Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 30, 1888, Page 1, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
I 1 liIvl OR.,FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 30, 1888.
NO 179
Southern FaciflQ Company's Lino.
Tiiit .nr. autsTi bouts.
ran bitw.iim Albany a'ld tiaa Frwasoa, 3 hoarl
OAuroit-m SaPRRSS mil., dailt
4.00 p. a. I Loave Portland Arrive 1 10:45
s:la r a Luav Albany Luave 0;
J:6 A M Arrive, sau Francisco Leave I f
wukruanamum daiit (except Sunday).
8:00 A u Leave
IftiUr M Leave
2:40 PM I Arrivo
Arrive 3:15 1
Leave I A
Leave) I) 410 J
"LooAI. Ml"" ,,A'L,
R-20 p M I Leave Albany
(Mir Arrive Lebanon
liiWIPM Leave Albany
1-30 fm Arrive Lebanon
Arrive I 030 A
Loave 6:fyA
.trrive 2:45 p
Leave 2:00 P
Tourist Sleeping Oars
or jaecimtail" Secimil.Class Pusaen
Iters, atlacnea i wpr . n....
Wesl Mile Division.
traix DAILI (ex jept Sunday,)
70 . I Uave Portland Arrive 0:i0 p
Vl:li t a Arrive UorvtllH Leave 1:30
xpases traiks daiia (excjp; Sunday.
'50 p H 1 Let re Portland Arrive I l:O0 A
oiK r a I Ar.i -e McMiunvillc Leave 6.45 A
. . . 1 ..t i 'nrvftllin connect with trains ot
ftini .. ,
Orej m PaciQo Kallroad
Through ticket! to all points south .and east yia
For full Information rejrardlng- rotes, maps, tc
.U on Company-; A.ent at Albany
j, ,,j; jii'iA i'. nr. Al
Oregon Pacific fiaiiroai.
iron Development Company's Steam
ship Line.
20 moas less time
4h.n hit inv other route.
First-claw through passenger and
fmiirht line from Portland and all points
jroiB"" in -ml frnm Han
Francisco, ai. .
WillamettB River Lino of Steamers. At it Thi. H. Runt.
ey," The "Three Sisters" are in service
for both passenger and freight tratiio be
tween Corvallis and Portiaud and inter
mediate points, leaving Company's: wharf,
I U.Hinun Jtr f?r.'r.
COrVaillS, UU luoaaio, -
wharf, Nos. 20U and ai2 Front St., Port-
ISUU, IQrW WUieo nam. -. . .
Leave Corvallis, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days at 8 R. m. Albany, 0:W a. ro. Arrives at Salem
S p. m. Leave Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day at 0 a. in. Arrive at Portland 3:30 p. m.
. . . . . .. . MT...I.. ....1 Prill
Leave, rurtianu Aiuuuuyn, .uirjrj.j. .iu. . .to
days at U a. m, Arrive at Salel at 7:16 p. m. Leave
. . i ... ih.iuu ...I at. tl a. m.
oaiein iuw.ui.jr, mM-j 1
Arrive at Corvallis at 3,30 p, m.
Boats make close connection at Alban
with trains of the Oregon Pacific Kallroad
TIME SCHEDULE, (except Sundays.)
Let re Albany, 1:00 r. a,
Leave Corvallis, 1:40 p, .
Arrive Yaquina, 6:30 r. a,
Leave Yaquina, s:45 A,M.
Leave uorvallui,lu:36 a,n.
Arnve Albany, 11:10 a. m,
O. t C. trains connect at Albany and
Corvallis. The above trains connect at
Yaquina with the Oregon Development
Company's Line of Nts.unsblps between
Yaquina and Hun Francisco.
Willamette VRlley, Thurs, Doc. O'.h Wed. Doe. lilh
Willamette Valloy, Mon. Dec. litli Mou. Dec. 21th
vVillamelte Valley, Sun. Dee. 30th.
