EXTRA SPECIAL SHOWING SUMMER WASH GOODS another laudable business epoch set by this store in the selling of staple and novelty cotton dress goods. Hundreds of yards on display LINEN CRASH TOWELING 600 Yards Fine Crash Toweling in mill ends from 6 to 12 yard lengths actually worth 10c yd. Extra Special 6t C 500 yards Dress Ginghams in every good combination, such as stripes, checks and bar combinations the yard 8 3"C LADIES' HOME JOURNAL JUST IN-Pattern Pep't HAMILTON'S THE The . Celebrated Durham Duplex Demonstrator Safety Razor is different from any other safety razors because it uses the sliding stroke of the ordinary razor instead of th e"hoe" stroke common to all other safeties. You can get a $2.50 razor for 35c while they last at HULBERT-OHLING H'D CO. GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon Ktid carriage work. Nothing but til sl-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZLOFF. First and Uaker Sts., between 1st and Jnd, near Wigwam. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. 15 acres in bearing apple orchard, choice winter varieties, orchard in good condition and within tive miles of Albany. 4 acres in strawberries and bearing, 35 acres in the tract, and nearly all in cultivation, every foot good fiuit or berry land. Small house, good barn, possession when sold. The fruit and berries from this year's cro.ts will i.et the purchaser one-third of the purchase price of the farm. ' Will sell this tract for one-half ol the price asked for similar lands ad joining that have nothing on thrm, and will give time on a part of the purchase price. Full particulars, location and price given to those that mean business, by calling at my office, at No. 102 K. 1-irat Street, Albany, Oregon. C G. BURKHART. POPULAR STORE FOR THE PEOPLE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE 207 Lyon Street. Highest cash puid for all kinds- of clothing, shoes, huts, trunks, vnlises, jewelry, etc. If you luivo uny thing; call Bell 131-U. E. ROGOWAY. Smoke The Hub Cigar "MADE IN ALBANY" B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property for sale Real Estate Luans. hire Insurance. Surety Honda Rooms It) 21 Cusiek Block, Albany, Oregon. M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St, Albtny. First-class meats of ill kinds from selected stock. Osteopathy Osteopathy is not similar to, nor does it include chiropractic, massage, rnlibimr. electric vibrators, or magnet- I ic healing, or any of the so-called treatments, which are a mask to de cieve the public. Many of these im postcrs who claim to be "specialists", tell their patients they give Osteo pathic treatment, and some are bold enough to state they have attended Osteopathic colleges, which is false in every particular. The Osteopathic Physician is a graduate of a recognized college of Osteopathy, the course being three and four years. The Osteopathic Physician passes a rigid examination given by the Oregon Board of Medi cal Examiners and is a licensed physi cian. These impostcrs are not college graduates, anybody can buy a diploma for $10.00 without any training. ihey do not take a state board ex amination arc not licensed to prac tice in the state of Oregon or in any other state in the Union. I he public at large will do well to leave alone these impostcrs and fakes and when in need of a physician, em ploy one with a license to practice. OSTEOPATHIC INFORMA TION BUREAU. E. C. KRAUSE J. P. SOPER Eureka . ... Furniture Hospital Furnituro repaired, upholstered and ro finished. Expert furniture packing nnd shipping. Wurehouso for storage. Piano polishing a specialty. Cane and reed work. Home phone 309. 