Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 26, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Journal: -
Mr. Tuft is a lame third in the ver
dict of Oregon voters.
It is not a protest against the man,
hut a vote against his administration.
Oregon accepts Mr. Taft as an amia
ble, well meaning gentleman, who
lost his steering gear when he en
tered the White House.
Hut Oregon is an insurgent state.
There were more than two insurgent
republican votes Friday for every
standpat vole. Even the voters who
cast their ballots for Mr. Roosevelt,
thought they were insurging. The
great number who went on record for
Senator La Folletlc are insurgents
ivho have their political bearings and
know the insurgent game.
Various blunders by the president
lost him the Oregon delegation
When he journeyed here on his latest
visit, he trained ovcr-cxclusivcly with
the ancient pillars of asscmblyism,
and that was a blunder. He toured
the state without a word in approval
of the Oregon system, and though he
was strictly honest therein, that was a
These arc small local reasons. There
are others of far weightier moment.
Mr. Taft lost farmers' votes in Ore
gon, because he attempted reciprocity,
a measure for which he ought not to
have suffered. He lost votes in Ore
gon when be vetoed the farmers free
list and other bills that were the first
congressional attempt in years to re
duce the cost of living. He lost votes
in Oregon when he declared in his
Winona speech that the Paync-Ald-ricli
bill "is the best tariff ever en
acted." He lost votes in Oregon by
reason of the attacks made on him
during the last four or five weeks by
iwr. Koosevelt, attacks that did harm
because they came from the very
man who, by use of federal patronage,
compelled the republican party to ac
cept Mr. Taft.
There was a time in the history of
file world when men were swaved bv
the words of a great orator. In those
nays oratory ruled to quite an extent
This is supposed to be an aire cold in
facts, and the public speaker as a rule
JIWCS not inmieiicc matters very much
A striking exception is Senator Lafol
Ictte; who through his strong, force
ful oratory, and convincing style, cx-
- erased a big inllucncc, and ttndoubt-
cdly made voles in this state by the
thousand. It was an old-time victory
for the public speaker.
In contrast was the speaking of one
Dr. Hill, a Methodist preacher from
the cast, who probably did Mr. Taft
more harm than good by his style of
argument, demagogic in character.
His statement made numerously that
he would be willing to doc to have
the president reelected represents a
puerile plan of campaign that always
repels. The masses never appreciate
baby politics; but like the strong, vir
ile, independent style of a llryan,
Roosevelt or Lafollctte.
The election, the fact is, has been a
great victory for the Oregon system.
The strong vole against President
Taft, was more against his position in
reference to Oregon laws than it was
againts him personally, though there
are plenty of people who do not ad
mire Taft the man. President Taft
das shown himself the enemy of the
initiative and referendum as well as
the recall, weapons of the people for
good government by themselves in
stead of by the bosses. This is a
strong reason for the people to op
pose him. liven if nominated many
who voted for Koosevelt and Lafol
lette will never vote for Mr. Taft, so
inimical to the system they so strong
ly favor.
Agents for tho Al G. Barnes Big
Three Ring Wild Animal Circus have
been in Mutiny several days completing
urranutMiicnts fur tho coming of that
big show which will givo two perform
ances hero on Thursday. During tho
itav of tho show here tho 350 animals
and a similar number of employes will
consume enough food products to ex
huust half a dozen commissaries.
For one duv it requites three tons of
irosn meat, nvo tons oi nay, six nun
dred pounds of fresh vegetables, i ixty
gallons of milk, 350 pounds of fresh
salt water lish. 26 pounds of coffee, I0ii
loaves of bread, in addition to Ulcus
mUs of pounds of corn and onta.
On Sunday no food, but plenty of
water, is given to the carnivora. This
fast day once a week is absolutely ncc
Wild animals sometimes become nick,
they being susceptible, to a largo ex
tent, from the samo complaints ns
human beings, they can bo treated in
much the sumo way. In ordinary cases
tho animals are given a completo fast
with plenty of water. When this fails,
medicine is given after it lias been
mixed in water or milk. Tho best way
is to let nature have her way.
In rvecordtr Van Tassell's Couit.
The popular prop-ietor of the Klito
tomorrow at 9 a. m. will defond a
i harge pguiimt him of bcine open after
1J o'clock made necessary by persist
eut customers at a late hour.