The Company .uorye the right to
ohange sailing dates without notice.
N. li. Passengers from and
Willamette Vailey points can make close
connection withtho trains of the Yaquina
route at Albany or Corvallis, and il des
tined to sun Francisoo should arrange to
arrive at Yaquina the oveuiug before I'ito
of sailing.
iluseacer and VuciaM Ualcs always me
3or Information apply to O 3 Stuart, Freight and
Ticket Airent. Albam-. or to C 11 llaetvoll. Jr.. U. F.'
A P. Agl Oregon Uevelopinoiit (Jo "'J4 .M.iiHh'oiuery
oan craiiiilicj, Oal. V. 4J. 11 -.itt,
j. (. F. and P. Arent,
OrotJil Pnili It R Co. C irvalii.
Revere House;
I Filtnd ud in firsf-class style. Tables
Kipplled with tho bait In the market.
Nice slAanlnir anartmants. Sam nle rooms
for commercial travelers,
kTFree Ctaek ( aad frsm tke Hatel.'Ct
Cash Goesa Long Ways at Julius GradwonT
I have made arrangements for buying
goods direct from the factories in Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast
The following are some of my cash retail
prices :
H dozen unhandled teacups and saucers.
35 cts.
H dozen unhandled coff runs nnrl s-.,,-
'zi dozen handled coffee cups an d sau
cers, 50 cts.
A dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45
These goods are all iron stone China and
net a cheaper grade of goods. These prices
are for 30 days.
Julius Gradwohl.
Hotel Arrivals.
Forest Grove, Or,, March 8th.
..,uwlau 1.111 r years witn
weakness of the kidneys and have tried
many dillerent remedies sought aid from
different physicians and even cbanrred
climates to nhtai 1. Mitof t... 1
- - - -..u., uu. met
Wf i ,n,dl?,rei"8aocess. Hearinr; through
Jea, I obtained a box of It and have tie
rived more benefit from it than from any
thing else I have yet found.
Sold by Foshay fc Masan. ' '
uoyou want a remedy for B-liousness, Pimples on
the face, and a anrn kiim Ia. k. . r.
Ou'SS and Son. the Dmiririiit.. far l.r nA. ,1...'
Pills, try a doee, saniplos free full box 26 cent.
Revere House. M M Long, W Q
A4nn,fl Gn.M.nDTH.iitmnn I
J Guines, llarrisburg; B V Drew, Pitts.
U II i:n w I . ri rji rrt ,
uuijjj (i ixiiucr, A.UI1UUH , 4 a Aruciove;
P Riggs, Independence ; G B Rates, Sam S
GoldKmllh. II Prr-rrvmnn. A Baxter. Port.
land: B Lased, city ; T N Ohown, S F: A
1 i.r -1. ,,,, . TI1..11.., m t
iia vvciic, Wisconsin; n ttimiiuii, 01 a.ouis.
St Charles. I B Mahr.D Martin.R Y
Cole.Mchama : C Denny, Mrs Smith, Cor
vallis : A B Slauson, T 3 TownBcnd. L
Whlte.Portland : W H Watklnd.Lebanon;
W P Pearsall, Philadelphia, Penn : G W
and family, Albany ; G L Kinsley ,St Louis,
. a n ,c t.1 T ri..i xt r . i
; n. n ivhlz, all b iti j ill iuii, x ; j
maslinia, aacramento ; U a Clark, Mills
Russ House. I Williams, G M Miller
Millers j Miss Mulky, I A Miller, F E
Dodge, Yaquina ; C Roland, Frluevilie ;
W C Rlggs, Crawfordsville ; J D Day, O
P P D . VV K Cnii... V r.rt I -1 m .1 . VV f
teiio ; 11 r rjius ; r u xvouinson, city ; u
Scio ; J H Jones ; Capt Van Alstine and
wife, Seattle ; B Johnson, Shedd ;JJ Hoff.
man : B Butler : T Wickizer : R Kiebs.
