Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 17, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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In the County Court of the State of
' Oregon for Linn County. -
In the matter of the tstate of James bid FOR PAVINu 5TH STREET
Vincent, deceased.
To Agnes L. Vincent, widow of de
ceased, Agnes L. Vincent, daughter
of deceased, Henry K. Vincent, Cor
delia Seymour, Grace Vincent, Harvey
Harris, Georgia Vincent, Caroline
Harris and all whom it may concern,
In the name ot the Mate of Oregon,
The recular meeting of the city
council was held last night with all
the councilmen and officials present.
lhe following bills were ordered
O. P. Co. S386.75. Stewart & Sox
you are nereoy cited ana required to Hd. Co. 53, C. (j. Kawlings $J.a, Al
appear in the County Court of the bany Lumber Co. $18.76, Hammond
State of Oregon, for the County of Lumber Co. $30.01, M. Senders &
Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al- Co. $30.80, Portland F. M. Co. $15.50,
bany, in said county, on Monday, the E. R. Cummings $1.50, Mayberry &
3rd day of June, 1912, at one o'clock McKinney $5, Hulbert-Ohling Co.
in the afternoon of that day, then and 55c, F. H. Westbrook $6, Albany
there to show cause, if any, why the Transfer Co. $1.50, W. A. Long $1.50,
administrator with the will annexed J- w.a"$W, ' .'.Zi, K'
nt th octmo nf Iim.. Vin-.nt An. B. Cusick Seb.ys. T. I. Temll S29.03,
ceased, should not be irranted author- F- E- YaI Tassel $6-25. Albany Demo-
ity to sell at private sale the following CT?, . .
aI :kj ... :. The committee on streets and pub'
The Northeast quarter and the East lic ProP-e"' recommended the pave-
half of thff KnrHiwPt ni.nrtr nf Scr- lu ll:cl llum t.ouuitsiuu
t- i- c....- r, to Jerterson,
uon ou, ,n iown up J3 aouin, Range M Simpson reported the letting of
2 East of the Willamette Meridian, the contract for a concrete culvert on
Oregon; and also the South half of Ist street over pCI,ywinkie to S. H.
the Northeast quarter of Section 12, Singleton
in Township 15 South, Range 1 East A big ' oak at Jefferson -and 4th
ot uie vvitiameue iuenuian, urcgou, street was rodered lett.
anu ine E.asr nan oi me v esi nan Along block 63 on Oak street a
ot Section 33, in lownship y, ioutn, curb only was ordered without a side
Range 4 East of the Willamette Me- walk.
ridian, Oregon, all situated in the A petition signed by a large num-
Counties of Linn and Lane, State of ber asked that the central school
Oregon, as prayed for in the petition building property be purchased for a
of the administrator on file herein. city hall and civic center.
Witness the Hon. J. N. Duncan, A petition asked for the grading and
Judge, of the County Court of the graveling of Pine and Front streets to
Mate of Oregon for the bounty ot v- "
t : .1.5 ci t ,;,i r,4 f. Another petition asl
fixed this 17th day of April, A. D.
' (Seal) W. L. MARKS, Clerk.
By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy.
Marriage license:
2, and Ora Finley,
Jas. Trollinger,
25, both of Shel-
Deeds recorded:
Mary J. Hogg et al to H. Rui
ter. 15.54 acres : $100
Jas. A. Hoag to Mary A. Sheehan,
15.54 acres I
G. W. Wright to O. A. BrwAn,
7.46 acres -
Sheriff G. W. McHargue to G. V.
Wright, tax deed .a acres
O. A. Ritan to Justin Wentworth,
one-half interest in 160 acres 1C0
Xew suit:
J. C. Holbrook agt. Geo. A. Jad
win, suit to recover $78 on a note
made May 7, 1906, at Donnybrook, X.
Dak., with interest at 10 pen cent.
