DR. M. H. ELLIS Physician and Surgeon Albany, Oregon Calls made in ,city and country. Phone, Main 38. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of uregon lor Linn Lounty. --"-". t-aiuic ui jaimra , ini-ciii, ucLcdseo. io Agnes L. Vincent, widow of de- cea:eu, .tgne L.. Vincent, daughter oi deceased, Henry K. Vincent, Cor- aena Seymour, Urace Vincent, Harvey nr3t section is the flying squadron, with Harris, Georgia Vincent, Caroline thecommissary department, which went Harris and all whom it may concern, t0 worlt at once fr savory breakfast, greeting: Then came the erection of the big In the name of the State of Oregon ?."' alwaVS an interesting event, you are hereby cited and required to n came the second section, with the appear in the County Court of the genrral manager, followed by the third State of Oregon, for the County of 36t 'n:f, a a Linn, at the court room thereof, at M- hJjtj E ' came'n dua . bany, in said countv, on Monday he hff four truropetioe military Inl ihv nf inr 160 . . , . bands, followed by gorgeous wagons i,, the hfternnnn n ,1 "e,oclt" wi.h their animals and special displays. ere to -IZ?, " day' th?n a Then this afternoon the side show . any, why the orators waxed eloquent, a jolly crowd, administrator with the will annexed and many saw the sights. The 'doors of ot the estate ot James Vincent, de- the main tent were thrown open at 1 ceased, should not be granted author- o'clock, giving an hour to see the ani- lty to sell'at private sale the following mals, one of the largest collections in described real property, to-wit: the world, it is said. A big crowd was The Northeast quarter and the East on hand at 2 o'clock when the show be half of the Northwest quarter of Sec- Uan- non oo, in lownsiup la south. Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon; and also the South halt of tne northeast quarter ot Section 12. in Township 15 South. Ranee 1 Kast of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, and the East half of the West half ot Section 33, in Township 9, South, Range 4 East of the Willamette Me- ndian, Oregon, all situated in the Counties of Linn and Lane, State of Oregon, as prayed for in the petition ' of the administrator on file herein I Witness the Hon. J. X. Duncan Tudce of the Countv Pmirt nf ft, t Stite of OrLn f J rL the. ! Mate ot Oregon for the County of flier! 7 ? 7?h 5r f a V"? " ! fixed, tins 1th day of April. A. D. 1912. (Seal) W. L. MARKS, Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, Department No. 2. In the matter of the application of oustav Hesse, plaintiff, to register title to the following described real estate, to-wit:. Beginning at the S. W. corner of Block No. 3, in the Eastern Addition to the City of Al- Dany, urepon, and running thence northerly on the western boundary nne oi saiu diock ou ieet; tnence east- early on a line paralel with the south- em boundary line of said Block, 134 feet, to a point mid-way between the eastern and western, boundary lines of said block;' thence southerly on a line Puauci wiin me western oounuary j line of said block 50 feet, to the south-1 The Chicago bond house now has ern boundary line of said block; Albany's $75,000 bonds, at a handsome thence westerly on the southern premium, and the city hereafter will boundary line of said block 134 feet, pay 5 per cent instead of 6 per cent, to the place of beginning, all situate, The old Steinhart bonds, draw lying and being in Albany, Linn Coun- ing 6 per cent for over ty, uregon, vs. All Whom it mav Concern, defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: I Take notice, that on the 12th day ! of April, A. D. 1912, an application j was tiled by the said Gustav Hesse, I in the Circuit Court of the State of I Oregon, for Linn County, for initial : registration of the title to the land aoove described. fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912, 1 and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will he entered according to the prayer of tlie application, and VOU Will be for- ici uciiieu iiuiii uijuuiig ine same. (L. S.) W. L, MARKS, Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. I L. M. CURL, Applicant's Attorney. 