Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 27, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Democrat.
From our resrular correspondent,
Washington,' Noy. aoth, iSSS.
Mr Cleveland, Senator Gorman and a
majority of the party leaders have'decided
that it Is good politics to let the "tail go
with the hide," so to speak. Consequently
little or no effort will be made to prevent
the republican steal of the doubtful seats
in the House of Representatives. These
gentlemen hold that it will be better for the
republicans to have control of all branches
of the Government for a time i they be
lieve that it will result in an overwhelming
democratic majority in the House In 1S90,
and the election of a democratic
Presidentin 1S92. The republican ma
jority In the House of the Fifty.first
Congress will hardly be more than five, if
so many, and there is little doubt that if
the democrats had decided to make a de
termined fipjlit for the doubtful seats that
this majority could have been reversed.
A second-rate actor has been trying to
get a little cheap notoriety by telegraphing
his agent here to open negotiations for the
purchase of Oak yievr, Mr. Cleveland's
suburban residence. Col. Lamont says
that Oak View is not for sale.
The republicans are loudly clamoring an
extra session of the Fifty-first Congress to
be called immediately after Harrison's In.
auguration. Many reasons are given for
the necessity of this extra session, but the
real reason is that their majority in the
House will be so very small that they fear
enough of the republican members elect
may die before next December to make the
majority democratic should that party elect
their successors, hence they want to take
no chances about capturing the organization
of the House. Whether Harrison will be
willing to call an ex'.ra session of Congress
simply for the purpose of al lowing his par
ty to organize the House of Representa
tives remains to be seen.
Most people would think that this coun
try was already overloaded with class vot
ers, yet some republicans are demanding a
position In Harrison's cabinet for editor De
Young of the San Francisco Chronicle, be
cause he represents the Hebrew vote.Thls
thing is getting somewhat monotonous. If
all the class voters are to be recognized in
appointing officials where are the American
voters to me in ? Mr. De Young may be,
an 4 probably is,as good a man as the aver
ag -republican, but if his only claim to of
fice is being the representative of the He
brew, or any other class vote, he should
not be appointed.
The republicans who have been retained
in office during the whole of Mr.Cleveland's
administration are now showing their grati
tude by talking in favor of a "clean sweep"
when Harrison comes In.
It Is said here that Harrison purchased
the support of the Craftsman, of this city,
the alleged official organ of the Interna'
tional Typographical Union, by promising
to appoint one of its editors Public Printer.
Representative Perry Belmont, of New
York city, the popular Chairman of the
House committee or. foreign affairs, has
been appointed United States Minister to
Spain. He has accepted, and will lmme
diately resign his seat In the Fiftieth Con
gress. He declined a renomlnation, at the
recent election, to the Fifty-first Congress.
Mr. Belmont will make an excellent repre
sentative abroad for this country, the only
pity being that the coming republican ad
ministration will make his present diplo.
matic career a short one.
Much is said about Harrison's probable
policy. The only thing on which to base
an opinion Is his course in the Senate. He
was always known as a conservative man
so far as his own opinions went, and yet he
always voted with his party no matter
what the subject to be voted upon or how
radical It might be in its effect. This fact
should not be lost sight of in attempting
to make a forecast of what he will do as
President. When I know the men who
will compose his cabinet I will be prepared
to express an opinion as to his probable
policy, but not before.
Washington is already busy preparing
for the coming Inauguration. There are
no politics in Inauguration day here.Mem
bers of both parties are put on the com
mittee to make arrangements, and every.
body endeavors to make each one better
than the preceding one. It will be very
difficult however.lf not impossible, to excel
the Inauguration of Mr. Cleveland.
All upper.tendom attended the auction
sale to-day at the British Legation of the
personal effects of Lord Sackville, the ex
British Minister.
The advance guard of the second session
of the Fiftieth Congress is already here.and
the work of the session may fairly be said
to commence on Wednesday of this week,
when the House committee on appropria
tions will hold a meeting.
Now come well-authenticated reports
showing that the republicans have been
committing some very gross frauds in
West Virginia In order to secure the gov.
ernor's office. The Increase in the repub -Head
vote In several republican counties is
out of all proportion to the Increase of pop
ulation, and sufficient evidence is said to
be in the possession of democrats to show
that large numbers of negroes were Import
ed from Ohio and voted,
No self-respecting, honest Intelligent
patriotic republican endorses the bitter
malignant threats contained in the article
headed "Might As Well Surrendei" In
Saturday's Oregonian. The misanthropic,
democratic spleen and sectional hatred of
that paper is not equalled even by the New
York Tribune.
P. T. Barnum announces that he has re
tired from the show business. He has never
done the world mnch good.
Boots and Siiobs. Call at A. B. Mc
Ilwaln's and see the ladies' kid and pebble
goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50
A Democrat man has seen the shoe and
can pronounce It a remarkably cheap shoe
for the former price.
