USING MONEY. Editor Democrat: I hand you this part of my brain which is not intended for any one in partciular, but everybody in general. "To be financially strong enough to be able is one thing ami to be pro gressive enough to be willing is an other -and far greater tlr'ig. A cor poration may be ever so strong and have ever so many thousand dollars worth of goods but if they cannot move them and turn them into money they arc not wortli a dollar. One man who can take a part of some man s wealth and use it and turn things over and make money is far more useful than die one who hoards it up. The progressive spirit although often superinduced by a seemingly perplexing need makes men ami homes more valuable and life more beautiful and sweet. Some people believe in saving mon y all their lives barely spending enough for actual necessities, while others believe in enjoying life as they go along and being content with less lor they know if they keep their credit good they can get money for invest' incuts as they need it and they are enjoying hie all the way along. While the other party may have mortgages on other things, he has no mortgage on Inc. and about the time he is ready to enjoy his wealth, cither Ins physical abilities or his mind have reached the stage where he does not enjoy the things he longed for in the earlier days and so life has been a failure after all. Wc are living in an energetic age of wonderful activity. Yours truly, THE HUB. ALBANY'S DEVELOPMENT. Commercial men stopping at Al bany almost universally insist that this city is in llic best condition of any in the state outside of Portland, ll looks good to them. Husincss con ditions here are gilt-edge, and pros pects for the future are bright. The universal opinion is that Albany is ucsuucu 10 lie a large inland .city. juai now 11 is iioing inings in a sub stantial way that counts for better ment. When the writer reached Alhanv over thirty years ago, a census just 'taken, by counting some twice and Keeping up with the hotel registra tions, showed a population of be tween IWK) and 1900. Now it is at ieasl 7,000. Most of this increase lias been in the last few years. Great changes have been made in, Albany in thirty years. First street thirty years ago was a long line of old frames, From the Odd Kellows temple, just completed, cast on the south side of the street there was not a Miigle brick. On the other side the Foster block, Senders & Stern berg bricks ami Mcllwain block were up. the. others being frames. The principal business block was between Washington and Ferry street.. S. E. Young was about at the present site of Dreamland. Oppo site was the only bank, doing business beside nn old Chinese wash house, and theiv canie the Parrish brick occu pied by the Herald up-stairs, and oth ers. 1 I 'I'." The Democrat at f lint time was at Second and. llroailalbin streets, with residences opposite oii all sides, Sec ond street being used for blacksmith shops, livery stables and homes. Then -.the old Camion livery stables were at "the present site of the Democrat of fice, soon afterwards collapsing by a heavy snow, a rare thing. The opera house was at the present site of the Stewart & Sox Hardware store, an old barn of a building, which burned, when a ncwjipcra house, with a real gallery, went up over the place where this is 'being written, ami this also was burned later, giving place to the ('radwolilstoic and the Democrat of fice. ' All along First street line bricks have taken the place of the old frames, and Second street is now close behind, while new business blocks arc going up further out, and soon both Second and Third, as well .i l.vnn and other north and south simets. will be business sections, and perhaps further out, already having splendid biiM'ies structures. In pare with its business develop ment Albany has also grown morally, a city of, free from saloons, its greatest and best development since it lost them, and the Democrat is proud of whatever influence it may have exerted both in making it a larg er and better city. TUESDAY. WILL