NEW CREAM 46 in. Cream Serge, good quality, at &L.00 yd. 50 in. Cream Serge, -with black stripe, at $1,35 yd. 56 in. Cream Diagonal Suiting. Special at $2.00 yd. Flood's Store Agents for !. & G Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern TOMORROW'S ADVERTISEMENT FOR STREET PAVING. Scaled bids will be received by the Common Council of the City of Al bany, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. ni. May 8, 19l2, for -the improvement of Fifth Street from the cast curb line of Him Street to the west curb line of Main Street, in said City of Al--bany. Said improvement to be made in the following manner, to-wit: First: By grading said street to the proper sub-grade. Second: Jty paving the roadway of saiil street full width with full inter sections with gravel bitulithic pavc unent. .Third: By laying and constructing gravel bitulithic headers. Fourth: By constructing catch bas ins. Fifth: liy constructing inlets. Sixth: by laying vitrified sewer JPC. Said improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and or dinances of the said City of Albany, and the plans, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer on file in be office of the City Recorder, where plans may be seen and specifications and -.estimates obtained. Bids-.will be opened at 8 o'clock p. m. May 8, 1912. No proposal or bid will be consid ered unless accompanied by a certi fied check payable to the City of Al bany in an amount, equal to live per cent of the aggregate bid, to be for-" fcited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and provide an approved bond in the sum of $5,- fKKMXl for the faithful performance of For Sale A good new modern 5-room bunga low, modern in every respect, electric lights, located in the East part of Al bany. Price, $2500. Good house located in the west part of Albany, two lots. Price, $3500. Easy terms. House and one lot located in the west part of Albany, six room, two story. Price, $1850. One lot and barn located in West Albany. Price, $000. Vacant lot, well located in the west part of city, $500. Vacant lot in west or east part, ranging from $500 up. Good house and barn and chicken house, about i'A acres of ground, good store building, barn and small store room. For sale on easy term's at the right price. Call for prices. Good modern bungalow located on west Seventh street. Price, $3500. Two lots and good barn, west Fifth street. Price, $3000. Five acres of land located in Jeffer son about Vi blocks from S. P. depot, including small house and barn, stock, tools and implements and in fact everything on the place at $1300. This is a bargain. Small acreage from five to ten acre tracts located on good county road, school house within 't mile of any of the tracts. Price $150 per acre on easy tcrmsv Laud guaranteed to be first class. Also have a nnmber of small farms in prices that are right, also on easy terms, il yon are iuuimiik iui u numc i in Albany or anywhere in the conntry. the work, within ten days after noti-4 call and see me and get my prices lie- I Baptist. Services at the usual hours. , St. Peters. (Episcopal) Rev enry H. Marsden, rector. Sunday t'c iuoI 10 a. m. Holy communion hod sermon 11 a. m. Evening service and address 6 o clock. Grace Presbyterian. f,. S Mochel, minister. Divine services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. S. S. 10 a. m. Senior En. deavor 7:15 p. m. All are cordially in vited to attend these services. Christian. Albyn Esson, minister. Bible School 10:15 a. m , followed by communion service and morning sermon. C. E. 7p m. Evening service 8. Spec ial muBic by chorus choir. The public is cordially invited. Catholic. (St. Mary's) -Rev. Arthur Lane, rector. Sunday services at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Rev. Michael J. Gilligan, the new assistant at St. Mary's, will officiate and preach. Evening service at 7:30. The public is welcome at these services. Methodist.Cor. Third and Ellsworth Sts. -V. H. Leech, pastor. 1 ublic ! worship 10:30 a.m. S. S 11:45. Junior League 3 p. m. Epworth League 7 p m. Evening service 8. Special music morning and evening. A welcome to the public. United Presbyterian.- W. P. White, paster. Services at 10:30 a m. end 8 p. m. Morning subject: "The Offence of the Cross. At the evening service Miss Ruth A. Work, our Women's Mis sionary bociety s missionary in Egypt, will speak Do not mies the Bible School at 11:45 a. m. Presbyterian. F. H. Geselbracht, minister. Morning service 10:30. The Theme: "The Superexcellenceof Things Ordinary." Vesper service 5. Prof. E. M. Sharp U. D., of Albany College, will bring the Message: "Four causes of our Salvation." Mr. Van Tassel and the United Presbyterian church choir will render the special musical numbers. S. S. 11:45. C. E. 7 p. m. Gov. West has his hand full of pen. The Humphreys will hang. Tbey are guilty If you feel chilly read of the weather at other places Roosevelt continues to make the world take notice. But his big stick after all is only a switch. Here's a tear to the memory of Homer Davenp rt. He will always have a arm place in tne memory of the peo ple of Oregon. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" Coming Leon W. Washburn with Stetson's "Uncle Tom's CaDin" Company will be at Albany May 8, when the patrons of that popular house will see this time honored play in all its superior attrac- I this purposeful story, is portrayed by rred Bennett, stetson s original - un cle Tom", probably the best known impersonter of this celebrated charac ter in the world. There will be two Topsies anl two Marks in the great double cast. The work ot competent players is further enbanded by beauti ful stage settings and new electrical devices. licit ion, ' huuday excluded, oi award of contract to such bidder. .All biers must be made with a view of completing the construction of such 1 .......... In (tin l'n:f (1V nf .Mnipi u I'm. in ji ivn iw m- - j October, 1912, under a liquidated pen ally for damages of $25.0(1 for each da" o( delay beyond that riod. I Attention of all conraclors is called to the agreement of Warren Brothers Company, filed with this city, in ac cordance with which agreement War ren lirolhcrs Company agrees to li cense all contractors desiring to bid for the work to lay the gravel bitu lithic pavement in accordance with its patents, and the terms of said agrcc- Th'c council reserves the right to nnv .mil all bids. ii i.i.ic ilw.iil.l he addressed It- . .' " Alh.niv. Oregon, illy iwvi.i.iv., j' c ....Ci.i "ivnnnsal for improvement ot Fifth Street." .. lly order of the Common Council. If V.. VAN TASSEL. Recorder of the City of Albany. First Pub. April 27. last May n, ivi. fore buying, as I have some good buys. Anyone interested in the above call at my office for prices and particulars. J. A. HOWARD. J. V. PIPE. r 203 West Second Street. " REAL ESTATE. T?..m i-,.,.U rltv nronerty, timbci i .1- t.x...... ,. l.i.m nn anoroved se ....ritv. Insurance written in the beat old line companies. V WW 4 ICOTsmwT BXUMOOtWVVB&V, 1 Reasons WHY YOU SHOULD BE INTER ESTED IN THE UNION FUK- NITUKE MFG. CO. Stirring thing up. Self Filling Fountain Pen;. See our 0. C. Rings youHI surely want one becaese of their great beauty and worth. Look a if they cost twice the price. With each ring you get a printed guarantee that insures you against lost stonea (except diamonds). Give Our Representatives A Fair Hearing When the Oregon Power Company's representatives call uninvited and try to in- terest you in electric light ing or central station power give them a chance to pre sent their proposition if you can spare the time. Our men are hard and have something to offer which is of genuine service. We believe they their business; that state facts and only and that they are polite and courteous. They will not take more than a reasonable amount, of your attention and time. A telephone call will bring one of these experts to your office, home or factory. TELEPHONES 15 OREGON POWER CO. ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE AND CONTRACTORS Ralston Eleetric Supply Co., 310 W 2nd Street. Tuga Walton, 728 E 4th Street. working: know they facts, GUARANTEED- RINGS are made for men, women and'cbU dren. Over 2000 patterns. Look. for Q C. stamp inBide each ring..' Call and get free birthstone carov L. W. Ross, Jeweler Albany, Or. The Riverside Farm Established 171 Assets Over fi,ooo.oe&M FIEST NATIONAL BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Oldest National Bank 'n the Willamette Valley.) These Banks have resources and; connections which enable them to be of the greatest service to their customers. They cordially in vite the accounts of individuals and' firms to whom they extend the services and facilities of strong and' sound financial institutions. ED. SCHOh'L. Proorietor Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hog: ; w . I FIRST SAVINGS BANK of Albany, Oregon. (Owned by Shareholders of the- First National Bank.) X Interest on Assets Over J Time Deposits. " 1390,000.00 &. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. F. Kecks, Light Brahmas, K. Li. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, M . li. Turkeys, Whii. rc.i den Geese, I'-kin Ducks, 1'euti Guinei" Wiiner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair, eggs- in. Season . - Stock for Sale phone. Farmers 93 - - - R. F. D. No 3 J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan m small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond yon. Property handled for non-rest dents. Bemuse it is an Albanv institution owned by Albany people who live right here anion you; an institution that 85 per cent ot tne money is icu right here in Albany; only IS per cent goes to Portland and Eastern points. Did yon ever stop to thinK that this Company draws money from every town in Oregon and California and 'leaves it ngnt nere in rtmany; that every merchant and property owner gets this money? Investigate tnis opportunity ana conic in with us and make this the largest furniture factory on the coast We have taken all the chances in get ting this business started. We have spent three years in building up this business and can now offer you a good opportunity for investment. For further information see Collins & Taylor, E. V. Anderson, Eugene E. Malfait, G. S. Sandatrom, A. H. Sandstrom. To intreduee the 'Auto-Filler" Self . Tillinnr PnMntnin npn. I will ftpll for 30 , iays.commencingApril 29th, Auto Filler I ' pens at half price $6. t pens for $3.00. $5.00 pem for $2.