This is our Great WHITE WEEK A part of the great amount of white goods now on sale at money saving prices should belong to you before the end of the week. DO IT TO-DAY For this week only we offer the following specials: Appleton's 36-inch Foundation Silks at 19c. Swiss Dimities and Madras, attractive patterns in white, at 11c, 12c, 16c, 19c, 24c. White Serge Skirts in Whipcord and plain, excep tional values, at $5, $6, $7, $7.50 White Wash Skirts in Whipcords and Linens, at $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 The stock of Waists must be reduced. In order to do so, the prices have been placed below cost. Lingerie Waists in Swiss, Voiles, Crepes, etc, $2.75 and $3.50 values at $1.98, $2, $2.50 for 98c Take advantage of these prices. THIS MORNING. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. A little Italian boy arrived from San Francisco, where he had been a newsboy, and left for Newport to reside with an uncle. His parents had died. He had 25 cents altogether, but seemed happier than a millionaire. Astor for instance. Moe, the street car magnate, bought him a breakfast, and he soon knew everybody around the depot. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmer left for Portland, on their bridal trip, and to reside,- taking with them the best wishes of the bride, an Albany native. Mr. Palmer is a fireman. A. L. Geddes left for Brownsville to do some surveying. Last month he had twelve roads to view for the county, this month not a road; but there are several in prospect. Rev. S. A. Douglas went up to Ni agara, where he has owned a cot tage tor several years. He has a new renter to look alter. He has accepted i call to the pastorate of the Han- tist church at Ashland and will bc cin his work there the first of June. 1 he church is well established, with large concrete edihce, arranged for work. AT THE" COURT HOUSE. New suits: Jessie G. Kelsay vs. Cassie I-. Kel say, for divorce. Marriage 189S, in Linn count v. Charges, going with other men. Weathertord and Weath er ford, attorneys. Cora IS. Driver against Ralph A. Driver, for divorce. Marriage Nov. 22, 1911. Charges, cruel and inhuman treatment, that defendant left plain tiff immediately after marriage. On Dec. 13 there was born a cnilu, named Dorothy Lenora, which the defendant has neglected. $2500 alimony and $50 a month is asked. Wcatherford & Weatherford, attorneys. Deeds recorded: A. F. Bahrkc to Jacob Schwab and wife, 2 lots Lebanon ....$300 Almeda Caldwell to Or. K., 92-100 acre First National Bank to Mary T Reeves, 5 lots Abbey's Ad. Albany 125 rat cut, Supplena Hamilton. In estate of Everett Trescott, R. V. Triuu was appointed guardian. The estate involves only $10, the pro ceedings being- necessary on account of a real estate deal. Of FIRST PROGRAM i the Albany College Com mencement Seaon. Hon. S. A. Dawson left on the arly train on a trip to Grants Pass. Miss Davis, of Shedd, arrived on the early train from San Francisco, and left for Newport, where her par ents nave been several weeks lor health. ESTABLISHED 1866 THE BIG STORE Father Lane went to Portland on his regular Wednesday trip, to offici ate as chaplain at the hospital. He is now at the head of nine churches, an executive as well as ministerial po sition that keeps him busy. Another assistant was necessary, and Father Gilligan, recently of Medford, has been secured. The latest organization is a church at Harnsburg. EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY .. . , - 4Jri'TiT5fllSSTOf ? sees a visitor to our office with a proposition that means a little more profit to use for a little sk imping of quality to you. It is amaz ing how many plausible schem es of this kind there are. WE HAVE WORKED TOO HA RD , . . -' . to earn a reputation for selling toilet articles that can be depended upon to entertain any such sch ernes. Our reward, lies in your confi dence which we consider far be tter than a little extra profit. Buy here and see. BURKHART & LEE E. C. MEADE, Optometrist Agate AT DON'T WASTE the NERVE FORCE of your eyes by trying to read without glasses when the eyes are tired, or with glasses not perfectly fitted! Kitting glasses is not a gamble-it's a SCIENCE and if you come to me, 1 can prescribe the glasses you need to save the NERVE FORCE, which is the LIFE of the Eye. Cut and Polished F. G. WILLS. Have M. Ludwig figure On your Plumbing also on your Hardware LAND AGNT NOTARY PU JLIC lots. 40 Years Here Large, small tracts, houses and See