EAT AT THE HUB. According to notices, posted by the S. P., on a couple windows ut the depot, beginning tomorrow there will bo a change in the S. P. limn table. Tho train heretofore arriving hero from the south at M will arrive lit 12:20 uiui ro main until 1:40. giving passengers an opportunity to get a square meal at the Hub. They have been eaiim. at Eu gene. Another ran for Albany. The train arriving now at l':07 from the south will arrive nt 5:50 and remain twenty minutes for another square meal in Albany. Elbert Hubbard of Auro'a believes in the incontrovertibln Fgo. He should KO into p rinership with Col. Hofer. The T legrnm openly Ikhts Latterly, and says the decent men and women of Multnomah il . nut want to ! topre rcuod n con :r'"s bv him: hut wait und see bow ilu'y vote Kvon voters sometime make f nils of thennilves, inrticulsily in Multnomah county. The moving picture show which Is to tie given in the Albany Opera House, may 2, a, ana 4 uv .nr. Beverly a Uubbo i" beyond a doubt the most in teresting and educational pictures yet The writer has visited manv of th places where some of these pictures were taken and nas had the experience 01 seeing nir, ijoods lane one, or part of one film. This picture shows the S. S. Victoria in the ice fields of Bering Sea early in June, 1908, when she had sent signals of distress to Nome after having a hole stove in her and being partly Tilled with water, and the Corwin came to the rescue. Mr. Dobbs cam out from Nome on the Corwin. He shows seven reels of pictures every one or wmcn is) so realistic and interesting mat iney are long remem uercu. He shows nictures of the A 11-Alaska Sweep Stake Dog races which yearly attract the attention of the world, Esquimaux hunting walrus and polar bear and other scenes of tMeir daily life. A trip down the vvhite Pass and down the Yukon into Beting Sea is most interesting. Mr. Dobbs is a pioneer of Alaska, naving gone there with the first rush He is a photographer of more than or uinary aDinty and for some years had gallery in Nome.! He has received many flattering offers lornis nims Due as vet nas not re eased his sole right to show the pictures. It is o rare opportunity to see these moving pictures and the writer believes that an evening could not better be spent than to take this picture trip wun nir. uodus tnrougn Alaska. if. N. WOOD Codlin Moth Spray. Spary 2 Ids'. Arsenate of Lead to SO gallons water xoruodlin moth-the pest that causes wormy fruit. Sprav trees as soou as most of the blooms have fallen, watch for this lime, then get to work immediately doing thorough work. For scab, add two fa) gal. of the Lime Sulphur solution fur each 60 gallons be suke and keep the mixturo well agitatated or the arsenate of lead will settle, repeat spray in about ten (10) days Black Leaf 40 (tobacco extract) is best for the tiny black or green Aphis (plant lice) that infect the tips of fruit trees, rose bushes, shrubs, etc. Use freely before the leaves begin to curl. Also ngw is the time to begin getting jiour fruit for the Albany Apple fair this tull. D. W. RUMBAUGH. Fruit Inspector. WEDNESDAY". BOTH WAN CLEAR LAKE. According to the dispatches Hill and Harrimnn are both after Clear Lake in a manner to indicate that something is doing, perhaps both sides of the moun tains. Ltear iakb is one 01 ino linear, budios of water in the world, so clean and clear the bottom may be seen one hundred feet down. It ia everlasting source of the purest wntec in the world. Hut it is evidently being sought by the railroad people for power, in connection with proposed electrification 01 tne 011 fercnt roads, so much talltad about. Left for Montana. Miss Marearot Morell left this Boon for Haver, Men., where FsiyuVWiltiuns, formerly with the Wells tfargo- Co.. ot this city, will meet her, awl they will bo married, going from there to bis homo nn a pretty Montana, punirie. to mnko tnoir Home, may rwnitn,. naiipi ness and prosperity be their lot. To Be Married at Philomath. Mrs. William Jonks, ot Tangent, left Tor I'hilomntn to nttenu lae wetkimg