II. Ilormlon.n distant relative ot Pres
ident Lincoln's partner. I'assius Case,
A. A. Rockwell and S M Gillilnnd were
fined $10 and csts fer intoxicklion. and
Koy Mi'Omiiol $5 for allowing chickens
to run at large.
Ti o I'ucene (!uid thinks A. Welch
if i old ull the I'. K. & h'.. ho dings to
I-1 S-. I' itj ! he says he
ki s cr ret. ,
U. 0. CASE
Referendum to Go on the Ballot
The supreme court yesterday after
noon reversed the decision of Judge
Galloway in the referendum case of the
u. u., upholding the referendum, and
the question of appropriation will be
placed on the ballot at the general
The Court declared that the drastic
remedy of the injunction can be invoked
only by a state acting through its prop-
er law officer. This suit was brought
Dy n. ti. friendly against the secretary
of state.
The court does not enter into the
merits of the fraud Dart of the case at
all, but Bimply decides that Friendly
had no right to bring the injunction.
In an injunction suit the plaintiff must
snow be bas been Injured, which Friend
ly cannot Bhow.
This holds up the appropriation and
puts tne matter up to the people.
Antone Yocubets, of Crabtree, is
again in the lime-light. Here is the
terrible story, as told the Democrat:
Yocubets tried to shoot his wife
again, but his sons prevented it, and
iook me revolver away Irom him
Yocubets declared that be would kill
her and then himself, making that
siaiemont to some urabtree men, it is
reported. Then he started for Lebanon
atter another revolver and some car
Airs. Yocubets saw her danger and
came 10 rtiuany last evening. It was
learned that Yocubets had followed
ajterher, and Constable John Catlin,
the sleuth, laid for him. gettiner him
Just as he landed at a feed stable, put-
miK mill ill jvii,
On the 28th of last November Yocu
bets was hore for the same thiner. but
got off.
He was fined f50 for assault, which
ho paid and was held under (2,000 to
keep the peace.
Mr. Chas. Pfeiffer. ownor of the
Revere House property, informs the
Democrat that it is his intention as
soon as the nrbosrtv is vacated for the
new Hotel Waldorf at Second and L,yon
streets, to take out the entire first
noor of the Revere building and re-
Diace me same with hrtek nnrl n ntn
glass fronts, romodeline the same into '
modern flmnll hliainunn rnnma nf ntKnati '
as the demand may call for. As the
location for stores or offices is an ideal
one -here will be no trouble in finding '
renters. The two upstair floors will
also be remodeled into a fiust-class
roomiog house. Ine hotel already con
tains Borne elegant rooms and more will
be added when the change is made.
Washington, April 24.-
C. H. Stew-
art, Albany, Oregon. My bill appro
printing $10,000 additional for the
Federal Building at Albany, passed the
Senate yesterday.
Now Congressman Hawloy get busy.
K. Wilson and Chas. Roth, as the
Linn Produce Co.. have leased a con
crete building to be erected at Water
and Broadalbin by Hodges & Fish, for
live years, lor a wholesale commission
house, now temporarily at First and
The Tuesday club met yesterday with
Mrs. Mack Monteith, having a pleasant
session. There were two contests, one
guessing fourteen different kinds ot
seed?, won with caso by Mrs. Capt. F.
M. Powell, tho other guusdng tho
names of flowers from odd sentences,
won by Miss Christine Pipe. Choice
efroshments were served.
Will Be Tested-
In tho caso of tho Elite, charged with
keeping open after 12 midnight. Judge
Uuncau today upon motion of Weather
i'ord & Weatherford, granted a tempo
rary injunction against the enforce
ment of the ordinance, pending a decis
-on ot the circuit court. Tho obj'ection
a that the ordinance is not of general
Notice is hereby nivcu that sealed
bids will be received up to the 11th
dav of Mav, 1!1 al one o'clock p. i
by the r.oard of Directors of School
District No. Jo, Tangent, Oregon, for
the building and couMruction com
plete of the new school house to be
erected in ami for said School District
aceordine; to the plans and specifier
tions now o:-. tile with the Clerk oi
said lli-trict and ill the office of C. 11
Hurrat, Albanv, Oregon, Architect
The sucessiul bidde rwill be rcipiircd
to give !ui:nl in nch reasonable sum
1 Mitay be designated by the Hoard ot
directors for the faithful pciiormance
of the work. Kids may be tiled with
i lie nmlcrKiu-d Clerk of said District. to erject any or all bids rc
ser ed.
