Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 29, 1888, Page 1, Image 1

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    gufaanp gailu gcmo r ra t.
VOL. 1. ALBANY, OR., THURSDAY,NQ7EMBER 29, 1888. """""yonl?
UUlilrK.1l ItLLK BAXAAlt I laai-aaaaaaa. m ,
SoutJiern Paciflo Company's Line
Tan nr. aauu uitttn.
mi botn Albviy " " Ffvielu, 85 hours
South" No"B
4 00 p. H. Loave Portland Arrive ( 10:45 A u
8:18 r u Leave Albany Lavi 1 0:45 A M
7:45 a a Arrive Sau p'.anciaco Leave 7:00 P M
loial passsnoba TaAI.S dailt (except Sunday).
8:1X1 a a I Leavi Portland Arrive 3:46 r V
12:40 m I Leave Albany Leave I ll;35 A M
g:40pM j Arrive Kutreno Leave ) 9 . -00 A a
8:20 r a I Leave Albany Arrive 0:30 A H
i):QU r a I Arrive Lebanon Loave 6:45. H
12:50 pa I Leave Albany arrive 2:45 pa
1:36 ra Arrive Lebaoou Leave S:0UPM
rULLIimil uuiili gLurLiitii
Tourist Sleeping Oars
or AecmuaaAltoit oi seconu-viaw rasaen
W... I.Iai I.llvlalan.
traix dailt (ex.xpt Sunday,)
City Election Notion.
nTrjtina ia haroktr ni.. .L.. .L
7: "V " "ie annual
eIeotion la and for the city of Albany, Linn
county. Oregon, will be held Monday the
Aril Hair nf IIuaauL.. A l . . J
j . ".Hutr, a., u., lasa, for the
rurpose of electing the following munioipal
officer., to-wit : Marshal, Treasurer, three
Couacunwo, one from each ward in aaid city,
the polling placca will be aa followa i First
7Zi vty c!8rk oaioe Seoonl
.? wy T"Mur8r ! Third ward, Farm
era' Warehouse office.
The follnwincr n n ... ...1 i ,
; , . persuuB nave been
r. ., "vimwu, r irat ward: J uueen.
a.rbd.F tTSV.-."'!? ftW, N T Moore
ward 7 J,":"r. "f001"1
' JvR, Wyatt, Cal Burk-
" aviuoj iierxa, vv u
Warner, W E Kelly.
Said election will begit. at 9 o'clock in the
tDornin7 and nnnfiniia. .t-i , -.
DOlls. until irT'rr-Vu"""' ;'"IU? ?.ne
, hud uvomuir oi me
AhnUA mBnf nh.J.l J J . "
13th, 1888 '"",011. mde November
N. J. Henton,
a it IV 'i-y oi Aioany.
Albany, Or., Nov. 17th, l'J88.
. 4 .W A
Wis 1 1
Arrive (i:20 r a
Leave I 1:30
isrRssn TaUixs dailt (excjp. Sunday.
Arrivo I D:00 A U
i(fl ffl-t r-rvilllllli.iil I
:i:Wr H I Let re Portland
L8:W pm Ar.i-e MoMlonville
Leaye 5.45 A M
aa a l- I SV.-...:.! Mhniuit tfit n t'raina nf
ayres m racmo nanroau
Through tickets to au points souin ,ma can. 71a
For full iufarmition re?rdinj rates, mtpe, etc.
Ill I On JOmiiaUiJ AKOUt Hi, nnwj.
q k ii.kk k p. finr.K.13.
Rather thai the Cheapest
rjti 1 land BUSINESS
Portland Oregon.
7 '' v""""v" i.'iyut una mnmonantp iepart-
Jtuuoijis ntituiutTd at, ai.y nine. Cata
lottu ajl iueolmBiia of neimibfp aent free.
' t - r. Aniisiiiunu. A'ria.
Canh Goes a Long Way at Julias Gnulwohl'
I have made arrangements for huvlnrr
goods direct from the factories la Europe,
and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper
than any where else on the Pacific Coast
The following are some of my cash retail
prices :
lA dozen unhandled teacups and saucers.
