DR. M. H. ELLIS Physician and Surgeon Albany, Oregon Calls made in city and country. Phone, Main 38. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the Estate of James Vincent, deceased. To Agnes L. Vincent, widow of de ceased. Agnes L, Vincent, daughter of deceased, Henry K. Vincent, Cor-J in Harris, Georgia Vincent, Caroline Harris and all whom it may concern, greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room thereof, at Al bany, in said county, on Monday, the 3rd day of June, 1912, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any, why the administrator with the will annexed of the estate of James Vincent, de ceased", should not be granted author ity to sell at private sale the following described real property, to-wit: The Northeast quarter and the East half of the Northwest quarter of Sec tion 36, in Township 15 South, Range 1 tast ot the Willamette Meridian, uregon, ana also tne bouth ijalt of te A ortncastqiiarter ot bection l ted, a broken up family, and the boy m Township la South, Range 1 East has had to shift for himself. When of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, the boys were captured with their ar and the East half of the West half , tillery and chloroform, it looked as if of Section 33, in Township 9, South, ; considerable of a haul had been made; Kantre 4 tast ot the Willamette Me-1 ridian, Oregon, all situated in the ' Counties of Linn and Lane. State of Oreeon. as oraved for in the netitinn of the administrator on file herein. Witness the Hon. J. X. Duncan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Linn, with the Seal of said Court af fixed, this 17th day of April, A. D. 1912. (Seal) W. L. MARKS, Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deouty. REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretrnn fnr TJnn Cnnntv TWnrtmont No. 2. i In the matter of the application of Gustav Hesse, plaintiff, to register title to the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the S. W. corner of Block No. 3, in the Eastern Addition to the City of Al- j Dany, uregon, and running tnence northerly on the western boundary line of said block SO feet; thence east early on a line paralel with the south ern boundary line of said Block, 134 feet, to a point mid-way between the eastern and western boundary lines of said block: thence southerly on a iinej parallel with the western boundary line of said block 50 feet, to the south- I era boundary line of said block; ' thence westerly on the southern j boundary line of said block 134 feet, j to ine piace oi ucgiiining, an situate, !; .-inrt hoino- in Aih T Inn fm.n. tv Oretron vs All Whom it mav Concera defendants may , ,TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON-! CERN: Take notice, that on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1912, an application was filed by the said Gustav Hesse, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn County, for initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or be fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912, and show cause why such application j shall not be granted, the same will be 1 taken as confessed, and a decree will , be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be for ever barred from disputing the same. (L. S.) W. L, MARKS, Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. L. M. CURL, Applicant's Attorney. REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart-1 ment No. 2. . . , in tne matter ot tne application oi Pauline Jordan and Amelia Zuhls- dorf, plaintiffs, to register title to the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning at the N. E. corner of the D. L. C. of W. H. Basye, Not. 1625, in Tps. No. 10 and 11 S. R. No. 2 and 3 West of Will. Mer. Oregon, and running thence N. 19 degrees SO minutes East 1170 chains; thence S. 64 degrees 30 minutes E. 11.94 chains; thence S. 19 degrees 50 minutes W. 40.75 chains; thence N. 71 degrees West 11.87 chains; thence N. 19 de grees 50 minutes E. 30.37 chains, to the place of beginning, containihg 49.17 acres, more or less, in Linn County, Ore. County, Ore., vs. Louis Zuhlsdorf, F. A. Works, E. L. Works, and all whom it may concern, defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT M AY CON CERN: Take notice, that on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1912, an application was filed by the said Pauline joraan anu Amelia Zuhlsdorf, in the Circuit Court . of the Slate of Oregon, for Linn Coun x; for initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or be fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the pray er of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. . (L. S 1 W. L. MARKS. Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. L. M. CURL. Applicant- Attorney. Three full lots, wood well furnished house, closets, bath and pantry, fully furnished, city water, electric iirbis.; sewer, paved street, in good residence district of the city of Roseburg, for sale reasonable, or will trade for resi dence property in Albany. See B. M. Payne, Cusick Block, Al bany, Or. THURSDAY. SCHOOL C MEN'S Piffl ES. At the Dawson drug store may be see a display of the arc work of the pu pils of the grammar department of the Albany schools that is certainly credit able, speaking or the splendid progress tms department. It consists ol twent specimens from each grade of the three schools, except the eighth grade, which has only four, 440 to all. Mr. Dawson offered a 5 fountain pen for the best individual piece, and a ban ner to the school having the best dis play. The committee consisting of Mrs. S. S. Train. Mrs. Geseloracbt and Mrs. J K. YYeatherford we-e at work on their very extensive job this afternoon. Some of the pieces would do credit to a professional, and are certainly worth seeing. Those Bandit Boy. The two boys in the jail for several days have been sent back to Portland. The father of the Short bo? came after him, and the other boy, Kemhart, went aione. His parents have separa but the bovs had simply started out to see the world, and had the revolvers to protect themselves from fierce hordes of wild and wooly hobos known to be 'tf large through the valley. They have made a very poor start in Ufe, May Day Exercises, Friday afternoon, May 3, beginning at 4 o'clock is the date set for the May Day exercises of the College. A very interesting program has been arranged, to which the public is eord- i ially invited. ; Remember tne supper on the campus at 8 o'clock, servea oy tne I . w. u. A, and make it your evening meal. 126c ! plate and 10c extra for ice cream and ease. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, ure., postomce uncalled for May 2, 1912. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: A. A. Brubacher, Mrs. will Mash, Miss Tera Peterson. R. T.. Seitz, Mr Seitz, Josh Staples, Mrs. William Stewart. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. banning, the Kalem Man, Frank Lannlng, the Kalem man, last evening made a hit at tne empire. He is Rr5at- Besides it ts a privilege to see one of the original performers him- !i,S?JSr?H.St ins iiiivMjs fibvuia ea uvuieiu, u ua- ican villmn. Tonight will be his latt performance. Mrs. Sloan left for Seattle this after noon. Rev. D. H. Leech went to Eugene this afternoon. A. W. Bowersox returned this noon from O. F, business in Portland. Chas. Anderson, of the state printing office, arrived this noon. Miss Lena Thrift arrived this noon from Salem for a short visit at home. When the O. E. gets down to business v ith good weather it can reach Albany in two weeks. Two O. E. men this morning put up $12 each for imbibing too freely o liquor shipped in. i Col. Bob Miller, a democratic war j horse, of Portland, was in the city this j noon on ma way uume iroin vurvauis. Mis3 ju3ta Rosa tnia noon returned from Oakland, Or., where she spent several months with her aunt, Mrs. short. Massachusetts went for Taf t yester day, but Roosevelt got a slice, ten dis trict delegates and eight delegates at large. Rev. W. B. McGhee, of Creswell. passed through the city this soon for Louisville, Ky., to attend the national presbytery. Rev. Geselbracht went to Eugene this afternoon to attend the installation ef Rev. Parsons as pastor of tbe Presby terian church. In the office of J. V, Pipe may be seen a primrose that has bloomed con tinually for twenty-one months, a re markable flower. Reddy Rupert, formerly of this city, has been promoted tp patrol sergent of the Portland police force. Be is mak ing good as a police officer. . Rev. S. A. Douglas this noon returned from a trip to Koseburg and Ashland, He has received a call to the pastorate of the church at Ashland, but bas not yet accepted. The state penitentiary has been shook up, and Superintndent James and Ave otner prominent, employes snooic oai. Warden Curtis win run anairs D apnea backed by the state board. Postmaster J. S. Van Winkle has been sending out notices for the Sixth Annual Convention ox postmasters oi 1 the states of Oregon and Washington, i to convene n Portland on June 11 11. Mr. VanWirkle is secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. u. C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs, D P. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Sears, and Mrs. Collins will leave toright on a special train from Portland to attend tbe Shrinor's Conclave at Los Angles. Mrs. Grace Needham Howe left Cor vallis last night for Portland and thence to Arizona, to Join her parents, Mr. and hrs. Nate Needham. to reside. Mr Needham is a former Lino county clck, serving one term, and Mrs. Grace is a former Albany school girl, with man; warm friends here. CONTRACT LET FOR HOTEL WALDORF. The contract for the new Hammeil hotel, to be Knjwn as the Waldorf, late last night was let to A. W, MeGilvrey Jack Hammeil will dotne ones work. Mr, McGilvrev is one of the best builders in the valley, his Albany work speaking for bis splendid management of the details of a new building. Jack Hammeil bas done a good deal of brick work in Albany and it speaks for itself, uusurnassed anvwhere. He is a nrst- class workman, and fast with bis job. They will start at once on the 100, the foundation for which is already well ucder way. It will mean a transfor mation at the corner of Second and Lyon streets. THE H. S. DEBATE. Great interest prevails in the debate at the U. P. church tomorrow night between Albany high school and Klam ath bails high tor the semi tins is in the state contest. Charles Ohlmg and Irvine Acheson, of this city, will sustain the affirmative of the question: Kesoivea mat tne caninec or snore ballot form of government should pie vail in this state. That is that the state should adopt the national form of government, hav ing a cabinet, etc. The question is one that wilt come before the people of the state under the initiative. The negative team from Klamath Falls cousisU of Forest Peil and Edwin Fox. The admission will be 25 cents. During the week there has been a contest in the sale of tickets, between the boys and girls of the school. The following prizes have been offered: By Woodwortn, a tennis net by the girls, if thev win:bv the Hulburt-Ohtine Co., one-half dozen tennis nets if the girts win. By tbe Albauy Gun Store, 2 base ball bats if tbe boys win; by A. M. Hammer, two straw hats to boys sell ing tbe most tickets, suggested by tie display of worn out hats worn yesterday. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Mr. and Mrs. G. 3. Bryant and son, left for Louisville, Ky., where Mr. Brvant eoes as a delegate to the na tional assembly of the the Presbyterian church, to convene there on the 16th. On the way they will visit Mr. Bryant's aunt, ur. Ulive is.. Beers m umeago, and wilt also see Miss Orah Harkness, who ts residing at the same place. H C. Atwell, of Hillsboro, went to Linnhaven, where he has charge of the lavine out of the new orchard being developed there into one of the best fruit propositions in the val'ey. The good start made last year will be greatly increased during 1912. Among those arriving on the Lebanon train were Senator M. A. Miller, Geo. Finley, the timber dealer, T. A. Far mer, the farmer, a former Albany real estate dealer. S. J. Keefhaver. and E. C. Roberts, the fruit expert and phi losopher. Billy Toner, now a Corvallis business man. for many yearB the express mes senger on the C. & E., who used to brine thousands of fish out for the valley markets, arrived and left on a r ortlana trip. Dr. Withycombe again went north. N. D. Pratt went t Jefferson. Dr. Lemon made his regular trip to Mill City, and Dr, Foster returned to Corvallis. They are doing a fine busi ness nere. Sheriff Geilatly, of Corvallis took Emil Liebe, of Summit, to the asylum at Salem. Yesterday Liebe got wild in a cell at tbe jail, and it is said the Humphreys, nearby thought their time had come. . David Litrht. a Chicago erocer for twenty-two years, left to see the Hood River country, after 8 visit with his cousin, Mrs, Chas. Pfeiffer. He may come back and locate in this part of the state. Prohibition Committee Meeting The executive committee of the pro- i hibttion party of Lido county is in ses sion this afternoon, making arrange ments for the coming campaign. C. W. Clark, a young man, of Port land, bas been placed in charge of the work m this county ana wttt pusn ic O. A. Stillmsn, of Salem, nominee for congressman of