Dated this -'Jnd dav of April. IP12.
J." K. .1KNKS,
Chairman of the Hoard ot Director
M. C. 11ROWN,
Clerk of School District No. 26.
The official count was comoleted last
night for Linn County. It shows the
For ten dslegates to the national con
vention, victor!'. Moses led with 247.
A. S. Bennett next with 172, then J. E.
Godfrey, Will R. King. J. W. Maloney,
Mark Holmes, Herman Wise, Alex
Sweek, Batlett Cole, F. V. Holman.
For President Wilson received 615,
Clark 314. Harmon 17. For vies nresi
dent Geo. E. Chamberlain 63, Us. West
Presidential electors. McClain 287,
reierson 140, wall 92, Watson 2UZ,
Whitten 71.
U. S. Senator. Coshow 177, Lane
326, Miller 338. Pierce 120.
Congressman. W. R. Bilyeu 11. Tal
madge 9, J. K. Weatherford 7, R. G.
Smith 4, C. V. Galloway 2, W. C. Haw
ley 2.
Sfl3. State. -J. B. Ryan 789.
Justice Bupreme court. Bilyeu 8,
King 8, Garland 6. Eakin 3. Slater 2.
Food commissioner. Mickle 33. Lea
11, bchulmerick 3.
A. R. Coin. J. H. Stevens 1.
Dist. Atty. W. S. Risley 485, Frank
Representatives. C. L. Shaw 190,
J. M. Philpot 161, W. P. Elmore 45, A.
A. Tussing 44, J. P. Cooley 31, F. H.
rorter XI, K. snelton itj, 11. Sheltonll,
Childs 8, W. W. Poland 9, Lewelling 8,
Garland 4, W. C. Cooley 3, Bilyeu 2,
Burtenshaw 1.
County Judge. H. M. Palmer.
Sheriff. Smith 490, Schoel 271,
Pfeiffer 249.
County Clerk. Marks 117 and scat
Kecorder. B. M. Miller 857.
Assessor. E. L. Fisher 67 and scat
Ireasurer. D. W. Kumbaugh 798.
Superintendent. W. L. Jackson 881.
Surveyor. A. L. Geddes 43 and scat
coroner.- wm. rortmiller 37 ana
Commissioner. Butler 42. Welch 11.
The vote has been substantial)? eiven
ine ten Highest tor delegates are
Aekerson, Smith, Cue. Bvnon. McCus
ter, Hail. Bovd. Huston. Carev and
Scattering votes for vice president
with C. W. Fulton ahead with 6.
M. J. McMahon for presldental elec
tor received muz.
Selling's plurality is 636.
Hawiey received 1615 for congress
Ulcott's plurality is 94.
! . 5,ak
bakin received 1529 for supreme
Mickle's plurality for
food commis-
sioner is to.
uamPDe" receive loi tor K. K.
For district attornev Hill's Dluralitv
is ozti.
, ?"1v,bu- a "r
J"".,, - , tf; arKa .erK, J-
. miner inn4 mr Buiii.nnLennp nr.. m
L. Goddes 1695 for surveyor, Wm.
rorimmer 101 lor coroner.
Butler's plurality is 790. Froman's
175 for recorder, Francis 395 for treas
uror. Fisher's 1;64 for assessor, Bo
dine's 231 for sheriff.
Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
April 21, 1912. Persons desiring any of
these letters should call for advertised
letters, giving the date:
W. A. Andrews, T. J. Ankron, Jno.
Bagley, Amos Brodic, J. C. Brodic.
A. K. Berg, Miss M. Boylcr, Miss M.
Boyler, Jim Caiman, Chas. M. Cox,
Wm. E. Davis, W. D. Fcrgeson, A..T.
Grcccy, T. O. Hancsn, M. D. Ham
mond, Glenn Hawkinsm Ilamphont,
E. L. Kinnic, R. W. Kcnnnrd, Ewd.
W. King, H. H. Kaiser 2), Harry Lu
cas, May Larcnce, S. A. Moore, Mrs.
Melie A. Miller, Will Nash, Nealy
Pierce, Car IP. Peterson, Glen Per
kins, J. Trudcrson, M. Rccd, Jno.
Sloanc, E. T. Shaffer 3), Steward D.
Stevens, J. B. Shaw, M. M. Sander
son, E. J. Thompson, Albert W.