Hewitt & Sox, attorneys.
i i in
Deeds recorded:
Harriet E. Noble to Helena Enge
bretson, 2.50 acres 1
Helena Engebretson to Lois Al
ton Hover, 2 1-2 acres Har
risburg 1
Orvillc Dinwiddie to S. L. Hunt
er and S. C. Hunter, 5 acres 1200
John Duncan to N. 1. and M. P.
Co., easement, property near
Shedd 1
Charity J. Luper to N. I. & M. P.
Co., easement 1
Claus Anthony to O. E. & R. Co.,
13.13 acres 10
Tri-State R. & P. Co. to North
ern Idaho and Montana Power
Co., numerous easements and
rights-of-way '. 1
If a measure proposed by the Peo
ple's Power League of Oregon, with
W. S. CRen at the bottom of it, pre
vails, the people of Oregon will hard
ly know whether they are on foot,
horseback, in an automobile or up in
a tlying machine. Here are some of
the things proposed our people need
, i to begin studying:
the state, with a state business man
ager on salary to take general charge.
(jovernor and state auditor the only
state officers to be elected by the peo
ple, others being appointed by the
Sheriff and district attorneys to be
appointed by governor.
Board of three "directors" to rule
in county government and employ a
county business manager, th elattcr to
appoint other county officers.
I State senate to be abolished.
sixty menihcrs ot legislature to be
elected by proportional representation
by the state at large.
Members of the legislature to hold
power on roll call in voting in propor
tion to the vote they received at the
Governor and defeated candidate for
governor to be ex-otlicio members of
legislature and hold voting power
Entire legislature may be recalled
About 400 school children arc now
taking the state 8th grade examina-
s a fast age. A book of sev
eral hundred pages lias already been
issued, with the Titanic as the sub
ject, fully illustrated.
Taft says he was hit below the belt,
and will light. Teddy's teeth are set
too like a vice. That African lion
hunt was a tame aflair.
People on 7th, 4th and 5th streets
are waiting for Mr. Warren to cut
down the grass and weeds, which lie
will soon do with a big plow.
There will be no danger from hat
pins if the legislature will pass a law
requiring all women to use the safety
device of Mr. Gilchrist of this city.
An experiment on rats proved that
those having everything to eat were
the most active, more so than the
vegetarian rats. Oh, rats, what does
that prove.
The Oregon Electric is treating Al
bany very nicely, with numerous lit
tle extra favors that are greatly appre
ciated. The company is not sulittiug
hairs, but is doing things.
Atavistic humor is what the Eugene
Register calls the practical joker just
before or after a wedding, referring
to the recent thett ot the wedding
apparel of an Albany young man.
ana activities suspended pending the .Atavistic refers to the babboon age,
recall vote. making such jokes primitive. They
( oters to designate first, second and .Reserve hitting hard. Marriage is a
petition asked for the Grad
ing and graveling of Second street,
Main to Pennywinkle. Granted.
The recorder was directed to adver
tise for bids for the work on both
Blount & Babb asked permission to Ition.
use 12 feet on Lyon street, between Tomatoes and Cabbage Plants and
In the Circuit Court of the State of 4th and 5th, in the erection of a 1 clean fresh garden seed in bulk, at
Oregon for Linn County, Department frame block for John Wills, to cost j Murphy't Seed Store.
N- 2-, 2t??' it i u . i r A Masek, the new tailor, has recently
In the matter of the application of lhe Hammel Hotel Co. was grant- !received a complete line of new goods
Gustav Hesse, plaintiff, to register ed-permission o use, on Lyon and;and js ow prepared to make your
title to the following described real Second streets, 12 feet during ercc- clothes in Albany.