If fin
dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau
dozen handled coffee cups and sau
Yz dozen seven Inch dinner plates, 45
These goods are all Iron stone China and
not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices
Julius Gradwoiil.
F oresi urove, ur jntirua 01a.
I have been troubled many years with
weaanesa 01 toe Kiuueys auu uov u-ieu
many di He rent rem oil lea sought aid from
different physicians and even changed
climates to obtaiu relief, but have met
i.u : .1 1 v a c
nilU IIIU1110rOUIiBUUUO39 ucauui; liuuujll
a friend of the value of the Oregon Kidney
m,. T nU.-tnJ - U. t If onI Kan
1 l.4A nrn !( tkon -Am an
Liiiii viso a uavv j 00 ivuuui
J. T, Huff.
Sold by Foshay A Mason.
in his nAw ftianva.,. n ..
, j 7 " V J vuuBumptiOD, sue
eeeded in produoiag a medicme which ijao-
rrilJrT . 00 unPIy marveIoup
It w exceedingly pleasant to the taete. per'
j - www aoi, sicaen. in all
p.i. r rhr?if"i "niH.., ,nd
- 7. v r,co,,i given universal
satisfaction DrBosanko', Cough and Lung
SvruD is iiiUri !ii.... u . . . ""K
, . wu ujr i,r nuns s. Son.
A I'leaaine Sense
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and Cnmfirf. fnllnw. .1 e c .'
i. I 1 " ""m oyrup 01 Dies.
aS it acts in h.rmnnu IH. 1
. ,, . , 7 " " uaiure 10 euec-
tuaJy cleanse the system when costive or
II I j j .,p"1 "a bottlea by
all lead I DO irtlrrmata J
p -.HBwa,V,
New Goods. Latest StVlp. In
....... , - -uc.
".ruan ana son lelt hats just received at
Ida m. Brush's.
For Sale Cheap. Honk
used two or three months. Call at this of.
Wawill .oil n ,
anv store in VA'"" 8'"lio"" cn"P" a
Brownell A Staxard
A School Panic.
St. Louis, Nov. 28. A panic occured at
.r scnooi to-day,and nothing but the
great presence of mind of the crops of
teachers prevented a great loss of life" The
'c?"? hea "S apparatus got out of order,
and the rattling in coils, ctiupled with the
escaDinratrntn ,l J.l-1:.,.. ."c
f,;' 111c ennaren, who,
M? if exnloslon. "arted for the door,
t o lh; l charge!
nH. V . "U Prevented a stam-
KowevJn"; d..rd" stored,
was re r" u '"'"f steam pipes
. , v." . '"rcssra vio ence, and
before Miss Krebs could reach the door t he
n-5 Lmlth,e terror "ricken children had
gained the hall. The faithful teacher was
borne to the floor trampled upon, sustain!
ing serious Injuries.
Do you want a remedy for Biliousness, Pimples on
the face, and a sure core for sick neadacne, auk Dr.
n..l ...J Dm tk. nniArlill InT lir (IftT.lll'a I.lva
Dill. tM - aamnUa frM full bOX 2fi Cent.
Cheaper than vou can hn n.. i r. .
, , ; ""J ."11. in run-
land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels
a.lict xor 00 cents; a heavy three ply car
pet for 7C cents. inI t, -:.
, ....v.vuiii aim winaow snades.
A.. iS. MclLWAIN
nrRomn Pacific B,a,ilroaJ,
' iioa Development Cotcpany'3 Steam
nhin Iina.
t nn unit off i ccc Tiaac
I iu nuunii a.k.v v iiviie
ban by any other route.
If irst-Ciass turuuyu ijaasHiior iuu
sight line from Portland and all points
tha nill!.mAt.tA Vallnv tn and from Nan I
rr, . r.rr -
illamfltts P.ivflr Lina nf StfiamBrs
(The "Wm. M. Hoau," Tho S, Bent
t," The "Three 8iators" are in service
fer both passenger and freixlit tralno be
tween Corvallis and Portland "ud lnter-
neaiate poiuta, ioovviuk; wouiuauy a wuai 1,
sorrallis, aud Messrs. Hulman A Co'a I
kharf. Nnn 2IMI anil 2112 Kmnt St.. Pnrt-
L ...I 1 1, nut It in nu u aulr Inw - I
It Pays. What ? Whv. to cr-t w.,-
groceries, canned goods, etc., at the Wil-
incuc i-acKinsr ijo'sstor. .-.t. -i
home canned goods, consisting of pears,
c ' ' , . ,' , ',etc' vegetables, chow-
Chow and n rt aE t. i.. i ... '
The. hai.. "Ji.Tji.i iT " " .l.n.e marKet.
