Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 26, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    Daily Democrat.
When the democrats came back, after
wandering twenty-four years in the wilder
ness, they exhibited an appetite for office
' that was not altogether unnatural under the
circumstances. But it was nothing to the
hunger and thirst that less than four years
of abstinence have developed among the
One of the striking features of the pres
ent political situation is the unanimity with
which the idea of civil service reform has
been abandoned. It seems to be agresd
that all such new-fangled notions have been
voted out.and there is not the least pretense
in any quarter that the spoils do not belong
entirely to the victors.
It may be interesting.about next March,
to recall some of the observations made
four years before on the subject of remov
als from office, to say nothing of the utter
ances of party platforms meanwhile. But
this interest will be rather historical than
practical. It is now conceded that the of
fices belong to the saints and it must be ac
knowledged that the saints are not back
ward in coming forward to claim them.
History relates that the elder Harrison
succumbed to the office seekers in a month,
finding his only escape in death. If the
grandson proves better able to stand the
pressure it will be because he is not with
out experience in the distribution of patron
age. And yet the pressure of 1840-41 was
not a circumstance to that which already
confronts the President-elect.
Alexander Dumas is one of the few mod- J
rn authors nossesslne enough of this
world's goods to live handsomely. He has
a charming chalet near Dieppe, which Is
mantled by Ivy and filled with pretty furn
iture and valuable pictures. Then he has
a splendid house in Paris, which contains
marvelous treasures of art. Dumas is now
a strong and vigorous man, who bears his
sixty four years well, and with his keen
eyes twinkling with wit and malice, his
short brush-light mustache, robust appear
ance and erect stature, he gives one an im
pression that he is either a General on half
pay or a retired planter.
The type writer, which is so universally
used to-day, is the outcome os 150 years of
thought and experiment. The patent for
a writing machine was granted to one
Henry in 1714. It was not until a few
years ago that the type-writer became
practicable. Now, is said, there are about
50,000 in use in the United States.
Boots and Shoes. Call at A. B. Me
riu,.-,ln' anil i-e the ladies' kid and pebble
goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $1.50
A Democrat man has seen the shoe and
can pronounce It a remarkably cheap shoe
for the former price.
Clothing A large and complete 11 n
gents' clothlr.g and furnishing goods at
v. B. MnTlwoln's. In the clothlnc depart
ment he has a large line of pants, regular
value, $5, which he wi sell during the
coming week for $i.5-
Mouteith & Seitenbacb's great closing sale
will enable all to buy any line of goods fully
50 per cant, leu than any other store in the
valley .
Be Thankful. Leave your orders at
Sloan & East's for turkeys and fowl6 gen
erally for Vhanksgiving.
Removal. Misses E. & C. Howard
have moved their millinery store into rooms
in the Pearce block over J. J. Dubruilles
harness shop, where they invite old and
new customers to call on them.
Try our mincemeat in glass, its fiuo.
Wallace & Tuoasost.
Wide Indigo Prints. A large invoice
ot the above goods has been received, and
will be sold at reduced prices, iney are de
sirable patterns and are a bargain.
Samoel E. Young.
Peter A. Dey, a democrat,by whose elec
tion as Railroad Commissioner, the listof
republican state officers of Iowa, unbroken
since 1857, was .shattered, owed his election
to the jobbers of the state and the Farmers'
Alliance. He has been Railroad Commis
sioner since 187S by successive appoint
ments. The railroads opposed him this
year. He is considered the most compe
tent judge of railway matters in the state.
He was employed by the Union Pacific
Company as an expert to make estimates
of the cost of building that line. His figures
were too low to enable the managers to
bleed the Government to the extent they
desired, and he was asked to raise them.
He. refused and was discharged. He is
about fifty years old and lives at Iowa City.
If yon want a clean and fine smoke ask for
J. Joseph s homo maua white labor cigars.
For sale by most cigar dealers and at J
Joseph's factory.
We Want, Your butter and eggs and
will pay you either cash or trade for it.
Superior. That is the name of the
stove at G. W. Smith's attracting so much
attention, it is a splendid cook stove.
A fine line of holiday goods for our crock
ery department and marked very low in
- - -
An old man named John Kaufman, who
died in Brazil, Ind., the other day, had a
most peculiar monomania. His desire to
steal women's shoes was uncontrollable,
though he was never accused of stealing
anything else. A few years ago he was
arrested, and forty or fifty pairs of women's
shoes and slippers recovered. He had
buried them on the commons. He was
sent to the penitentiary for a short time for
this offense. His wife got a divorce during
his term in prison, and he has ever since
lived alone. The day he died over sixty
pairs of women's shoes and flippers were
found In his hut. He was a veteran of the
Mexican and ciyil wars.
An English correspondent gives as a
reason for possibility that the English lan
guage will become the "world speech" the
mental slowness of the Anglo-Saxon race
In learning two languages. They traverse
the globe unaffected or undismayed by its
eccentricities of speech. The English
speaking countries have an area of more
than one fifth of the whole habitable globe
English Is the language ot the high seas,
and is spoken in every maritime port. What
demand can there be for Volapuk ?
