner of 7th and 11a ker atreetn.', DR. C.WATSON MASTCN Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat Office. FOSHAY- & MASON, AMD RSTAIb Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John 11. Alden's Dtiblicatlona. bioh we sell at publisher's nrinaa with ostageadded. ALBANY, OKEOON. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, (via Yaquina to San Francisco.) ' Of wheat, oats, hop and wooL I am nr.. pared to taka Marine on all cereals, hops, wool or any consignment, of goods to and from Sao Francisco. For farther nartio- lars, address Ala Harris, Agent California Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1888. 18RQ First Term Vpras Hepiember lltli, 1SS8. A lull corps of instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ECourses of study arranged to meet tbr need of all grades of students. S fecial inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.50 to $13,50. Board in private families at low rates. Rooms lor self-boarding at small excense. A oarefnl supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th, For circulars and fuij particular address the President. . VKV, BLBEBT . t'OKDIT. Albany, Oregon receiving my fall stock und I can give my customers Icttcrbw gains than ever was dieted in AlUiny r i-.i- . , . , , . , ... ..... vur biuck is complete Hrn l rrrrrre io Krrp it tn fi Ir r'r tler.rTr.,, .i.i ..u .n il . .. ; 1 buu an me new novelties ss mey are in the market. Would call especial attention to tlio following lines Dress Goods,Pl!ishes,Vclvcls,lf osiery I j Jcrsics, Gents' Fimiisluijo Goods. Illankets, Boots and Shoes. AllIark is a thorougLJinrpection of slock. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, Mail orders promptly atifuricl to. W .F. READ, Mat i. y. w a. j. 1 1 . niinH.j mm -til o! H i.U ifi. JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer ot Cigars, AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED Alia KEY WEST gi:, Hug ann Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Brtr Plpes,?and I B'loe of Smokers' Art.les, Also dealer CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS,