EMBROIDERIES AND TRIMMINGS OUR SHOWING NEVER WAS BETTER IN THESE LINES. ALL OVER CORSET COVER AND FLOUNCING EMBROIDERY ARE SHOWN IN A GREAT VARIETY' OF PRETTY PATTERNS. THERE IS NOTHING SO PRETTY FOR A MISS AND WILL MAKE AN INEXPENSIVE SUMMER DRESS. OUR LINE OF TRIMMINGS ARE THE BEST WITH NEW THINGS ALWAYS ON HAND. A GREAT COLLECTION OF BAND INGS IN PASTEL COMBINA TIONS. INSPECT THIS LINE OUR PRICES ARE A LITTLE BELOW, ALWAYS. Albany Democrat Entered at the post office, Albany.Or ad second class mail matter. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.00. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $3.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. E. P. Nutting. OREGON MANUFACTORY. PERSONAL Mealey, of Foster, was in town today. L. vV. Ross was a Portland visitor yesterday. W. W. Crawford went to Junctiou his afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin McCormick, of Shedd, were Albany visitors today. Miss Flora Mason is spending severa weeks in Portland, the guest of frien dB Miss Alzina Parker this afternoon went to the Bay for a few weeks out ing. Mr. Greenwalt, of Portland, arrived this noon on a visit with bis daughter, Mrs. Rockey Mason. Judge Kelley this noon returned from Our Wants. Oregon as a manufacturing state is rrt mnkinrr the oroeress it should, nnA th hiicinpec men of the State who have inaugurated a movement for I McMinnville, where he has been holding building up our factories and creating cour. the past week. Mrs. tieo. A. ueisendorter, ot uas- a concern lor tnem oy inc. jjcupic the state, have done well. It is some thing that should be kept up. The government report just re ceived contains the following: Although Oregon is increasing in importance as a manufacturing state, the growth of its manufacturing in dustries during the past 60 years has not kept pace with that of its popula tion. In 1849-50 the 52 manufacturing establishments reported -at the cen sus of that year gave employment to an average of 2S5 wage earners, rep resenting 2.1 per cent of the total pop- cad ia, returned this noon from a visit witb Portland relatives. Mrs. Groves, of Nebraska, after a visit with ber niece, Mrs. C. C. Bryant, left this noon for Crawfordsville, for a visit with Mrs. Abraham, a relative. O. H. Griswold, editor of the Jack sonville Independent, was in the city yesterday afternoon, while on his way home from Portland. Albany had a thrifty and prosperous look to him Elbert Warford, who has recently been promoting good roads, with Sam Hill, is in the city for a few days visic PETTICOATS of Every Kind A GREAT COATS IN CHIFFON AND LINE OF PETTI- MESSALINE AND TAFFETA. PLAIN FANCY COLORS WITH WHITE'AND BLACK. FOR COM MON WEAR SEE OUR LINE OF HEATHERBLOOM AND SATEEN SKIRTS, BLACK AND COLORS. SILKS -.$2.00 to $6.00 COTTON 35c to $1.50 KNICKERBOCKERS. A wash suit for the boys. Made of the strongest kind of material and colors such as you would like. Sizes to fit the one year old to six. 50c to $2.75 Get next to the Home Journal Patterns HAMILTON'S The Popular Store for the People ulation of the state. In 1909 an aver- wjtn his folks. He reports great inter age of 28,750 wage earners, represent- est everywhere in the fine pictures of ing 4.3 per cnt of the total population Mr. Hill, and as well in good roads pro were employed in manufactures. Dur- mation. ing this period, however, the gross Mr. and Mrs. Bell and son have just value of products per capita of the arrived from Iowa, and are the guests total population decreased from $168 of Mrs. Bell's brother, G. A. Canfield in 1849 to $138 in 1909, although the They expect to secure a farm and make proportion which the manufacturers their home here. They like Oregon, of the state represented of the total and were glad to leave the severe win value of the products of the manufac- ter's of the east. turing industries of the United States Senator M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, increased during the same time from this noon returned from Portland, two-tenths of 1 per cent to four- where he bad been to attend the mar tenths of 1 per cent. riage ot Donald Spencer and Miss Delta In 1909 the state of Oregon had Watson, being a friend for many years toAe. ,nf!,n,rinir Ktahlishments. of the Wataon family. Tbe Journal which cave employment to an aver- gives a long account of the wedding, an age of 34,722 persons during the year eiaDorate aitair. and Daid out $23,949,000 in salaries ' and wages. Of the persons employed, 28,750 were wage earners. These es tablishments turned out products to the value of $93,005,000, to produce which materials costing $50,552,000 were utilized, manufacture The Jersey Dairy HERD TUBERCULIN TESTED. Pure Milk and Cream delivered twict ti. ..-i... aa.a aany. .11 jeimn' If von do not cet vour milk rjromntlv. S fire ?t wZJZTi call me on either phone. W.SSehSuti, . . "... . uruuneiur. wealth created Dy manuiaciuruig up prntinns durinz the year. In general the manufacturing in dustries of Oregon as a whole show ed a marked growth during the decade l899-:09, the five-year period 1904- 1909. . FOR SALE. Mel, the saw filer, will be found at the green front on Baker street, near the sKatin? rink. DAWSON & BUIZLAFF. WANTED-2G0 families to go to Ray mond, Wash., ft r mill work, guaran teed $2 a day and up Can buy homes on installment plan, if desired. For further information .call at office. Bussard Block. J. W. SuUTH t2 LOST -An umbrella, silk, with gsld and pearl handle, taken Saturday morn ing Return to Democrat office. t2 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, first floor, hot and cold water, baths. 