R. & G. Corsets TOMORROW'S MISFITS. DO NGS. Lafferty was smashed. A complete showing of the New Spring Models $1.00 to $3.00 pair Flood's Store Agents for H- & G, Corsets. Agents for StandarOattern ADVERTISEMENT FOR STREET PAVING. Scaled bids will be received by the Common Council of the City of Af bany, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. in April 24, 1912, for the improvement of I'ourtli Street, from the cast lmc of Washington Street to the west curb line of Main Street, in said City of Albany. Said improvement to be made in the following manner, to-wit: First: Uy grading said street to the proper sub grade. Second: Hy paving the roadway of said street full width with full inter sections with gravel bititlithic pave ment. Third: Hy laying and constructing gravel bitulilhic headers. J i'ourtli: liy constructing catch bas ins. Fifth: lly constructing inlets. Sixth: Hy laying vitrified sewer pipe. Said improvement to be made in ac cordance with the charter and ordi nances of the said City of Albany, and the plans, specifications and esti mates of the City Engineer on file in the office of the City Recorder, where plans may be seen and snecifications and estimates obtained. Bids will be opened at 8 o'clock p. m. April 24, 1912. No proposal for bids will be con . aidered unless accompanied by a cer tified check paynble to the City of Albany in an amount equal to five per cent of the aggregate bid, to be for feited as fixed and liquidated dam ages in case the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter into n contract and pro vide an approved bond in the sum of $5,(XH).(XI, for the faithful perform ance of the work, within ten days af ter notification, Sunday excluded, of award of contract to such bidder, j Atl bids must be made with n view of completing the construction of such improvement prior to the first day of August, 1912, under a liquidated pen alty for damages of $25.00 for each day of delay beyond that period. Attention of all contractors is called In an agreement of Warren Brothers Company, filed with this city, in ac cordance with which agreement War ren Brothers Company agrees to li cense all contractors desiring to bid for the work to lay the gravel bilu lithic pavement in accordance with its patents, and the terms of said agree ment. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should lie addressed to "City Recorder," Albany, Oregon, marked "Proposal for improvement of Fourth Street." Hy order of the Common Council. F. E. VAN TASSEL, Recorder of the City of Albany. First publication April 13, last Ap ril 24, 1912. 26 miles an hour among icebergs was devilish. Baptist Church S. A. Douglas, roin ister. ciabbalb school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m B. Y. P. U. 6:3U Junior meets at 2:30 p m. Evening service if. United Presbyterian. Preacring by the pastor, VV. f. White, at 10:3u a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning feubject: Ti.e Sinking Tita.iic. Evening subject: Is , ., . . .... ., This tre Christ? The man. the prsvider of the family, Grace PresbyterianT-L S. Mochel, ! h,d ' d0Wn" paBtor. ' Divine services t 11 a m. and i ...... p. m hunuay school at 10 a, m Cur mfg. x has sl.own them. Var.ny Smitn is short in height but long in votes. junior endeavor at p, .nueayor at i:i. Christian. -Albyn Essen, pastnr. All of the usual morning and evening serv- urmiiun cnueavor will meet un- Dr. Harry Lane will make a tropical m. Senior 1 fight against Selling for U. S. senator, and should be elected. A good manv who voted for Roosevelt in the primaries will never vote for Only a Few Days to Plant. Do you realize that there are only a few days left for spring planting? vVe have a lot of trees left at our yards which we will close out at pricca that will interest you. Apples, Peon. Cherriei. Apricots, Gooseberries. Call at our oflice in the Schmitt Blriir. or write and let us show vou. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc. :l .i. . . - 7 in mo uiiiuniicB will (level til further notice at 7 n. m. and Gvenincr t..!,in..t Tr it : j service will be at 8. First Methodist church -Cor. 3rd and i ... . , , Ellsworth, D.H. Leech, Pastor. Class , ,,Th ",sfi'n,n ,nt tw0 or threevof.es meeting at 10 a. m., Stnday School at himself and J . C Irvine of the First 11:45; Public worship at 10:30 a. m. ; SavingB Bank one for Vice president. Junior League at 3d. m.: En- i-- ' ' worth League at 6:30; evening chuich service 8 o'clock. First Presbyterian. Rev. F. H. Ges elbracht, Minister. Morning service 10:30. theme: Deliverance in the Hour of Danger. Special music. Evening services. Theme: Shipwrecked. S. S. 11:45. C. E. 7. Next Tuesday at 3:30, mc ..uuier uiune win oe laid, Fhe Show You all know. T wice it's former The democrats are certainly liberal. As usual they nominated several re pub. lie ins because of their efficiency in omce. The Lebanon Advocate scores the mayor of that city for his low fine of oniy iszo in a coot legging case, and ..La If T nKnnn l- U fat. Mary s (Catholic). -Rev. Arthur declaring that Friday must have been a Dargain day tor booze peddlers. The mayor is entitled to his version of the case, and we wonder what it is that will satisfy a people in a city trying to clean up the booze business. Mcl. the saw filer, will the green front on Baker the skating rink. D.'