202 E. SECOND ST. ALBANY, ORE Shingles. Made in Albany my .No 1 Edg ilrain , c granes ami prices r. m ,i.io upwarus. Every bunch branded with my name, : Look tor it. Examine these shingles 1 before buying elsewhere. t. A. THOMPSI N We use no dry kiln FOK SALE. Some of the best build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, balacne easy terms. New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C. Richards, contractor and builder, 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. AUTO TRANSFER. W. A. LONG. Office Jersey Dairy, 323 Lyon St. Home Phone 499-J. Home 411. Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, O ad btcoi.n ilBbt n oil nmi r. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a eek; in advance for one "ear, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one ar $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance er year $1.25. At end of year $1. . After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. BURKHART SALE AMOUNTED TO $16,781 The big sale of the fine Jersey herd of R. L. Burkhart was completed at 5 o'clock last evening, The total sales were $16,745 for stock and $36 for a separator. The crying was done by Col. Perry, of Columbus, Ohio, of national fame, a great talker, and Lee Francis, of Missouri, who is also a good one. In fact Francis is a more fluent talker, has a better voice, and doesn't have to be shown. He also gets the bids. The event was a great one at Maple Lawn, and will long be remembered by the large crowd attending. Following were the sales: Raymond B. Seeley, Sherwood, cow, $200. Glentana Dairy Farm, Spokane, cow, S220; cow, $190; heifer, $150; cow, $280. Mrs. C. Doering, Duncans, Canada, heifer, $150; heifer, $200; bull, $105; cow, $170; heifer, $325; heifer, $175; heifer, $200. Bert Pease, Ellensburg, cow, $225; cow, $180; cow, $230; heifer calf, $165; heifer, $200; bull calf, $50. Tyson Bealls, Medford, bull calf, $75; heifer, $200. W. J .Dunlap, Shedd, heifer, $175; cow, $175. J. M. Herin, Junction, cow, $135; heifer, $120. F. S. Mownson, Albany, bull calf, $60; cow, $175. E. W. Hewitt, Monmouth, bull calf, $65. J. P. Graves, Spokane, heifer, $175. . C. Watson, Cpquille, cow, $215; cow, $330. M. S. Schrock. Banks, bull calf, $25. J. W. Finn, McCoy, heifer, $165. H. A. West. Oswego, bull, $85. E. J. Ward, Gaston, heifer, $130; heifer, $155: heifer, $140; cow, $300. C. R. McCormick, Lebanon, bull calf, $65. V. G. Masscy, London, bull calf, $100. A. X. McClaren, Hood River, cow, $170. Geo. Conner, Albany, heifer, $50. C. C. Woodcock, Portland, heifer, $230; heircfr, $75; heifer, $100; heifer, $155. C. IT. Cannon, Turner, cow, $195; bull, $125. E. A. Kruse, Roscburg, bull calf, $70. I E. Petit, Dungencse, Wn, twin J. W. finn, McCoy, cow, $iuu. D M l.-;l.... T...;n fn St OS II. E. Williams, Tillamook, bull calf, $175. J. A. Ward, Walla Walla, cow, $2a0. R. N. Edwards, Junction, bull, $135. O. H. Marshall, Alhanv, heifer, $200. R. D. Sanford. Ashland, cow, $400; bull, $275; cow, $225. A. J. Johnson. Corvallis, cow, $32a. Henry Stewart, Albany, cow, $255. Ucnj. Wolfcr. Aurora, bull calf, $50. Geo. McRcynolds, Shedd, $175; calf, $100. Louise Miller. Jefferson, cow, $2Ss; heifer call, $175. G. E. Stearns. Olympia, cow. $350. C. T. Porter, Albany, cow, $325. J. 11. Goldman. Wrenn, heifer calf. $90: heifer calf. $100. V. C. bpencc, uiconc, cow, ww, cow, $400. Chas. Hoyt. Jefferson, heifer, $la; cow, $225. C. W. Taylor. Corvallis, heifer, $200. C. E. Bond, Albany, bull, $175. J. E. Howard, Portland, bull calf, $50. J J. Long. Yoncalla. bull calf, $50. J. E. Mc Bride,- Shedd, heifer calf, 'V. W. Quinn, Creswcll, bull. J. A. Howard, Albany, service bull, $240. Chas. Miller. Jefferson, bull. $360. Earl B. Henderson, Corvallis, bull, ;"95 "A." E. McKenzie, Scio, heifer calf. $50. Set Yourself Right. Ahvavs get Fisher & Braden Co. prices before you buy Home Furnish ings. Your money's worth or your ! money back, is what you get at fisncr, j Braden Co. Another Shipment of Vacuum Cleaners. We have just received another ship ment oi "Duntley" Vacuum Cleaners. i With vour oermisston we v will demon- , - , . 