111' Slit -HA? HP MANY PICK-UPS THAT WILL PAY YOU TO PICK UP Visit Merchandise Headquarters Do you need a Wash Dress? A Skirt, Waist or Suit? If so, visit our garment section. You'll find here just the kind of a garment vou want and you'll find the price lower than vou ex pect. Right now, with summer at hand and months of service m front, we have Placed tempt ing prices on these lines that will eliminate all competition. Materials, embracing all the best wash "fabrics, neatlv made and fashionably set off, in corresponding oolors .., WASH DRESSES FROM ft': Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany, Or as second class mail mattir. PERSONAL. The "Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for .one ."ear, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one ir $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance er year $1.25. At end of year $1.V- After 3 years at $2. F. P. Nutting. $1.00 to $3.00 WASH TIES THAT WILL WASH An assortment of pretty wash ties in the line mercerized silk finish a finish that is lasting. White grounds with colored stripes and patterns. Some all white basket weaves, others arc the new crochet effects. Make ymir selection from this lot and be pleased. Each 35c WASH TRIMMINGS FOR SIMPLE DRESSES. Wash bandings embroidered on white and tan (rounds. Light blue, navy, green, tan, brown, gold, lilac, and all white. A few yards will trim your summer dress. Look over this line and see a beautiful trimming at a small cost. Per yard 15c BUSTER BROWN BELT S NEW STYLES. Just received from New York, a lot of these belts in new cuts and colors. Patent leather two-piece com bination with no buckles. A new idea in a belt for once. 35c. Each, RATTINE COLLAR SETS. Nothing is so becoming for your dress as these popular sets. Assorted pat terns and sizes. Can be taken off . any time and washed. $1.75 to $4.00' per set. LAWNS AND SUCH. The warrn weather has stirred things up in this section, with the result that people say we are show ing more new things thany one in the city. Pretty Lawns 5c to 18c Bordered Lawns 15c to 35c Fancy Voiles, all colors.. 25c to 65c AOttTHLY STYLE BOOKS FOR JIME ARE Iti HAMILTON'S THE POPULAR STORE FOR THE PEOPLE THE COLLEGE PRESIDENT. President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia University,' has an arti cle on ''The University President" in the' American Educational Review Hugh M. Smith, of R(no, Nev. is in the city. Joe Goldstone is in the city in the interest of the great Multnomah Ho tel of Portland. Mrs. Pate, who lost her watch, found it the same evening by adver tising it In the Democrat. Mrs. T. P. Hackleman this noon re turned from a trip to her girlhood home at Owosso, Mich. Bob Miller of Halsey, democratic nominee for recorder, one of Linn's best citizens, was in the city today. Mrs. Blanche Stanton, trained nurse, 8 years experience, obstetri cal cases- a specialty. Phone Bell 548-R. tl5 Fir T W T?iitrcfiM n'pnl tn P-irric. Much of it applies as well to the hurir.this afternoon. He will leave work of the college president, and is of general interest. He says in part: "It is sometimes supposed that the university president unlocks the for his former home in the east next Saturday. Misses Vivian Fiesel and Ritia Cap nicka, of Chicago, arrived last evening tor a visit with the iormer s brother, section. Ex-County Clerk Frank Crabtree doors in the morning, opens the mail, ! Harry Fiesel, of the Oregon Power typewrites the letters, appoints, pays, Go. They are making a tour of the nnd dismisses thn nrofpssnrs. licks west, and have now done the southern the postage stamps, sweeps tut 'In rooms, and closes the jtuklings lor was jn the citv todav. He has been week. Let me tell you something residing in Spokane, but has disposed about the presidency. . . . The of his interests there, and expects to president is a prime minis., bol.mir ZA .IftETe th e portfolios of foreign attairs and best 0f au 0f then?. oi chancellor of the exchequer. Our Wants. The Tuesdav Club met vesterdav af- uis function to Iook personally ternoon with Mrs. Jos. H. Kalston, in a pleasant session, Ihe feature of the afternoon was a contest in making Mav baskets from naner nf varied rnl- lo.: state in- ors, displaying artists of rare merit. Choice refreshments were served and a pleasant time socially had. It is after Ihe external relatoi'5 if Ills university. ... If more expendi ture is demanded ihan A Spartan Mother. come will rpcvied, he has to una the income. And up to d its he has not been constitutional.y empowered ' to levy a tax collectible by ordinary legal methods! furthermore, tne president lives; Gne of the best war dramas evcr almost exclusively in the future, shown at Dreamland, began a three With the work of the current year days' run last night. It is an excel the president has no contact and but lent story and Xery thrilling and spec ..... t u tacular. There are also two vaude- httle concern, save as specific prob- ville acts on the progranli Harry Lan. lems arc brought to him for consulta- caster, a Scotch comedian, and Miss tion or advice. He hears nothing of Dorothy Weaver, a singing and danc the current work until he reads the ,n8 soubrctte- Halsey Man on the Titanic. records or the newspapers. His con cern is almost exclusively with next year and the year alter; what are go- It transpires that a Halsev man ing to be the new activities in -912-13, went down on the Titanic, a fact just 1913-14. ... So that you may be 'earned, xie had been back to his very sure that if there is going to be XXWK any irouoie in lyi-io, me presiaept reported among those found and iden LOST. Fountain pen, at P. O. Please return to Democrat office. Reward. LOST. A large, square camera broach, this week. Reward. Re turn to Toggery. t6 LOST. Ladies' watch, black leather fob, with letter F. Reward, Mrs. Pate, 231 E. 7th. WANTED. Men and women. Loca and traveling salary and expenses paid, for an eastern wholesale house. Call 104 3rd and Lyon. t4 WANTED. Young lady for office. Must be neat and accurate. Some knowledge of stenography. Apply in own hand writing. Magnolia Laun dry. . 