Clothing A large and complete lin
gents' clothing and furnishing goods at
P. A.rT1.v;n' Tnllir'n1hlnirn.rf.
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he will sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only
used two or three months. Call at this office.
3 t
H 0
I'm jolly -
and faty though
1 needn't say that ; fur a
glance at my size and a look ,
in my eyes, and you plainly can
see there's no flies upon me. I'm
a little bit short both ot breath
and of hair, but from shoulders to
knees you can Bee I'm all there. I
smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff;
I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad.
But you'd never surmise where my happi
ness lies, so I'll up and confssa what you
never could guess. A good thing to eat is
alway3 a treat, which win make you as sweet
a oar sugar cured meat.makes you feel so eontent
with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad j
and you couldn't get mad though a man just a-i thin as
a rail or a piu was to pull at your nose or tread on
your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e
pleasant or mean, just give VV. & T. a show
to sell you right low, you will feel
such a thrill of con tentment until you'll
wish you were fat to enjoy more of that'
For the feeling's immense and you'll
show your good sense by buying
groceries, pro visions and'
crockery cf W 8s T
The washerwomen of Holland and Bel -glum,
so proverbial for their clean and
beautiful white linen, use refined bora as
a washing powder, in the proportion of a
half a pound of borax powder to ten eallona
of water. This saves soap nearly one-half
r or clothes, as cuff and shirt bosom. r.
quiring to be made stiff, a stronger solution
ts necessary. Borax beiner a neutral .nil
does not in the smallest degree Injure the'
unen. .-Next comes starchlnir. A very nice
preparation for elossv starch is mH In
this way: Pound two ounces of fine white
gum arable to a powder. Dut it into a nltch
er and pour on it a pint or more of boiling
water, cover the pitcher and let it stand all
night. In the mornine Dour It enrsfnll v
from the dregs into a clean bo'tle, cork it
for use. A tablespoonful of this iruin war.
er snouia De poured into a pint of starch
made in the usual wav.andthe linen starch
ed with it. In ironing collars, cuffs, etc
rub them before Ironing with a clean white
towel in soft water. Rub the iron on a cot
ton bag, in which Is a p-ood sized Iuitid of
neeswax. Ihe bosomof the shirt annul,!
be the last part ironed.
The last number of the Connecticut Home
gives an account of the wholesale Intimlda
tion practiced throughout that State by the
manufacturers to make their employees
vote for Harrison and Morton. It cite.
particularly the case of the owners of the
WUlimantic mills, whose superintendents
and foremen resorted to the most contepti -bl
espionage to see that none of their
Democratic employees cast t leir ballots for
Cleveland. It was all the more marked be
cause, according to the officers statements,
tne mills have never been so nourishin" as
durlngfthe past four years There has never
Deen a campaign in which intimidation
played so prominent a part as the one iust
Men generally cross their less when
there is least pressure on their minds. You
will never find a man actually eneraecd in
business with his legs crossed. The limbs
at those times are straighter than at any
other, because the mind and body work
together. A man engaged in auditing ac
counts will never cross his lcgs.neither will
a man who is writing an article, or who Is
employed in any manner where his brain
is actually engaged. When at work in a
sitting posture, the limbs naturally extend
to the floor in a perfectly straight line. A
man may cross his lees If he is sittinir In an
office chair discussing some proposition
with another man, but the instant he be-
CnmPSrWlllv in ..pnn.t anrl m.n..!v.. .
thing to be gained,his limbs uncross'qulck
as a nash, he bends forward towards his
neighbor and begins to use his hands.That
is a phase that I believe you will alwava
A Brutal Game.
New York. Nov. 2o.Tn ih. 1 .u.n
. ... ,uulwl
game to-day the Universltv nf p. i.
nia team AmfattA l. .
