Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 26, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The general opinion is that Albany I
made a ten-stroke when it made ar-
rangemcnts for the present manufac
turers exposition, something that is
bringing tiie city forward as one of
important industries. Many have
been surprised at the showing made,
not only in quantity, hut as well in
quantity. It has been discovered that
Albany has a good many large and
small establishments making things;
but what is just as important is the
fact that thev make hiL'h crrade ar
ticles. The exposition has presented'
things that cannot be surpassed any
where, speaking for a grade of work
manship that is uncommon. Along
wood working lines particularly this
has been striking. Furniture, chairs,
sash, doors, columns, ladders, wheel
barrows, swings, fancy things, all are
Seeing has lead to inquiry and the
fact is being appreciated that our in
stitutions are doing a big business,
sending goods to distant places. Noth
ing should be impressed on our minds
more, though, than the fact that we
owe it to these institutions to also
give them our own support and malct
a specialty of asking for home goods
first in the interest of our own city.
If not in Albany then in Oregon
price and quality being equal.
This exposition should be made
permanent annual affair, and no doubt
will be,
A man from a neighboring town
tne depot today remarked that com
mcrcial men generally speak in high
terms ot the business conditions
Albany, its growth and advantages.
One man openly said: "Do you know
that they say Albany is the best
all of them."
This is primary day, an Oregon in
stitution that is' spreading over the
country, giving the rule into the hands
of 'the people, and it is their own
fault if good men arc not put up for
Editor Democrat:
I have a very important announce
ment to make to tne trim raisers.
small farmers and gardeners of this
locality, and from past experience I
know that you will assist me in doing
so uy granting me the use of your
One thing in relation to this valley
is settled beyond doubt, and that
that we can produce to perfection all
kinds ot trims, berries and vegetables.
But what does this amount to, if we
cannot sell our products at remunera
tive prices?
It is a fact patent to all that our
fruit, berry anil vegetable raisers are
now handicapped to a great extent in
finding n market. The demand for
our products in the green shape is
limited, and if we ship to canneries
and dryers at a distance the excessive
freight rates rectifies the profits to a
very low figure. Now there is prac
tically only one way out of this dif
ficulty, and that is to form a co-operative
association. Olohr towns of the
Valley arc doing this, anil arc not
only securing larger markets for their
products as they come from the tree
and vine, but arc able to work ofif I
tlicir surplus and culls by the use of
canneries and dryers.
The Albany Apple Growers' Asso
ciation is taking up this matter, and
will hold a meeting at the Exposition
in this city next Saturday afternoon
to discuss it. Mr. J. O. Holt, man
ager of the Eugene Fruit Association,
has kindly consented to address the
people directly upon this question at
that time. The Eugene Association is
now three years old, is a decided suc
cess, and Mr. Holt is responsible for
this condition to a greater extent than
any other one man. Having had the
experience he absolutely knows what
lie is tafking about. Every fruit grow
er, small farmer niul gardener within
ten or fifteen miles of Albany, should
go out and hear him next Saturday.
Also I want to nsk that each nf von
after reading this should call up your
neignnors on tne phone and tell them
about it.
Bmauaiiii:. iKSSnSwr
Tho Carpthia arrived in New York
laBt night, anil tho reports of the ex
periences are thrilling in tho extreme.
Tho Titanic wont c'own with hor band
playing. Somo wero heroic and culm,
others acted liko maniacs. Wives had
to be torn from their husbands
John Jacob Astor wanted to go with his
wife, but was ordered back, Wealth
did not rule there. Col. Archio Grnro,
u. j. a. went down Willi tne vessel,
but was picked up and saved from tho
icy waters.
li'iOl in all wero drowned or killed.
746 saved.
One caso of a striking character was
mat ot Mrs. isaitoro btraus, who re
futed to go into tho lite boat without
hor husband, and they went down to
Tho Catpnin was on tho bridge as the
boat went down giving orders to tho
$5 00 Hats and $7.50 Dresses.
As advertised in last evening's Dem
ocrat for Friday and Saturday specials
by Chambers & Mct'une. made (ho hit
of the season and if you don't beliovo it
visit the Millinery Dep't or Suit Dep't
tomorrow and see. At the time this
article was written both liepatlments
were packed with ladies trying on hats
and dresses and all declared them the
best bi gains ever offered in Albany.
The ovrnt of the week attracting!
the most attention was the wrecking
of the Titanic among the icebergs off
New roundland, causing a loss 01
more than sixteen hundred people,
mostly men, a steamer costing $10,
000,000, besides many diamonds, etc.
Because of the wealth represented the
world took notice. It was a striking
catastrophe. The vessel was going at
a criminal speed, considering the sur
roundings ,in order to make a repu
tation for the boat; but it was in vain,
worse than vanity. An iceberg
stopped the recklessness, and a crowd
of lives was the forfeit. The stories
of heroism are many, showing the
stud men arc made of when it comes
to the rub.
In Oregon politics have been on
the jump in the regular primaries
preceding the biennial election. This
is the way the people rule. This year
they arc practically nominating
president so general has been spread
ing of the referendum plan. It may
be cumbersome, but people are peciv
liar, and it i stheir business.
The strength of Roosevelt and the
dissatisfaction with President Taft
have been a feature. Hut for the third
term record Roosevelt would have
swept the country, and as it is he has
made a startling showing.
Albany this week has had one of
the best things in its history, a manu
facturer's exposition, bringing to the
front the things made in Albany and
Linn county, a striking success.
many have said, an eye-opener. We
have shown some of the world that
we have a splendid start for a manu
facturing city, wijh the quality as well
as the quantity.
A clean-up day this week came
when people were very busy, but it
was well observed. Nevertheless
there is so much building going on,
so many streets being torn up tor
paving, street car tracks, etc., that
there is hardly a chance just now to
make a showing that way. But the
best clean-un is often in the back yard,
and this has been well done. No one
can afford to be down at the heels.
Learn Telegraphy, fine opportunity
for a young man who wishes to equip
himself for a good paying position
Western Uuion Telegraph Company.
WATCHES, F. M French & gon.
The beautiful addition in East Albany
known as Hurkhart Park addition is
now ready for the home-builder, in
chargo of Hecker & Beam. 'Ihe Ore
gon Electric goes thru the property.
he streets aro graded and sidewalks
luid, and will have water and electric
lulus. A great mnnv of the lots aro
possessed of beautiful shade trees, and,
on account of tho location and surround
ings, tho property will appeal to anyone.
liui'ding restrictions are placed on the
entire district. All the residences must
bo connected with city water and
Seveinl beautiful bungalows are now
on the property and are for sale at pop
ulur prices, built more as on advertising
feature than for profit, to be Bold tor
immediate occupancy.
The streots ol the addition conform
to tho present streets of Albany, com
mencing with Second, then north to
rirst. Water, Front, Willamette, Linn
and River. From west to east Alco,
Burkhart, Columbia, Davidson and
Special Shoe Day.
The white shoe question Is a worry to
all merchants, and Chambers & McCune
are happy to announce the arrival of
ovor 100 pairs of White Buckskin shoes
andPumps.also 144 pairs of White Duck
Bnoea anu pumps lor women, misses
and children. They are also showing
the prettiest. nuMest stylos of foot
wear for spring and summer wear ever
aispiayea dv mis or any other. Uham
oers oi mcoune announce tomorrow as
Opening Day In the Shoe Dep't and
Invite every woman and miss to aee the
new Btytos.
In Honor of Mrs. Wertheimer.
Thursday laftornoon Mrs. Adolph
Senders entertained hor guest, Mrs.
Worlhoimer of Portland, at hor pleas
ant home on Seven ih street. Those
present wero: Mrs. Werthmeier. Mrs
Dannals, Mrs. Sehlossor, Mrs. Miller,
Mrs. Loinlngor, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. A. li.
Senders and Little Alison, Miss Fannie
Brenner, Misses Lena, Carrie and Vesta
Senders and Mrs Adolph Senders. The
afternoon wns spent in playing games
and Mra. Allen won tho prize. The
color schema was pmk and white and
a very elaboruto lunch was served by
uiu iiusieas.
Miss Milan's Big Job.
u is uouottui it a young lady ever
tackled a bigger job than Miss Ada
a nun, tho accomplished head of the
domestic scienco department, did this
afternoon when she started in to judge
mo nunureu entries ot oread and bis
cuits in tho Johnson Best contest
l'liey all looked good to the Democrat.
a great advertisement for Johnson as
well as for the bread makers.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 45 34
Tho river is 3.7 feet.
