WEARING APPAREL THAT ASSURES SUMMER COMFORT w ESTABLISHED X , 1866 Q EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY sees a visitor to our. office with a proposition that means a little more nrofit to use for a little skimping of quality to you. It is amaz ing .how many plausible schemes WE HAVE WORKED TOO HARD . to earn a reputation for selling toilet articles that can De aepenaea upon to entertain any such schemes. Our reward lies in your confi dence which we. consider far better than a little extra profit. Buy here and see. BURKHART & LEE E. C. MEADE, Optometrist ALBANY TRANSFER CO. Heavy and Light Hauling, Pinno Moving a Swcialty.' Office with J. A. Howar.l. SI. W 1st.' Both phones. Home 68, bell 166-R. Residence Phone Home Blck 255. Bell 561 L. Phone your orders morning, noon and night. Wood for sde. . R. L. HOWARD. Agates AT F. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights'are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weft Second Street. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S n'The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery V6 W. Mrst Street. Handsome, artistic garments cleverly Dresses, Cotton Foulards, Dimity and many Genuine vaiue8'$5.65, $6.00, Underwear designed to keep you cool. Then we sell you Munsidg Underwear, You get perfect fit, solid comfort and good wearing qualities at moderate cost. Union Suits are particulary comfortable in warm weather. SHOE SPECIAL For this week only, we place on sale a great many ladies' white Nubuck Shoes, all sizes and widths at g g An unusual opportunity at the very be ginning of the season. Full stock of all other leathers in new Colonials, Pumps, and button-oxfords. Moderately priced. We will appreciate YOUR patronage of this kind there are. . . YOUR NOSE MAY BE HARD to fit an Eyeglass Mount ing to but this does not mean that we cannot fit it perfectly. We've a LENS for every eye, a MOUNTING to fit every shape of nose so let ua examine your Eyes for Glasses, and fit them perfectly. Cut and Polished G. WILLS. NELLIE RICHARDS ART TEACHER 626 E. Sixth St Twenty vears an Art teacher, and a life time as a student of art. Oils and water colors taught in all the different branches. t4 WATCHES, F. M rer.oh son. Both Phones. designed in inexpensivs Summer other popular fabrics. $7.00 and $8.25 THE BIG STORE Have M. Ludwig figure On your Plumbing alscTon your Hardware LANDGENT NOTARY PU JLIC 40 Years Here Large, -mull tracts, houses and lots. See my hit before investing:. JAS. F. POWELL, ' Koom (9), Albany StatpBank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best coal on the taarket at reasonable prices, delivered prompt.!) in large or small quantities . Albany Fuel Co.,' i. A.VV. Docksteader Both phones. For Transfer Fhone E. R. Cummincrs. office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co.. corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and . heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov- &t& Bell 49J-J. Res. Phones, Home 146,1 Bell 350. Fhone all oiders from 8 to i and 1 to 5 to office; to Res', at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for tsle. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement. Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in quantity. any Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made In Albany my Mo 1 Edg i Oram me DMi in me marKel. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles ueiure uuying eisewnere. E. A. THOMPSON- We use do dry kiln. P .0. WILL, lor Watches THIS MORNING. New from Albany's Six Early Trains. Lorenzo Mansfield left for Detroit. and thence into the Brcitcnhush Hot Springs, where he will spend the sum mer. He took along a stock of goods. groceries and provisions, and will open a store there. His mother, Mrs. Gibbon, owns an interest in the springs. She will not be able to be there herself this year, but her in terests will be well looked after by Lorenzo. Already there are several campers enjoying tne privileges oi the water. Breitenbush is probably as good a hot spring proposition a there is in the world, nature having done an immense sight for the place. Whenever it becomes easy to get in there will be a resort there second to no mountain resort on the