1ern-lmiie clean- ing machine wherever you suggest, and without expense or obligation on vour part. "FORTMILLER FURNITURE CO. Uover Leaf Dairy. It yon appreciate clean, sanitary anu pure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a dav. Both phones. Milk depot 331 l.von St. J. F. HUGGINS, Prop. Diamond Specials. We have some sneeial bareams in diamonds during ALBANY. Have vour feet attended to by Mrs. Driver, 739 i. bell 361J. V Wedding ring 8, Engaeeent rings. Friendship rings. F. M. Frencb & Son. The celebrated Black Shells haye ar rived at Baltimoras. See the June Bride windows at Young's. The attractive June Bride series of windows at Woung's will interest you. G. C. Richards is building a six room bungalow on Walnut street. John Dooley has about completed a new modern house on his property on Ninth street. S. W. Ross has let the contract for the erection of a modern home on his lot on Maple street. Mr. Gardner is building two mod ern bungalows on his property at the corner of Eighth and Maple streets. C. C. Cameron has let the contract tor the consruction of a six room modern house on his property in Wright's addition. A. J. McDonald, a Limber cruiser of Portland, has been looking after tim ber interests in Linn county for sev eral large companies the past few days. Fish & Hodges are tearing down a frame building on Water street which will be replaced" by a large warehouse. The building will be 40x100 feet and will be occupied by a new commis sion man from Salem. Cindrella Pictures Deserve Highest Praise. "The Reign of Cinderella is on" A woman of less brains, or less dis cerning personality than Miss Mabel Taliaferro would have failed most in gloriously, both in her attempt to seize the scegter of Cinderella, and in succeeding to make the world in general accept her as the successor of dainty "Cindy" of our story book days. The Selig Polyscope Co., have erected a triumphal arch around this beloved legend, through which Prince Charming and Cinderella lead their imperial cortege. In staging this mammoth spectacle, which is now be ing shown at the Dreamland theater, the Selig people illustrate the truism that life is activity, and the three-reel production as viewed by the writer, is a fitting tribute to their untiring ef forts to life to a higher plane the moving picture industry. That the story proves of absorbing interest to old and young alike is a foregone con clusionfi inasmuch as Cinderella meets the demands of all ages, and is destin ed to live long after less ambitious ef forts of silent drama have served their puny functions and have been forgotten. Mr. Nelson of the Dream land theater announces that these reels wil lbe shown May 21, 22, 23, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pura Milk and Cream delivered twict daily. If you do not get your P"''k promptly, call me on either phone. .'. C. Schultz, proprietor. Fisher, Braden Co. Funeral Directors and Undertakers Undertaking Parlors, 3rd and Broadalbin w-CIa, BOTH PHONES aOST LADY ATTENDANT STONE For ruilding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. W. L. COBB. R D 6. taiHomO Phnna t ' g!g.l ICE CREAM I was verv fortunate in somrinn- y vvvmi nig uiu agency for the Mt. Hood Ice Cream again this season. Nothing but the best mat erials used in its manf acture, always nice and firm Strawberry, Vanilla and Cho colate. At the Crest at all times. L. L. Potts The Riverside Farm KO SCHOKL. Pronrieior Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hog S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Racks, Light Brahmas. R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, . t Turkeys, W i. , . den Geeee, i , Ducks. 10 i Guine Winner or 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at ti-e Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Pnone. Farmers 95 ... R. p. D. No MONEY TO LOAN On good farm or citv property. Must be A No. 1 security. $5000.0S. $14)10.00. $500.00. Call on" J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St Our. Wants. FOR SALE. Tv.u stoves and several pieces of furniture. Bell phone 5i7-L. 224 Ferry St. t29 WANTED. All kinds of second-hand goods. Phone Bell 428-J. . t28 FOR SALE. Residence lot 104x158 feet, on the crest of hill overlook ing Albanv College campus. Good lot 100x100 feet, South Elm street Lot 50x100 feet directly in front of new College grounds. Linnmont lots and Winona Park addition. $5.00 per month. A few desirable ones left. The Oregon Title and Trust Co. t28 WANTED. A woman or girl to so licit for hair store, 105 W. 1st St., Baltimore Block, Room 3. Mrs. E. J. Tiffany. t26 LOST. Gentleman's heavy gold band ring with initials "L. R. H." inside, at Burkhart sale yesterday. Finder please return to Democrat office. Reward. . 6-21 2t WANTED. A girl to . do general housework, small family, good wages. 632 Baker street. 20t WANTED Ladies' clothes ironer. Magnolia Laundry. t27 WOOD FOR SALE. And pasture for rent. Inquire of Arthur Moore, 227 West 4th Street. j3 FOR SALE. Snap if sold soon, 2 lots with new house in East Albany. Finished in fir, cabinet kitchen, fruit, berries, chicken park. Good home or to buy for rental. Owner, Home Phone 421. t23 FOR SALE. 175 acres situated in sections 18 and 19 of Tp. 11 S. R. 2 W. in Linn county, Ore. All fenc ed, 160 acres in cultivation, running water through pasture. Good wells, also. Medium house. Barn 40x50 ft. Sheds and other buildings. One and a half acres in family orchard, of mixed fruits. Six miles east of Albany, two miles from Tallman on S. P. R. R.- This is a fine farm, lays well and is a snap at $100.00 per acre. E. L. Price, 204 Rothchild. Bldg., Portland. FOR SALE. Horses, brood sows farm implements. H. L. Van Osdel, Tel. 15x2, R. R. 3. t31st-pd FOR SALE. 2 canaries, singers. Mrs. Shields, 739 E. 2nd. FOR RENXj-Office rooms. F. G. Will. 16t FARM TO RENT. 328 acres, prac tically all under plow, good build ings, good orchard, 10 miles S. E. of Albany, 1 S. E. of Lawson, 4 S. W. Lebanon, 8 N. Brownsville, W. Vi Sec. 18, R. 2, T. 12. Occupied by J. S. Freese. Look at it. Make me an offer. 1-2-3 or 5. Address C. M. Giddings, Albany. tl6 FOR RENT. New 7-room modern house, 1st and Hill. J. F. Hadley. tl NOTICE. Parties having lots in City Cemetery that need watering should see the sexton at once and make arrangements for water. R. C. Phelps, sexton. Phones: Bell 180-R Home Red 3iS. FOR SALE. Fresh cows. H. Bry ant, tl FOR RENT. A good 8-room mod ern house. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd street. 9t FOR SALE. A five-room furnished cottage at Nye Creek. Address L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. t23 , FOR SALE. -a horses, cheap. D. 0. Woodworth. 2t FOR RENT. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, at 2d and Baker. Lee Driver Bell phone 337-R. 27t 850,000 TO LOAN on real property, by J. C. Christy, Attyat-law. Rooms over First Nat'l Bank, Aibany. 4-5t FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 50c a setting. Chicago and Front Streets. Home phone 296. 15 t FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old csr pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Homo phone 441. I5t. FOR RENT. --Furnished housekeeping and sleeting rooms Mrs. Bilyeu, 224 Baker Street. ' 323t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for pale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany. Skill Iv set if desired. FOR SALE.-Cabba'ge and tomato I plants. Also S. C. and R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, cheap. I A. Crooks, West 7th St. Poultry ' 1 ards. WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir i 4, old fir $4.75, good dry wood and I good measure. HomeBlack 106, Belt 1 phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. Both Phones, 3 1 6 w. 2nd St Wanted The A'bany Dressed Beef ar.d Pro duee Co. will pay the highest market price for eggs acd other prodvee.