estate, to-wit: Beginning at the S. tiou of the Waldorf Hotel, to cost
W. corner of Block No. 3, in the out $55,000 Permission was also v f b b u is to be , .cd
Eastern Addition to the City of Al- panted for the erection of the gund, on "he new grounds
bany, Oregon, and running thence .. ,f , , , ,, between the Albany Athletics and an
northerly on the western boundary Jh,e f 'm,ayr "l"" AU-Star team from Corvallis, includ-
line of said block 50 feet; thence east- r"fifisedwer p,pe necdcd at once was .several .old-time college players,
early on a , line paralel with the south- ',., , ,,nm0 ;J The Chas. K. Snauldine Logging
em boundary ine ot said tfiocK, IM mov-j th y - building, by A. B. .Company has just received a car load
feet to a point mid-way between the Modi 8was Tead vith bonsd Q'f First of sewer pipe for the Warren Con
eastern and western boundary lines of Natiorial Bank struction Co. A second car will ar
said block; thence southerly on a line Petition of W E Kelly and others 'five within the next two or three
parallel with the western boundary w;t formcr list making 2297 feet in .days.
line of said block 50 feet, to the south- aU askcd for paving lst streeti Mont- Dr. W. A. Cox has just received
em boundary line of said block; g0mCry to Main, with gravel bitu- from the Baker taxidermistry of
thence westerly on the southern Hthic. The concrete frontage is now Portland a deer's head, which is about
boundary line of said block 134 feet, iess ,han 800. the finest thing of its kind ever seen
to tne piace or ucginiiiiig, an siiujic, f j. jiammore and J. b. Lamar here, perfectly mounted and appomt-
made speeches in favor of the -pave- -ed, looking .as natural as life,
ment and against concrete. I At the Chautauqua board meeting
Mr. Wood wants the street paved, tonight the matter of a 4th of July
he simply thought Albany is not get- celebration will be considered with
ting as mnch for its monev from the n,- ti,;r -...i -m ; tt,
lake notice, mat on tne litn aay warren o. as some otner. cities. celebration part should be present,
of April, A. D. 1912, an application The bid of the Warren Construe- 'and help prepare for a sane 4th of
was filed by the said Gustav Hesse, tion Co. for th paving of 5th street, j,uy celebration
in the Circuit Court of the State of Elm to Mam street, was read, as fol- T. p.rifi. Tvl!,,. -ml TVli...
iiitulitnic $1.55, excavations rv. i,V.c ;7.oi i( X T T
fltlJJll w K'. 11411 JU5t Ultl.ll UUl U JIVtT
vermg the held radiating
, reaching into the toot
feature is the fire alarm
serious thing,, no joke, and it dc
other choices" tor all oflkcrs to be
elected. ,,.rvM ti ho tr.vitl with ri'snpct rath
Primary elections abolished, except cr than j an atavistic way.
every four years, on president, vice-
president, electors and delegates to t, ;s agreeably quiet these days in
national conventions. ' blind-pigdom. "
Registered voters only to be al-
lowed to vote o rsign petitions for Mr. Taft has also thrown his hat in
candidates or measures. 1 thc ring, nearly a number 8.
All franchises to be limited to 20 i
years, and public may take over prop- Tne U. O. and O. A. C. hatchet has
erty in connection therewith on phys-'been buried. Wonder how deep,
leal valuation. t
Numerous changes in the provisions if vou wat the real thing in ora-
lons tor use ot the initiative, rcferen- tory just attend a session of the city
1 council.
lying and being in Albany, Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, vs. All Whom it may
Concern, defendants.
Oregon, for Linn County, for initial ''s:
U. 0.-0. A. C.
The parcels post won't help the ex
press companies any; that doesn't dis
turb the masses.
1 1 It is estimated that $60,000 has gone
out of the city for autos this season.
That's moving some.
- registration of the title to the land 75c, vitrified pipe 55c, inlets $15 and Sectorv coverin
above described- . A. ?18, headers 37c. Ordered accepted g1 Hub re
.Now unless- yo&--appeai -orior be-'SliP.Wce was, passed authorizing hiHs A new fea
Is Prepared by Parkinson Uncle Tom will always draw over
and over again. Sort of hash these
days; but flic people like it.