this district, is here looking over tne neia nr. uarK ae clares there is a good chance for bis election. A Brownsville Excursion, The Knights of Pythia. tonight will run a special train to Brownsville to attend a convention of the fourth dis trict. The train will leave at 7 o'clock, Knig .ts will be present from Albany, Lebanon. Scia Corvallis and Browns vide, and also members of the grand lodge and grand tribunal. Sold Anyway, The Eugene Guard is bound to have the Welch interests sold to somebody. and now has the Pierces as the euiitv people. They are at the head of the Boise street railway, ana also ouiit tne Boise-Caldwell electric road. The Guard has W. E. Pierce & Co. opening .ffices in that city for doing real estate business on a Dig scale. The Weather, Range of temperature 54-30. The river h risen to 8.4 feet. Tbe rainfall was 14 inch. The prediction ic: fair tonight, frost, Friday fair and warmer. LEBANON'S STRAWBERRY FAIR. Lebanon's biggest event during the year is it's strawberry fair, the same to that city as the apple fair is to Albany, the cherry fair to Salem, the potato fair to Harnsburg and the punk io fair to Junction. The date for the Strawberry Fair was set this week, and will be June 6, 7 and and 8, when strawberries ought to be m thei story, V. C. Simpson is president, with the following exectotive committee: J. C. Mayer, W. M. Brown, Robert Gilson and H. Y. Ktrkpatrick. ti, W. Crusoe is sesretary and J. C. Mayer treasurer. Dr. Gill is chairman of tbe horse shjw committee, S. M. Garland pro gram, H. Y Eitkpatrick advertising. K, R. Ford transportation, C H, Ralston concessions, E. E. Taylor auto parade, V. G. Simbaon strawberries, Albert Wilson decorations, R. L. Gilson soliciting. The ArnolJ attractions have been secured. The fair comes one week before the rose festival and two weeks ahead of the pioneer premc, making tt the lead ine event. THE DEMOCRATS. The county democratic central com mittee met in Albany today for orga nization for the coming campaign, which they propose to make progressive and energetic. totlowmg is the committee: Albany T. J. Stites. East Albany H. W. MeElamrry, West Albany -B. M. Payne. N. Brownsville J. P. Cootey. S, Brownsville Henry Blakely. Center D. M, Bonar, Crawfordsville Geo. Finley. Foster O. C. Stone. Fox Valley -G. W. Peling. , Halsey D. S. McWilliams. N. Hsrrisborg J. L.Drinkard, S. Harrisburg J. L, Norwood. Jordan John Frost. Knox Butte E. G. Cox, Lacamb B, P. Raines. Lebanon Q. W. Cruaoo. N. Lebanon W. L. Wallace, 8. Lebanon C. rl. Ralston. Orleans-J. W. Kelly. Ssntiam E. Miller, ' North Seio J. A. Bilyeo. Shedd T. H. C. Brasfieid. Sodaville Peter Leforge, Sweet Home T. A, Morris, Syracuse Lee Miller, Tallman Orville Crawford, Tangent J. E. Jenks. Waterloo-G. E. Bogatt, Calapooia D. D. Haeklemaa. Kingston W. R, Mains, Price C. E, Scott. South Scto Enoch Shelton. Shelburn W. J. Denny, Bon. W. R. Bilyeu was elected chair- Hon! T.' J. Stites secretary, sad! H. W. McEimurry treasurer. HUMPHREYS GUILTY. The jury in the case ot George and Charles Humphrey, charged with the murder of Elizabeth Griffith on June 2, 1911. last evening at 4:23 brought in a verdict, at Corvallis, of GUILTY. The case went to the jury at 12 o.clocfc, Judge McFaddett making the closing argument for the state. Judge the city toaay. Hamilton, then charging the jury. The Albany Gun Ctob were shooting The case was ably defraided by John this afternoon. A. Jeffreys f Portland, Mrs, Ella Crabtrsa, of Crabtree, was The previous confessions of the men j j)S ty today, were admitted m evitoce; but the j, w, Kobertson, of Portland, has judge held Uiat they could not be used', "! th it against them if given in fear, hope of i68" p !J 6 "5 . n . r itm or involuntarily many way. JJ25' A ine aerense acssemptes i snow Liist the confessions had been sweated out of them, Tbe ease bas attracted wide attention. The question now is, will the men hang according to the verdict. Tomorrow at 9 a. m, was Bet for the sentence of the two men. BIG INCREASE The receiotsof the P. O. for April were S2034.30, Aoril iSil they were $1585.8, an increase of 28 per cent. A Hobo's Suicide. A thrilling suicide was committed at Junction yesterday. A hobo was stand ing by the passenger tram, worn tie suddenly threw himself under tbe rear wheel as the tram started ana was cui n two, a horrible spectacle as seen. W W Oawfnrd. of this CltV. was On the train sear the end and saw the sight immediately afterwards. Those whs saw it said it was certainly suicide from the manner in which it wss done, soa was not an attempt to get on the brske besm. s Th riaht nt wrv is srf sduallv being secured from Pirtle to Corvallis for the O. E. side line. ThA It ( base ball club were In the city this noon on their way to Corvallis to play u. a. u FOH SALE OR TRADE. Hood farm 134 acres, 3s acres m cultivation. 