1 REGISTRATION TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Plav 0811 at Corvallis tomorrow, their Oregon for Linn County. Depart- second game. ment No. 2. ' In Marion county W. O. Winslow was In the matter of the application of jost 24 votes ahead of G. S. Hill for Pauline Jordan and Amelia Zuhls- district attorney. dorf, plaintiffs, to register title to the' Co1- c B- Montague, now at Dr. following described real estate, to- Courtney s in Portland, recently had a wit: Beginning at the N. E. corner second stroke of paralysis, of the D. L. C. of W. H. Basye, Not. ' M"- Bessie Cameron Simpson, of 1625, in Tps. No. 10 and 11 S. R. No. Eutrene, is visiting at the home of her 2 and 3 West of Will. Mer. Oregon, father, Councilman Cameron, and running thence N. 19 degrees 50 1 Judge A. S. Bennett, elected a dele minutes East 11.70 chains; thence S. gate to the national democratic conven 64 degrees 30 minutes E. 11.94 chains; tion. was in the city last evening, thence S. 19 degrees 50 minutes W. Judge Victor Moses, of Corvallis, is 40.75 chains; thence N. 71 degrees said to have won out as one of the dele West 11.87 chains; thence N. 19 de- gates to the national convention, grees 50 minutes E. 30.37 chains, to M. L. Sherman, the Moose, after a the place of beginning, containing Eueene trin will so to Vancouver. B. 49.17 acres, more or less, in Linn.C. County, Ore. County, Ore., vs. Louis Zuhlsdorf, F. A. Works, E. L. Works, and all whom it may concern, defendants. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON CERN: Take notice, that on the 12th day of April, A. D. 1912, an application was tiled by the said Pauline Jordan and Amelia Zuhlsdorf, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Linn Coun ty, for initial registration of the title to the land above described. Now unless you appear on or be fore the 20th day of May. A. D. 1912, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the pray er of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. (L. SI W. L. MARKS, Clerk. By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy. L. M. CURL. Applicant's Attorney. THURSDAY. CIRCUS DAY IN ALBANY. This is circus day, and old and young in juyiui. ai. vi. carnes Dig tnree ring wild animal circus arrived early I this morning for two performances, aiternoon and evening. Three trains I were required, of thirty-two cars. The anoiner pertormance will be given 1 ton6ht, with doors open at 7 o'clock, I tha performance to begin at 8 o'clock. Married at San Jose. A recent wedding at San Jose, Calif., was that of Mr. Rudolnh Kmnenhoro- a prominent business man of Oakland, and Miss Anna Drucks, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of J. E. Drucks, formerly of Lebanon. They wTe Humeri at St. Patrick's church, w elaborate ceremony, with Miss ' Eva Kronenberg as bride's maid and. Dr Drunks m IP..1 I.o-nt(. h..i men The bride wore a coste of nf..k .n j i u,vw uuwueoo eauu, uiauc cuiraiu. Her bridal veil was held in nlace bv wreath of orange blossoms, and instead of flowers she carried a white nraver book. The members of the Young L,adies Institute uf San Jose, of which the bride is president, attended in a body. A Linen Shower. 1H.A T ...I T-. v.. M ii nL:. ""J" """H"" S lhiJ?2;J"'!! home of Miss Velora Scott. Many wa.Ka.cu uilHiail, oi UIO beautiful presents were eiven. eames were played and a light lunch was served. Miss Morrell is soon to be married to Mr Floyd Williams, former clerk of Wells Fargo & Co. They will make their home oo a homestead in Montana. ' New Bonds in Force. twenty years, nave all been paid. This will make a saving over $7o0 a year. The Weather. Range of temperature 59-39 Ihe river is 3.9 feet. . Prediction: showers tonight and day. Prediction: showers tonight and Fri- G. W. Parker was here from Eugene, A knot is 6080.27 feet, about a mile and a sixth. Recorder T. J. Anderson, of Harris- hllrir mo in tha nili. fnrfou Another logger has been drowned un the South Santiam, Dennis O'Brien. The U. S. Maryland was struck last night by a torped in a practice ehoot. Fifteen Salem men gave $1,000 a iece to Willamette Umyersity,nineteen $500, etc. Albany and Corvallia high are due to He cloned the charter 150 members, Bob Miller, of Halsey, democratic nominee for Recorder, was