Rainfall .08 Inch.
Prediction: fair tonieht. with
frost, Sulurday fair.
The armory had a big ciowd last night
on the first evening of the Made In
Linn t.xno--itioii, which is proving a
striking succes-, and attractiog wide
attention. Best thing Albany ever
had," some said. It certainly is a tine
display of what Albany and Linn county
can do.
The brightly lighted booth of the Ore
gon Power Co. and Ralatons' Supplv
Co. was a center of attraction. Bread
was toasted, buttered with Albany but
ter and served. Next door Jjhnsoin's
Best served biscuits and people adm red
the fine looking loavea made from the
Ira Rivers showed a beautiful assort
ment of Albany woods in all manner ol
forma, shewing him to be a wood turn
inj expert. Ire would like a partner
tor tne development ol the business.
The Albany Creamery Association,
with the display, give some striking
ngures ot the increase or their product.
A map at the Veal section is a good
one, showing where the chairs go.
far as Blaine, Wash., and Boise, down
to Salt Lake, San Francisco, San Diego
and even into Mexico, then over to the
Hawuan Islands.
The Un'on Furniture Factory has a
vary pretty setting ot its exhibit,
making it home-like.
After Beeing the fine exhibit of the
Albany Suda Woiks one should never
think of drinking any other water.
J. G Crawfoid, Dr. Collins and C. O
Anderson have pretty displays of polish
ed Albany stones.
Dawson & Butzlaff have made their
place a popular one with the youngsters,
who swing, and the step .ladders and
v heelbarrows attract attention.
Mrs. Fuller has made the Woodworth
exhibit a drawing card
At ihe Hamilton booth, a neat one.
Miss Hall makes buttons in any pattern
J. Etherington and W. Preble, two
experts, certainly did a good job
brick laying at the booth of the Albany
Brick (Jo.
Albany has a new artist of talent.
Mrs. Percy Smith, whose display is a
good one.
Smokers will find a couple of attrac
tions, Eagle 8 and the Hub. They say
Albany cigars can't be beat.
Every flue should have a Ludwig top.
During the evening a program was
rendered amidst the confusion of the
sight-seers, more there to see rather
than hear. There were some good
E. Hofer, of Salem, started the pro
gram, boosting Oregon made goods,
and advocating a united effort. He
circulated a pledge to make purchases
ot necessities and luxuries giving preter
ence to the products of Oregon labor,
price and quality being equal.
A. M. Holton, of Portland, spoke in
favor of using Oregon goods, keeping
the money at home. As it is $26,000,000
annually is sent out of the state.
Chas. Coopev. of Portland, once a
part owner of the Albany Woolen Mills,
spoke on securing factories. One way
is to always demand home made goods,
another to Invest your monev in them.
Oregon has done well in boosting, but
she needs to have something for new
comers to do, more factories.
A M. Hammer, chairman of the ex
position committee, gave a well pre
pared and comprehensive statement of
the things on exhibition, with some
suggestions for the future.
This evening the subject will be in
dustries and education, with addresses
by Prof. Kesslor ot the O. A. a, trot.
Powers, city superintendent of Salem.
and Dr. Sharp of the college.
he address tomorrow afternoon by
O. Holt, of Eugene, specially deserves
a big hearing, being of much concorn to
truit raisers.
Sam Hill's Lecture.
Albany is to be given a treat Tues
day evening, Samuel Hill, one of the
leading good road advocates in the
United States and son-in-law of James
J. Hill the railroad magnate, is to Bpeak
here on the work every community
should do in developing it roads. Mr
Hill will illustrate his talk with
stereopticon slides which will give a
splendid idea of what good work has
been done elsewhere on roads.
In the United States there is not a
more striking character than Samuel
Hill, a splendid speaker, a business man
of the broadest experience, and enthuu
iastfof the most intense nature, a man
of diversified attainments.
This lecture will be delivered at the
armory Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock.
It is worth the time of every citizen
who wants to Bee Linn county progress.
B'g Animal Circus.
With the coming of Al. G. Barnes
big thrco ring wild an'mal show the
small boy will be in his delight when
the first strains of the band announc
ing the big parade will be heard, and
it will continuo to be a red-letter day
for him until the last car is loaded.