20 acres more ready to plow with little work, 6 acres fine pas t tii(tc niher oasture in timber fr.-ii-t lft at Bond second growth fir timber, over 3000 cords wood, crop 1I in IS si-rM fine clover. Fair S-room house, barn and other buildings, good well, fine spring can Be ptpca to nou, some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3 m onmi inwn on S. P. railroad I it. mllc in xfatmn tin r. n. n., anu I'A mites to Oregon Electric; lots of fine rolling orchard land, on county road, R F. D telephone, close to rood thool. Price, $95.60 per acre, email tiavment down and easy term on balance or will take good residence in Albany up to $2000.00 and basanct terms. Sf PA i if Caitck Block, Albany, Oregon, 3AKIMG POWDEK Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE FRIDAY. THE COLLEGE. Probably but few people in Albany know that the enrollment in the Albany College Conservatory is the largtsc of any musical conservatory in the state of Oregon, It may lo be said that the faculty ts second to none m the state. Albany should be proud of these facts. Next Tuesday evenfae at 8 o'clock at the U. P, church, the Treble Clef Uiub of the conservatory, which includes 20 ot the most advanced and strongest singers, after hanng been drilled for several months by Mrs. Adna Smith r to, will give a glee club concert, Tbe concert wilt eoneist of solos, duets. trios. Quartets, Isextets and chorus numbers, and special stunts. The thorough detailed training by Mrs, e to so many excellent voices Insures s eon-, cert of the hiehest merit. Died at Crabtree. Mr. Prank Crabtree, of Spokane, was in the citv today on bis wav to Crab tree, called there by the death of his son Prank, wno died early this morning, at the horns of Marion Crabtree, with whom he bud been liviiur, and whs was also in the city today, Prank, former Albany young man, was almost 2& years years of age. Mis father is a former Linn couoy clerk. After retirmz Mt. Crabtree moved to Lane county, where be resided several years, going irom there to Spokane, where be has beea in business. Two fad Boys. E. L, Umphrey yesterday put a ce ment basement down at the Albany creamery on ninth street. " During fast nicht soma bovs entered with a dog and practically ruined it, cutting and slashing it m places. the two boys nnvo seen and the matter was settled i by their mother navinsr damages. The boys. brothers, are only twelve and thirteen. Have yoa seen the Treble Clef? W. 81, Parker went to the Bay today, L. E, Hoe is out after as iiteess of a Henry Larsen, of Sheridan, has been in the city, D. W, Merrill left this afternoon on a M areola trip. Mrs, N I. Davis, of Halsey, was m J N. H, Wheeler and family have gone to the Bay for a several month's out ing, Dr. Arthur R. Mitchell, of Portland, has filed me license for license for prac tice. E. E, Parrish, of Portland, has been , in the city, while up to look after his farm. If you hear noise today it is U' 0. and O. A, C, playing base ball at Cor vallis, Edwin Young, of Oakland, arrived this noon on a visit with his sisters of the College. The street car to running the full length of the track again, and Ute old buses have again retires. Dr. B, B. Wallace was catted to Cor vallis this afternoon to look after Walter Wiles, sf Wells, who had an accident. Mrs. Banks, of Portland, arrived this nnnn Ml tt Visit With fief fUtfE, A HPH Banks, window trimmer at tns Soanzi Store, , t The swards in tbe art contest of tbe public schools, wilt be announced to morrow, with all tbehoBorbienssations, long list, Dr. foster, of Lebanon, brother of Dr. Foster of Albany and Corvallis, and son of a Dr, Poster, all chiropraetics, was in the city today, C. J, Shedd, of Shedd, was in the city today. His store was recently burglar - ized, and now he is talking about bavn.z a cannon or some other big gun on duty nights at le3st. ' ' ' - u!f mis The Telegram gives a picture of the " lhi! Sison company iseon- Z '"J Sf,. fiJnunf Sf thisieS3P- tie oration t - r- - - it ,,f ia i .t mmrut mfi h ihj wt;tffH!f m pounus, a gooo one. H. C. Ferris, of