The Labor Signal,vhst& at the horn
of Mr. Harrison, says : "The Signal Is
fully vindicated in its cause by the fact
that Harrison, In his own county, where he
is best known, runs over 600 behind Blain
four years ago, and In his own precinct is
four votes behind the state ticket. This
Is sufficient to prove that had the people of
the United States known him as well as did
the Signal, and his other neighbors, no
boodle or Ignorance on the tariff could
have elected him."
Q 3
mm 1
an I 1 -Tl
52 d cn
W W UJ 1 3
O r-H
5 rn
For Fall and Winter
Rubber Coats and Boots, Shoe
In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the
Following Departments :
nriu flAnnn t ai. : . j Hmanr .tr iu iinnimiillv Urae mvl camnlete.
DJ6S8 good" m all the leading atylw ; ipod shades for Ftll and IWiutergood,
selected from the best Eastern and For-si.ju importations. iu mwwnov.i.
ties iu trimmings and buttons, shawls, blankets, soma ei g wu vu8a ia
white blankets, table linens, towels, etc.
PiDOCT? Mv eular.'ed fioi'itioa f r s'owinz otr,w hv.i saihlel uio to
make large pmchases in this department. I can show Cuo line of Ingrains
it low prices, some choice patterns in Body BriiasoW and Tapestries. I am
making carpets a leading nrancn 01 my ousiuean.
inn niinrrt t lo-oof. linn nf Roots and Shoes in the city
J:io best suited to Ihis trad
. 1 . a 1 . . t , : ...... I tt,a heat mttkAfl in t li n
and I can show a nne use 01 goons. 1 neop iu . - - -
. , , 1 r 1 n.;,Bnfuula that T flan ar-
couotry.and have endeavored to get a hub ui iu- F..v6- B
antee to give satisfaction. Anything in Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for men, wo
men and children can be found in this department. It is in fact a shoe store
ot itself.
a full line of Staple
FanSy Groceries, uncoWte.s.roasted and ground coffees, canned fruits, the
r:::v!ni. inhrMkfastBoods etc.can.ll be found in this department.
Pure, fresh goods nd good value for money is my aim.
I would especially call the attention of pa -ties laying in tbeir4Fall
supplies to my large stock of
1 am better prepared than ever to meet their wants. In all de
partments I am prepared to meet the
Growing Demands of Linn Connty,
It will not be long before the shoemaker
can add to his stock of raw materials
waterproof leather. The process, which
has been recently perfected, is not only of
service on the uncut leather, but can
used in rendering worthless leather valua
ble by plumping, stiffening and waterproof
ing it for insoles, counters, box toes, etc
Every part of a boot or shoe can bc'water
proofed" either before or after it is finished.
There are said to be half a dozen repub
licans who are patriotically anxious to
warm the seat of collector of customs now
so competently and satisfactorily filled
by John Priest Kt Yaqulna Bay. Van
Cleye is said to have set his heart on tin
place but rumor says fortuue will land the
prize in the lap of R. A. Bensall. It is said
Mr. Bensall is opposed to making a change
until Priest's time is out.
For Sale Cheap. Cook stove, only
used two or three months. Call at this office.
OVERCOATS, Fine Assortment,
Pea Jackets-Chinchilla, Aslrachan
Full Line of Duck Suitings,
Big Stock Cardigan Jackets,
let Gloves and
Lwt but not IomI a Urge Stock of CLOTNINC AND FURNISHINGS
City of Albany,
And ask a thorough inspection of ray itoek.
Samuel E. Young.
First-class goods at bottom prices is waat the pnblic wants. Tbese I have
atjmy store in this city. Bought at Bankrupt sales I can sell my stock of
General Merchanise
consisting of dress goods, gentajfurnishing goods, clothing, etc,
cent counters all contain many articles worth examining
Cash or goods will be paidjorjall kinds of country produce.
Albany, Oregca.
T)Mlnr In fill tha Utaaf Tt
itiiuiuau kiauus
Organs, 8 wing Mao hi tie, Qua. Also
tun uuvui warrawen xtazors, Bute Her
and Pocket Kntyfts, Th best kind of
ftewlDjr machine oil, needles and extra,
for all manhinM. All rwais..nn.
" SVMSI I 1UK UVswvl
and reasonably done.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office cor, First and Ferry Streets,
. uvreu; wrury lost ur, 1, si, wow
haa successfully operated on my rldsllnl
hore, I9A.A0 HAY3.
For farther reference In regard to ridg
ing inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dare ?
terson, Lebanon ; John Hani man, Alfred
Wolverton, Albany ; Sam Gaines, Soio;
Wm. Foster. Prineville. I practice vstsr.
inary medicine In Albany and country
.u..wumuiuK, uuicssna reoiaenoe ww
8th and Washington Sts.
Veterinary Surgeon,