Barnes wild animal show is the only
real animal show in the world, with 850
wild trained animals doing feats which
bonier on tho impossible not one of
which can shirk his duty on former lau
rels or ancient name. Everywhere
this has been acclaimed by the press as
the most thrilling and spectacular show
which, has ever been seen west of the
Rocky mountains. Anri 25 will be the
Against Bonded Roads.
The following resolution was recently
adopted by Oak Plain Grange No. ti:
RESOLVED, that we as a grange
sre npposod to all of the various Road
r ttigwav Bills that are being bra-
posed by ihe various road or highway
issociations. to create a state Highway
t'on missioner, and we are opposed to
ny measure proposing to bond the
iroperty of this state, and we believe
t is to the bea interest of the people
hat the countv should be tha unit or all
road improvement, and that we ire
strictly opposed to ont man rule.
The bread making contest of John
son's Best at the Made in Linn ::.,
at the armory, excited great interest.
There were one hundred forty entries
in all, and Miss Ada Milan, of the dom
estic science department of the O. A.
C. tested all of them, on this basis:
taste 35. texture and grain 0, lightness
Id, color, crumb and crust 20, shape 10.
The awards were as folio as, in the
order named:
iight bread. Mrs J. A. Dumond
first, rocking chair; Mrs. J. R. Flynn,
jardinier stand; Mrs. Anna Fox, dinner
set; Mrs. E. B. Bloomfield, bbl. John
sun's Best: Mrs. Guy Knapp, sack flour;
Mrs. Frank Kitchen, sack flour.
Light biscuits.- Mrs. Fisher, first,
dinner set; Mrs. Rev. Leech, bbl.
Johnson's Best, Mrs. W. A. McClain,
Back; Mrs. Geo. rorgey, same; Mrs.
ti. D. Barrett, eame; Airs. Earl, same.
Salt risi g bread. - Mrs. E. Morgan,
first, jardinier stand; Mrs. W. P. Small,
sack Johnson's Best; Mrs. Amanda
Johnson, sime.
Another big crowd was present last
night. Ihere were some good talks by
Lr. anarp ui aioany oouege on colleges
anu industries anu rroi. ttefsier, or the
O. A. C. on industrial education, along
which line the O. A. C is doing a great
work. Prof. Powers of Salem was un
able to be present. Col. Hofer made
some remarks.
Albany College has a good booth that
is a popular place, with the college
colors conspicuous and iiteraturee free.
A display showing splendid workman
ship is presented by Watson Bros.
Iron Works.
In the Brownsville booth a couple
tailor nude Buits, from Brownsville
goods, have been admired. Mrs. vv. p.
Heckman, ot this city, made them,
speaking for her skill.
This afternoon J. O Holt, of Eugene.
spoKe on iruic culture, a very import-
and address. Tonight the exposition
win ciose. ine speakers wilt be UhaB.
Hoeg. W. F. Scott and L. Samuel, all
oi ruruuuu, on lactones ana nome in-
dus tries.
At the exposition tonight the John
son Best bread will be auctioned off for
the benefit of the library fund, and also
some of the very fine display of the
Beam-Fletcher Co,
from Albany's Six Early
The Beavers wont to Jefferson to
play a double header, with the follow
ing in the game. Leininger and Kiner c.
Cooper and Anderson p, Chance, Fro
man and Moore basemen, Cummings ss,
Smith, Ruth, King or Leininger fielders.
Geo. E. Kohler, of Glendorr, left for , town today
Portland. Ho is just finishing a fire 1 Engineer Griswold, of the 0. E.,
eight room residence, and is equipping went to Eugene this afternoon,
it with modern conveniences including I Ralph Fenton, U. O. student, arrived
a vacuum cleaner. i this noon for a visit with Earl Fort-
Rev. Hinson, probably Portland's! Miss Helen Gilbert, student of nursing,
ablest minister, returned home from came up from Portland this noon on a
Lebanon, occompanied by Rev. Riley, ' visit with her folks,
president of McMinnville College. A H. K. T.urnrer nrf tam
district convention has been held this '
week at Lebanon.
Mrs. W. M. Parker
d daughter ,
Alzina, went, to Portland tor a
snort ;
J. H. Kaufman went to Portland to
see his new grandchild.
T. J. Anderson and others arrived
with ballot boxes.
Miss Fisher, who has been helping in
the Hamilton millinery department,
returned to Portland.