ot her niece. Miss Blanche Moses, daugh ter uf Sam Moses, and Leon Bothers. Mrs. Flake, of Salem, afeo went.. The ceremony will be performed by airs, Jenks' father, lie v. P. A. Moses. Attention Knights of Pythias. All members of the K. of P. of this city who will attend the district con vention at Brownsvillo tomorrow (Thursday) evening are request d to report immediately 10 jonn Vj. ttryant. A special train will bo tun from Albany leaving the union depot piouiplly nt T 0 clock. Tho May baskets havo blossomed. Make the Made ill Or. proposition popu ar. Come. M. llawley, hurry up that f 10,000 for tho po. April had its showers. Now look ont for .V ay blossoms. Will Or. E. trans bo rnniiin into Albany by the first of June: Tho salo of the P. K. & E. to the S P. is all hot air say the people. There will bo a UOOAC baseball game this week. ill it bo serene. If going north 111 tho afternoon bo at t tie depot by 12:20. 1 he train leaves a I 'J: w. It is thought the democratic primary returns will bo in by election d.iy nox Nov. Wat !. Watchi, R'jjs, J.-welo.-. Matehei.u. V THE WORLD Roseburg boasts of the First Oregon strawberries. A mine exploded yesterday at Smyrna causing the destruction of the steam ship Tex is and the drowning of loO in all. Nj question but what Corvallis needs a bridge. In five days by actual count the old ferry boat made 270 trips, carry ing 492 teams and 10u3 passengers. Pendleton's Paving. Pendleton, Or., April 30. As a result of the circulating of a petition for Dolarway pavement by local proserty owners, a material reduction in price of HT.n,cnb 10 (iruunaeu renuieton prop erty owners. The Dolarway company makes a price of $1 50 a yard To meet 11110 oner me warren Construction Company now offers to lay a gravel oituiithic for $1 48 a square yard. All the paving chus far laid has been by the Warren Construction Company with ui.uiiLuiu at, anu iz a yard, Dobbs' Pictures. The Touroffranholoc of AUnkn tho anu ol imsierv ana romance, of trn ri and ivory, of great glaciers and frozen tundra, on the one hand, and almost ironic vegetation and tho h azino minm of millions of brilliant flowers on the other; the land of paradoxies and sur. prises; as shown in Beverly B. Dobbs' Tourographolog, Alaska is tr ily named the "Great Wonderland." Alaska, the Great Country, the nations called it in Behring's day, and that itisstill Alaska the Great Country, you must admit, when vou have taken tho Dobbs. It ie the great attraction of the ween at tne opera house. A Kalem Man Mere Frank Lannintr. the cctehrntawl da. lineator ot Indian characters in moving pictures, as presented by the Kalcm Company, is in the city, and will be seen at the Empire tonight'. Seen in me uarung 01 we uods, Uirl of the Golden West. Bounding Elk, Custer's Last Fall, etc., many will wish to Bee the original himself, and this is there fore the opportunity. This Valley the Best. H. C. Compton this morning returned from Northern California, and went to his home near Monmouth. He didn't think very much of that country, had the chills twice: anri thinirs didn't look good to him. The Willamette Valley beats them all. The Weather. Range of temperature 46 40. Tha river is 5.6 feet, having raised some-. The rainfall last night' was heavy. .63 of ao- inch. Prediction: showers tonight ad Thursday. Self Filling Fountain Pens. To iatroduce the "Auto-Filler" SeJf filling Fountain oen, I will Bell for 30 days, commencing April 2&tb, Auto-Filler pens ot nair price o on pens ror$?ax o.uu pens ior .uu. jl.ou pens tor 2.00. $a00 pens for tiloO. $2.00 cms for$ Guarantee goes with every pen Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. About May 5th, we will have a full line of post cards and magazines. Sub scriptions taken for all periodicals. 