Clothino A large and complete II n
gents' clothing and furnishing goods at
.v. B. Mcllwain's. In the clothing depart
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he w!H sell during the
coming week for $2.50.
Monteith & Soiteobach's great closing sale
will enable all to buy any line of goods fully
50 percent, less than any other atore in the
Be Thankful Leave your orders at
Sloan & East's for turkeys and fowls gen
erally for Vhanksgiving.
Removal. Misses E. & iimmrri
have moved their millinery store into rooms
in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubruillcs
harness shop, where thr l.,!t. u j
new customers to call on them.
Dolph's friends at Wathington are pres
sing him for Secretary of the Interior in
Harrison's cabtnett
Fire hundred and twenty nine patients
in the Insane Asylem at Salem.
Try our mincemeat in glass, its fine.
Wallace & 1' oa son.
Wide lntr.n Pdivto a 1 1 t
of the above gc ds has been received, and
Will be sold at Ai-.-.. ti .i
sirable patterns and are a bargain.
oamuel js. young.
If VOU Want nlaan nnA ti .. - , I
J. Joseph's noma mad white labor cigars.
For sals by most cigar dealers and at I
Jose's . 1 o tory.
We Want, Your butter and ei nn,l
will pay you either cash or trade for It. r
Superior. That is the name of th
stove at tr. W. Smith's attracting so much
attention. It is a splendid cook stove.
A fin tin if J 1
- j guuus lur our crocK
ry department and marked very low in
Wallace Sc Thompson .
rn co
O tj
m z
" VaS
For Fall and Winter
Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe;
In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the
Following Departments:
DRY GOODS1" this department my stock is unusually largo ati.j complete.
1 shades for Fall andlWluti.'r'traml.
selected from the best Eastern and Foreign importations. 1 ha latest novtl.
ties id trimmings and buttons, an iwis, onu, oumo o.v. .., w
white blankets, table linens, towels, etc.
CARPETS My enlarged fa-iiiitiaa for showing oirjiits h-s euibte-1 uia to
make large purchases in this denartment. lean show stiao line ot lngriM
V r - T..1 r ... .... In ..,1 Tdiiajlrlaa I
tt low prices, some choice patterns in oouy " .
making carpets a leading branch oi mj business.
sun Biinrs t - .. La larnnt linn nf Rnnts and Shoes in thn cit
Mil 11 1 0 All V OMUlO ' ' l- . " . J
and have paid speoial attention to getting the goodr beat suited to this trad
. t 1. ii f ..Ha T lfoor. in ntntA the best makes in ths
ana l can luuw uo v A""""' r ; ..lit
country, and have endeavored to get a line of low price goods that I can guar-
antee 10 giye saiisiaciioD. Auyimug iu -i
men an! children can be found in this department. It is in fact a shoe atore
ot itself.
-r . :.. 1 .iu,!.,, tAtonitiiKi a full line of Rfanln
rancy uroceries, uncuiurcu i,'"""" b --- : ,. , '
latest specialties in breakfast etc.,, can ll be found in this department.
- 1 .1 , J- ... !n Mn aim
Pure, fresh goods sna gooa vaiue iur uiuoey j
I would especially call the attenticn of pa -ties laying in their Fall
supplies to my large Btock of
1 am better prepared than ever Jto meet their wants. In all de
partments I am prepared to meet the
Growing Demands of Linn County,
OVERCOATS,--Fine Assortment,
Pea Jackets-Ckincliilla, Astrachan
Pull Line of Duck Suitings,
Big Stock Cardigan Jackets.
Winter Gloves and Mittens '
Last but not least a largo stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS
City of Albany,
And ask a thorough inspection of ray stock.
Samuel E. Young.
First-class goods at bottom prices is woat the publio wants. These I ofl
at mj store in tnia city, uougbt at .Bankrupt sales I can sell my stock
General Merchanise
consisting of dress goods, gentsfurnishing goods, olothing, sto,,
oent oountersall eontaia many articles worth exsmioty I
Cash or goods will be paidJforall kinds of country produce.
Albany, Oregos.
Dealers in all the latest Improved Pianos
Orgaci, 8wlng Maohlnei, Guns. Also
a full line of warranto.-! Raznra. Rnlnhur
an4 Pocket Knives. The beit kind of
Bewini macblne oil, needles and sztras,
for all machines. All repairing neatly
and reasonably done.
Physician and Surgeon,
Offloe cor, First and Ferry Streets,:
I herebv oertlfv that Dr. I. K. Woj
has succawifiillvonsratAd on mv rldrj'"!
horse. ISAAC HAj
T ., l lit tUf
Ings Inquire of Wm. PeUrson,
UriAn. TjihfttiAn f .Tnhn Rmnl min.
Wolverton, Albany ; 8am Gaines, i
Inary medloine In Albany and cawjl
nrranndlnir. flffina and residence VX"I
6th and Washington Sts. .
Veterinary Surge