SUMMER HOSIERY Women's like silk Hose, in Black, TaD and White, per pair 25c They look like silk and wear better. Children's like silk hose, in black, tan, white, light blue and pink, per pair 25c -You will never know hosiery satisfaction till you try these numbers Flood's Store Agents for & G, Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern MISFITS The man who depends on luck will generally get soup. The thicker silence is the better in about halt the cases. Don't wait until tomorrow to throw a bouquet at your friends. Did you know that telephones, like corn tstalks, have big ears? This year's Chautauqua will be the best yet. The prospect is a good one. After all the modern circus is a good deal of a chestnut, wormy at that. These millionairesses who lavish all their attention on their pet dawgs are the limit. TOMORROW'S DOINGS. It might help the attendance at some of the churches if silver dollars were made to ring. hiiilljSgiig ALBANY. ALL over the world, hotels, railways, steamship lines and the best shops, know "A.B.A." Cheques are as (food as gold. No difficulty In cashing them, for your signature identi fies you. Pay your bills through out your trip with them, just as you would at home with your own check book. rrrnaCbCQcsaH- yj J. W.Cusick & Co Have vour feet attended to bv Mm. Driver, 739 E 2. Bull 361-J. Silk Hose, 25c, 39c, 50c and $1.00 pair. Chambers & McCune. Wedding rings, Engagement rings, Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son. The celebrated Black Shells haye ar rived at Baltimorss'. The 1912 Dayton and Daytonia bi cycles at the Albany Gun Store. All kinds of job printing at the Rook lidge Printcry, over Woodworth's Everybody is uskine what are the littlo musical signs patted over town? If you appreciato the best try Quality Brand Ice Ci earn at the Jersey Milk Depot, 325 Lyon street. Wnen you want something good to eat remember Tho Dressed Beef Co.. 2nd & i, A 4th of July celebration once a year may hereafter be depended upon ill Albany. A convict escaped from the pen. yesterday and came uo this way. fol lowed by a guard, who called out Al- a 'unit: mice in a mini ior tile lleeing prisoner. C. G. Kawlings has a convenient arrangement that will be appreciated, it is a post card desk, to be used in writing the cards, with ink and pen ready, l'oslage stamps can also be secured, and the variety of cards is a large one. lie also carries the latest magazines. Myxomccetes of the Wilamctte Val ley is the title of a lecture delivered it Corvallis. Hope there are none in Al bany. President Taft would ' get more votes if he would stay in Washington and attend to the business of the country. The Lebanon Advance man says he can go out and catch a bushel basket full of salamanders any time he wants to. What then. How easy it is when you know Ifoiv, just to prevent a cold. All you have to do is when you feel it coming on to bend to the floor, rakte up, sniff the air, and there you are. Madeline Force Astor got tooled to the limit. Old Astor left a will giving his wife only $5,000,000 in, trust, contingent on her remaining his widow, which she will never dVr be ing merely a girl. It is to be hoped she fools the Astors and docs stay a widow. A Dry Town Story. A Dry Town is the name of a live- story at the Empire. After the sa loons had closed a young man who went west t omake his fortune start ed an ice cream store, doing a land' office business. His girl east had re jected him because he couldn't make a living. When she heard of his pros perity she also went west, and he snubbed her. Then she opened a soda fountain and was getting all the busi ness when a partnership was proposed and formed for life. Christian Church. The usual morn ing and evening services will be con tinued at this church. Special music by chorus choir. Cordial welcome to everybody. St. Peter's Church. Rev. Henry H. Marsden, rector. Sunday services: Holy Communian 8 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service and sermon 11 a. m. Evening service at 5 p. m. First Methodist Church. D. H. Leech, pastor. Mother's Day will be observed with sermon by the pastor, at 10:30 a. m. Every one is requested to wear a white flower. All are invit ed. A special invitation is extended to old people. Other services at the usu al hours. St. Mary's Church. Rev. Arthur Lane, Rector. Sunday services at 8 and 1U:3U a. m. Kcv. Michael Uil ligan will have charge of the services and will deliver the evening sermon at 7:3u. 1 he pastor will conduct mis sion services at Lebanon and Browns ville. The public is cordially invited. United Presbyterian. W. P. White, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. "Mother's Day" serman in the morning. Text: "As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you." White carnations for everybody. Evening sermon: "The beauty of the Lord." "Mother's Day" will also be observed in the Bible school at 11:45 a. m. Grace Presbyterian Church. L. S. Mochel, minister. Mothers' Day ob servance at 11 a. m. Rev. Sharp, D. D., of Albany College, preaches. We want every mother to attend, and all children as well as men. Every moth er will be remembered with a lovely remcmbcrance. Divine services at 8 p. m. Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor society at 7:15 p. in. Everybody invited. First Presbyterian Churclil Rev. F. H. Geselbracht. minister. Morning service 10:30. Theme: "A Tribute to Our Mothers." Mother's Day will be recognized. As a token the congre gation is requested to wear' a white1 liower, preferably a white carnation. Evening service 8:00. Theme-:: "Good. Xewsi" 11:45 S. E. Orchestra1.. The , beautiful printed programs arranged toy Margaret uangster win De used. 7 aOO C. E. A cordial welcome.1 to- all. TO BETTER SERVE THE PEOPLE The first rule of a modern util ity organization is that customers must be pleased. Towards realizing this ambi tion the Oregon Power Company established its New Business De partment. The purpose of this department is to study the needs of custom ers in order to better serve them. Expert assistance has been se cured to help make the New Busi ness Department valuable to pa trons of the Oregon Power Com pany. Our representative will respond to all requests for advice on illum inating and power questions. A telephone call from a cottage is honored as readily as a call from a large factory, OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONES 15 Established 1871 Assets Over I1.000.000.M FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Oldest National Bank 'n the Willarmrtte Valley.) Government Man to Speak. These Banks have resources and connections which enable them to be of the greatest service to their customers. They cordially in vite the accounts of individuals and firms to whom they extend the services and facilities of strong and sound financial institutions. Monster Reducting Sale. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Good (arm 134 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 20 acres more ready to plow with little work, 6 acres line pas ture besides 'Oilier pasture in timber tract, lots of good second growth fir timber, over 3000 cords wood, crop . all'in,12 acres line clover. Fair 5-room hoiM.-, barn and other buildings, good wCfl, fine spring can be piped to house, 'Some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3 miles to good town on S. P. railroad, i'i miles to station on S. P. R. R. and IVa miles to Oregon Electric; lots of fine rolling orchard land, on county road. R F. D telephone, close to good school. Price, $95.00 per acre, small payment down and easy terms on balance or will take good residence in Albany up to $2000.00 and balance terms. B. M. PAYNE, Cusick Block, Albany, Oregon. T. J. STITE, . t vinH-.t p..t.i; Attorney ai. lw. wwmij u..w Legal business of al! kinds in all the courts promptly attencd to. Bell phone 6-J. The Deborah class of the M. E. S. S. last evening held a party at the M. E. church, with the teacher of the class, Prof. C. M. Kendall. Thirty two were present, and an enjoyable time was had for several hours social ly, in games, aiuUwith some choice refreshments. Only a Pew Days to Plant. Do you realize that there are only a few days loft tor spring planting? vVe have a lot of trees left at our yards which we will close out at prices that will interest you. Applet, Peart, Cherriet, Peaches Apricott, Gooseberries. Call at our ollice tn the Schmitt Bldg. or writs and let us show you. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twics daily. It you do not got your milk promptly, rail me on eithor phone. W. C. Schulti, proprietor. In order that our store an dstock be known, both near and far, Bar gains in first-class Furniture will be foun dat Fisher, Bradcn Co., 3rd and liroadalbin streets. Ohasj H. Lane, of the department of agrulture of the U. S. government, in Albany on the 20th and 21st of May, speaking in the evening of the tirst day and the forenoon of ; ttie next on the educational feature of the work.. He shows a number of fine cot ton and corn club slides, and it is caiir sidcrerl a big tiling to have him. Set Yourself Right. Notice. Application for water for irrigation service for the season of 1912, (June, July, August and September), may now be made at the ofiice of the Ore gon Power Company, 306 West Sec ond street. t!9 FG. Will ior watches Always; get Fisher & Braden Co.'