NEW CREAM SERGES 46 in. Cream Serge, good quality, at $1.00 yd. 50 in. Cream Serge, with black stripe, at $1,35 yd. 56 in. Cream Diagonal Suiting. Special at &2.00 yd. Flood's Store Agents for rf,. & G. Corsets. Agents for Standard Pattern . If so, before buying be sure to look lip wliat I have for sale as I can not only save you money; but make you good profits as well. Good seven room house, with base ment, furnace, bath, modem, large lot 67x112 fect. Some fruit, nice lawn. Situated close in, West Al bany. Price, $3600. Terms can be . given. Seven room modern house, cement basement, situated close in on paved street. Small lot. Trice $3200. Terms 'can be made. , Two cottages, one lot, 66x110. This property rents for good money and is a fine bargain. Price $5200. Terms. This is an excellent buy and the man who buys it will make good money, . besides property pays good interest. . I have farm lands of all descrip tions, garden tracts, and beautiful suburban homes, also some good lots suitable for business. Prices reason able. I am not in any promotion schemes whatever, and any one buy ing from me will not afterwards feel sorry for it. Call on J. V. Pipe, the old reliable real estate dealer. 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Ore. STONE For building, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Samples at M. Sondors & Co's store W. L. COBB, K. D6c ?Home Phone,4. ' IUVF. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED 4ND PRESSED The Panfatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Proprietor. J. VJPIPE. 203 West Second Street. REALESTATE. I. Farm lands, city property, timber i-...ij M,nrv to loan on approved se- r'nritv. Insurance written in the best old line companies. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Properly handled for nou-resi-deuts. COLLIN3 & TAYLOR. Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small limner A. STARK. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will fc Stark Work - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany Stale flauk lluildinR. ftell ltla.-k 4S. llome- 275 " DR. VIRGINIA l.EWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmilt Hlock. Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Waok 2751; Residence 394 Home, black RoJ Bell. 11. A. LE1NINGER, Dentist, Hswloril Block Alhanv DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, "'ill ft Stark Block Albany VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 West First Street rirat-Clui Wotk Guaranteed. ADVERTISEMENT FOR STREET PAVING. Sealed bids will be received by the Common Council of the City of Al bany, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. m. .May 8, 1912, for the improvement of Fifth Street from the east curb line of Kim Street to the west curb line of Main Street, in said City of Al bany. Said improvement to be made in the following manner, lo-wit: First: iiy grading said street to the proper sub-grade. Second: By paving the roadway of said street full width with full inter sections with gravel bitulithic pave ment. Third: By laying and constructing gravel bitulithic headers. Fourth: By constructing catch bag' ius. Fifth: By constructing inlets. Sixth: By laying vitrified sewer pipe. Said improvement to be madr in accordance with the charter and or dinances of the said1 City of Alli.ny, and the plans, specifications and rsti- j mates of the City Engineer on tile in the office of the City lineorder, where plans may be seen and specifications I :iiul estimates obtained. Bids will lie opened at 8 oclock p. I . May 8, 1912. No proposal or bid will' be consid ered unless accompanied by a cerri- . fied check payable to the Guy of AI- bany in an amount coual to- five per ; cent of the aggregate bid, te be for-. felted as fixed and liipndatcd damages u case the bidder neglects or refuses In enter into a contract and provide unmoved bond ill Ihc sum of $5.-. 000.00 for the faithful performance of ! he work, witlnn ten days alter noti- (icalion, Sunday excluded, of award of contract to such bidder. I All bids must be made with a' view I of rnimileltnff the construction crf'stieh. ; improvement prior to the hrst day t October, I!'i2, under a liquidated pcir- ally for dunnages rf $25.00 for uiicl day of delay beyond tliQt penoti. Attention of all contractors is called to the agreement of Warren llroflicrs j Company, filed with this city, in ac rordaiicc with which agreement War- Brothers Company agrees to li- ; all contractors desiring to -ma for the work to lay the gravel bitu-j titlii,- nnvpinent in accordance with in , patents, and the terms oi saiu agece- incur. ... l The council reserves the right o reject any and all bids. All bids should be anurcsseu uv City Recorder," Albany, OregeJH marked "Proposal for improvement at Fifth Street." By order of the Common Council. F. E. VAN