121-123 Broadalbin Sii Only a Few Days-to Plant Do voii realize that there are onh a few days loft for spring plantingt' We have a lot of trees lett at our yaras which wo will close oat at prices that will interest vou. Applas.. reart, ummel, rwiiu Apricats,Gooteberric. Call at our office in the SchmrbbBldg. or write and let us show you. ALBANY NHRSEKIfciS, Inc. UVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Proprietor. Low Round Trips East. 3JO 'puciuoj uY 'ss,;tl "fl-wj t"0 ' ''T -i jsnbaa no naijuiiij oi ii.w 4'0ii Sajci Somn-aips jo Vjro(j l(il 'IE Jil"l-X) '!lu!l ujiijaj vt'iy 'uoipAjin tpea 111 paAoic sainoj 10 doioiD puu sjoaoiIoi . Tlnl 'Of 71 'H "8 '' '9 Jsquwidas 7161 'If Vt 'K '17 "ai 'SI Tl "9 ' 7 "I V"iiiy 7101 'Ik' "111" 'c7 'W "17 77 '07 '91 "i'l 71 'II 7 '9 T 7 (I"f Tim '07 Vc 't: 'iz c "if "nt 'oi 'xi vt 'i 'n 'n v c '9 t aif 7161 C 'K 'SI VI 'll '01 '6 V 7 A'K aivs do saiva OS Vol uoiSiiihsi:w oiuoj l S'Io ia MllO-l mti' i lo !uuiisr.;,i oi sol niHUiapciH.i vXH'l oi sol eii:uiO - nio AV.l ioi icaJliiiMV lV'l) siloilMUlu s.U'.uivi iusiiuo; puu Jyi.'u tM UOIU'OUllO. U XSV3 SNIVHi HOnOHHl MILL IxtllUJ HO 'SJJII J-l(Sll Al)l!tlS tc pixj utii'H nuo o; i vi v M-iV'l Us li A i.;.iv anion jno 'paionb sajri pa.mpoj A'llt mjM ib Sj.iiio Xiiem pun ''ao,v umous kk ui siuicxl aii oi pui'l -ijoj uiojj pjoi 011 i.v Sj-'i J;ii nunc 'j&oiaq ua.uS m'icp iiy uq HASNJSOLD O'Connor Says Welch Is a Prince, Corvallis G. T. George D. Connor, right bcrwer of A. Welch, talked to the Gazette-Times with perfect freedom. In Mr. O'Con nor's opinion the Southern Pacific does not want the P. E. & E., in fact has no use for it. Tho Harriman people have ever indicated that they looked upon the P. E. &E. activities as a sort of "joke," and others have done likewise. "But A. Welch is no joke." said Mr. O'Connor. "He has made good at everything he has undertaken, and is a far bigger man than some are inclined to believe. Some of up were with Welch when be owned the street car system ani the light plant in Salem several years ago, and we have been with him ever since. At nu time has he failed to make good, and that he has the confidence of those who know him needs no better evidence than1 the fact that the Ladd & Bush bank at Salem now holds $175,000 worth of P. E. & E. bonds. "I don't know all of A. Welch's1 plan-: I know he is in touch with eastern capi talists and does not need to sell any in terest he has in the valley. That he will not sell some day, I can not say." When it was suggested to Mr. O'Con nor that to most people there seemed little room or excuee for a third line in this region, the Corvallis man said: "Maybe there isn't right at this minute. bJt say -during tne month of April the r. c. at a. irne Detween uorvains ana Monroe paid all expenses and interest on the investment. What do you thinlc of that, under the circumstances. And tnis valley is eoine to erow in nonu a- tion and business as vm nonnlo iir.r.lp dream. Room for three roads? In ten years there will1 be room and business a fourth one. O'Connor continued: "I wish Corval lis could come to know Welch as we know him He ip-a prince, and has got more nerve than aav fellow you ever met. And he's a ilno fellow any way you take hinj," ROBBERY AT SHEDD. The store of Davis & Shedd. of Shedd. was robbed daring last night, tse thieves getting about a hundred-dollars worth ot cutlery, raxors, etc.rcleaning out the razors. Ad entrance was effected by prving open a window? Before doing that an attempt was made to pry the frontdoor open, ruining tie door, but failing to get raithat way. There are said to be quite a lumber of bad'actors through the valley. The Cartwrighti Case M. Wypantand Banker Scaertfti of the Bnjn this noon returnejifrom Pbrt land, where Mr Wvgant h.d beem as a witness in the big damage suit of J. R. Cartwrigbt, of Fsurristmr. against) tbe Southern Pacific, nivolvinR'nearly $50, 000 altegether. It has not yet been decided-Tire case-was trieihjn tl-e-W.S. court. The VK F. M. S'.. The - Woman's Foreign Missionary Society f the l. E. chnrth- wir meet st the hsroe of Mrs. J. S. Van Winkle. 708 LyonSt., onv Thursday afternoon. May 2; at 2 All members and friends are requested to- attend' as miss MMxie nenwortny, lately raturoea from lariia, wul be- psesent. Miss Kentwonhv will also sneak at & o'clock in the -Mi E. church all are cordially invited. 