2t FOR SALE Team good horses. Call St Wigwam, 1 10 PASTURE for rent, pony for sale. J, W. Bruckman, Home 2b54. 1 15 FOR SALE. S horses, cheap. D. 0. Woodworth. 2t FOR RENT.-Furnished or unfurnished rooms, at 2d and Baker. Lee Driver. Bell phone 337-R. 27t FOR SALE. Inside house and lot, cheap, nicely located. Inquire 516 E. 6. 860,000 TO LOAN on real property, by J. 0. Christy, Atty-at-law. Rooms over r irst iNat 1 Bank, Albany. 4-5t FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 50e a setting. Chicago and Front Streets. Home phone 296. 15 f FOR SALE. Cabbage and tomato plants. Also S. C. and R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, cheap. A. Crooks, West 7th St. Poultry ards. FOR SALE, 1 thorough bred short horn bull No. 332237; 1 4-epring 3 seated mountain hack; 1 3 spring, 2 seated single back; 1 thorough bred Poland China boer, 10 months old, 1 mare broke single and double, wht. 1100; alfalfa and clover hay loose in barn. F. H. Hughson, Home Phone 2852. , it FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old car pets. M. L. Sanders agent, Home phone 441. 1st, FOR RENT.-Furnished housekeeping and steering rooms. Mrs. Bilyeu, 224 Baker Street. 323t FOR SALE 120 cords fir and oak' wood, $1.50 per cord; also good wagon, buggy and set of good work horness. Inquire- Arthur Moore, Burns' Shoe Store. It tified. Before going to England he told about how he would return on the great Titanic. 1 Mrs. Greenhalge, of Halsey, re turned home this afternoon after an Albany visit. -1 A, Ufc A. The Celebrated Durham Duplex Demonstrator Safety Razor is different from any other safety razors because it uses the sliding stroke of the ordinary razor instead of th e"hoe" stroke common to all other safeties. You can get a $2.50 razor for 35c while they last at HULBERT-OHLJNG H'D. CO I City Treasurer's Notice. Albany, Oregon, May G, 191a, Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand to pay warrants issued against the General Fund of the city of Albany, Oregon Nos. 612 to 13 inc. the issue of 1910. line est will cease with this date May 6, 1912. H. B. CUSICK. City Treas. WANTED-One to five acres, dry land, as near Albany as possible, for slaughter house. M. B. Craft. FOR SALE. A gentle driving horse, rubber tired single seat bupgy, two seated carriage, an extra gord double spring enrt. double and single harness, two saddles, all at a bargain. In quire of F. M. French t26 CEMETERY WORK-See R. C. Phelps in chargo of city cemetery, aoout having lots kept up, cement work, etc. Call at cemetery. Phones Bell 180-R; Home Red 368. t 9 POULTRY. Fat hens, dressed for sale, delivered in city. Home Phone Red 293. M. Brannan. t 27. WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir ft, old fir $4.75, good dry wood and good measure. HomeBlack;i06, Bell t phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. run SALE by the owner, a six room house and two ots, center of toMn, half block from High school. Apply on the premises 322 East 4th street. H. Barns. knows about it now. If there is any trouble in 1911-12, he knew about it a long time ago, and it has been push ed out of his consciousness by the trouble of tomorrow. ''Through having an officer whose f ; 0 concern is for the whole university ' ?; W Rlv.ers will open a general re . . . . . . . ' pair shop in about ten davs at 31j I . . . And who can give Ins time Second street, and will be prepared to looking ahead, the university grows do all kinds of general repair work, consciously, systematically, and it He will make a specialty of wood moves forward steadily from year to work wontl year. Any university will grow and i advance that has the sense to appoint i ah officer for such mirooses and to set him free to do those things. A university that prefers t ohave the mail opened," and the stamps licked, and the rooms swept ... by a president can do that if he chooses. That is not our kind of university." F. F.G. Will for watches DR. BERNARD KAVANAUGH Osteopathic physician, office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Telephones Home 203 Bell 330 J. Residence. 223 South Ferry St., phone Bell 386-R. First Savings Bank building, Second and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Oregon. WORLD NOT A DEMOCRATIC PAPER. Eggs Wanted j Tho A'bnny Dressed Beef and Pro duco Co. will pay tho highest market GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing; but hrst-class work by expert mechanics. DAWSON & BUTZI.OFF. first and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. j FOR SALF..-Some of the best build ing lots inside the city limits, and will sell lot and build you a home according to your own ideas, one third cash, b.ilaene easy terms. New 7-rootn house for sale. Geo. I C. Richards, contractor and builder, prico for eggs and other produce. 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. and three lots. t7 FOR SAI.F.. House 913 li. First St. FOR SALE. Farm, with 2 sett of buildings, 552 acres, 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. Seo me if you mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D, 1. 10-2U FOR SALE 264.4 by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Fromm, 440 E 1st. 5t GLASS. All sues and kinds, for Palo at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in Albany, Skill Iv set, if desired. AUTO TRANSFER. W. A. LONG. Office Jersey Dairy. 321 t.von St. Home Phone 14'W. Bell Phone 4'19-J. Home 411. B. M. PAYNE. City Property for YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT AND HOW YOU WANT IT At V.. E. Rooklidge't print shop, over Woodwork's drug store. Printer to the particular. Farm Lands and sale Real Estate Loans. Kiro Insurance. Surety Bonds Rooms 19 21 Cusiek Albany, Oregon. Block, M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albcny, First-class meats of all kinds from selected Mock, Editor Democrat: In your issue of. May 6th you say that the New York World is the leading Demo cratic paper of the country. T'.is statement is made by the Democrat in referring to an attack made by. the World upon Champ Clark, whose' nomination by the Democrats, the World says, would be suicide. In calling the World a democratic pa per you arc, unconsciously, mislead ing your readers. I say "unconscious ly," for I know the Democrat does not intend to do that. But the truth is the World is not a democratic pa per. It does not claim to be. It is true, that, occasionally, it calls itself an independent democratic paper. How "independent" it is may be in ferred from the fact that during the last 20 years it has supported but one democratic candidate for president. Mark this prediction: If Taft is nom inated by the republicans and either Clark or Wilson by the democrats the World will support Taft. The attack upon Clark was unjust and un called for and was made plainly be cause he is fiom the west. Clark and Wilson are both meritor ious candidates and all attempts to belittle or besmirch the reputation of cither should be frowned down by all democrats. FAIRPLAY. lUn I"EAR MADAM: We presume that you wear corsets. We assume that you want to look stylish.' We know that you de3ire corset-comfort. We are CONFIDENT that you want to get the GREATEST VALUE FOR YOURMONEY when you buy a corset. Therefore we invite you to visit our Corset Department this week NEMO WEEK and let us demonstrate to you that There's a Nemo for Every Figure The Nemo line this year is practically new. Even the old favorites are greatly improved, and the latest models are so entirely novel that every woman, young or old, will take delight in seeing them. We're anxious to show you the newNemos W. B. Stevens & Co. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. 15 acres in bearing apple orchard, choice winter varieties, orchard in good condition and within five miles of Albany. 4 acres in strawberries and bearing, .15 acres in the tract, and nearly all in cultivation, every foot good fruit or berry land. Small house, good barn, possession when sold. The fruit and berries from this year's crops will net the purchaser one-third of the purchase price of the farm. Will sell this tract for one-half of the price asked for similar lands ad joining that have nothing on them. and will give time on a part of the purchase price. Full particulars, location and price Riven to those that mean business, bv calling at my office, at No. 102 ll First Street, Albany, Oregon. C. G. BURKHART. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will be received up to the 11th day oi May, 1912, at one o'clock p. m., by the Board of Directors of School District No. 26, Tangent, Oregon, for the building and construction com plete of the new school house to be erected in and for'said School District according to the plans and specifica tions now on file with the Clerk of said District and in the office of C. H. Hurggraf, Albany, Oregon, Architect. The succsstnl bidde rwill be required to give bonds in such reasonable sum a sniay be designated by the Board of directors for the faithful performance of the work. Bids may be filed with the undersigned Clerk of said District. Right to erject any or all bids re served. Dated this 22nd day of April. 1912. J. E. JENKS. Chairman of the Board of Directors. M. C. BROWN, Clerk of School District No. 2d. Drs. Foster & LemonJ BY A RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC DRUGLESS METHOD REMOVE THE CAUSE OF CHRONIC NERVOUS, DISEASES, Such ss asthma, rheumatism, eczema, both acute and chronic, stomach and intestinal trouble, femJe complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis, head-ache and spinal trouble. We invite an investigation of our system. A brief consultation free. Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, opposite P. O., West First Street, Albany, Oregon. Hours from 1 p. m, to 9 p. m. Mornings and Sundays by appoint ment only. Both phones. ; ;