Portland, wfto m-l stalled the U, P. pipe organ several years ago, is m the city figuring on a pipe organ for the Presbyterian church. tie ts who tne &stey people bow. G rover Birlehet, student at St. Elmo thMttiwiesi school, near San Francisco, arrived home last night, and wilt spend j the summer m uregon. Having an en gagement to preach at Doreno, Lane county until school begins to Septem ber, A reeen nietare lo the Telegram mowed little Lord Rcbert sellinir papers m crowd, with one man lost reaching for one. This man, the Democrat warns, wat Mentis Btain, son of W. rl, I he lrt department ot the Oregoniso, 1 where he has a good position, WONDERS OF ALASKA VIVIDLY SHOWN. Beverly Dobbs, last evemtsR at tr opera house, presented his Alusks mov ing picture views, for two hours hold ing the audience entranced. The pict ures ara among Ute most wonderful eve takes, and it would be cheap at $5 or $U to see them as an education; but nil the time they are of a startling interest, better than the reality, for they taett the cold and the blamti and the blabber. The pictures start at Seattle, go to -Juneaa, then ts Skagway asri up to vv hitePass, jumping to'Noms sad up in to theBehiing ijess.to the furthest point west m America, wsd the furthest east in Asia, amidst the tee floes, apois the ,n sf f'"1 "''Vf perpetual snow covered land among the Esquimaux; a steamer amidst the floe; the Esquimaux and the wonderful dog teams, a trip ts Solomon, with a bliz zard raging; the Hit gold dreoge run by ' Fran's Wood of this city for several -years; hunting seal, then the great walrus hunt, with seas of the animals, , perhaps millions tit them, with tbe capture of s five thousand pounder; -scene after Sscess showing different things In many aspects, so vividly, with the accompanying sousds down to realism, one can almost experience the wonderful trips made aod sights -seen. The Democrat ts in earnest whets It advises the peotsle of Albany to sea it. fne price ts eneap. News From Albany's Six Early " Trains. More than six trains, with two sec tions of 16, delayed here. The K. of P, special trato, arrived ' from Brownsville between 4 and 5 -; o'clock, with & live bunch on board. Among them was brant UimicK, ot Oregon City, a esupie years ago a prominent candidate for Governor. Postmaster J, S, Vaa Winkle, of Albany and Postmaster Johnson, of GorvalHs, two of the ttvest wires in the valley, went to Portland to attend a meeting of the committee la charge ef the coming state convention. Prank Lanniisg, the celebrated Kalecn actor, with Ms long black hair, left northward, to appear elsewhere as here, worth seeing. Geo, P. Warner, after helping to ini tiate a class of five or bis novices Into -Eikdoni, returned to Seio. D, H, Boditte went to Seto to attend . a session of the fair" board. President Riley, of MeMinnville Col-, lege, returned from Southern Oregon, . where he had been to attend s Baptist, convention. Mrs. Mable Sehraeder, of Gates, re turned homo accompanied by her mother, Mrs, A. W. Beesoo, Judge Duncan and 11. Bryant left on a Thomas trip. ts, ti, tjowiea wens up sne ti, se c ,?, ana Mrs, estes ana smm, or sas S, V.. toft on a Portland tola, : Dr, Lowe arrived for bib regular, Al bany engagement. C M, Bryant left on a Jefferson tripw Jesse Galbratth left for Sak-m, Mr. Zeh went to Lebanon, Mrs, Martin Msiser returned to her " home at 1 nomas, O, A, StiltoHBt, prohibition candidate for conereBS, and A. B, Hards ne, of i the ex, committee, returned to Salem, j after attending a committee meeting; here arranging for a live eampafgtt tor the party. Vial, and Mrs. Nichols, of Lebanon, left on a Halsey trip. Untie Tom's Cabin, "The survival ef the attest" fs amply illustrated in the long life of Uncle Tom's Cabin, which bis been before the , public for more yeats than most of this I pspsr't readers care to remember, j This truly American stage classic ( present day popularity nas msg lurnisn- ' ed food tor ttroognt among proauetag: managers, playwrights and the public generally. That it, will never die, bat if&te next Wednejoav msnt, i - - " The Weather, Esnsre of temperature 60-43, The river has risen to feet. ifce- Tsmt of the recent rams, Rwnfall ,H inch. Prediction; fair tonight mi Saturday, tight frost tonight. More Ford$ Here, Another cat toad of Fords arrived rterday for Crawford & Halston, i? French got first choice and will soon be running a Ford. He ts adding elec tric light and o he attractions ef hit. own.