&). $4.00 pens for $2.00. WOOpena for $1.50. $2.00 Dens for $I.0(k Guarantee gt3 with every pen - Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. About May 54h, we will have a full line of post carls and magazines. Sub scriptions taken for all periodicals. HAWL1NGS. 121-123 Broadalbin St. EXECUTOR'S notice: Notice- i Rect-by given that tiiecun dersigned has been by the County Count of Lira county, Oregon, duly appointed executor of the last will and1 testament of Hathew Achesoii,. late of said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said' deceased" are hereby required' to present the: same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at the of&e of Hewitt & Sox. in the City of Albany, Oregon, within six months fromj the dare of this notice. Dated April 12, 1912. I. R. ACHESOtf, HEWITT & SOX, Executor.. Attorneys for Executor. Remember we handle the best Lumber, Cement, Sewer pipe, Boxes, Drain tile, Hearth tife, Cedar posts, Hallocks, Shingles Lime, Plaster, Sewer pipe THE CHAS. K. SPAUI.DING LOG CO. A. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. COI LIN3 & TAYLOR. Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans, l.are or small timber tracts. A. STARK. M. 13. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Hlix-k - Albanv H. V. MERRILL, Insurance, Loans, Bonds Room No. 1, First Savings Bank Building. STONE DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician. Albany Slate Bauk Building. Pt!,J!!:,ck-'!,'i- Home 275 " dr. Virgin i a": bvka l-x. Osteopathic Pli v-i'.c.n. Si-hmitt r.lncl;. .MVr". t;,oncs: OlV.ce l!.i-.e ?A r.-.t Black 2751: Residence cT.-t nc-mc. black 8(0 Bell. 11. A. LE1N1NUER, Dentist. Hi-vforil ".lurk M'' DR. W. R. BILYEU, Pentist, 'ill & Stark I'.locW Albany VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West Kirsl Street. yirst-Closi Wotk Guaranteed. For I iiiMing, ornamental purposes, rip run. ti hlltr. tHC. Sami) v at M . Scmlor & Co'a store W. L. t:HH, K U 6. Mionie Phono.i. II .WE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Tropriotor. T. J.TLTES, Atlornw at Law Notary Public, Legal business of all kinds in all the courts promptly aliened to. Bell phone ti-J. Summer Vacations Via the To the East Rose Festival Elk's. Convention U) I Si) N SET f I lOGDENSr SHASTA I 1 1 V ROUTES I I SEASHORE OF MOUNTAINS F. G. Will for watches. Round trip tickets to the principal cities of the East, going or return iiig through California, or via Portland. Going limit 15 days, final return limit October 31, on sale as follow?: SALE DATES April 25, 26. 27. lulv. 2, 3. 6. ". 11. 12. 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, Mav, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, IS, 26, 29. 30, 31. 24, jo.. August, 1. 2. 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23. June, 1, 0. 7. S. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18, 1, 29, 30. 31. 20. 21, 24, J?. J7. 28. J'. Sept.. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 30. Imperial Council Mystic Shrine. Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spend the summer. ..Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out door anftisc nients. bathinc. boating, goli, tishinc. etc. Low Fares to Meeting of Women's Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July t PACIFIC RAILWAY & NAVIGATION BEACHES . Are now- within easy reach by the P. R. & N. and a new- field for a pleasant vacation open. Week end tickets now o nsalc and season tickets from al: points on sale June lt. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens June 10 and Closes June 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta and Carnival ot ricamre yet held. Low round trip tickets on sale from all points. For beautifully illustrated booklets describing New port. Kayoccan am' other points, as well a information about Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent or write to JOHN' M. SCOTT. General l'assemrcr Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1. P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13. 1912 A CHECK BOOK . is easier to carry than a wal let filled: with currency, gold or silver. It adds dignity to your transactions and gives much satisfaction. Checks are of no value except to the person in whose favor drawn. Can you afford to keep your money at home or in your pocket when you can have, without expense, a check book on this bank? ALBANY STATE BANK Wm Bain, Pre. F. J. Miller, Vice Pre. N. M. Bain, Cuhier. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY FIUTAHALAND WHO WANTS kEow J I ifl LiJlLJ Of good property in east Aibany for r A PTPT1 sa'e- 7 rom house and barn "LAiJ 1 tiK and 19 lot9. wil1 sell all or part and . build on vacant lots for parties desiring has arrived. Place your it- Call Home phone 1168. 2t orders now. M, Senders & Co. Mel, the saw filer, will be found at the green front on Baker street, near the skatintr rink. C. D. RAUCH, DAWSON 4 BU.rZLAFF. Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. ST. FRANCIS Office: First National Bank Build- BARBERSHOP 55, BcnH-u8"' Be" 146 R; Chas' Bruce Proprietor-