--I'lciiiiiu iiuc oi noiuay goods
such as fancy groceries, nuts, candies, etc.
r-Ti iVlt r''-'oao'yreasonab e
I Call at tlllS Htnrf fnr rrnnd J- , ,
I ajng gwus ana uar-
Leave ujrvania, Auontiaye, vveauosuays ana rn- i
i'ami 5 a. m. AiDAiiy, w;u a, m. Arrives an oaiem i
6. m. Luava SilumTuoadav. Thuntdav and Satur- I
L At. I m. Arrive at Piirtland 3:11 n. m.
r - .., . .
psro ronianu n-jnoays, w euneeiuaye ana r nu-
Isei.u, ui, Arriva ,vauiu.(i p. 111. ineave
P.m TitAai.l-v Thiirailav Biwi HAtiinlav l ft m
five at Cor vail i at 3,30 , m.
t ... .... .
poaui uirks ciosa cuunacuoa at Aiuan
kh trains of the Oregon Pacific Kailroad
TiMB 8JI11.DULE. (except Sandays.)
fve Albany, 1:00 p. a,
v. Oorvallid, 1:10 P.M.
five Vauina, 5:30 P. a
A. r . : .. . . . . . . i
pvani9. iuo auuvo .raius uuniiBCbai
tquina with the Oregon Development
In n. riTi'. Unart r. . ... ..1. . .... 1....
Lri . in. anA 1tanlan
t' "
lamette Valley, Thura, Doc. 0th Weil. Dec. l-'lh
lmle Valley, Jlon. Dec. 17tU Mou. Deo. 14th
tbimflttn V.ll.w II.. .nih I
lio Crmpuy jnnryen the right to
iiko ouiiing uaies wituout notice,
it i... r .. .
I. .-. . .wiijioi h injm i anu
l.m.11. i.. . iuy uuiiicn iiitu I1IUKO f;iose
nail... .:i. .i.n i. r . i. . i
.....b.i.i. niiiivuD uaum i,i .ijo i uqilloa
..tunny or orvaius, auti 11 ues-
lll 111 Sl.ln l.'.r..,;Ui.n .......
...... . . . .v.. ., . , .. .... i ni lauu Lu
--- -- - v..wu.wu...ft vuiviir .-aio
lenitrr anil Pi right Hales nlwnys
infnr.n itlrt annlv I., IJ J Slnnrt li-rat..:. ...I
It Arfout, Albany, nr to U II Haskell. Jr., O. r
At U.-0..OH Uovelopineiit ijo,, ac4 MntitaVmery
i . i . l. UJHUai
f V. O. F. ami P. Aeut,
::; i Pl:i 1: n it :. Uirvt.iii
Leave Yaquina, 6:45 a, a.
Ijkav. IlLPvullia lll.'IH . u
Arnve Albany, 11:10 a.'m,
I'm jolly
and fat, though
1 needn't say that ; for a
glance at my size and a look
in my eyes, and you plainly can
see there's no flies upon me. I'm
a little bit abort both ot breath
and of hair, but from shoulders to
knees you can see I'm all there. I
Smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff;
I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad.
But you'd neversurmise where my happi
ness lies, so I'll up and confass what you
never could guess. A good thing to eat is
alwuys a treat, which will make you as sweet
as OHr sugar cured meat,makes you feel so oontent
with the money spent that you're bound to feel glad ;
aod you couldn't get mad though a mii just as thin as
a rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on
your toes. If you're fat or yonr'e lean, if yout'e
pleasant or mean, junt give W. & T. a show
to sell you right low, you will feel
suoh athrill of con tentmene until you'll
wish you were fat to enjoy mora of that
For the feeling's iaimnns.? and you'll
slow your good sense by buying
grocerie9,pro visions and
crockery of W S T
Tf vnn tvnnf .1..- .