in the city. One of Linn county's best men, capable and reliable. A. L. Ingalls, of the Or. Power Co. arrived esterday afternoon from Eu gene, while Mrs. Ingalls went to Port land. So far Wilson is 1422 votes ahead of Clark in this Btate. Both are good men, but many believe Wilson will make the best run. D. M. C. Gault, a pioneer of 1852 and prominent as a teacher and editor, died in Cottage Grove this week at the age of almost 70 years. President crooks, of the college is in New York, where he has already se cured a gift of $5,000 tor the college, with prospects of more. At Index, near Everett, yesterday Chas. Seaman, a hotel man, shot and ki'led his wife and Mrs Johnson, wife of his cook, the result of a quarrel. Mrs. F. M. Warren is on her way home from the Titanic, and still be lieves her husband may have succeeded in getting on a raft or something and have been saved. C. C. Babb, of Kalamazoo, assistant manager of the Michigan Buggy Co., Frank Cary and C. W. Ausman arrived last evening from Portland by way of the west tide and Salem, in Michigan 40. CITY COUNCIL. The regular meeting of the city conn cil was held last night with all the officers and councilmen present. Bills were ordered paid as follows. Way Bros. $2 15. F. L. Kies $2.50, U. L. Getner $25 00, Albany Planing Mill $5.35, First N. Bank $792, J F. War ner 75.00, F E. Van Tassell $183.16, Democrat $9.00, M. V. Bilyeu $1.00 Further time was granted on 6th St. pavement. Blue prints for a bridge over Penny winkle on First St. were reported under consideration. Com. report ;d against increasing sal ary of city engineer, but favored two weeks vacation. Adopted. Street improvements were recom mended by the street superintendent: Walks and curbs-Walnut St. bl 83, Eight St. bl. 81 and bl. 60, 19th bl. 90 M'sS. A, Walks Elm St. bl. 60. Keterred. Ordered WalKs and curbs both sides 4th St. Wasbiugton to Main. Curbs along property 01. 8 and 9 U s ad. fetition lor moval ot loung brick to the Pfeiffer corner was referred to the street committee with power to act. ine ordinance providing lor estimates for the pavement of 5th street, Elm to Main, was read twice, requiring 31 minutes for a full reading. It contains 103 names -with estimated cot,t to each. The bid of the Warren Con. Co. for paving 4th St. was accepted and a contract ordinance was passed. Limit, Aug. 1. An ordinance was passed chaneine the grade of Water St. from near Madison to near Ihurston. An ordinance was passed providing for a fine of $5 to $10 for moss on roofB in the city, chief engineer to enforce ordinance. An ordinance was passed providing for a salary of $1020 a year for the Marshal. Aye, Simpson, Hulbert, Cameron, Lyons. No, Chambers, Snell. Applicatiou Kex B. Mesney as pave ment inspector was read. Street com mittee agreed to act. Matter of vitrified brick on street car line in place of the common brick was referred. Mr. Hand asked for la'tteral sewer from Baker St. to Knights of Pythias property, at Lyon and 3rd, where a brick is to be erected Boon. Referred. The matter of sewer bonds was referred to the treasurer and city attor ney, also other matters to ways and means committee. A statement was read from the O. P. Co. showing bigjloss on hydrant service. The pipe layers on 7th- and 4th St. were asked to hurry op. Mr. MlsBall and Mr. Knox complained of police protection at east end, result ing in a Bhort dialogue. News From Albany's Six Trains. Eaiiy Rev. Geo. T. Pratt, superintendent for Sunday Schools fir Western Wash ington, returned to his home at Seat tle, alter attending the state conven tion at McMinnville and visiting with his folks here. One of Albany College's graduates who is making good in the wona. A. B. Cavender, of Portland, returned home after a visit to Brownsville, his former home, having been one of the owners of the Times for a number of years. He is now with tho Salem Woolen Mill store. Walter Patterson, the Corvallis tax idermist, returned home after a visit to Lebanon. He now walks with crutches. without his wheeled chair. There is another Walter Patterson in Corvallis, who was recently married. Mr. Pat terson denied being guilty. Judge Hewitt went to Corvallis to attend court. Geo. Lovelee arrived from Lebanon. Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer, of Cascadia, arrived and left on a Portland trip, Geo. DeVaney arrived from Lebanon. T. B. Williamson returned from Cor vallis, where he heard Sam Hill, the good roads booster. J. N. Brandeberry went to Corvallis. Miss Louella Allan left for Portland, where she expects to remain for Borne time. Mrs. Fred Olin and daughter, of Mill City, after a visit with Homer Speer and family, went to Portland for a visit. W. B, Chance left on a Gooch trip Mrs. Ed. Dorgan and daughter, Mrs. John Dooley left for Shelburn on a visit with Mrs. J. W. Miller and family. Dr. Lemon, the chiropratic, left on his regular trip to Mill City. -When the roads get better he expets to make the trip regularly on his motor cycle, which will enable him to see other places on the way. ' The Wolf. For the first time in this city local playgoers will have a chance to see that great masterpiece of Eugene Walters, " I'he Wolf, played as it should be by the Claman National Stock Co . at the Opera house on Tuesday A pi 11 30 Manager Claman will stage this red blooded drama of the far north In a most elaborate manner. The play tells a story of the great Canadian north woods when a man's only law was his sturdy right arm and his gun. Why7 Albany, April 24. Mr. Democrat. Why shouldn't everybody rejoice over Ihe good luck of the disaster of the Titanic if universism. spiritual Christian science be true, along with the doctrine of the immoratality of the soul, so many all being snept into glory at ore jump. 0, consistency, thou art a jewel. Alvin J. Carothers. -Adv. The Pomeroy family at Scio recently had a reunion in honor of the 79th birth day of Mr. Pomeroy acd the 69th of Mrs. Pomeroy There were presen three tons, five daughters, 11 grant childrej and three groat grandchildren FRIDAY. AFTER THE PICS. Chief of Police Daughtry is proving equal to the occasion He has an ar rani; emen . now for closing the blind pigs that is bound to prove effective. The city council has allowed two extra policemen. These men will make a specialty of the blind pigs, practically staying in tha places, public concerns, in a way, and if business is carried on in their face it will be known. Two reliable men are now being looked for by the Chief, and when secured the present pers:stent violation of the local option law, will at least have to hustle to make a sale of the prohibited drinks. tolnmbus Grays Coming, The Columbus Grays, of Portland, one of the fastest semi-profesessional ball teams in the Northwest, will play the Albany Athletics at Athletic Park 2:30 p. m. on Sunday. Several games have oeeu arranged witn tne fastest teams in Portland and fans will see the best ball games this season ever played in Albany. The Athletics have the ma terial for a good team. The boys will begin practice as soon as the weather permits, all ball players in Albjny will be given an opportunity to make the team. Mr. Martin who received so many compliments for his umpiring last Sunday will officiate again this week. Too Muddy for Autos. On account of the murirlv rnnda tha Albany Commercial Club this morning was unable to make the automobile trip to Corval'is, to join the business men's excursion party from Portland, a fact generally regretted, as the event wua uuu tuiucipaiea as a rea letter affair. A crowd of Portland's leading business men arrived early this morn ing, and were being given probably the nuesi reception ever tendered a crowd in the O.A.C. city. The' Catalogue Out. E. E. Rooklidge has just completed the catalogue for the R. L. Burkhart blooded Jersey sale on the 20th, a fine job, covering 116 pages. A thousand copies have been printed to be sent not only all over the coast, but to some in quiring from the east. As an auction event it will be the greatest in the his tory of Albany, probably involving $20,000 or $30,000. Moai the Mover Here, A. D. Modi, Portland's leading house mover, is in the city, getting the Young brick ready to move to the Pfeiffer cor ner. Not being used to such things our people look upon it aB quite a job; but in the big cities bricks are frequently moved, practically as easy as moving a frame building, Mr. Modi says. It is simply knowing