Woodard, P. F. Williams, Geo. Xenes
(2), Link Ycttcr.
J. S. Van Winklr, P. M.
Don't forget vour orood resolutions
about Albany made goods.
Some of the best thi-ga in life are
the whacks we get, from childhuod to
old age.
Low Round Trips East.
On the dates given below,, round trip tickets will be sold from Port
land to the points in the East shown , below, and manv others, at greatly
reduced fares quoted. Your home agent will sell these tickets via The
North Hank Road at slightly higher fares, on request.
ROAD lu connection with
CUT. Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways.
Atlantic City ?1U.I
Baltimore .. 107.50
Boston Mfl.iM
Colorado Springs
Kansas City
. 1.M
72 50
May 2. 3. 4, 0, 10. II. 17. IK. 24. 29. 1012.
June 1. 6. 7, .8. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 24 23. 27. 28 20. 10)2
Julv 2. 3. ti. 7. II. 12. 15, 16. 20. 22. 23. 2d 20 30 31 loj ' '
Amsiist 1, 2. 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, in. 22. 23, 20, 30, 31, 1012.
September 4. 6, 7, 8. 11. 12, 30. 1912.
Stopovers and choice of routes allowed in each direction.
Final return limit October 31, 1912.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
General F reisht & Tasj. Ajent, Portland. Ore.
Now for Ben Selling's record.
Clean up inside as well as outside.
Runnig for an office is not all poetry
Help tbe little factories get a start.
Most quarrels are over little nothings.
More store rooms are being looked
New people say Albany looks good to
Put a D before Ismay and ycu have
dui me.
Now for seven months of campaign
Some cottages, like seme people, are
an porcn.
The man who bas made good is worth
It is said Selling can depend on the
saloon vote.
Which bad you rather be a dead hero
or a live coward,
There are bigger things in the World
than making money.
Anyway Bourne did a good many
good things for Oregon. -
The moral unbuil line of a citv is as
important as its growth.
Neii vear we will have another mfe,
x, bigger and better yet.
The vote shews an emphatic endorse
ment of the Oregon system.
Millionaire and pauper are1 on the
same level on a sinking vessel.
Some people like a man on all' tides
of all questions, and some don't.
The man who builds houses for rents?
in Albany is a public benefactor.
If Julius Caesar was alive these days
he would have his hands more than full
conquering a Salm man All Gall.
The world is full of men and women
wrecklessly going 23 knots an bour
umuug me ictfuerga ul uismpauuu,
rasnion, gratt and sensuality.
A good movement east is an aviation
club opposed to daring feats in the air.
They want sane aviatiun. Now for
some sane steamsbip companies too.
It is suggested that Albany have a
rose named in honor of this city. The
Duchess of Albany, a pretty flower.
red and attractive, would be appropri
Residence Sold.
Frank Lucas, the barber, has sold his
fine cottage in Wrights Addition to E.
E. Trombley, a new comer from the
it. who has already moved into it.
Mr. Lucas has bought a lot at the
corner of Maple and Ninth street and
will have erected as soon as possible a
modern 5 room cottage for a home.
Albany College.
May pole drills are under way.
The Treble Clef Club will give a con
cert May 7.
Mrs. Flo, director of the Conrerya
tory, goes to Salem this afternoon to
sing tonight at the First Presbyterian
church. She is to assist Miss Fisher,
organist from Portland, in a conceit
that dedicates a new pipe organ.
Another new student enrollled for
voice in the conservatory yesterday.
The final debate in the Oregon de
bating League will be held here Friday
night between Albany Colleen and
Pacific College oi, the subject of Com
pulsory Arbitration. Albany College
taking the affirmative.
A very large chorus assembled last
night for the first rehearsal for the
college commencement oratorio.
A college double quartet sang at the
Youug People's Union meeting this
Minneapolis 60.00
Montreal 105.00
New York 108.50
Omaha 60.00
Philadelphia 108.50
Pittsburg 91.50
St. l.ouis 70.00
St. Paul 60.0I
Toronto 01.50
Washington 107.50
Filed supplemental articles incorpor
ting Albany State bank. increaBim?
stock to $69,000. Incorporators, Wm.
Bain, a; j. Aimer, J. N. Duncan, N.N.
Ministerial registration Geo. W. Tay-
In estate of Sarah J. Saltmarsh, Mary
E. Saltmarsh appointed administrator.
Value of estate $1000.
Deeds recorded:
Leo Zeller to KrancecianZeller,l-3
interest in I25J acres . ..
A. Habermann to Frank Haber-
mann, 160 acres ....$
Marriage license: Perry S. Bond 30,
and Anna Telford 29, Halsey.
Deeds Recorded:
J. A. and 3. E. Ware to J. W. '
Gormlev 1 blocks Balsey $ 800
mr. ij, Burimarc to Mamie jl.
Burkbart several lots and blks
Burkhart Park 10
Leonard Goetz to Wm. Krein-
breng lot Albany Heights 335
E. D. Farwell to H. J. Farwell
35.78 acres 1
The corner stone of the new Presby
terian church. Albany's first stone
structure, to be a magnificent edifice,
was iormauy laid yesterday afternoon,
with the following program:
Music bv the Albanv Band.
Solo by Mrs. Adna Smith Flo.
Invocation by Rev. W. S. McCully, of
Scripture reading by Rev. C. S. Tay
lor, oi Brownsville.
Tbe formal lavrner of the corner stone
i... a.. r n , t n
gon, . Grandmaster 1. M. Baldwin i will be entered according to the pray
offlciating, assisted by Secretary F. J. " of the application, and you will be
Robinson, D. P. Maso; Rev. Marsden, I forever barred from disputing the
E. D. Cus ck and that ant ra Albanv
Music by the band.
Consecration of tbe tone to the
church by Rev. H. T. Babcock, of
An able addresss by Dr. John H.
Boy, of the First Presbyterian church,
By special request a short thlk by
Samuel Hill, the good roads man.
Benediction by Rev. L. S. Mochel.
In the corner stone a box. Drboerlv
sealed, was placed, containing tbe fol
Contents of the corner stone laid in
List of the present members.
Pictures of the old church and manse.
Rev. E. R. Pncbard's calendar Feb.
14, 1891.
Year's aeries of calendars, also giving
the church officers.
RnilHiniv nnH aiihappintinn Mmmitfaoa
Duplicate lists of subscriptions iri '
Sabbath school membership list.
The continent.
Progress, weekly and daily editions
of the Albany Democrat.
Editions oi the- Daily and Weekly
He.raJd- ,, , it ,.
Albany College catalogue and bulletin,
and minutes of the Bynod of Oregon
19U- .
A large crowd was present and the
occasion was favored by pleasant, I
though cloudy weather.
The plans of the church show a mod
ern structure, arranged for work, cov
ering the different departments effiect
ively, a model in convenience and
The Weather.
Range of temperature 55-44.
1 he river is 3.7 feet.
Rainfall .24 inch.
Prediction: showers tonieht
Thursday. ....
The post office building and library
seem to be having a neck and neck .
race. But they'll get here. - j
The Portland papers are full of mar-
yellous real estate bargains particu
larly ioi me promoteis.
" .' ' i. of deceased, Henry K. Vincent, Cor
The country is Gradually gettin? there Hlli vmni,, r.nm v;nm H5rv
with its r. f. d.. telephones, trolly lines,
antomobiles and even electric lights.
Seven-eifrhth of an iceberz is out of
sight, which is about the way with a
good many other dangers in the world.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linu County. Depart
ment No. 2 .
In the matter of the application of
R. J. Moses, plaintiff, to register the
title to tbe following described real
property, to-wit: Lots No. 3, 4 and 5
in Block No. 2. and Lots Xo. 1 and 2
in Block No. 3, in the Town of Tan
gent, Linn County, Oregon, vs. W.
E. Farkcr, C- E. Hedge, and all whom
it mav concern, defendants.
TnC- nnftr that on tb 16th Artv
of April, A. D. 1912, an application
was hied by the said K. J. Moses, in
the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore-
gon, for Linn County, for initial regis-
tration of the title to the land above
described. "
Now unless you appear on or before
the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912, and
show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will be
taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to. the prayer of
the application, and you will be for-
ever barred from disputing the same,
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS. Clerk. '
By R. M. RUSSELL. Deputy.
L, M. CURL, Applicant's Attorney,
The Riverside Farm
ED. SrilOU,. Proprietor
Breeder and Importer of O. I. O. Hoc
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns,' W.
P. Recks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Eantams, M . B.
TurkeyB, Whiti I rcb
den Geese, I'ekin "
Ducks, I'eati
Guine i
Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultn
at the Lewis &Clark Fair.