1 V. PIPE 203 West, Second! Strut REAL ESTATE. Fann lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan en approved se curity. Insurance written ia tbe best old line companies. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Hires- money to lusoi in small and. large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. ' I will bond you. Property handled for non-ress-dents. COI LIN3 & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Larue or small' timber tracts. I A. STARK, M. D. I Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany Oi - a;(n!:.ttiiy, SCSUCNfl '" 1"(1 " 110J10( ixn9 IX1 li7S WiS 0i7i Oi 16 Ki'OU - ja.uia(! srluijdc; opcjoo- OSIl'JHIJ l'ilH unison ajoiuuicii -iO .nuiciiy UYON MXVtl HXilOX Ps'VOl 00111$ J ujjiiuox MISFITS. Who's the boss's man, asks Roosevelt significantly? Over six months to election, to be iiiled with agony. Boost these days is being spelled b-o a-s t in setae cities- One way to get a reputation for being smart is by not saying anything. By Nov. Ted. and Bill ought to have each other shattered to a irazzle. Short talks and sermons are about all Ihe averrge person can remember these last days. The April showers came al right, and were needed; but let's have some May sucsbine now. Already there are growls-at the- way one or two coo) mornings ham been kickra spring aroun . Marls Anrelius Smith, tire new sena tor of Arrzena, made a hi at, ocne by punching tbe elevator loan. Tno Pmi.Mi ha. Iinan rarMmtnaraf and, like Flip in the funny saper, will ptODaDiy get mere wun nis aig cigar. Germanw has set an example V. orth considering,, putting a tax on cats, evi dently needing some money tonne dogs 01 war. A Boston vmiter veils: "Manttoday is- the absolute slave of his wife"." Noti according to the divorce complaints filed' at Albany. The man whoi quietly builds homes for Dewcomers- has done more for the commouity than the man who advises, but never does anything himself. A Mo. healer, who- has been hsving miraculous cures bv the laving cni of hands, is invited to come to Albany and lay them, on some1 of tne Kids here. Soil d9. hrntifrhn vpfltprrlav to dissolve tha hw hnrvpnter fcrnat- If done it will be about the same as Standard Oil bas been dissolved, the same old trust. The D. O. and O. A. C. shoulrjafr least unite in the customary college contests and be decent. They have been figliting each sther like a couple of chumps. The Democrat guesses about G09' maioritv for W. L. Jackson for suner- intenient. He has made good, knows- the office and is doing a splendid work for the cause of education. This modern dance business is getting decidedly nauseating. The very latest is the jelly wobble, composed of slow-music- and long trembles, with swaying of the body lik a drunken man. What a bungle was made of that report ot the vote te- consolidate the II. O. andO. A. C. It transpires now that it was simply a vote to have a com mission appointed to investigate the needs of the two schools, without any idea of consolidation. But it has set the people to thinking just the same. If so, before buying be sure to 'look up what I have for sale as I caa not only save you money; but make- you good profits as- well. ' Good seven room house, with, base ment, furnace, bath, modern, large lot 67x112 feet. Some fruit,, nice lawn. Situated close in, West Al bany. Pricv $3600. Terms- can be given. Seven room modern house,, cement basement,, situated close in on paved street. Small lot. Price $3200. Terms can be made. Two cottages, one lot, 66x110. This property rents for good money and is a fine bargain. Price $5200. Terms. This is an excellent buy and the man who buys it will make good money, besides property pays good interest. I have farm lands ef all descrip tions, garden tracts, and beautiful suburban homes, also some good lots suitable for business. Prices reason able. I am not ia any promotion schemes whatever, and any one buy ing from me will not afterwards feel sorry for it. Call on J. V. Pipe, the old reliable real estate dealer. 