coast. Judge V. S. McFadden, of Corval- lis, came over to attend court. He has a wide reputation not only as 'an able lawyer, but as well as a philos opher and after dinner speaker, as well as a farmer, fruit raiser and dairyman. Dr. Sharp of the college left for Oregon City, where he was down for an educational talk before the stu dents of the high school. The high school there has been having a series of addresses by prominent educators. a feature in sthe work of the school that gives it a high standard. Mrs. Brown, of Portland, left for home after a visit of several weeks with her brother. Dr. W. 11. Davis, and bright family, enjoyed here as well by her many Albany friends. Mrs. cnas. m p am two uuc ooKing gins, oi i-niioma n, icu .o. home alter a visit at the home of S. Shupp of a few days Chas Slump ,f . . ... developing into a goon ousiness ecu- ter, -already quite a college town. Mrs. Patton, of South Bend, Wash., left for home after a -visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs, Flo. Prof. Hargrove returned to Port land. ' I,, t r, a prominent wood dea er of is, arrived and went north :r Lane made his regular Butler, Cor vail rather L.anc made his reRti Wednesday trip to Portland to oflic: ate as chaplain at the hospital. Judge Duncan went down to Jcf (ferson to look after a road proposition f tliis side of the river, j A few more sunshincy days and we will be eating our own delicious (Willamette Valley strawberries, the best ot an. Redfield Is In Vt. Ex-Recorder F. M. Redfield is now ! at his boyhood home in Vermont, on ia visit T with his brother Horace and family. He will remain about a month longer before returning home. Mr. Kedhcld first went down into California, where he captured an im mense amount of sunshine, going from there across the continent, vis iting places of interest. Monster Reducting Sale. '' In order that our store an dstock be known, both near and far, Bar - gains in first-class Furniture will be ' foun dat Fisher, Braden Co., 3rd and Broadalbin streets. Diamond Specials. We have some special bargains in diamonds during the month of May. F. M. French & , Son."-' j ' Clover Leaf Dairy. I It you appreciate clean, sanitary anu pure milk give us a call. Delivered twice a flay, both phones. Milk depot 331 Lyon St. J F. HucoiNB, Prop. JtggS Wanted The A'bany Dressed Beef and Pro ' the hiheat Price for eBB8 antI other produce. Made in Albany Latest styles in Gent's Wearing n- parel. Every suit made in our own shop. Masek Merchant Tailor SUCCESSOR TO JAS. COON. 215 WEST SECOND STREET. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE 207 Lyon Street II ghest cash paid for all kinds of clothing, shoes, hats, trunks, valises, jewelry, etc. If you have anything call Bell 131-B. E. ROGOWAY. MISS H AM MIL'S RECITAL In the commencement course of the Albany College conservatory of music, under the direction oi Airs. Adna Smith Flo, last evening, at the M. E. church Miss Blanche Hsmmcl was heard in a. junior vocal recital, assist ed by Miss Grace LeMar Houck. A large and appreciative audience was present. Miss Hummel has a very sweet voice, well placed, presented with expression and feeling, and backed by a charming personality. lhe program was as tollows: The Night Has a Thousand Eyes.. isueaks The Whispered Song Billiard The Swallows Cowen Piano Polonaise Op. 5.1 Chopin Love Lyrics (.from Garden of Ka ma) Woodtorde-Fiiulcn a. The Temple Bells. b. Less Than the Dust. ' c. Kashmiri Song. Duct 'Neath the Stars , Goriug-Thomas Miss llammel and Mrs. Flo. Piano Venezia E Napoli Liszt Miss llouck. . The Four-Leaf Clover. ..... .Willeby The Hills o' Skye ....Harris The Perfect Day Jacobs-Bond American Indian Songs Op. 45.... Ladmau a. From the Land of the Sky-blue Water. b. Far Off 1 Hear a Lover's Flute, riano March, Op. 91, No. 4....KalT Miss Houck. Aria My Heart to Hear Thy Voice tSamson and Delilah) . .Saint-Saens Looking After O. E. Affairs. aM E jllcer u B. Wickcrshain ,,as b jn ,,. d, iookinR !l(k.r 0r Electric affairs, of which there lare m a, AU)Iiny beginning with jjurkhart Park Addition, and then ,r(, lwn str,.Pts. pj.lier Fifth. where rails have been laid to the site of a. flue depot that will go up at Lyon street, or Water, where the