how, keeping things plumb. Mr. Modi has been moving bricks and frames in Portland for twenty years. T. H. Babb was in Eugene yesterday. Harry Hawkins this afternoon went to Linnhaven. Only one drunk at the circus, Chief Daughtry reports. Mis. O. B. StJnaker went to Halsey this afternoon for a viBit. Born in Aahland on April 25, to Dr. and Mrs. Geo, Blake, a daughter, weight 9, pounds. One of the features of the visit of the Barnes show here was the birth of a lion cub. Every lady can wear Bilk huse this Bummer. Chambers & McCune make it possible. Louis Pratt and family, relatives of J. D. Stedman have arrived to make their home here, ' Linn county democrats are certainly fair, nominating five republicans for offices on their ticket. A new Oregon post office Is Agate Beach, Lincoln county, with John G. Mackey as postmaster. Mrs. Geo, Pearce and two daughters, and mother, Mrs. Small, arrived this noon from Salem for a visit at T. G. Hopkins. Prof. J B. Horner, of the O. A. C. now has his lecture on Egypt ready and will deliver the first one at Corvallis this evening. 'The corner just vacated by the Al bany Stables at Second and Ellsworth streets, is reported to be for sale, a good corner. , ihe I. O. of Y. M. will play Jeffer son next Sunday and a week later Mill City, running an excursion there for $1.60 round trip. Geo. H. Crowell this noon returned from McMinnville, where he attended the state convention of the S. S., and from a business trip to Portland. J. O. Gollr i, of Portland, and sister, Mrs. Laura Starr, of PasaHena, are here, called to Albany by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. W. H. Goltra. Frank Lmninga, the Kalem man, ex pected here, was unable to come, on account of a mixup of dates, and his appearance has been cancelled for the present. W. F. Hammer, Madras hardware dealer, formerly of the blain Store, is in the city on a visit with his brother A. M. Hammer. He reports Madras prosperous, and prospects There bright. Numerous functions have been given in Portland recently in honor of Miss Delta Watson, we'l known in Albany, oho is soon to be married to Mr. Spencerof Everett, formerly of Eugene, in n Albany romance. A. C. Schmitt. Geo. H. Crowell, J. S VanWinkle and H. E. Morton will go to Corvallis this afternoon as repre sen'atives of the commercial club to attend the business men's banquet at 1 6:30 this evenin. Absolutely Ptiri Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates OBSERVED By the Man About Town, A number of 'big contractors from other places here to bid on the new i WfllHarf HntAl tnnirrht AUiwalh.c fifteen or twenty are figuring on the contract, most of whom will put in bids. The Pomona went down this mornintr. Among this things taken on was an auto for Portland, just received by Barrett Bros., in a car load direct from the east. Albany as a distributing point for Portland is not bad. Getting the Young store ready to move is a big job. The entire building will be cut off four feet from the ground, and then be rebuilt up after re moval, une or tne tasks is cutting the large iron posts. In the new Young Store is a Pendle ton blanket-window, with an Indian camp scene, one of the best things shown here, realistic and well put up. A very busy place is the sand and gravel cleaning house, on Water street. Just now there is an immense demand for gravel, and good work is being done deepening the river, also a protection to the Benton bank. Straw hats being shown in the win dows. Also strawberries. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. MisB Green, after a visit of four or five months here the guest of Mrs. E. D. Sloan, left for her home at Augusta, III. She was accomoanied bv Mrs. Sloan to Ocean Beach, Wash., on the way, for a visit. Assistant Superintendant Morris, of the S. P.. came over from Corvallis He reported the business men's excur sion Dartv of seven sleeners. arriving at Corvallis ot 1:20 this morning ready for the doings of today, a fine crowd. 