Salem, Or., May 9. Harry Parki- I
son, who heads the movement to unite I Where are you going this summer:
the University of Oregon and the Newport, Cascadia, up the McKcnzic,
Oregon Agricultural College, declared Alsea, the Yachats, or Bryant's Park?
today that he has already drafted a i
bill providing for the consolidation of 1 The real fight between Ted and Bill
the two institutions under one head will be in Ohio, where there will be
with the governor as chief director, something doing of a fierce character.
Mr. Parkison has been in conference , A single good act helps the whole
with Governor West on the subject world.
today, lie states that he will with- j
hold the bill from circulation until ', Even unto this day there are snakes
thc commission, in whose hands the In business:
subject is to be placed, is appointed I
and the meeting between the boards An old crank is about the worst of
of regents of the institutions has tak- all, set like a vice.
en place.
Portland is to have an elevator in
spector. At Guldendale. Wash., there were
eleven bids submitted for pavement.
J. D. Lee of Portland this week de
livered an address- at Corvallis on
banking laws.
The O. A. C. aiid Washington Ag
gies will play tomorrow at Corvallis,
which means some warm base ball.
Miss. Jennie Crocker, of San Fran
cisco, has tooth brushes and a mani
cure set for her blue blooded dogs..
Now if she will get some gray matter
for herself.
A new high school building to cost
$85.0X10 is being erected at Pendleton,
the corner stone being laid this week.
Pendleton is evidently not as dead
i as some nave reported.
The State Grange will convene in
Koseburg on the 14th of this month.
The Linn county delegates will go
in time to be there Monday morning
at the drop of thc gavel.
A $100 cow was recently scared to
death upon seeing an aeroplane com
ing only about twenty feet from the
ground, the explosions causing the
disaster. The aviator was arrested
and lined $100.
The new armory at Woodburn will
be dedicated tomorrow at 2:30 p. m.,
with Gen. Fiuzer presiding. Gov .
West will deliver the address, with
talks by Col. Jackson, Lieut. Upton
and others.
The Stayton Mail says the team of
that city and thc Albany Roadsters
will play base ball there next Sunday.
Thc Hub city bunch are some ball
nienli the Mail says, so a good game
is assured.
If Roosevelt carries the Ohio pri
maries lie will be nominated, it is
said. He is the greatest fighter of'
the age, and is due to beat Taft in hiss
own state. If nominated will thc peo
ple of the United States elect a man .
tor a third term alter lie has lumselt -.
repudiated thc idea.
A new steamer is being built" at.
Oregon City for the upper river traf- k
he, by tne o. L. i. t-o. it is to- De
called the Grahamona, after Capt.
Graham. The boat will be 172 feet
longer than the Pomona, four feet
wider, and will draw only fifteen i
inches of water. It is expected the
boat will be finished by August and -will
then be put on the run as far as .
Corvallis. The rates may be depend
ed iipon to remain approximately the
same as the railroads, perhaps 2 cents
jQrr$l,20iti day of May. A. D. 1912, "'S.01!;, . " . J '-'" box list of Albany, and also a forestry
tnrt show cause whv such application Mayr Gbert asked why there was 42m .', , ,ir,.rtnrv '
no report on the resolution calling tor ,.; B.nt i
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of
the application, and" you will be for
ever barred from disputing the same.
(L S.l W. L. MARKS. Clerk.
Bv R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy.
T.. M. CURL. Applicant's Attorney.
two blocks of concrete pavement on
3rd street, and the matter was dis
cussed. The engineer was ordered to
have a report at the next regular
An ordinance was passed granting
Will Print the Bonds Here.
The "contract for printing the new
$100,000 bond issue for the Linnhavcn
Advertised Letters.
The Democrat guesses regular
trains on thc O. E. into Albany June
The lust for speed is the modem
jugernaut that is crushing many a life
In the Circuit Court of the Mate of tor 44U,UUU sewer bonds at 5 per
Oregon for Linn County. Depart- payable in 20 years,
ment No. 2. The matter of 6th street pavement
In the matter of the application of ,vas postponed. The limit has been
Pauline Jordan and Amelia Zuhls- Placed at Jefferson because of the
dorf, plaintiffs, to register title to the en'oireet'nnfLyTtre:'0"
following described real estate to- Mr , was ap intcd cyhairman
wit: Beginning at the N E. corner of a lird waril firc houS(, commiltee
?t.1,e. Di.L' C; f W. H. Basye, Not. an(l a report in writing was directed.