my list before investing. JAS. F. POWELL, Room (9), Albany State Bank Bldg. The Misses McCourt went to Salem on a short visit. Prof. Tartar, of the O. A. C. who married a Linn county girl, and is do ing good work in the chemistry de oartment. went to Portland. Mrs. lorn KUey arrived lroin Cor vallis. Prof. Hargrove returned to Port land after his regular weekly trip to Lebanon. CIRCUIT COURT The first program of the college commencement season was given at the U. P. church last night, a concert bv the Treble Clef Club, under the direction of Mrs. Adna Smith Flo. It was presented with vim and snap, wiih some novelties of an interesting haraeter. l.iuht as Air. Then Mrs. Flo sane; Hefore the Throne of Glory, followed; bv the Club in Through the Wild, Evening Peace, The Shepherd Lad, I he Kcrnicss, Muniuer song oi me Sea, some live college songs, and Mrs. l'lo in Ncrvana. The closing .number made a hit, rt concert by the Original Killiams Jub ilee Singers, with lna Hansen as Mrs. Killiams, properlv costumed for the occasion; Miss Louise Pirtle, in a. stunning costume of green, as Mrs Green; Golda Vales as Mrs. Smack lev; Hyrd liaker as Mrs. Killiams, with a kachoo almost any time; Mary Irvine as Mr. Shrimp and Amy Olm stead as Mr. Yohnson, the director. The latter wore swallow tailed coats to represent the men. Well rendered solos were heard from Misses. Han sen, Yates, Baker and Olmsiead, and the Prison Scene of 11 1 rovalore, with a prison of orange and black. was quite a hit, well done by Misses CHmsfeau and ates. The Treble Clef Club is a credit to- the college. Judge Galloway this afternoon be gan an adjourned session of depart ment number two of the circuit court, disposing of the following business: John G. Weisncr agt. Henry li. Weisner, to quiet title, decree on stipulation. rranz Schuclcr et al. agt. Wm, Sclinuelle, to foreclose mortgage. Motion to strike out overruled, and motion of Bach and Buhl to inter vene, also withdrawn. Application in Froman agt. Prouty, for registration, ordered amended. Application Marion Hazcn for reg istration title granted. Also that of Win. M. Gochrael. The divorce suit of Lillian ngt. T. O. Hanson will bo up at 4 o'clock, and no doubt will be granted. Bull Fight at the Empire. The most realistic picture in the city for sonic time, is the arena scene in which a lively mill ngnt lanes place. The scene is ill Lubin,, "A Mexican Romance," and the entire picture is full of interest. There is a Vitagraph drama full of the usual spirit, an educational picture, hand colored, beside a high-class drama,. "The adventurers of Van Dyke." A lively comedy, "Cupid's. Leap Near rranks, ami the song Dy miss cros- no, Ihose songs ftly Mother usea to Sing, completes an all feature pro-gram. A Supreme President Here. President Kerr, of the O. A. C, re turned home after attending a com mittee meeting at the office of Presi dent J. K. Weatherford, in the interest of new buildings going up at the col lege. . . D. B. Zeh went down to Jefferson on sewing machine business. Hugh Grey, brother-in-law ot K. R, , Com -Miller, went to Portland to reside, after beHng resident of Albany ten or twelve years. Mrs. Royal Shaw and son returned to Mill City.' '-' ' Mrs. F. 1. Olih and child, of Mill City, returned home, after a trip to Portland' and a visit at the home of Homer Speer In this city. Have you had Henry Bhoe your horse at the ureen f ront, tie knows now, FOR ATJRtoAY Fine Lace Curtains, size 29x2!4 yds.. regular 75c value, Saturday Special, 49c Pair WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed in any length desired. Best ' coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered promptly in large or Bmall quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. W. Docksteader Both phones. ' 19x40 Heavy Weight Bleached Turk h Bath Towels, two-stripe, terry bor der, beBt bleach, Saturday Special 15c Each VARIETY STORE WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and 329 Second Street, FINE REPAIRIC Between Ferry & Broad POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us ,vhen nightsare dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Wut Second Street. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 49J-J. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for ssle. Made in Albany Latest styles in Gent'B Wearing p- parel. Every suit made in our own shop. Masek The Tailor 215 WEST SECOND STREET. THE BEST TO BE HAD in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S The Sign of Quality. The Albany Bakery P8 W. Flrst'.Street. Both Phons i. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my No. 1 Edg vJrain the Bfcbt in the market. Variouf grades and prices from $1.25 upwards Every bunch branded with my name Look tor it. Examine these shingle before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We use no dry kiln. P 0. WILL, lor Watc'u Jos. J. Foshay, supreme president of the Fraternal Brotherhood, and the state manager O'Malley, of Port land, arrived this noon, and tonight will meet with the Albany lodge at the A. O. U. W. hall, an event in the doings of the lodge. The Fraternal llruthcrhood now has a membership of seventy-five here. A Special Message:. j We have a message of special in terest to every woman who dreads- house cleaning time. Wc are selling agents for the Duntley Vacuum Cleaner, a machine that gets ALU the dirt. A few times over your floor; coverings each week with this ma chine will reduce house cleaning to a minimum. We will gladly demon strate to all interested. The pri is a secondary consideration. Fo miller Furniture Company. The Free is the only sewing ma chine. Wc are agents. Fortmiller Furniture Company. We also sell the Ready-to-Hang lace curtains. , price Fort-- Cheap Home. Two acres river bottom fruit, ber ry, garden and potato land, all in cul tivation and ready to plant, some fruit and berries planted, small house, chicken house and park, good loca tion, 1 1-2 miles to railroad, school, church and good town, some personal property. Price, $450.00 cash. It. .M. Payne, Albany, Oregon. o i At Albany Svery Day, Dr. Virginia O. Lcwcaux, Osteo path, from now on will be in Albaity every day, as follows: Mornings Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Afternoons Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. t Baynes & Robinson LYON ST. E. C. KRAUSE J. P. SOPER Eureka ... Furniture Hospital Furniture repaired, upholstered and re- finished. Expert furniture packing and shipping. Warehouse for storage. Piano polishing a specialty. Cane and reed work. Home phone 309. 202 E. SECOND ST. ALBANY, ORE PEOPLE'S CL0THINQ STORE 207 Lyon Street. Highest cash paid for all kinds of cbthing, shoes, hats, trunk", TJlisn, jewelry, etc. If you hsve anything call Bi 1 181-F. E. ROGOWAY. Tomorrow Mrs. Driver will com mence her Spirclla corset opening. Tomatoes and Cabbage Plants and clean fresh garden seed in bulk, at Murphy s Seed Store. FOR SALE. A five-room furnished cottage at Nye Creek. Address L. C. Smith, Newport, Oregon. t23 FOR SALE. 100 brown hens.. L. J. Gray, 594-J. leghorn tlO Diamond Specials. Wc have some special bargains in diamonds during, the month of May. F. M. French & Son, . . , Mrs. Driver's Sprirclla corset open- ing will commence tomorrow. , Spi'rclla corset opening Driver's tomorrow. at Mra. See our window for diamond spe cials. I:. M. French & Son. Watches, W atcheu, Ross, Jeweler. Watches, L. W WATCHES, F. M French & gon. the Elite Stores Freshest and Finest Candies anj Ice Cream, at all times, A Come once and you'll come again F. G. Will for watches; DR. A. T. POWERS Eyesight Specialist. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12; 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Room 3, First Savings Bank Building, Albany, Oregon. Uover Leaf Dairy. It you appreciate clean, sanitary ano pure milk give us a sail. Delivered twice a day. Both phones, Milk depot 831 Lyon St. J. F. Huogins, Prop. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thit the un dersigned lias been by tho County Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Henry W. Settlemire, deceased, late of Tangent, Linn County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate arc hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at Tan gent, Oregon, within six months from this date duly verified as by law rc- quired. . Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. 1 GliORGIANA FOKSTF.R, , Administratrix.. WEATHERFORD & WEATHER- FORD, Attys. for Admrx. Crowns, Crowns Gold Crowns $4.50 Porcelain Crowns MANY PERSONS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEIR TEETH FIXED WITH CROWNS OR BRIDGES, BUT DO NOT CARE TO PAY SIX OR EIGHT DOLLARS PER TOOTH. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. ,; MAY ONLY. THE ABOVE PRICE INCLUDES KILLINO THE NERVE WHEN NECESSARY. PAINLESS EXTRACTING FREE WHEN OTHER WORK IS ORDERED. . . ,w Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore,