Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 17, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Our extensive line of Kid, Lisle, Cotton and Silk Gloves
cover every line of colors and sizes
Buys the Best Dollar Glove on Earth
Cream Wool Goods
Still in great demand are these materials. We are well
supplied in a range of widths and prices
Can do more for you in price and quality
of material than ever before. If you are
hard to please and don't know just what you
wantcome in and let us show you our
large line.
The Celebrated Durham
Duplex Demonstrator Safety
Razor is different from any
. other safety razors because
it uses the sliding stroke of '
the ordinary razor instead of ,
: th e"hoe" stroke common to i
all other safeties.
You can get a $2.50 razor -for
35c while they last at '
Made From Pure Jersey Cream
Sold by Leading Soda Fountains and Confectionaries
After you have tried the rest
Then you try the best
Made by Klock Produce Company, Albany, Oregon
We Sell Wholesale Only ,
36-inch half wool j) .59
40-inch all wool ,98
44-ineh all wool 125
54-inch diagonal 1,75
56-in. heaVy serge 2,25
Eureka . . .
Furniture Hospital
Furniture repaired, upholstered nnd re
united. ' Expert furniture packing
nnd shipping. Warehouse for storage. !
Piano polishing a specialty. Cane and
reed work. Home phone 309.
15 acres in bearing apple orchard,
choice winter varieties, orchard in
good condition and within five miles
of Albany.
4 acres in strawberries and bearing,
35 acres in the tract, and nearly all in
cultivation, every foot good fruit or
berry land.
Small house, good barn, possession
when sold. The fruit and berries
from this year's crops will net the
purchaser one-third of the purchase
price of the farm.
Will sell this tract for one-half of
the price asked for similar lands ad
joining that have nothing on them,
and will give time on a part of the
purchase price.
Full particulars, location and price
given to those that mean business, by
calling at my ofiice, at No. 102 E.
First Street, Albany, Oregon.
Albany Democrat
Entered at the post office, Albany, Oi
d tsttofcd -clh&fi mail tr.&tii r.
I he Daily Delivered, 10 . cents a i
. eek; in advance (or :ie year, $4.00.
Hy mail, in advance for one nr $3, at
end of year S3.50.
The Weekly Advance year
51.25. At end of year $1 . After 3
years at $2.
F. PJNutting.
A movement was agitated in Albany
Commercial Club at one time to hare
the business done by all the members
d.rectors, the present plan. Medford
was quoted as a. c.ty where the busi-
ness was done by the entire mem -
bership in open meeting. In view of
the fact the following from'the Med -
ford Sun will be of much interest:
Apparently there are about a dozen
live men in the Medford Commercial ;jn the city on a visit with his brother,
club. For the last six months these F. E. McKenna, of the Oregon Power
faithful twelve have attended meet-j0,
nigs and have transacted the business .Mrs- Imbler after an extended visit
. . .. ... with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Skip-
of the organization. toll went t0 Roscburg this afternoon
What is , the matter of the other, for a visit with another daughter.
340 members? Dp' they want the af-1 A. J. Wilson, of Albany, has been
fairs of this club directed by 3 per I elected commerce editor-in-chief of
.cent of the membership? Do they Commerce Quarterly Magazine of
think -.Medford Mas forged ahead far) Mrs; Fnnk Hardman, of Por,Iand,
enough, or are they too lazy to spend ; is spending a week or two in and
a few hours a month considering the. Albany in the interest of the
matters. pf importance which are con
stantly coming up. before the local
organization for consideration and ac
tion. Business conditions have not been
the best during the last year through-
-out the country. But this is no ex
cusc for laying down and putting in
call for the undertaker,
Business conditions are already im-
proving. Ihe Kogue Kiver valley is
promised the largest and best fruit
crop in its 'history. Factories are ne
gotiating for location here, irrigation
is growing and receiving greater and
greater support; new settlers are
coming in by every train, an import
ant railroad project is under consid-
eration, boom days have passed, but
me eicmcms ui rauunai arm cuiibisicni
activity are here, and all the public
spirited citizens should gather around
to insure the benefits of it.
It ic irfr enrt rt pih?nnchin nrhifli
. v,.
lips flnwn nt nnp titnp wlipn nil slinliM
rather-toirethrr and nut their should -
ers to the wheel.
,. Every member of the Commercial.
... . , , .-..i
f-lith line nnmlp nnnnrhinilv In lnntv
-j ,i u guest at tne nome ot li. A. An-
when the meetings were held. Every , derson. Mr. Butler is looking for in
call issued should result in a well , vestments and is very favorably im-
fillcd hall. It is high time for the.
members of the club to wake up.
F. G. Will for watches.
Eyesight Specialist.
Office hours, 9 a. m to 12; 1 p. m.
5 p.
m. Kuom 3. r irst savings tsanK
Building, Albany, Oregon.
Osteopathic physician, office heurs 9 to
12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Evenings by
appointment. Telephones Home 203
Bell 330 J. Residence. 223 South Ferry
St., phone Bell 386-R. First Savings
Bank building, Second and Broadalbin
streets, Albany, Oregon.
Farm Lands and City Property for
Real Estate L ana.
Fire Insurance.
Surety Bonds.
Rooms 19-21 Cusick Block,
Albany, Oregon.
242 Weet Second St, Albtny,
First-class meats of all kinds
from selected stock.
! C. W.
! Salem.
Driesbach was here from
Moore, a Spokane man, was
W. B.
in town.
B. E. Jones is here from French
Lick, ind.
, w. W. Pollak this noon returned
from a trip as far north as B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Jones, of Jef
ferson, have been in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoner, of
Burns, have been in the city.
. Ed. Sears went to Corvallis this
afternoon on ploning mill business.
J. M. Stevenson, former right-of-way
man on the Oregon Electric, has
I been in the city.
Miss Mae Montgomery, traveling
has been jn ,he city
B E Ma,jngi traveling agcnt for
'the Northwestern Line, was soliciting
i business in Albany today.
! W. F. Tobey, the architect, is here
'.'"oking aft" his Albany propositions.
M. J. McKenna, of Waukeegan, is
Ladies of the Maccabees.
Geo. W. Phillips, of Woodburn, a
former Albany barber, is in the city in
the interest of the estate of his moth
er. Alfard Pearce of London, England,
ls. jn '?any looking over the city
me mcd ui matting mis place nis
Isaac H. Bimrham. of En, who
Kd5.- ??!!-" -mpaign last year
for the nomination for state senator,
was in the city today.
Judge A. N. Tandy, of Harrisburg,
one of Linn county's early judges,
was in the city today, being interested
in a case in the circuit court.
J. R. Penland, citv engineer at
Brownsville, in sewer construction,
has returned home after being there
and at Harrisburg for a month or two.
Mr !nl .r T Tt r- i c
i Portland, have 'been In the city while
n a trip as iar soutn as iMcdford,
They are thinking of changing their
iiuiiic. rviuany iooks oroort tn t ipm
J. W. Bodgett of Nash, Oklahoma,
has hppn (npivlinrr flio .,-,--
1 il.-.. .t t i uuys in iooKing over the tarm
. lllC conntrv trihittnrv in &lk..,
Mas concluded to locate in this vi.
cinjty .
-,..1;. !: ?u!,er'- formerly engaged in the j.
u-uiKing inisiness m western Iowa,
. .... . . .
1 -y-
Mr. and Mrs! Henrv Ruiter. hnvp
I returned from Roscburg, where they
I sold their business, and are now resi
dents of Albany. They have bought
iJi.iiviiy just soutn ot iztn street,
wear ..Ferry, and have begun the erec
tion of a residence.
Drs. Foster
Such as asthma, rheumatism, eczema, both acute and chronic, stomach
and intestinal trouble, femUe complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis,
head-ache and spinal trouble. We invite an investigation of our system.
A brief consultation free. '
, Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, opposite P. O., West First
Street, Albany, Oregon.
Hours from 1 p. m., to 9 p. m. Mornings and Sundays by appoint
ment only. ' .
Both phones.
Our Wants.
FOR KENT. Housekeeping rooms,
with baths. Home black 205. 213
.Baker. 14t
WANTED. Good driving horse, not
more than eight years old, and
weight between ten and twelve hun
dred pounds. Must be very gentle -and
safe for ladies. Home Phone
1357. t21
NOTfCE. Parties having lots in City
Cemetery that need watering should
see the sexton at once and make
arrangements for water. R. C.
Phelps, sexton. Phones: Bell 180-R,
Home Red 368-
WANTED TO RENT. Large, com
fortable room, preferably unfurnish
ed and not too far from business
district. Inquire at Democrat of
fice. tl7
WANTED. Board and room. Will
pay $5.00 week. Home Phone 97.
FOR SALE. Fresh cows. H. Bry
ant, tl
FOR SALE. A fresh cow. Home
phone 2762. 9t
FOR SALE. Good fresh Jersey
heifer, 3 yrs. old. Home Phone 207.
LOST. Gold broach, with pearl set
ting, Madison St. Leave 731 Hill
St. tl5
FOR RENT. A good 8-room mod
ern house. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203
West 2nd street. 9t .
FOR SALE. A five-room furnished
cottage at Nye Creek. Address L
C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. t23
PASTURE for rent, pony for sale. J.
W. Bruckman, Home 2b54. 1 15
FOR SALE. -a horses, cheap. D. 0.
Woodworth. 2t
FOR RENT, furnished or unfurnished
rooms, at 2d and Baker. Lee
Driver. Bell phone 337-R. 27t
WANTED One to five acres, dry land,
as near Albany as possible, for
slaughter house. M. B. Craft.
FOR SALE. Inside house and lot,.
cheap, nicely located. Inquire 516
E. 6.
.W A" ?nrea Property, by
ov lSS,K
FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 50c a
settintr. Chicago and Front Streets.
Home phone 296. 15 t
FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old car
pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Home
phone 441. 15t.
FOR RENT. Furnished housel eepirgt
and sleeiing rooms Mrs. Bilyeu, 224
Baker Street. 323t
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for pale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere else in Albany. Skill
Iv set. if desired.
FOR SALE.t-Cabbage and tomato
plants. Also S. C. and R. C. Rhode
Island Red eggs for hatching, cheap.
A. Crooks, West 7th St. Poultry
I .
WOOD FOR SALfc.-Sccond growth fir
$4, old fir $4.75, good dry wood and
good measure. HomeBlack 106, Bell
phone 448 J. . F. C. CHAPMAN.
FOR SALE by the owner, a six room
house and two lots, center of toan,
half block from High school. Apply
on the premises 322 East 4th street.
H. Barns.
FOR SALE. Farm, with 2 sets of
buildings, 552 acres, 7 miles east of
Albany, all or part, at sacrifice,
terms to suit, with or without stock
and machinery. See me if vou mean
business. C. R. Gerier, R. D. 1.
& Lemon,