Tps- X Mr- Ries reported the new hose in a
2 v.v.i 3 West of WilL Mer. Oregon, box for two wccks. unattended to. Re-
and running thence N. 19 degrees 50 ferred to lire and water committee,
minutes East 11.70 chains; thence S. The allcvs were reported in charge
64 degrees 30 minutes E. 11.94 chains; of the chief of police, upon inquiry,
thence S. 19 degrees 50 minutes W. The committee on fire and water
40.75 chains; thence N. 71 degrees were directed to investigate the fire
West 11.87 chains; thence N. 19 de- alarm system.
grees 50 minutes E. 30.37 chains, to i Dr. Hill having arrived talked on
I.- r T.-i k r iuu,uw uonu issue lor ine iiiiiinavcii
thc Oregon Llectnc the right-of-wav i,-.. i. i. c r v t
An ordinance was passed nrovidtntr i i .a-mm u i ' i c
for $40,000 sewer bonds at 5 per cent 5S?Jt1f. i.
previous -work done by Rawlings for
the Company has been so satisfactory
he wa6 considered entirely capable to
take charge ot this one
A Simple House Gown,
Looks neat if worn with a Spirclla
Corset, fitted to your individual meas
ure; brings out beauty lines; subdues
irregularities. Let me show you how
United States Post Office, Albany,
Advertised and uncalled for May 10,
Antonio Bogogyo (foreign), C. F Sometimes the wedding fee is hard
llundndgc, Miss Gertrude Dnscoll, y paid before an attorney's fee is in
iirS t ,Vawk;ln.s' 'c,rry Harmoon, 'demand for a divorce suit.
vv. u. rvuiicy, iwiss i-iurcrice ivicii
roy, Smalley Moore, Mrs. George Mc
Coy, Johnson S. Smith, Clarence L.
Smith (2).
The Daughtry System.
Thc Daughtry method is working to
a charm. It is doing the business, and
thc blind-pig is practically a dead in
stitution in Albany. It is a little ex
pensive, but it is the thing and worth
the while. More than this it is at
post card or phone me.
the place of beginning, containing pavement, charging the swallowing of 739 E 2nd Phone Bell 361-J
49.17 acres, more or less, in Linn everything by the Warren Construe-1 ' - ,
o wear u a so tne op rciia uoiiing- tracting attention in other cities, and
he why. of the comfortable, shape re- , ljss , bc thc mo(k.r mc)()d for
taming Spirclla Corset. . .'peiincr the violation o fihe local o.,.
fitting exclusively. bend i,.,. ,, Th .. ,, ., .
County, Ore. l,,on Co., referring to so much pave-
County, Ore., vs. Louis Znlilsdorf, ment as insanity, etc., a warm ad
A. Works, E. L. Works, and all whom urcss
it mav concern.
Take notice, that on the 12th day of
The Halscy man lost on the Titanic
was named Kingo Butler.
The Maccabee Ladies.
The Maccabee Ladies this afternoon
were giving an at home at their hall,
with about ten visitors from Jefferson,
and live irom Lebanon, besides the
The new Hotel Lebanon of J. C. state commander, Mrs. Frank Hard
eman, of Portland, wife of a formcr
April, A. D. 1912, an application was DcvjIlc wili oncn first ()f Tn(r
nicu u) u c miu x auuMi YV'nldnnrt U ornn-in., !ml will c Linn countv recorder. The affair
..... ..... ... - r". nave electric lights.
'Amelia Z
of the State of Oregon, for Linn Coun
ty, for initial registration ot the title
to the land above described.