company is doing things, not only putting in railroad bridges at Penny- winkle and over the gulch between Oak and Sherman, but as well city Oak and Sherman, but as w brid coverin(f ,he street, an, t f , j. . ,,: , en ,i, , d furt h- erry street preparing to fill the street to grade. , jointly with the S. P. if that road will come to time. In the western part , of the city, two engineering ail'airs ( under Mr. Wickersham are being well 1 taken care of by Mr. Scott. Just now this is certainly an U. li. centcr. The Weather. Range of temperature, 71-43. The river is 5.3 feet. Rainfall .01 inch. i Prediction: Showers tonight Thursday, cooler tonight. md At Albany linrery Day. Dr. Virginia O. Lewcaux, Osteo path, from now on will be in Albany j every day, as follows: Mornings Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Afternoons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. t DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THE FLANDER'S 20 CUT OUT CHASSIS MAY 16th, 17th and 18th Showing all working parts of the Car actually runnings See just how a Flanders is made. Will also have the Flander's 20 that made the trip to Hazelton, B. C. IIMD11S BARRETT BROS. Crowns, Gold Crowns $4.50 MANY PERSONS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEIR TEETH FIXED WITH CROWNS OR BRIDGES, BUT DO NOT CARE TO PAV SIX OR EIGHT DOLLARS PER TOOTH. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. MAY ON.-.Y. THE ABOVE PRICE INCLUDES KILLING THE NERVE WHEN NECESSARY. PAINLESS EXTRACTING FREE WHEN OTHER WORK IS ORDERED. Il-,UII,1ii!JrtJMAlLl(,;u j Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore. NEW COURSE F0RSClI00LS A Manual Training Department to be Added. That a thorough course in manual training and domestic science will be included in the curriculum ot the Al bany city schools for the ensuing year has been practically agreed upon by the members of the local school . board. J i'or the purpose of obtaining tirst : hand information on the subject, Hon. - I. K. eathertord, A. C. Schmitt, W. M. Parker, City Superintendent C. V. Boetticher, and J. L. Tomliu sou inspected the manual training and domestic science departments of the Oregon Agricultural College and the l.orvullis High school yesterday. They were met at the train by -President V. J. Kerr and Frof. Hor ner of the O. A. C. and City Super intendent R. V. Kirk of the Corvallis schools. I'Vom the instructors some valuable information was acquired as to the domestic science and manual training departments, including thcr cost of installing the same and main tenance during the school term. As a result ot the investigation made at Corvallis it is practically cer tain that the course will be included next year and that the best teachers obtainable will be employed to con duct the work. m "5 FAREWELL SERVICE FOR REV. DOUGLAS, Last evening at the Baptist church a farewell service was rendered Rev. . S. A. Douglas and his wife, prior to their depatrure for their new field of labor at Ashland. A large audience' assembled, consisting mainly of mem bers of the church and congregation. A program was rendered as follows: Song, by the congregation; prayer, Mrs. Clara Ross; song, Miss Poanna Irvine; instrumental duct, piano and violin, Misses Anna and Janet Daw son. Talks: In behalf of the church,, and presentation of purse, by Rev. Rufus Thompson; in. behalf of the Sabbath school, by J. L. Toinlinsou; in behalf of the Mission Circles, by .. Rufus Thompson; in behalf of the volim? nennle. hv Timt.i linns? in bi.- I half of the Ladies' Aid Society, by Mrs. Ellen Morgan; with responses by (Mrs. Douglas and Rev. Douglas, clos jing with prayer by U. G. Smith, after which those present repaired to the dining room of the church, where a ' light lunch had been prepared. An enjoyable tune was had. Rev. Doug- las will close Ins work with the Al bany churcli the last babbath m May. ' The departure of Rev. Douglas and? his family is sincerely regretted by all with whom he has been privileged to labor and he takes with him the best wishes of his Albany friends. Ash laud may well be proud to have ii their midst one so highly esteemed as. Rev. Douglas. Sec our window for diamond cials. I M. French & Son. spe- Crowns Porcelain Crowns