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Ore. F. G. Will for watches. YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT AND HOW YOU WANT IT At E. E. Rooklidge's print shop, over Woodworth's drug store Printer to the. particular. COWS. Deeds recorded: B. V. Smith to Wm. Ereinbcrg, lof Albany Heights $ 10 E. V. Smith to Minnie A. Movers, 2 lots,. Albany Heights 10 Margaret M. Devine to Wm. M. Browa, lot Park View, Lebanon. 10 Allan L. Leonard to Arthur M. Churchill, 63.53 acrss 1 Probate: In estate of Chas. Kiefer, J. J. Collins Geo. Taylor and p. J. DeVine appointed appraisers. Demurrer filed by W. S. Kisly in Cora E. Hopkins against Carter Sharp. The eighth grade examinations will take place next week with nearly 400 preparing for the ex. Candidates expenditures: R. L White $8.25, W. L.- Marks $5.25; A. C. Foster $51.50, L U. Lewelling $4.25, D. H. Bodine $325, E. L. Fisher" $61.20; D S. Smith ;$7.00, D. B. Mc-' Knight $5.59, W. W. Francis $14.55. Deeds recorded: R. V. Chnrcbill to Chas: ftofey & wf, lot 14 bl. 2 Albany- Heights $ 10 He'err M. Perry to Chas. Roley & wf , lbt 13. bl. 2. Albany Heigats. 10 Wewsuiw Application's. IK Cnsick Swan abterney. Two Ximber liens filled. ALBANY. driver, 7B9 E 2. Bell 361-J .- Wedding rings, Engagement rings, Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son. The celebrated Black ShelW hays ar rived at Baltinwas'. Tho 1019- IT,t n-,., : i.: cycles at tie Albany Gun Store. An fQT,Oliflllt, frniul avh!tJ4 ' LCU class Oriental rugs at Youngs. All kinds of job printing at the Book lidge Printepy, over Woodworth's. Bverybody is askin? what are the little musical' signs pasted oven town? Order a Journal of Riley Lobaugh be fore the 25th for .$1.60. After that $2. Tnin n am nniman hmin knnn i. ... " "WIT IIUIO UCGU BM11 bCU 111 Sunrise by , R. Schultz and Homer Dowd: 1 Brand Ice Cream at the Jersey Milk Depot, 325 Lyon street. An interesting lecture on. Oriental rugs, and their classifications. Friday afternoon 2:30 at Youngs. wu.i, uib vailu, , Has 3UIU 1113 shop in. this city to Frank Musek & Son. m i : . , , .ui. iapuu una ucbu luiiuinr u lunor snup hare for over twentv years, and can look back at big changes here,, as well as tbe Democrat and other3. Musical Oddities. Dreamland was packed last nieht bv an audience interested in the striking presentation of the Passion Plav. It was a very bright affair. Mrs. Cahlor's musical numbers elicited much favora ble comment, and the Conoalias cer tainly made a hit. Thev have novelties of a striking order, such as playing tunes on orooms, ians, tne ends ot gloved fingers, etc. See our Q C. Rings -you'll surely want one becacse or their great beauty and worth. Look as if they coat twice the price. With each ring you get a printed guarantee that imures you against loat stone (except diamonds). GUARANTEED RINGS are made for men, women and ch ! dren. Over 201X1 patterns. Look for Q C. stamp inside each rinz. Call and get free birthstone card. L. W. Ross, Jeweler Albany, Or. NOTICE REGISTRATION, TITLE:. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment No. 2 . In the matter of the application of R. J. Moses, plaintiff, to register the title to the following described real property, ro-wit: Lots Xo. 3, 4 and 5 in Hlock Xo. 2, and Lots Xo. 1 and 2 in Block Xo. 3. in the Town of Tan gent, Linn County. Oregon, vs. V. E. Parker. C. E. Hedge, and all whom it mar concern, defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: Take notice, th.-n on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1912, an application was tiled by the said R. J. Mosesi in the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore iron, for Linn Ccumty, for initial regis tration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 2()th day of May. A. D. 1912. and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as conicsscd. and 'a decree wiM be entered according to the prayer of the application, and yon will be for ever barred from disputing the same IL. S.V W. L. MARKS. Cicrk. By R.-M. RL'SSEI.L. Deputv. L. M. CURL. Avi!iani's Attorney,