T. " "'cyans 10 to 16.
Ihe game was a very exciting one, and
bruises and bangs were well distiibuted.
Wagenhauret of the Pennsylvania was
knocked senseles. ,- Gardner of the Wes
leyans was seriously injured j Crane of the
Vesivfin-i is.-10 .1 . .. .
"t- wui tne mou til, and
Mancheste r nf thm YVai . ..
, . , . "voicjain was 10 Daajy
hurt that he qnit the field.
Small Pox at Colfax.
Colfax, W. T, Nov. 20 n.nni pi.
master C. O. Brawder was d,lni tot...
ill, and unon pvamin.iinn
. luc wts pro-
nounced to be smallpox. It is evident the
disease was conveyed here through the
mail. The city has purchased a house and
lot to be used as a pest house.
, Another labor Organization.
PlTTSBURO, Nov. 20 Tnhl. T...
Charles Tychman and other prominent la
bor men are preparing to form a gigantic
national ohnr,,.l r. . .
with political questions,but they say it will
be non-partisan. It will not be in opposl
tion to the Knights. lv
New Goods Latest styles In toaues
turban and soft felt hats just received at
We will Bell ou eraceriea nhnanpp than
any RMjre lu town. .
Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man,
Flinn Block, Albany, Or.
New Wash House.
many year ana was so wen nsen oy every.
tvn.h hnnaa th firat nf HnntnmhAr. one door
south of the Revere House. Lee doestiiood
work and wants everybody to get Stheir
washing dons by him.
Fine line of Guns and
good stock of Ammuni
tion at Deyoe and Bob-
a's. Soacial bargains
Four good, reliable men to sell the Im-
iiutiuoiu,ei, iraui auu wBnuu tutu
lshiid, Address, The Singer M'fg Co.
J, A. Archibald, Agent,
Albauy, Or,
TlAftlfir In allilinlila.lln,nwiv1 O;
Orar:, sowing Manhines, Guns." Also
a full line of warranto ! Razors, Butcher
ailH f-nnlrn Vnlu.. fh. k..i I. i .. .1 -
sewing machine oil, needles and extras,
for all machines. Ail repairing neatly
and reasonably done.
Th nniljMlini.1 la MnnaH In n ' 1 1
kinds of work In hla linit in Mrat-nlaaal,ni-
der and with promptness. Address P. O
oox o(or can at corner 01 in ana Maple
I. N, Smith,
Cheaper than you can buy them in Port
land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels
carpet for Co cents; a heavy three ply car
pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from
40 cents to 50 cents. Carrie-, k iarge line
of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades.
A. B. McIlwain
If you want a clean and fine smoke ak for
u. uorcuu s norno maun wiute laonr cigars.
For sale bv most ciijar dealers and at
Joseph's factory.
Ladies, do not ruin you roinplextion by
the iijmi of poisonous eonmetics and face
nnwHnm. If Unor faMlaml.. m.nK.
if yon are so unfortunate as to have plm
plns or bletcheson the neck and face Dil
lard's Speulflo will not cover them like a
coat of pnint b it will mo-vt effectively re-
'i'w.0.11 wiraiiiioN 11-niii mn sain ana re
store thorn to it natural youthful bloom.
ror saie oy yonnv . ninsnn,
in his new discovery for Consumption, suc
ceeded io producing a medicine which hac-
sDowieugea uy an to De simply marvelous,
It iR axnepninolv nl,.unt tn tt I..I.
feetly harmless, and does not sicken. In all
ease, of care, of Consumption. Coughs, Cold,
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and
Pain 1 n I Viu if I... : 1
sstisfactiiin. SrBnsRukn's Cough and Lung
Syrup is fold at 50 cents by Dr tinis, ii Son.
Horrible Murder.
