Now for the Comfortable, Soft Collar Summer Shirt ESTABLISHED 1866 EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY sees a visitor to our office with a proposition that means a little . more profit to use for a little skimping of quality to you. It is amaz ing how many plausible schemes of this kind there are, WE HAVE WORKED TOO HARD to earn a reputation for selling toilet articles that can be depended upon to entertain any such schemes. Our reward lies in your confi dence which we consider far better than a little extra profit. Buy here and see. 8URKHART & LEE FRANCIS W. ALBRO, Teacher of Piano and Harmony Studio in Schmitt Building Room 12. Horn. Phon. 362 Piano Tuning a Specialty. Agates AT POCKET FLASHLIGHTS All Sizes All Prices Absolutely Reliable They help us when nights'are dark. Fresh Batteries. Ralston Electric Supply Company, 312 Weit Second Street. THE BEST TO BE HAL) in Baked Goods, Groceries, Produce and Fruits, at PARKER'S "The Sign The Albany 16;W. F1rst3tret. Do you realize that the sun is getting warmer every day, and that in a very short time your winter clothing will become uncomfortable? We have made arrangements to assist you, by placing in the Gents' Furnishing Department a full stock, all sizes and colors, of the new style soft shirts, with double cuffs and the standing "Golf Collars." $1.25 to $3.00 This department is stocked with' Shirts, Collars, Ties, Belts, Underwear, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Hats, Gloves, Hose, Handkerchiefs, etc., to please, the most particular. . See the complete Boy Scout outfits, consisting of Hat, Shirt and Pants, best quality at ' $2.75. A Bifocal without lines in the lemei. E. C. Meade Cut and Polished F. G. WILLS. of Quality. Bakery BothPhones. THE BIG STORE VJ Iff DONNING A NEW TAILOR MADE SUIT that has been fitted to perfection, ex quisitely finished and possessing the smart and natty style that only an artistic tailor can give it is always a pleasure to the fastidious business or professional man, who is particular about his attire. When your suit has been made by 1. J. Yerby you are sure of looking both elegant and diS' tinquc. 318 West Second Street. THE ROYAL TAILORS. f LAND AGENT NOTARY PU JLIC 40 Years Here ' Large, small tracts, houses and lots. See my Hit before investing. JAS. F. POWELL, Room (9). Albany State Bank Bldg. WOOD AND COAL All kinds of wood sawed In any length desired. Best coal on the market at reasonable prices, delivered prompt)) m large or small quantities Albany Fuel Co., A. W. Docksteader Both phones. For Transfer Phone E. R. Cummings, office with L. J. Gray Real Estate Co., corner of Second and Lyon streets. Light and heavy hauling of all kinds, piano mov ing, baggage. Orders promptly at tended to. Office phones Home 463, Bell 49J-T. Res. Phones, Home 146, Bell 350. Phone all oiders from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5 to office; to Res. at morning, noon and nights. All orders promptly attended to. WOOD for ule. JUST ARRIVED Car Load of Land Plaster We also handle Golden Gate Cement. Arden Fibre Plaster and Lime, Potatoes bought and Sold in any quantity. Albany Commission Co. Shingles. Made in Albany my .No. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.26 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON We use no dry kiln. THIS MORNING. News from Albany's Six Early T 3 Chief Engineer Wicksrsham, of the 0. E., returned to Salem, after being here to look over the devision work under Mr. Griswold. The work this side of Salem has been held up by the weather a good deal more than by the 1. V.W. It will not be difficult to get men in their places as soon as the weather is so the ground will stand the work. Ed. Schoei, superintendent of the poultry show at the state fair, went to Salem, to look afler matters for next fall. Ihe poultry department needs more room, and an effort is being made to secure it, by the enlargement of the building. Uncle Billy Wright, the pioneer horseradish man and scissors grinder, arrived with a good supply of hot stuff, ready to help whet the appetites of the people of Albany for two or three days. Just now horseradish is his specialty. Mr. Hile3 and family, eight or ten in all. recently from Wisconsin, left for Mill City, where they expect to settle. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Coon went up to Mill City for a visit. Albert Senders, after a visit with his father, M. Senders, left for Portlanu, being joined at Woodburn by his sister, Vesta, who has been visiting at Rev. Gordon's. S. N. Stewart, the caDitalist. left on a Stayton trip. Prof. Harerrove. the Dianist. returned to Portland. Capt. C. L. Dick, the Salem fruit commission man, returned to that city. The Democrat. Mr. Hornibrook will not assume ed itorial management of the Democrat on the 1st of May as heretofore announced, but will devote his time during the next week or ten davs to installing the m-ess and new printing material which will taxe tne place ot the plant now in use. He urges all business men to furnish new copy for their advertisements and nave tne same set in the new type. Two Linotypers in trie Hub. Albany now has two linotype ma- fV.i n pq hftth nmnnri Vii. T I. Al.T.nrl.p ! who will have the distinction of setting up two papers, the Democrat and Herald. The machines are being installed in the Democrat building, convenient for the papers, job printers and ethers. Mr. Alexander has proven a very reliable linotyper. competent and accomodating. Outside papers and printers wanting special worK may depend upon Mr. Alexander for square treatment. . Card of Thanks. We take this means of expressing our sincere tnanKs to tna many mends who 80 kindly aided in the recovery of the body of our dear little two-year old child Jast Friday, and for the sympathy so generously shown to us in this severe Dereavmenc. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gorham. :'F 0. WILL, lor Watches HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Compet ent and good with children. Wm. Ritchie, over Flood's store. . 30t FOR SALE, 1 thorough bred short horn bull No. 332237; 1 4-spring-3-Beated mountain hack; 1 3 spring, 2 seated single hack; 1 thorough bred Poland China boer, 10 months old, 1 mare broke single and double, wht. 1100; alfalfa and clover hay loose in barn. F. H. Hughson, Homo Phone 2852. It the Elite Stores Freshest and Finest Candies and Ice Cream, at all times.' Come once and you'll come again. GOPHERGO (Machine Poisoned Raisins) FOR SALE BY" Murphy's SccdStore, 225 West Second Street. Have M. Ludwig figure on your Plumbing also on your Hardware CIRCUIT COURT. , . u . . Judge Kelley Held a Short S ession This afternoon Judge Kelley held a short a Mourned session of department one of the Circuit Court, with some blind pig cases up. In the state against Frank Gleason, of Lebanon, a plea of not guilty was changed to guilty, time was waivedand the defendant was sentenced to pay fines of $50, $100 and $100, and go to jail for 10 day in each of the last two cases, 20 days in all. On account'of a witness in the three cases of Or.agt. Gibson Olson, of the Franklin House, having skipped out, one to Eastern Oregon, the cases were continued to the regular term, June 24. Or. agt. JohniF. Kukacka and Joe Trnka, of Scio, was also continued. As a precaution against the inability of any of the grand jury being unable to serve, the court appointed F. M. French, J. A. McCulloujh and U. R. Kenel reserve jurymen if needed. Ihe M. E. S. S. Entertainment. The M. E. Sunday School last even ing gave a delightful entertainment, at tha church, enjoyed by a good sized audience, appreciating tho offering: Music by the Orchestra. Vocal Solo by Mrs. Guy Knapp. Trombone Solo by Mr. Loyd South. Piano, Duet by Misses Pierce and Uuri. Vocal Solo by Mr. Church. Music by the Orchestra. Vocal Solo by Miss Yates. Reading by Prof. Kendall. Vocal Solo by Mrs. Baynea. Piano Solo by Miss Hockenamlth. Duet by Mines. Willard and William son. Reading by Prof. Kendall. Vocrl Solo by Hamuiel, , Song by Male Quartet. The Wolf It Good. The Wolf drew a fair sized, but very fileased audience, at the Opera house, est night, though the weather was bad. Everybody was pleaBed. In fact some declared it about she best thing for a long time, a play of intense interest. splendidly presented. The Company is a good one. I' has been decided to re peat it tonight, and those wanting something good should see the Wolf. Have you had Henry shoe your horse b. me ureen r rone, no Knows how. WATCHES, F. MFrer.oh & son. If your glasses are not per feet, I can show you in a few minutes what a difference itmakes when you are properly fitted, and how easily I cansuit you perfectly. Remem ber, glasses not fitted per fectly do a great deal of harm to your vision ; and, in addi source of annoyance and dis comfort, instead of an aid to you, are positively injurious to your eyesight. Come in and see me today. DR. ALVIN T. POWERS, Eyesight Specialist. ' ! Room No. 3, First Savings Bank Bldg. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 - P.M. Crowns, Gold $4.50 Crowns MANY PERSONS WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THEIR TEETH FIXED WITH CROWNS OR BRIDGES, BUT DO NOT CARE TO PAY SIX OR EIGHT DOLLARS PER TOOTH. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. MAY ONLY. THE ABOVE PRICE INCLUDES KILLING THE NERVE WHEN NECESSARY. PAINLESS EXTRACTING FREE WHEN OTHER WORK IS ORDERED. . ..(,..... ..,...... a Dr. W. A. Cox, Painless Dentist 225 West 1st, Albany, Ore. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Second Stree. Between Ferry & Broad AT THE COURT HOUSE. Circuit Court: New suit:-Georgn Shaw agt. Maud M. Shaw, for divorce. Married 1900 in Harnev countv. Charcea. cruel and in human treatment, name calling and de sertion. Weatherford & Weatherford attorneys. Articles incorporation filed bv Demo crat Pub. Co. Capital stock $10,000. Incorporators (V. H. Hornibrook, O. V. norniorooK, r. r. nutting. Countv Court is in session, so far allowing bills. Djeds recorded: G. W. Mitchell to Chas. H.Leon- ard 18 26 acres $ 10 J. J. Brown to W. A. Ewing 2 lota Scio 1 .. Herman Hoflich to Geo. and Theo-- dore Hoflich 107.69 acres 1 ... Helen M. Perry to Chas. Roley & . wf lot Albany Heights 10- R. C. Churchill to Chaa. Roley lot Albany Heights 10 Jas. Groshong to J. W. Groshong & wf 205.22 acres The I. S. Debate. An exciting ticket Belling contest is on at the High School between the tiirls and Boys Athletic Associations. The girls challenged the boys to Bee who could sell the most tickets for the coming dobatb Friday nighi, the losing side to give the other a food. Both sides are busy scouring the town and school for prospective buyers. Clover Leaf Dairy. It vou annreciate gIaaiv nnnltara an,. pure milk give us a call. uenverea twice a aay. Both phones. Milk depot 331 Lyon St J. F. Hugoins, Prop. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE. 207 Lyon Street. Highest cash paid for all kinds of ' clothing, shoes, hats, trunks, valises, jewelry, etc. If you have anything call Bell 131-R. E. ROGOWAY. tion to being a constant Crowns Porcelain Crowns