TASSEL, R weirder of the Citv of Albany. First Pub. April 27, last May 8, I9l H. F. MERRILL, Insurance, Loans, Bonds. Room No, 1, First Savings Bank Building. THE SKATING RINKwill hereafter he open Wecinosday, Friday and Satur day. afternoons and oveningn under now management. U. M. tlfciNUtKOun. Farm and City Property. If interested in buvinff Farm riiv Pronertv it will nay you to look nt some o( the bargains on our list. ! The owner's price is our price. We show you the property without ex pense, and you are under no obliira tion to buy. Below are some of our bargains: oOO acres, all tillable land, good buildings, S45 per acre. 450 acres, 375 tillable land, Rood lo cation, S-WI per acre. 331 acres, about 100 acres of tim ber. $JS per acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 per acre. Citv Pronertv. Mouse and bam and two lots, $2,600 F.iKht room house, fine location $3,500 Kii.lil room house, full lot $2,100 Four room bouse, two lots $1,600 It's not our way to tun yon down ihe sireei. but will uladlv have a talk with vou at our offices, at 236 Ui I'irsi street. Albany. Orecon. If we can not show vou the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow, but sec us before buying. T11F. LINX & BENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. ALBANY. Have your feet attended to by Mrs. Driver, 73J E 2. bell ail -J. Weddin? rings, Eneaee",,ent rings, Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son. The celebrated Black Shells haye ar rived at Baltim ores'. The 1912 Dayton end Daytonia bi cycles at the Albany Gun Store. All kinds of job printing at the Rook lidge Printery, over Woodworlh's. Order a Journal of Riley Lotmugh be fore the 25th for $1.50. After that $2. it you appreciate the best try Quality Brand Ice C cam at the Jersey Milk uepot, sia Lyon street. The Albany Colts will nlav Canbv J tomorrow. The Bigby Brothers, who , will be the battery went to Portland last night to flee the game today. Th3 Albany high school team defeated . ... .. - r Wl ..111. .1 ICI II'JUIl HI VjlJi - vallis6to0. .eavine no doubt of the. superiority of the Albany club. Lylej Bigcee pitching a great game for the . UUUi Albany and Portland. The Albany Athletics and Columbus Cub Grays will play on the Athletic grounds tomorrow afternoon. Follow ing are the lineuDs: Albany.- Monson cf, .Swan rf, Baker 3b, Mickel If, Ed Dooley lb, Lee as, G. : uooiey zd, snaw c, r atteraon, sauisnury P. Columbus. Kennedy cf, Chapin rf, Cohn 3b, Luckey If, Crowley lb, Brown S8, Whitton 2b, Rhodda c, Townsend, Forth p. Martin umpire. SCATTERING SEEDS. "Scattering Seeds of Kindness,' brought down to date by T. P. Hack leman, 1912, Albany, Oregon. Tune: "Scatter Seeds of Kindness. I If we knew that Prohibition made into ! a statute law : Would cause the death of liquor ana break the gambler's maw, j Would we hesitate to vote it when to j the noils we com. a r , .i .' ii traffic's done? ; i Chorus: Then vote for White and Dunbar, Then vote for Mears and" Elmore, Then vote for Prohibition, For onr children by and 6y. If we knew that local option made in to a license law Would cause (he death of loved ones and f Til' this land with awe, Would it meet our approbation when to the polls we go, Would we vote upon our children this liquor i!ra flic's woe? Chorns. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! Then vote for H. C. Davis, Then vole for Bright and Childirs, For oar children by and by. r , ,i, ,,,. r'. " '" "' " contest soon to come u ncn tuciorces oi uic ucvu win iimi be on tlie run r. Would we win in this great battle aau Kcepvtncm in me siewr Then vote fur Prohibition and against the liquor crew. Chorus. Then vote' for J. G. Voget, Then vote (or 0. A. Stillman, Then vote fiir Gould and Evans, For our children by and by. If we vote for B. Lee Taget and avotl the liqrror snare, To Washington we'd' send him to meet the senate there, Then liquor would get a black eye an! distillers, have: to iron. He'd make it mighty hot for this liqia- or traffic s rura. Chortr. Then vote- for B. I.oe Paget, Then vote far- C'oe- ' Wolverton. Then vote for Wells and Cleaver, For our cfiildren by and by. Adv. S. C Worrell's fSS Second and Ferry Stteets, For fresh groceries, vegetables and fruits. Everything new. Plan Your Vacation Now. TO THE EAST, SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of the Kast. Roinjr or returning through California, or via Fortland with going lim it 15 dliys. Final return limit Oct. 31 f. SALE Aprit 25, 26, 27. Jlav. 2, 3. 4. 9, 24, 2. Jim. 1, 6. 7. 8. 10, 11, H 15, 17 13. 14. 15. 17. 18, 'il 21. 24. 25. 27. 28. Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY O.Tcrs many advantages for a seashore online;. Low fares from afl points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates outdoor amusements and all the delights of tlie seashore. THE NEW P. R. & N. BEACHES Tillamook, ttarihaldi (l-vocanV Brighton, Manhattan and Rockaway l ake Lytic, IK-e.m Lake Park. Twin . Rocks. Tillamook Beach jind Bay Cit will open a new held tor a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares from al: i.iint in flreirntv fall on nur nearest Aecnt for cursion Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Eat California Raisins. Raisin Day April 30th, AT THE COURTHOUSE. The following justices havebeen nomi nated by both parties: L. L. Swan, C. J Shedd, F. E. Stewart, Levi Douglas, W S Holcomb, U. W. Cruson, C. L. j Knapp, R. helton, R. J. Fox, M. Knerr, a r-tMtcami. 7 democrats O. T. Port- er by the republicans, W. H. Daugherty :rep., ana A. norner u m ".v. ' Ira Soule rep., and J. N. Bilyeu dem , in dist. 12. I Ten Alhanv central committeemen are: M. J. Cameron, L. M. Curl and R. Chhng; the democrats, T. J. Stttes, rl. W. McFlmurry and B. M. Payne. , , . ueeas recorueii; W. F. Elliot to Wardwell Crain 30.16 acres .......... ..S i igronpn IntrrArrr to E. B. Day - rt - 100.03 acres u stol;k brand recorded by E. A Looney. MISFITS. This mud throwing contest of Ted and Bill is interesting. The O. E. will now be able to pave as it comes along 5th street. Senator Bourne continuea to ask things for Or. just the same. Thousands of dollars go out of Oregon . for lettuce that should be raised here, By all means' unite the two schools. On ) is enough. But which will it be? Albany's paving district will gradually spread out a3 the people demand it and pay for jt, ,t ... . . . ,. Taft wa third in Or., but 'bere is gala co oe a earns 10 trecuro me uen gallon lor him any wayr modern pontics. " , .... t It has been discovered that most of the succassful nominees of the republi cans in Marion county ai residents of Salem. Perhaps the hog has gotten loose again.. A new Titanic version is-rhat the boat never struck) an koberg at all; but sim ply that: the boilers were burst from excessive speed, shattering things. Counting chickens before- they are hitched is- a dUHcult task. Over at Monmouth the plan were all drawn for a $50,0C4) buiWing, but the- Bupieme coirt broke the- shell and there was nothing in it. Bulletins-Harnisbuig took, bat little interest im the "Made in Linn"' expo sition held at Albany test week.. Some times it seams that if H arrisbiug would put on display some of its home made disturbances we wovld take the prize at most any epositioa That's about the extent of the factory product here; The Wathet. Range o tamperature 66 40. The-river io-up a little. 4.5 feet. Prediction: shower tonight arli Sun day. I A b'a comimt event, Dobbs audi hi wonderful Alaska moving pictures,, at the Opera house-May 2, 3 and 4. F. G4. Will for watches- YOU SEX WHAT YOU WANX WHEN YOU WANT IT. AND HOW YOU WANT IT At E. E. Rootlidgfi's. print shop,.over Woodworth's drag store. Printec to the p.-xjcular. DATES July, ; 3. 6, 7, 11, 12. 13, 16, 20, 22, 23, IS. 26, 29, 30, 31. August. 1. 2, 3, 6. 7. 12. 15, 16, 22, 23. 19v 20, 30, 31. crt.. 4. 5. o. J. X. 11. 1J. . full information as to East Bound Ex WHAT DOES SRREET A It should be borne in mind that the question the writer is discussing is not as to whether street pavement is a desirable thing; all residents of Al bany must agree as to that. Nor is it the question as to whether we should pave this season. We should pave as we have done the last three seasons. The question on which some of us seem to bold a different view is as to how much we should pave this season. Pavement is a convenience, not a ne cessity. It is safe to say that not ten per cent of the people that will be called upon to pay for pavement have the ready cash on hand or in the banks to meet these payments. They must take the money from some in vestment, or must borrow it or must take advantage of the Bancroft Act. In either case a readjustment of their business affairs will be necessary. Readjustments of this character nec- essarily ditsurb more or less the gen - eral business conditions oi tne city, value, if any, is a very uncertain quan The larger the number called upon for : tity. Improvements of this character payments for street pavements, the ; should be undertaken only on a mod more general the readjustment will erate scale, so as to allow financial have to be. What the writer would conditions to readjust themselves, guard against is a general tightening j The citizens of Albany have approv up of business conditions in our city e(j a bond issue of $40,000 for the pur because of the demand that might be i po5e of erecting a City Hall, and an made upon a considerable portion of j other issue of $40,000 for supplying our people in one season for street I additional sewers for the East end of improvement. i the city. Then East Albany should Street pavement means to the nidi- i be supplied with lights and water