. pricessbefore you buy Home Furnish ings. Your money's worth or your money back, is what you get at Fisher,. Braderr Co. Thee number of births in April ira 53 ami the number of deaths 22. Of the latter 15 were over 50 years of age, ilmrae under a year. Watehes, Watches, Watches, L. W PIRST SAVINGS BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the First Natrona Bank.) Interest on Assets Over J Time Deposits. ' -. $390,000.00 Just in 5000 Berry Hallocks.. CHAS. K. SPATJLDING- LOGGING CO. A. B. Kelsay, Manager. Bell Phone 184 R. Home Phone 324. J. V.JPIPE. 203 Vi Second Street. REAL ESTATE. Farm lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan on approved se curity. Instirtnce written in the beat old line companies. DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH Osteopathic physician, office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Telephones Homo 203 Boll 830 J. Residence. 223 South Ferry at., phono Bell 38G-R. First Savings Bank building, Second and Broadulbin streets, Albany, Oregon. ICE CREAM I was very fortunate in securing tine agency for the Mt Hood ice cream again this season nothing but the best mat erials used in its manfacture always nice and firm Strawbeerys. Vanilla and Cho colate. At the Crest at all thimes. L. L. Potts Both Phones, 3 1 6 w. 2nt St. A CHECK BOOK is easier to carry than a wal let filled with currency, gold or silver. It adds dignity to your transactions and gives much satisfaction. Checks are of no value except to the person in whose favor drawn. Can you afford! to keep your money at home or in your pocket when you can have, without expense, a check book on this .bant? J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought, I will bond you. Properly handled for non-residents. COI LIN3 TAYLOR. Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure Property and transact loans, .arge or small timber tracts. A. STARK. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany H. F. MERRILL, Insurance, Loans, Bonds Room No. 1, First Savings Bank Building. STONE DK. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 4f. Home 275 DR. VIRGINIA 7.EWKAUX. Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany .rtionc' Office Home Si). Bell Black 2751; Residence Home, Mack StJ Hell. 11. A. LKIN1NUER. Dentist, ri.twford Block - - Albany J For 1 uilding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, tilling, etc. at M. Senders & Co'a store W. I. COHH, R D o. ' home l'hniie.4. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK lll'STON. Proprietor. DR. V. R. B1LYEU. Dentist, "'ill & Stark Block - Albany VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 West First Street. ,Fttt-C!a Wo'k Guaranteed. The Riverside Farm Ell. SC.IIOI'L. Proprietor Jreeder and Importer of O. I. C. Uog S. 0. White and Huff Leghorns, W. P. Reeks, l.isht ISrahnms. R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, .M. H. Turkeys, Who. i n i den (loose, 1' n Ducks, ro I . (nine i ' Winner ot 17 prizes and 22 cn Poultrj at the Lewis & Chirk Fair. Kits in Season Stock for Stilq Line, Kaintrt SB It F. D. No Roseburg Straw berry Carnival. May 16-17-18. Tho Fourth Annual Strawbeirj Carnival at Roseturg will be held on the jbovo dates, and the lOLlUtN&brlASIAI ROUTES will sell roand trip tickets from all points on its lines at ONE AND ONE THIRD FARE. Tickets on sale My 16-17-13 with final return limit May 20th. For further in tormatioa till on any S. P. Agent cr write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland; Oregon ALBANY STATE BANK Wm Bain, Pres. F. J. Miller, Vice Pre. N. M. Bain, Cashier. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY ECONOMIZE BY USING Imperial Hard Wheat Flour $1.30 Sack, $5 a Barrel M, Senders & Co. C. D. RAUCH, Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build ins. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R, Rc.p Bell 134-U TO KNOW WHO WANTS Of good property in east Albany for sale. A gaod 7 rnm ;house and barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lets fur psrties desiring it. Call Home phone 1163. 3t Mel, the saw filer, will be found at the green front on Baker street, near the skatinir rink. DAWSON & BUrZLAFF. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP Chas, Bruce, Proprietor.