1 hey ware to be given a great break- last tnis morning at tne Julian. Sam Goldsmith left after a IriD around Albany. K. t. onaw and lamiiy returned to Mill City from a trip to Astoria. Mrs. Kexford left for Sweet Home. her home for many years in pioneer aays. Hon. M. A. Miller arrived from Lob- anon. Jack Curry arrived from Corvallis. M. BusBard went out to the Bussard farm at Bussard. J. J. Horsky went to Corvallis. E. E. Malfait went to Lebanon on furniture business. Walter Turrell and daughter, MisB Bee, left for their home at Tacoma, after a viBit at Owen Beam's, while looking after Cloverdale. A spoony couple attracted attention, making public their affections. A. Carlos Marsters, of Portland, a former prominent college student, went up to Stayton on business. Ho is an enthusiastic supporter of Congressman Lafferty, and says he will be reelected by a big majority. Mr. Marsters de clares the stories about the Congress man great exaggerations. He and Congressman Lafferty formerly boirded at the same place and he knows him well. Mrs. Henrietta Brown went to Leba non to aasiBt in a W.C.T. IL, convention of the Unions of that city, l'lainview and flock Hill. Superintendent McDuff sent a man with supplies up to Cascadia to look after the telephone line into the big trees from that place. Miss Mattie Swan, a former promi nent Albany teacher, left for Craw fordsville for a visit with her parents. WILL SUIT THE PEOPLE. A Move for One University. A mass meeting was held at Dallas yesteiday, including the Portland busi ness men, and it was unanimously voted to ask the Governor to appoint a com- mission with a view of uniting the O. A. C. and U. O. as ono university. A striking fact is that both President Kerr and President Campbell voted for it. The people, it is said, will austain the movement, believing two big schools should not be kept up by the people. The Barnes ihow. Tho Barnes Animal Circus drew large -crowds yesterday afternoon and even ing, giving performances that pleased most people, wonderful exhibitions of what can bo done with even wild ani mals. At one time twelve lions and tigerB were in the ring at a time, of course caged, in charsn of one mnn. I and three dilferent women managed the tamea oeasts. The most wonderful of all animals, though, is the sea lion, always a marvel in the things done, the most wonderful of all balancora. Other than the trained animals the -display of wild animals is insignificant. -Some trained horses, dogs and monkeys were good. Several clowna were a source of amusement for the youngsters, and. lcoecerr8th8USUalhawkoraandafter The Wolf. The story deals with the coming of an American engineer into the home of a bturdy Scot, known as the "madman of the north," and the duel of wits that takes place, between him and a young French Canadian, for the love of the madman's daughter, will not be reveal ed here, but suffice to say that one nearly forgets to breathe for fear of losing a word or so of this blood stirrlor drama. At the opera house Tuesday night. i Alaskan Moving Pictures. Beverly Dobb is to be at the Opera. houBe May 2. a and 4, with bia Alaska moving pictures. Nothing less than an actual tour of the Artie world, and that extended through its most thrilling sections, can compare with Dobbs' moovlng pictures and lecture on his travels through the great Northland, Men might spend years in Alaska without seeing what the enthusiastic traveler reveals, for the canvas has in marvelously realistic form what only the most adventure some and daring hunters may see. Special Sale.' The last throe days of the month will -see the Hamilton Store out with a splen did lot of specials. Millinery will be featured during this sale and every pat torn hat will be reduced for the sale. Other specials throughout the store will make a money saving event well worth your timo. Sale starts tomorrow and lasts three days, why not save part of every dollar you spend. Its uo to you. . More Albany Avation. John Burkhart is up from Portland at work on a coupie ot flying machines, which he is confident will be a success. The trouble has been In the motor. He will have a 60 H. P. modern engine, hound to do the work. Ha expects to be ready to make a trial fly in a couple of weeks. Card of ThanKs. Mrs. Christian Voss and family desire to express their heartfelt thanks for many acts of kindness and sympathy, and particularly to members of the G. A. It , Ladies of the G. A. R. an I A.O. U. W.