Now unless you appear on or be
fore thc 20th day of May, A. D. 1912,
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will
be taken as confessed and a decree
will be entered according to the pray
er of the application, and yon will be
forever barred from disputing thc
tL. S.I V. L. MARKS. Clerk.
Bv R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy.
Applicant's Attorney.
lights. It already has a
water system.
Good, Dr. Hinson of thc While
Church, Portland, will not resign the
pastorate, a good thing for thc church.
Carl R. Gray is to be at the head
of the Great Northern, a step for
ward. Gray is a very popular and
capable official.
The Linn county fair board has just
arranged is entirely social, a fraternal
gathering for the fellowship and a
good time.
More Business.
Thc .increase of business by the
city council is a good indication of the
growth of Albany and its assumption
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed executor of the last will and
testament of Mathcw Acheron, late of
said county, deceased. All persons
having claims against thc estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, with the proper
voucher, to thc undersigned, at the
office of Hewitt & Snx. in the City of
Albany. Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated April 12, 1912.
HEWITT & SOX. Executor.
Attorneys for Esecutor.
gotten out a fine poster for the fair;"f metropolitan ways. One item
to take place at bcio on Auir. 2a. 29
and 30, to he made a hummer. A
feature will be thc school children's
exhibit, which will also bc shown in
Albany on the 23rd and 24th, just
before thc county, fair.
John Puntncy and family ..ived
this noon from Philomath, where they
have been residing a few years. They
have traded their place there for Port
land property and will go to Portland
to reside. Miss Edith Rohrbaugh. a
sister of Mrs. Puntncy, returned with
C. D. Frazier, the state buyer, pass
ed through thc city this noon for
Koseburg. where be will have charge
of laying in some supplies for the
soldiers' home. Mr. Frazier is a for
mer grocery drummer who made Al
bany regularly, at one time president
of the X. W. Association of travelin, 5
suggestive. Already this year thirty
new ordinance hills have been intro
duced. During the entire year of 1911
there were thirty bills introduced.
Other things makes the business of
the recorder, who has to handle all
of it, a busy one.
Al Peacock has returned from Port
land, where it is said he will soon
move to make his home.
Mrs. J. H. Turpin, of Waterloo, this
afternoon went to Portland for a
visit with her daughter, Miss Minnit,
a former student in the sister's school
of this city, who is now working fur
thc Merchants' Protective Associa
tion. J. C. Lowe, manager of the Home
Telephone Co. at Corvallis, and fath
er of ALL, was in the city last even
ing. J he boss at the Lowe horn
now five months old and
lines is the enforcement of law, and
this is being met in this city with vim
by the energetic chief of police. "
Robinson. Vannice. K. E. Robin
son, aged IA, and 1 hressic Vanicc,
aged almost 18, two worthy young
people residing just this side of Jef
ferson, were united in marriage this
afternoon, at thc residence of and by
Rev. W. P. White.
Thc groom runs a restaurant in Tcf
ferson, and thc bride is a popular
young lady of that prosperous place,
though at home just this side of thc
A Bi& Musical Novelty.
Beginning tonight for a three days
engagement Dreamland offers Pow
ers and Prccd in a big musical act.
This act is very unusual and entvr
taining, thc music being produced on
all sorts of instruments.
Mr. Taft gave Roosevelt about a
dozen whacks back in one speech,
ndicating a frisky state ot aflairs.
That was certainly a case of sar
casm when the prospective suicide
wrote: "curses upon you, from your
loving husband."
Crops of all kinds look fine. This
promises to bc a bumper year in Ore
gon. But then, all years arc good
ones in this valley.
Road Will Reach Albany about1
. June Ist.
Track laying was resumed yester
day on the Oregon Electric this side;
of Salem, with practically a full crew,,
and as few of the I. W. W. in the gang
as possible. With the kind of weather
now prevailing between one and two
miles a day should bc laid steadwy,
perhaps two, though it is doubtful if
that much has yet been laid in a day.
There is some distance yet before the
Santiam will bc reached.