.WSON & BUfZLAFF Lane. Rector. Kev. Wm Humnmn Assistant. Sunda services at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Father Dimier S. J. will have charge and will deliver the evening ser mon at 7:30. Mission services will be held at Lebanon and other points in charge of the parochial clergy. le found at street, near THE SKATING RINK will hereafter bs open Wednesday, Friday and Satur day.afterno.ms and evenings under new management. C. M. HENDERSON. The Barnes Urcuo size. ttnenyou want something rood to eat remember The Dressed Beef Co.. 2nd & Farm and City Property. Re iasons J. VJPIPE. 1 2113 West Second Street. ' REAL ESTATE. Farm lands, city property, timber lands. Money to loan on approved se curity. Insurance written in the best old line companies. WHY YOU SHOULD BE INTER ESTED IN THE UNION FUR NITURE MFG. CO. If intPf-Aafwl in I, I?.. Cilv Property it will nav von to look because it is an Albany institution at some of the bargains on our list, i .wnel by Albany people who live The owner's price is our price. We rsht0Llere am"ff you; an institution show you the property without ex- I . 85. pcr ?ent of the money is left pensc, and you are under no obliga-1 r'8ht llcre Albany; only 15 per tion to buy. Below are some of our cc"' Soes to Portland and Eastern bargains: points. Did you ever stop to think X) acres, all tillable land, good ",al ""5 company araws money trom DIIIIUI The features of the show are Millie Barnes who presents the famous riding four, p lion, bear, Pomeranian dog, and a Chimpanzee, all riding beautiful Arabian stallions in the big steel arena at the same time, the group of Royal Bengal tigers and Bubian lions, form . ing one of the most thrilling and SDec- I tacular acts of its kind now being pre- i 1 sented to an audience, and the youngest lion tamer in the world entering the crge ot the nntamable lions. Caesar I Wallace, showing what a strange nerve and obsolute confidence in himself can do with most ferocious beasts of the wilds. At Albany the 25th. F. G. Will ior watches every town in Oregon and California and leaves it right here in Albany; that every merchant and property owner gets this money? Investigate this opportunity and come in with us and make this the largest furniture factory on the coast. We have taken all' the chances in get ting this business started. We have mgs, Mi pcr 450 acres, 375 tillable land, aood lo cation, $40 per acre. JJt acres, about 100 acres of tim ber, $28 pcr acre. 140 acres, fair buildings, good loca tion, $45 pcr acre. City Property. House and barn and two lots, $2,6001 spent three years in building up this i-iK in room House, line location o,ouu f'.ight room house, full lot $2,100 Four room house, two lots $1,600 It's not our way to run vou down on the street, but will gladly have a talk with you at our offices, at 23d West First street, Albany, Oregon. If we can not show vou the best bargain, then buy of the other fellow. but see us before buying. THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY. YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT AND HOW YOU WANT IT At E. E. Rooklidgc's print shop, over Woodworth's drug store. Printer to the particular. business and can now offer you a good wjipui miuiy lur investment.. For further information Bee Collins & Taylor, E. V. Anderson, Eugene E. Malfait, G. S. Sandstrom, A. H. Sandstrom. H4VE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED 4N9 PRESSED The Pantatorium, CLARK HUSTON, Propriecw. " t. jTstites, " Attorney at Law. Notary Public. Legal business of all kinds in all the courts promptly attened to. Bell phon 6-J. STONE For I nllding, ornamental purposes, ri; rap, lllling, etc. Simp es at M. San lurs A Co's store W. L. COHH, It D. Hume Phone, 4. DR. VIRGINIA I.KWEAUX, Osteopathic Physician. Schmitt Block, Albany. .Phones: Office Home 359, Bell Black 2751; Residence 394 Home, 'black 8o3 Bell. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought, I will bond you. Properly handled for non-rcsi dents. COl LI Nil ft TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans, l arge or small timber tracts. Will A. STARK. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, SivV ni.K-k - Alhnnv H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, If so, before buying be sure to look up what I have for sale as I can not only save you money; but make you good profits as well. Good seven room house, with base ment, furnace, bath, modern, large lot 67x112 feet. Some fruit, nice lawn. Situated close in, West Al bany. Trice, $3600. Terms can be given. Seven room modern house, cement basement, situated close in on paved street. Small lot. Trice $3200. Terms can be made. Two cottages, one lot, 66x110. This property rents for good money and is a fine bargain. Trice $5200. Terms. This is an excellent buy and the man who buys it will make good money, besides property pays good interest. I have farm lands of all descrip tions, garden tracts, and beautiful suburban homes, also some good lots suitable for business. Trices reason able. I am not in any promotion schemes whatever, and any one buy ing from me will not afterwards feel sorry for it. Call on J. V. Tipe, the old reliable real estate dealer. 203 West 2nd St., Albany, Ore. Dr. Alvin T. Powers, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, Will open up an Optical office in the First Sav ings Bank Building on Monday, April 22. He is a graduate' of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthalmogy and Otology,, and has had several years of experience. In every case he guarantees entire satisfac tion or money refunded. ; He uses no drugs, but has the most modem instruments for the testing of the eye sight. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician. Albany Stale Bank Building. Bell-Black 482. Home 275 DR. 'viH Stark Block W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Alb.inv CUwford Block Albany VIERECK'S BATHS, 217 West First Street rirtt-Clau Wctk Guaranteed Plan Your Vacation Now. TO THE EAST, SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of the Fast, going or returning through California, or via Portland with going lim it 15 days. Final return limit Oct. 31st. WILL EXHIBIT AT ALBANY, THURSDAY, APRIL 25 ONE DAY TWO PERFORMANCES, AT 2 AND 8 P, M, AL. G. BARNES' BIG 3 RING WILD ANIMAL More Wild Beasts than any three shows have, 52 heart stilling acts, 150 Ponies, Dogs, Apea, Merry Chorus and a host of Novel Acts. The finest Horses-on earth. Three Bands and' Monster Tents.. New Free Street Parade at 10 a. nz. RAIN OR SHINE ALBANY, THURSDAY, APRIL 25TH Remember we handle the best Lumber, Cement, Sewer pipe, Boxes, Drain tile, Hearth tife Cedar posts, Hallocks, Shingles Lime, Plaster, Sewer pipe THE CHAS. K. SPAULDINGLOG CO. A. B. KELSAY, Manager. Both Phones. A CHECK BOOK is easier to carry than a wal let filled with currency, gold or silver. It adds dignity to your transactions and gLves much satisfaction. Checks are of no value except to the person in whose favor drawn. Gan you afford to keep? your money at home or in your pocket when you can have, without expense, 'a check book on this bank? ALBANY STATE BANK Wm Bain, Pres. F. J. Miller, Vice Pre. N. M. Bain, Cashier. GROCERIES AND BAKED GOODS AT CONRAD MEYERS April May, 25. 26. '6, 27. i. 4. 9, 10, 24. 2. June, 1, 6. 7, 8, 1.1 SALE DATES July, ; 3. 6. ". II. 12. 15. 16. 20. 2' ?T 11, 14, 15, 17, IS, 26, 2", .10, 31. August, 1. 2, 3, 6. 7, 12, 15, 1 !. l.i, 1. IK. I'j. jy. ju. Jl. 20. 21, 24. 25. 27. 28. 2. Sept.. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 30 Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30th to May 4th. 23, NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Offers many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all the delights of the seashore. THE NEW P. R. & N. BEACHES Tillamook. Iiaribahli (M-yocean). Brighton, Manhattan aril Rockawav. Lake Lytic. Ocean Lake Park. Twin.. Rocks. Tillamook Beach -ind Bav Citv will open a new field tor a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares irom all points in Oregon. Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East Bound Ex cursion I-ares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Genera l Passenger Agent, TortlanA Oregon Eat Califoruii Raisins. Raisiu Day April JOth. STETTER'S FOR GROCERIES AND CROCKERY FIRST CAR UTAH LAND PLASTER has arrived. Place orders now. M, Senders & Co, your C. D. RAUCH, Court Reporter, Public Stenographer. Office: First National Bank Build- h?.n":- Bc'l 146-R; Res., Bell 1:4-L TO KNOW WHO WANTS Of good property in east Aibany for sale. A good 7 rsnm house and barn and 19 lots, will sell all or part and build on vacant lots for parties desirmg it. Call Home phone 1168. 2t Albany Transfer Co Light and Heavy Hauling. Wood for sale, fir, maple and ash, Thonc Home 68; Bell 166-R. ST. FRANCIS BARBERSHOP Chasj Bruce, Proprjetcf,