St. Louis,Nov. 2q Details of a hnrrlMA
outrage, murder and suicide ua. f rm w..
vada, Mo.,to-day. The outrage and murder
...m1ku auoui eignt miles south of
Nevada Yesterday Miss Wray, accompan-
lCd bV Genrtri. Pftrh. ...I ... . ..
tiict school and boarded with Mrs. Wrav
went to the city. Corbe returned last night
alone, and said the girl had been dragled
from the buggy and murdered by two un-
known men. The body was found "in n
ClUlTlD Of bushoa nrnr II.. -.. J. :. i " .,
. tuuusiuc, me
young woman's throat having been cut
from ear to ear. Corbe was placed under
guard and during the night committed sui
cide by taking poison, thus escaping lynch
ing. ihe coroner's Inquest developed the
fact that the girl had been outraged and
thin murdered.
-' Beats Oregon.
Rochester, V, Y., Nov. 20. It waa r.
ported in this city to-night that at a little
hamlet near OInn nn tf.a tlA t .t.- n...
----- ----- ." ""c ui tne dui-
faio, New York & Philadelphia railway up
wards of seventy tramps made their appear
ance at an early hour this morning and be.
gan to Invade the town and ransack dwel
lings. F orty men with shot guns attacked
the loafers, and the tramps soon had the
shotguns. Further assistance was asked
irom surrounding towns, No more particu
lar, could be learned.
Close Figuring.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 28. Should
Pendleton, democrat.receive the certificate
of electlnn tn thm fiftu.R.f
---------- ....j-....,, tuuKicss xor
this district as the returns now apparently
stand, the democaat, would be able to or
ganize the house by a vote of 163 to 162.
The count is completed In Weizel county .
Vhe recount resulted in a loss of thirty
nine for Atkinson, and Pendleton, demo
crat now has nineteen majority in the dfs-trict.
It Pays. What f Why.'to get your
groceries, canned goods, etc., at the Wil
lamette Packing Co's store. Their stock of
home canned goods, consisting of pears,
peaches, cherries, etc., vegetables, chow
chow and pickles,is the best In the market,
They have a splendid line of holiday goods,
such as fancy groceries, nuts, candies, etc.,
and their prices are remarkably reasonable.
Call at this Store for rrood rroncU nnrl Imr.
Cn yon imagine any ailment that will
make a fcood natural person so peovlsli,
dlKSatlsnnrl. Ill lAinnArar nnrl,. ...
biilioiirjnass? Tliorels no reason, what
ever, why any one should suffer from in
rlir-atillrtn ,l.r.n.n.ia I.....I.1 II..... 1 ,
uj'-foK11"! it" nilu ICRS
of ppnte, when Lr. Honley's Dandelion
Toni-J, which every one knows ix a cer
tain cure, cau be so easily obtained. For
saie by Foabay & Mason.
. ... ........ , . n.ui. j. -j-pir
ion. r,ro.luvinkrarerydimtirruetlilo Inihlnir alter
iiiirwarm. This form as will as Ullml. Meclii ir anil
Krotrndinir Pile, yield at once to the a'nlii-,ti-in of
T. Boaaiiko'a lllo remedy, walcli acts directly upon
the parts affected, aha'irhlnir the tumors, alia) liiB; the
inuna itchine and effecting a pernianert t-itrn. 6U
cent.. A-ldresfl The Dr Hoaaiiko VMicine Co . Jiqu
O. hi Id by Dr. C 'lias and Son.
orange, reooived at Wll'cn & Thompeon'a .
Pendlrtow, Oregon, January, 12.
TTavin., ... (I-....I ..I, l. l. : .1 1 t
. . - -. . ..u ... .... i . 1 1 ii, j aiuuii whb
induced to try the Oregun Kidney Tea
wbien reliayed me In a short time. I take
i, ....... v " .n..,.,..,,nu,,iu5 It lu tliei DUD.
lie as a safe remedy for kidney difficul
ties, UKUhUH VT. Jt AILRT.
County judge of Umalllla.