Geo. Anderson jr., went to Jefferson.
Mrs. Christenson, of this city, and
Miss Labbv of Portland, went out to
the Bond farm.
Dr. W. R. Bilveu and Harry Schloa-
ser went to Portland to help fan the
Portlands into life.
Mrs. J. E. Hulbert and Mrs. W. G.
Ballock went to Portland.
President Kerr and Prof. Bexell. of
the O A.C., went to Portland.
J. F. Allen, president of the Cor.
vallis commercial club, went to Port
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burnett went to
Portland for a Sunday visit.
E. Hofer returned to Salem.
Be sure to see the new sailor, black
and white banding. Entiiely new. At
L. Matthew.
Clover Leaf Dairy.
It you appreciate clean, sanitary and
pure milk give us a call.
Delivered twice a day. Both phones.
Milk depot 331 Lyon St.
J. F. Huggins, Prop.
Have you seen the new suits just re-!
ceiveJ for $16.09 to $30. at Young's?
City Treasurer's Notice.
Albany, Oregon,. April 15, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds on hand to pay warrants issued
against the General Fund of the city of
the i
mutiny, uregun los 03 to out nc
issue ot tSUO.
Interest will cease with this date
dte April Id. lsii ,
H. B. CUSICK. City Treas.
Have you had Henry shoe your horse
at the Green Front, lie knows how.
The 1912 Base Ball Guide at Alh.iw
Gun Store, also a large assortment of '
supplies. ;
F. G. Will for watchet.
Will Portland ever win?
Votes count, not just talk.
The law of the ocean is inexorable.
Buoze and base balls don't assimilate
The Mfg. X is a good thing for the
Use Oregon made goods. Hunt for
Albany had the first ex. of her home
mad 3 things.
The women certainly had their rights
on the Titanic.
Cne should take their character into
the primaries as w ell as in the general
A genuine mummy is to be shown in
Corvalhs soon, but that won't be any
thing new there.
There is talk of a wholesale produce
house here, a business man being here
to investigate the matter.
The big audiences of Dr. Hill of the
east aro only in the Oregonian. Tbey
are Bmall cnea as a fact, all through
the state, a regular frost except when
they reach the big tower.
After all it will not be at all sur
prising if Roosevelt does not get the
Oregon delegation. The president's
support is small all over the state ex
cept in the columns of the Oregonian.
With the privilege of paying for
pavement in ten installments it is not
probable Albany will be affected !ma-
terially financially by its pavement.
Not onlv that, but as an investment in
the long run it will add decidedlyto the
city'B capital, as well as permanent inl
, Pavement.
K.Vhloon lrnnta an hnni. mnnv In.
bergs was suicidal. Frank Wood of
this city, who has made many trios to
Nome, traveling among icebergs, Bays
extreme caution always has to be taken,
the boats simply crawling along. On
one of Mrs. wnnd'a trinq therp to inin
ber husband the boat bumped against
an iceberg white going verv slow and
eyen then almost went down.
M. J Beezer, the architect, has been
j in tne city.
I Mr. Fred Newton arrived from Port
I and this noon.
! Editor Duever. of Lebanon, wan in
nig to move to Vancouver, wash., to
reside, good people who will be missed.
Mr. flnrl Mra Will MnPa-lsnJ aA
fr0m Portland tl iia nonn nn n visit-, mit-h
her aunt. Mra. .1. A. M-i:Kiono nri
other relatives.
Frank Peterson, who has been resid
ing at the home of Mr. Bending, yes
terday was taken to St. Mary's Hos
pital for care, being afflicted with
inflammatory rheumatism and unable to
Have your feet attended to'Iby Mrr.
Driver, 739 E 2. Bell 361-J.
Wedding rings, Engagement rings,
Friendship rings. F. M. French & Son.
Watchea, Watches, Watchei, L. W
Ross, Jeweler.
The celebrated Black Shells haye ar
rived at Baltimores'.
The 1912 Dayton and Daytonia bi
cycles at tne aioany uun store.
A fine collie shepherd dog is at the
nome oi vjeo. E,. banders. The ojrner
is requested to call for him.
If you appreciate the best try Quality
Brand Ice C. earn at the Jersey Milk
Depot, 325 Lyon street.
Order a Ladies Home Journ il of Riley
Robaugh berfore the 25th, when the
price will go up to $2 a year.