J Farmer, 93
pfl0De' armers 9"
eggs in beason - . Stock for Sale
- R. F. D. No .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
In the matter of the application of
Pauline Jordan and Amelia Zuhls
dorf, plaintiffs, to register title to the
following described real estate, to
wn: Beginning at the i. corner
of the D. L. C. of W. H. Basye. Not.
1625, in Tps. No. 10 and 11 S. R. No.
2 and 3 West of Will. Mer. Oregon,
and running thence N. 19 degrees 50
minutes tast 11.70 chains; thence S.
64 degrees 30 minutes E. 11.94 chains;
thence S. 19 degrees 50 minutes V.
40.75 chains; thence N. 71 degrees
West 11.87 chains; thence N. 19 de
grees 50 minutes E. 30.37 chains, to
tnc piacc oi ueginning, containing
w.i acres, more or less, in Linn
County, Ore.
County, Ore., vs. Louis Zuhlsdorf. F.
A. Works, E. L. Works, and all whom
it may concern, defendants.
CERN: Take notice, that on the 12th day of
April, A. D. 1912, an application was
filed by the said Pauline Jordan and
Amelia Zuhlsdorf. in the Circuit Court
of the Mate of Oregon, tor Linn Coun
ty, tor initial registration of the title
to the land above described.
Now unless you appear on or be
fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912,
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same will
be taken as confessed and a decree
(L. S.) V. t. MARKS, Clerk.
By R. M. RTjSSELL, Deputy.
1 L. M. CURL,
Applicant's Attorney,
In the Circuit Court? of the State of
Oregon for Linn County, Department .
No. 2.
In the matter of the application of
piistav Hesse, plaintiff, to register
title to the following described real
estate, to-wit: Beginning: at the S.
W. corner of Block No.' 3, in the
Eastern Addition to the City of Al
bany, Oregon, and running thence
northerly on the western bonndary
line of said block 50 feet; thence east
early on a line paralel with tlie south
ern boundary line of said Block, 134
feet, to a point mid-way between the
eastern and western boundary lines of
saitt diock; tnence southerly on a line
Parallel with the western boundary
j line of said block 50 feet, to the south-
ern boundary line of said block;
thence westerly on the southern
boundary line of said block 134 feet,
! to the place of beginning, all situate,
lying and being in Albanv, Linn Coun-
i ,5r Oregon, vs. All Whom it may
1 Concern, defendants.
Take notice, that on the 12th day
'of April, A. 0. 1912, an application
w-as nted by the said Uustav Hesse,
in the circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Linn County, for initial
registration of the title to the land
above described.
Now unless you. appear on or be
fore the 20th day of May, A. D. 1912,
and show cause why such application
shall not be granted, the same wilt 'be
taken as confessed, and a decree will
be entered according to the prayer of '
the application, and you will be for
ever barred from disputing the same.
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS. Clerk.
By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy.
L. M. CURL, Applicant's Attorney. '
In the County Court of the State ot.
Oregon for Linn County.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Vincent, deceased.
To Agnes L, Vincent, widow of de
ceased. Aenes L. Vincent. dauehter
Harris, Georgia Vincent, Caroline
, Hams and all whom it may concern,
i greeting:
i In the name of the State of Orecron.
you are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court : of the
State of Oregon, for th County of
Linn, at the court room: thereof, at Al
bany, in said county, on Monday, the
3rd day of June, 1912, at one o'clock
in the afternoon of that day, then and
there to show cause, if any, why the
administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of James Vincent, de
ceased, should not be granted author
ity to sell at private sale the following
described real property, to-wit:
The Northeast quarter and the East
half of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 36, in Township 15 South, Range
2 East of the Willamette Meridian.
Oregon;- and also the South half of
the Northeast quarter of Section 12,
Township 15 South, Range 1 East
UI u,e " mamenc -Meridian, uregon,
and n East half of the West half
' Section 33, in Township 9, South,
Range 4 East of the Willamette Me-
ndian. Oregon, all situated in the
Counties of Linn and Lane. State of
Oregon, as prayed for in the petition
' '.'!c administrator on file herein,
Witness the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, with the Seal of said Court af-
fixed, this 17th day of April - D
1912. ' '
' (.Seal) W. L. MARKS. Clerk
Fy R. M, RUSSELL, P-mifv-