J.In,.,!-: i." . ''"Q"n "no sk for
F0;Tr;;r"7'":" '"".
Joseph's factory.
imtus, raoM bam pkancisco.
Wallace & Tlaoiuion Fat Man,
Flinn Block, Albany, Or.
ktd nn In nratutlaaa atvla. Tallloa
llied with the bet In the market.
I aieapmK apartments, sample rooms
rommercial travelers,
res Coaett I aa.l rreaa tks H-tel.-
ine line of Guns and
pd stock of Ammuni-
p at Deyoe and Rob-
3, Special bargains
Ncav Wash House.
T oa PKInnman 1 :.. iL:. I a
mnnV VO.iri, an1 una an mull lilra Kti -
body has returned and will open up a new
wash house the first of September, one door
annrh nf tha U... 11. f J H J
oig iwuBQi xjtrtj uucs;i;unu
work and wants everybody to get their
hmuiiijj uuuv uy uiDi,
Four coed, reliable mn to sail the Im
provad ainger. Team and wagon turn
lahed, Address, The Hinder MTg Co,
J. A. Archibald. Agent,
Albany, Or.
Tii. .liM In ..II H.A t . nt
""f - iu u mm uuprovou pianos
Organs Nswlnis Maohlnni, Ouns. Also
a t'll I I I... a nf iu 1 U 11... l
and hocket Knlyes. The best kind of
V.r all maahlria. A II II '
aaas..iss3.i nil AUJfUJrillg IICUIM'
and reasonably done.
rri. iu um iimo m iirHt-uiaR-j or,
Ider anil with promptness. Address P, O
box H7ni n-xU ar am Oil. I r i
s wiarni ( UIU iuu VLUpiB
I. N, Smith,
TjartlAB lln nn ...1 ...
tli i yoa coiMPloIIon by
lr-.7. J i '"""'reaeraunburned.
ni. w r.UDfortu.natoMt uve plm-
. . cover tbem like a
coat of paint but will most effect! vol v re?
TtZlM" bl?ml:h "" the akin and rt
Frshe9b,yosthanTSMy0nn.thfU, b,m-
Harper's Magazine."
"Harper'. Uaffazlne' la tha mmi ,.ai..i .... . -1
in;, and beautitul periodica! In a,. ..i!i i
the attractions for 1389 will be a near novel-an
American story, entitled "JopiterLIjliU"-by Con
state F. WooHon; illmtrations of Shake.iai.',
Comedies by E. A. Abbey ; a Krioui of article, on
Russia, illustrated hv T. ll..Tit.,i.,...r. . n .
- p. imia untne
Dominion of Canal, and a chiraclerUiio serial by
Charles Dudly Warner ; three "Norwlan Stodle -by
BJomatjerne BjornHn, illustrated ; "Commodui,'
a historical play by the author ot "Ben-Hor," illui
trated by J R Wenuelin, etc. The Editorelal Depart
ments are conductea by Qoor William Curtl., Wil
llam Den Howell., and Charles Dudley Warnof,
I'er Year .
HARPER'S YOL'NO PEOPLE ".".V."'.! 2 00
Postage free to all subscribers in the United
States, Camilla or Mexico.
The volumes of the Ua-naln. 11. i.i. .... .. .
a ... hivi, .ne nmn
bor. for June and December of each yoar. When no
timel..peclled,siHK!riptlon., will beln with the
miiun wuran at ine or receipt of or-Joi.
Bound volumes of "Ilirnar'a M,r,,i,.. - ...
years back, lii neat cloth bin lint, will bo sent bj
mail, poet-iwld on receipt of S3 oo per volume, cloth
"'"oinir. w oenta eaoh-by mall, postpaid.
Indo to "Harper's Majrailn." Alphabetic.', Ana
lytical, .nd Claulned, for Volume. 1 to 70. inclu-ive
from June, 1850, to June, 188S, one vol. v0i cloth'
81.00, '
Remittances .hould be made liy PostolBee Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspaper, are not to copy thi. adv.rtim,t
without the npres. order of Harper and Brothers
Addiw. 1 HARPER and BR VTHERS,
New York.