Mr. Wickersham, the engineer re
ccutly stated that thc rails could bc
laid to Albany in two weeks, rollow
ing thc delay it will probably be J
after the first of Tunc before trains
can bc run to this city.
Thc trolley crew, though, arc close
behind the track layers, and wilK
reach the city almost as soon, gen
erally following within a mile of the
It is said matters have been ar
ranged now so there will probably be
no more strikes, and if any not of a
character to interfere with thc work.
It continues to bc true, ncrhans,
more than in thc days of Shakespeare,
that all is not gold that glitters. Mod
ern sassiety is terrific on glitter, but
One of thc councilmen the other
night, on account of a severe hoarse
ness, had to vote by raising his hand,
and it wasn't his fault that thc ses
sion was a long one.
Thc Portland good roads bills will
get some livctreatmcut at the hands
of thc voters of Linn county, particu
larly those residing in the country.
Thc bills are not satisfactory at all.
After a long time it has been learn
ed that Prank Holmes, of Salem, was
nominated for district attorney in this
district, on thc democratic ticket. Just
what thc vote was hasn't been report
ed yet.
Albany's fire alarm box system con
tinues to bc in a horrible condition.
In fact it never has done reliable work
from the very beginning, always caus
ing trouble. It should bc rebuilt or
done away wilh entirely.
J. C. Ellis, of Southern Colorado,
is in the city on a visit with his
cousin. J. 1. Ellis. They had not
seen each other for over twenty years,
and have been having a good time to
gether. Gordon A. Barrett, recently of Kan
sas City, has a position with the
Spaulding Lumber Co., assisting Mr J
Kclsay. ile is a former advertising
specialist, and will also have charge
of this work for the company.
S. N. Steele, of Portland, arrived
this noon from Benton county, where
he has been looking after his farm.
mc is His son Horace, is superintendent of
weighs the big Steele dairy at Vancouver
A Swiss young man ought to be
haimv. He is engaged to seventeen
young ladies. Think of the bliss of
courting that number of young ladies,
the variety of it, fat and lean girls,
blue eyes and black, tall and short,
jolly and serene.
A Big Thing.
Scio News:
Perhaps many Scio people do not
realize what a boost is being given
this part of thc country by the Orega
Title & Trust Co. of Albany. Their
orchard tract, Linnhavcn, is situated
only five miles from this place, where
a force of men is employed with a
payroll of $5, 0M).U0 per mouth. Just
at present 410 acres arc being set to
applc orchard.
New School Building at Shedd.
Thc plans for an $8,fMjO school
house at Shedd have been let to A.
C. Jenkins, of this city, who will pre
pare them at once. The building is
to have four rooms, a modern affair.
Shedd is a prosperous place, growing
and lias taken a step that will count
for the place.
" ' m
Will Attend the' Davenport Funeral.
Next Sunday will be mother's day,
one that will be generally observed
both in the Sunday schools and the
church. Those attending church need
not bc surprised if they arc given a
llower as an expression ot apprecia-
twenty pounds, which is pretty rood 'Mrs. Steele will arrive this
for a short Alhany visit.
The fathers are also worthy of
Louis Stimpson, grand keeper of
records and seal of thc K. P. for al
most a generation, and L. M. Curl,
past grand consul, wnt to Eugene
(his afternoon to meet with the brethren.
Several boyhood chums and friends
of the late Homer Davenport arc pre
paring to go to Silvertou next Mon
day to attend the funeral of Daven
port. Among them will be Jas. G.
Crawford, Orvillc Crawford and As
sessor I). It. McKnight. borne ot
their wives will accompany them. Thc
time is 2 p. m. Monday, at the opera
house, with Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis
is the orator.
E:ne Musical Act.
The best musical act ever at Dream
land was the verdict of the large
crowd present lut night.
Powers and Freed are thc best n
their line ever here and their playing
of different instruments such as bells,
tuberaphones, mandolins, glasses, etc.,
is indeed wonderful.
Tonight and tomorrow's matinco
clones their engagement here.
Complete change of picture! to
night. ,