213 Baker, t 2 WANTED-Work by the day or hour. E 3rd and Baker. Bell 24 1 R. 1 4 FOR RENT, furnished or unfurnished rooms, at 2d and Baker. Lee Driver. Bell phone 337-R. 27t WANTED. Board and room, ground floor, for man and wife. Call Dem ocrat office. FOR SALE. Inside honse and lot, cheap, nicely located. Inquire 516 E. 6. $60,000 TO LOAN on real property, by J. C. Christy, Atty-at-law. Rooms over First Nat'l Bank, Aibany. 4-5t FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 50e a setting. Chicago and Front Streets. Home phone 29fi. 15 t FOR SALE Cabbage and tomato plants. Also S. C. and R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, cheap. A. brooks. West 7th St. Poultry 1 ards. FOR SALE 120 cords fir and oak wood, $1.50 per cord; also good wagon, buggy and set of good work horness. Inquire Arthur loore. Burns' Shoe Store. It FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old car. pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Home phone 441. lot. FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping and sleering rooms. Mrs. Bilyeu, 224 Baker Street. 323t No. PURE BRED STALLION HOPS 22834. 52682 A. T. R. I By the Mighty Zombro, 2:11, the greatest of Western sires. Dam Po chahontas, dam of Little Maid, 2:18, Hops 52692. Will be at Palace Feed Stables, N. Ferry St., Monday and Tuesday.. R. D. COOPER, Owner. Kleber Wood, manager, Independ ence, Oregon. t- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. WATCHES, F. M. French & Son. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ffWWlftfAAArf The Celebrated Durham Duplex Demonstrator Safety Razor is different from any other safety razors because it uses the sliding stroke of the ordinary razor instead of th e"hoe" stroke common to all other safeties. You can get a $2.50 razor for 35c while they last at A good new modern 5-room bunga low, modern in every respect, electric lights, located in the East part of Al bany. Price, $2500. Good house located in the west part of Albany, two lots. Price, $3500. Easy terms. House and one lot located in the west part of Albany, six room, two story. Price, $1850. One lot and barn located in West Albany. Price, $600. Vacant lot, well located in the west part of city, $500. Vacant lot in west or east part, ranging from $500 up. Good house and barn and chicken house, about i'A acres of ground, I good store building, barn and small store room. For sale on easy terms when sold. The fruit and berries ' at the right price. Call for prices, from this year's crops will net the I Good modern bungalow located on purchaser one-third of the purchase i west Seventh street. Price, $3500. FRUIT AND BERRY FARM. , 15 acres in bearing apple orchard, choice winter varieties, orchard in good condition and within fivemiles of Albany. 4 acres in strawberries and bearing, 35 acres in the tract, and nearly all in cultivation, every foot good fruit or berry land. small house, good barn, possession Good farm 134 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, 20 acres more ready to plow with little work, 6 acres fine pas ture besides , other pasture in timber tract, lots of good second growth fir timber, over 3000 cords wood, crop .all in, 12 acres fine clover. Fair 5-room house, barn and other buildings, good well, fine spring can be piped to house, some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3 miles to good town on S. P. railroad, I'A miles to station on S. P. R. R. and V2 miles to Oregon Electric; lots of fine rolling orchard land, on county, road, R. F. D., telephone, close to g"ood school. Price, $95.00 per acre, small payment down and easy terms on balance or will take good residence in Albany up to $2000.00 and balance terms. B. M. PAYNE, Cusick Block. Albany. Oregon. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to the 11th day of May, 1912, at one o'clock p. m., by the Board of Directors of School District No. 26, Tangent, Oregon, for the building and construction com plete of the new school house to be erected in and for said School District according to the plans and specifica tions now on file with the Clerk of said District and in the office of C. H. Burggraf, Albany, Oregon, Architect. The sucessful bidde rwill be required to give bonds in such reasonable sum a smay be designated by the Board of directors for the faithful performance of the work. Bids may be filed with the undersigned Clerk of said District. Right to erject any or all bids re served. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1912.' J. E. JENKS, Chairman of the Board of Directors. M. C. BROWN, Clerk of School District No. 26. price of the farm Will sell this tract for one-half of the price asked for similar lands ad joining that have nothing on them and will give time on a part of the purchase price. full particulars, location and price given to those that mean business, by calling at my office, at No. 102 E. First Street, Albany, Oregon. C. G. BURKHART. HULBERT-OHLING H'D. CO I GREEN FRONT BLACKSMITH SHOP. Horse shoeing and general black smithing, wagon and carriage work. Nothing but first-class work by expert mechnnics. . DAWSON & BUTZLOFF. First and Baker Sts., between 1st and 2nd, near Wigwam. FOR SALE. Some of the best build- j ing lots inside the city limits, and ( will sell lot and build you a home i according to your own ideas, one- third cash, balacne easy terms. New 7-room house for sale. Geo. C. Richards, contractor and builder, 934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141. CALIFORNIA ROOMING HOUSE 11. K. HAZEN, Prop. Light Housekeeping Suites, Sleeping Rooms. Kates Reasonable. Second and Montgomery Streets Home Phone 208 Eggs Wanted The A'bany Pressed Beef and Pro duce Co. will pay the highest market price for eggs and other produce. AUTO TRANSFER. W. A. LONG. Office Jersey Dairv. 3-M Lyon St. Home Phone 14'V. Bell Phone 400 1 Hrme 411. DR. J. W. JACKSON, Graduate registered Veterinarian, 1014 E. 2nd St , Albany Or. Phones. B. M. PAYNE. Farm Lands and City Property for sale Real Estate Leans. Kiro Insurance. Surety Uond Rooms 19 21 Cusick Block, Alhany, Oregon. 242 M. B. CRAFT, West Second St, Albcny, WANTED One to five acres, dry land. as near Albany as possible, for slaughter house. M. B. Craft. FOR SALE. A gentle driving horse, rubber tired single seat buggy, two seated carriage, an extra good double spring cart.double and single harness, two Baddies, all at a bargain. In quire of F. M. French. - t2fi CEMETERY WORK-See R. C. Phelps in charge of city cemetery, about having lots kept up, cement work, etc. Call at cemetery. Phones Bell 180 R; Home Red 368. 1 9 POULTRY. Fat hens, dressed for sale, delivered in city. Home Phone Red 298. M. Brannan. t 27. RESIDENT College student wants yards or gardens to care for during tne season. Keierence. . Bell baty. LET Greenfield figure on your brick and plastering, also stone and tile work. All work guaranteed. Phone Home 404. t8 DRESSMAKING. Will continue to do dressmaking. Am now at 1227 E 2nd street. Mrs. Omer Mitchell. t8 FOR SALE. -5,000 feet second hand lumber, good order. Call Geo. Anderson, 130 Montgomery st St WOOD FOR SALE. Second growth fir 4, old fir $4.75, goud dry wood and good measure. HomeHlack'106. Bell phone 448 J. F. C. CHAPMAN. FOR SALE by the owner, a six room house and two lots, center of to.n, half block from High tchoil. Apply on tne premises 3 Last nn street. H. Barns. FOR SALE Farm, with 2 sets of buildings, 5o2 acres. 7 miles east of Albany, all or part, at sacrifice, terms to suit, with or without stock and machinery. See me if you mean business. C. R. Gerig, R. D. 1. 10-211 FOR SAI.E-264' by 110 ft of property. Call on Mrs. Kromm. 440 E 1st. at Two lots and good barn, west Fifth street. Price, $3000. Five acres of land located in Jeffer son about blocks from S. P. depot, including small house and barn, stock, tools and implements and in fact everything on the place at $1300. This is a bargain. Small acreage from five to ten acre tracts located on good county road, school house within Vi mile of any of the tracts. Price $150 per acre on easy terms. Land guaranteed to be first class. Also have a number of small farms in prices that are right, also on easy terms. If you are looking for a home in Albany or anywhere in the country, call and see me and get my prices be fore buying, as I have some good buys. Anyone interested in the above call at my office for prices and particulars. T. A. HOWARD. I A First-class meats of all kinds from tclectcd stock. . . i GLASS. All sins and kinds, for rle at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill I Iv set, if desired. LL over the world, hotels. and the best shops, know "A.B.A." Cheques are as good as gold. No difficulty in cashing them, for your signature Identi fies you. Pay your bills through out your trip with them, just as you would at home with your own check book. OImiIiii KtmtTi m snBsGBaas- J.W.Cusick & Co Oscar o o WANTS TO KNOW How much do you spend for stamps each year? Do you write two hundred letters? How do you pay for them? Your old rags, rubber, bottles, brass, iron, copper and zinc would pay for all the letters you write each year Did you ever think of that? Well, they would-so just try it and see. Your old clothes and shoes are worth money-don't throw them away. Anything that you have no use for is not always to be thrown away. Someone else has a use for them. They may not be worth much, but they surely are worth something when you learn to SELL IT TO OSCAR. BOTH PHONES SECOND and BAKER ACfAD ALBANY, "Ovzin ORF.noN. Drs. Foster & Lemon, BY A RATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC DRUGLESS METHOD REMOVE THE CAUSE OF CHRONIC NERVOUS, DISEASES, Such as asthma, rheumatism, eczema, both acute and chronic, stomach and intestinal trouble, feirule complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis, head-ache and spinal trouble. We invite an investigation of our system. A brief consultation free. Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, opposite P. O., West First Street, Albany, Oregon. Hours from 1 p. m, to 9 p. m. Mornings and Sundays by appoint ment only. Both phones.