New Organization.
In-dian-apolis.Noi- A .!
held to night at the Hendricks Club rooms
by some three score democratic G. A. R. whih n ...
,.. , ' ' "'Kuuizauon was per
fected known aa-'The Democratic Soldiers'
i11"' Vet"an Association of Indi
ana. 1 nia i ...
u k.t 1. u e. -"ii i ine result ot
what ha, beer, ternied a revolt.against the
zation Is set forthX the foHowg gam
ble to their constitution and by-laws : The
purpose of thu association sliall be to in"
culate true nr nrlni.a . , .
. r"-" pn luiism, love ot
country and to foster and maintain true
democratic principles in the administration
ot the government iWh c,au . ,
1 w mu nuiiunai,
mlnleapJr!,simP'e and efficient ad
ministration of the same.and to resist with
all our miphtnnir o.l . . " .'
,,.i. " . J cncroacnment
of tre people riS'US R"d liberlie8
Mi s. Sherman Dead.
Chicago, Nov. 28 Mr. win: -n.
Sherman died at 10 o'clock this morning at
in Mew ToM " X!!"".
rha'0,.b-m' PParcnt
; "" tew nours. Uen-
era bherman was notified, and he and the
chileren who live at home. Rachael, Lizzie
and Tecumseh .were at the becside when
Mr. Sherman breathed her last.
Jay Eye See.
Racine, Wis.. Nov. 2S v....j r. .
Eve Ser.lhe fnmn... ..... .it
n- . ' ""tier, ownea oy 1. 1.
Caae,steyped on some sharp substance and
severed the main artery of 'the left leg, and
before as.fatnnf-A n..i 1... .. s
.iij j, wuiu urn ue me racer was
almost dead from loss of blood. It is boubt-
M .u. 11 es. 1 ne animal is valued at
Walking 3tatch.
New York.Nov. 20;.n.
at 1 o'clock : Moore 329, Littlewood 320.
" 'fev, Si7'T.'er 253, C 8. Smith
Vint 262, W. Smith 207! Penal 161. 3'
Yellow Fever In Now York.
New York. Gov. jS Ar,ii,.
. - . ., lfl.t ui
yellow fevej was reported by Dr. Ceorge
.. ln uie person of Raphae
Delano of 76 Mulberry street. DelanS nr.
rived fro.n farl.Rnntf.iu .i.u
. ... . j "im mi wuc ana
two children to-day, and was taken sick
soon after arrival. Shortly after noon black
vomit began, and the doctor at once noti
fled the nvlice and board of heat whQ
hnanii a" ,cm?ved to the reception
hOSpilal. Althel ia 1,1. 1 ,,'
aCartCnt0,hedceljr PPu'ated Italian
, , ,t cnicriuinea mat the
germs may have spread.
. ; 1 '"rK DO ri-nsou, wbat-
oysr. why ny one slioul.l suffer om In
,'T""' w"lfi" VBrv " knows K a onr-
lain Ctlrp. nan ho mn a..ll. . V. r
sale by Foshay A Maif. """ "r
Itehin Pile. -e lr.,o. bv m-.l,.,ore lik. 1- ,
"' Xl?"- "xreeable Itchi," atte'"'
rot?. nil'atrV, .""" ""IU. Wood"; and
.Bolii k, , I.;", '''",""'" the of
' iKI . '! r,!',",:rl"l"( "e tumor,, aMiiv'ii. the
eanl. ! AH .Vi . f 'i. " . I"r,""'"' t rare. 60
1. L. ij .... ... , : -i',u--..c
v. c m 9j i,r, i-iidsand Son.
ilcine Co , Piqu
Nt?v rai.flr-?. enemnfa .:..- , .
Pi(Nni.s.TON, Oregon, .Iannry. 12
Haviiiir iiii,n.i ,i,ir ..... i.u"
10 as a safe, remaily for kldn.y dimcul-
,'r-"i" vv . IfAILKr,
Couuty Judge of Umaillla,