and vidual lot owner that (at the present tne street grajes an(t crossings and price of $1.55 per square yard for! bridges needed should be put in shape, pavement) it will cost him $238.0, it j Those are necessities, he owns an inside lot. If he owns a , The indebtedness' of the city at the corner lot it will cost him $636.33. preSent time is approximately $150,000. This makes no allowance for excava-j The doubling of the indebtedness of tion or lor nns. vvncii nc in for his pavement his monthly rental returns will likely be no higher, nor will he be able to dispose of his prop erty for a figure appreciably higher than he could before it was paved.. Property in this city is held at a figure sa that the average buyer cannot af ford to pay more than the present prises. .Should the owner use the property in question to serve as his rt iv n residence, tne aaoeo comip;i aim , . . h out of ,the I pavement will not make up for the in crease in his investment. In case he is unable to oay in cash, and takes ad vantage of the Bancroft Act, it means I that he' is putting a mortgage on his property for an amount equal to the I cost of his pavement, which sum is to be paid' off in ten equal annual installments-,, bearing interest at 6 per . cent. To the city, street pavement means i that for tlie pavement of every inter section of streets the city mast pay $651.00. TKis-maVcfs no allowance for excavations, fills, eaten Basins, arm in takes. In addition it means that when the streets are paved the city must maintain additional help to keep the streets clean; or the dust and the stench from the paved streets win be unbearable. The total' cost for pav ing an entire' running block with one Remember we Lumberv Cement, Sewer pipe. Boxes, Drain tile,. Hearth tif e Cedar posts Hallocks, Shingles- Lime, Plaster, Sewer pipe THE CHAS. K. SPAULDSNG LOG CO. A. B. KELSSY, Manager. Both Phones. A CHECK BOOK is easier to va'rry than a wal let filled w'jth currency, gold or silver. Et ?dis dignity to your . transactions and gives much satisfaction. Checks are of no value except to the person in whose favor drawn. Can you afford t keep your money at home or in your pocket when you can have, without expense, a check book on this bairE? ALBANY STATE BANK Wm BWht Pre. . F. J. Miller, Vice Pres. N. M. Bain, Cashien, GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT . CONRAD MEYERS STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES aSIand WHO WANTS know U 1 All L1NLI Of Rood property in east Aibany for :, x1 A CTT'Ty 8a'e- A gjod 7 rorn house and barn 1 LAj 1 LiK nd 19 iots. wi" 8e" Bl r Par' and build on vacant lots for parties desiring has arrived. Place your it. Call Home phone 1168. 2t orders now. M. Senders & Co. Albany Transfer Co Light and Heavy Hauling. ' O r P A1TCH Wood for sale, fir, maple and ash. W' ' Phor.e Home 68; Bell 166-R. Public Stenographer. ST. Office: First National Bank Build- DAKritLKoriU" ins. Phones: Office, Bell 146-R; Chas Bruce. Proprietor. Res, Bell 154-L, ' r PAVEMENT MEAN TO intersection of streets is approximate ly $2600.00. This amount of money is spent with no returns, except the ad ded satisfaction one gets from living on a paved street. In case we pave this year fifty-live running blocks (and the writer understands more than this is contemplated), it means that we will tie up over $143,000.00, which must be paid either in cash or in interest bear ing liens upon property. This much money put into street pavement in one season, of necessity, must affect busi ness conditions in a community. Let no one make the mistake of confusing the investment of money in buildings or property, where an income is to be had, with money put into street pav ing. In the case where money is in vested in income bearing property cir culating capital is simply put in" the form of fixed capital, but in the case oi street pavement, there is no in- ; come to be had and the increase in the city of necessity means a decided crease jn tilc tax rate and am0ng the first j,KIU;r;cs made bv a oros- pective resident is always the about the rate of the taxes, v We all realize the advantages of paved streets, and we want to go right ahead with our paving, but let us- do it at a rate that will least inter fere with the prosperity of the busi ness conditions of our city; ALFRED C. SCHMTTT. Only a Few Days to Plant. Do you realize that there are only a few days left for spring planting? vVe have a lot of trees left at onr yards which we will close out at prices that will interest you. Applcsv, Pears, Cherries, Peaches, Apricot!-Gooseberries. Call at our office in the Schmitt Bldg. or write and let us show you. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twice, daily. If you do not get your milkpromptly, call me on either phone. W . C. Schultz, proprietor. handle the best AND CROCKERY