At this city next Friday the Albany
College debating team will debate with
Newberg, having the affirmative of the
compulsory arbitration question.
About as small an S. P check as on
the C. & E.. for working a short tim-
for the S. P., being for 48 cents.
C. G. Rawlings now has the station
ary department of his job printing bus
iness open, a very neat place, well
arranged. He will carry a big line of
blanks, stationary and novelties, type
writer supplies, etc
Nettie, daughter of V. L. Snyder, met
with a peculiar accident voaiA.t, a
of011""1 stepped on a cycle in Buch a
i way us iu inrow it against one of her
nee T'hich it struck, going in almost
" me Hoof, matting a Dad wound.
The Jersey Dairy
Pure Milk and Cream delivered Iwict
if -ou j0 not .t vaa ,,t
Ik promptly,
- C Schultx.
rail ma on either phone.
New Suits:
Application of J. G. Brown to regis
ter title. L. L. Swan attorney.
Cora E. Hopkins agt. Carter Sturp,
suit to recover $107 25. L. L. S-van
Deeds recorded:
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co. to
O. E. 2 12 acres and strip 100
feet wide $
j. vv. jacuson to J. tt. uwnbey
42 by 110 feet bl 28 H's ad ... . 3000
Ante-nuptial agreement John W.
Gray.57, and Joanna F. Harris, 41, as
to children and property.
, Transcript on appeal filed in Linn and
Lane Timber Co., agt. Linn county, a
suit brought to restrain the county from
collecting taxes in several districts
against the plaintiff, decided in favor of
the county.
The" recorder's office was being run
by West Albany voters and the sheriff's
office by Albany voters, this forenoon
97 of them in the formor, 84 in tha
To all Free Masons: All
memberB of St. Johus Lodge
No, 17 A. F. & A. M. and all
other Masons are hereby noti
fied and required to appear at
the Masonic Temple, Albany,
Oregon, at the hour of 2:30
o'clock P. M. sharp, on Tues
day, April 23d. 1912, for ihe purpose of
attending andsssisting the Grand Lodge
Officers Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of Oregon, in laying the corner
stone of the First Presbyterian church
in Albany.
Walter R. Bilyeu, W. M.
Edward Washburn, Sec.
A large shipment of Fishing Tackle
1 S. A??' Deen- ceivea at tne Albany
I B-
F G. WILL, lor Watches
WANTED One to five acres, dry land,
as near Albany as possible, for
slaughter house. M. B. Craft.
WANTED. Work by the hour. 104
West 3rd and Lyon. Home phone
348. t25
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country.
Phone, Main 38.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
administratrix of the estate of Philip
Mathew Flood, deceased, by the
county court of Linn county, Oregon,
and that letters of administration on
said estate have been duly issued to
the undersigned by said court; there
fore, all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied and required to present the same
with the proper vouchers to the un
dersigned at her residence in Albany,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated this first day of March, 1912.
Administratrix of Philip Mathew
Flood, deceased.
W. R. BILYEU, Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned were this 19th day of
iviarcn, oy order of the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed executors of the last will
and testament of Charlotte Wagner,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby notified to present the same
with the proper vouchers to the un
dersigned within six months from the
date of this notice at the office of
Hewitt &Sox, at Albany, in Linn
County, Oregon.
Dated ths 19th day of March, 1912.
HEWITT & SOX, Executors.
Attorneys for executors
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon for Linn County.
Lillian Hansen, plaintiff, vs. Theo
dore O. Hansen, defendant.
To Theodore O. Hansen, above
named Defendant: In the name of
the State of Oregon, you are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint of the above named plaintiff
in the above entitled suit now on file
with the clerk of the above entitled
court, within six weeks from the date
of the first publication "of this sum
mons, and you are hereby notified that
if you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in her said com
plaint, to-wit, for a decree of the court
dissolving the marriage contract ex
isting between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and awarding to the plain
tiff the future custody of her unborn
child, and her costs and disburse
ments herein, and tor such other relief
as may be meet in equity.
This summons is published in the
Albany Democrat, a weekly newspa
per published in Linn county, Oregon,
once a week for six successive weeks,
by order of the Hon. J. N. Duncan,
county Judge of Linn county, Ore
gon, made and entered herein on the
13th day of March, 1912, and the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is the 15th day of March, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.