Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 26, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The Popular Store for the People
The Celebrated Durham
Duplex Demonstrator Safety
Razor is different from any
other safety razors because
it uses the sliding stroke of
the ordinary razor instead of
th e"hoe" stroke common to
all other safeties.
You can get a $2.50 razor
for 35c while they last at
Horse shoeing and general black
smithing, wagon and carriage work.
Nothing but first-class work by expert
First and llaker Sis., between 1st and
2nd, near Wigwam.
FOR SALE. Some of the best build
ing lots inside the city limits, and
will sell lot and build you a home
according to your own ideas, one
third cash, balacne easy terms.
New 7-room house for sale. Geo.
C. Richards, contractor and builder,
934 S. Maple. Home phone red 141.
II. K. HAZEN, Prop.
Light Housekeeping Suites, Sleeping
Rooms, Rates Reasonable.
Second and Montgomery Streets
Home Phone 208
Office Jersey Dairv. 323 Lyon St.
Home Phone 1400. Bell Thone
Home 411.
Graduate registered Veterinarian,
1014 E. 2nd St., Albany Or. Thoncj, '
While in the store take a
walk through this large de
partment and you will won
der where so many fine wares
come from. Our ten-to-one
showing means that we can
show you ten suits where
other stores show you one.
But still the ratio is about the
same, we get ten customers
to other stores' one every
day. Why ? Ask any Ham
ilton customer, she knows
better than any one else.
To get right down to the
bottom of the facts, investi
gate our ready-to-wear lines
and be pleased.
Thank you for your atten
tion. Wanted
i The- Abnny Dressed Beef and Pro
duco Co. will pay tho highest market
price for eggs and other produce
Farm Lands and City Property for
Heal Estate Lions.
Fire Insurance.
Surety Honda
Rooms 19 21 Cuaick Block,
Albany, Oregon.
242 West Second St, Albtny.
First-class meats of all kinds
from selected stock.
Our new line of table linen
for spring is the Humidor
kind which are undoubtedly
the best linens on the market.
By the yard, or separate pat
terns with napkins to match.
A most beautiful line of
new and exclusive patterns
Best qualities, $1.25, $1.50
and $2.00.
Others at 75c, $1.00.
FOR SALE-Flock of white Leghorn
chickens, best layers. 401 Calapooia.
LOST. A gold necklace, without the
charm. Return to 110 Washington
LOST. A lemon and white pointer,
chain on neck. Leave at Jas. Coon,
the tailor. Reward. t20
LOST A cuff link, E on it. Return to
Democrat othce.
FOUND -A lady's duster. At Demo
crat office.
In charge or city cemetery, aoout
having lots kept up, cement work,
etc. Call at cemetery. t 26
! FOR SALE. Some lots well, located.
Roal bargains if taken soon. A well
located modern bungalow. 1 close in
residence, 1 strictly, high grade res
idence lot. l. u. Hole-rook, 2nd St
RESIDENT College student wants
yards or gardens to care for during
tne Benson, neierence. ceil oaiy,
FORKENT.-80 acres of pasture, with
running water, adjoining the city of
Aicany. uan on ri. r. sox, at Stew
art & Sox H'dw Co's Store." 29t
FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping
rooms, i suite, newiy lurmanea,
ground floor, 213 Baker. Home pione
Black 205. 17
LET Greenfield figure on your brick and
Plastering, also atone and tile work
All work guaranteed. Phone Home
U4. t8
FOR RENT OR SALE. 16 acres,
about 2 miles from Albany P. O.,
Benton county. G. C. Covalt, 1139
E 2nd St. t9
DRESSMAKING. Will continue to do
dressmaking. Am now at 1227 E
2nd street. Mrs. Omer Mitchell. t8
FOR SALE. -5,000 feet second hand
lumber, good order. Call Geo.
Anderson, 130 Montgomery at 8 t
FOR SALE. Good young toam, 6 and
7 years old. Weight about 1600.
Address H. A. Lake, Tollman, Ore.
FOR SALE-100 tons hay. vetch and
encat, vetch undents. J. A. Howard,
WOOD FOR SALE. Socond growth fir
$4, old fir $4.76, good dry wood and
goou measure. riometiiacK:iut, Bell
phone 44a J. r . (J. CHAPMAN.
smau io;s, oy J. u. auo E. 4th,
Hoth phones. 17t
FOR SALE by the owner, a six room
House and two lota, center of toan.
half block from High i cho 1. Apply
on ino premises casi iin street.
11. Hums.
FOR SALE. Farm, with 2 seta of
buildings, 6o2 acres, 7 miles east of
Aitiany, all or part, at sacrifice,
terms to suit, with or without stock
and machinery. See me if you mean
Business, u. n. uerie, K. D, 1.
FOR SALE-264' by 110 ft of property.
Call on Mrs. Promm, 440 E 1st. 5t
GLASS. All sues and kinds, for rale
M the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than avwhere else in Albany. SkilU
I Iv set, if desired.
Albany Democrat
Entered at the post office, Albany, Or
as tecond dries mail matter.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.00.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
...... v.. j .u. v"""
$1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3
years at ft.
F.P. Nutting.
LITHIC. Twenty-Five Blocks in the Business
Heart of the City to lie Paved.
Twenty-five streets In the business
heart of the city are to be paved with
the popular bitulithic paving, the city
council having recently awarded the
contract after a thorough investiga
tion of the merits of the different
kinds of paving. During this investi
gation, the reports of various com
mittees sent out by other cities to
inspect pavings, were taken into con
sideration, the report of J. Duder, as
sistant engineer of Salt Lake City
having especial weight.
As the result of a three weeks trip
through the east by Mr. Duder recom
mendations will be made to the city
commission of the Utah capital that
bitulithic paving be used in all medium
traffic and residence streets, says the
Pocatclol Tribune.
Mr. Duder was sent by the city
commission for the special purpose of
investigating paving matters, as he is
to have charge of the paving and gen
eral public improvement work of the
engineering office. D. H. Blossom,
city engineer, will have charge of the
water works-, engineering and general
The engineer visited Pueblo, St.
Louis, Kansas City, Omaha and Chi
cago. In these cities bitulithic pave
ment has been used to considerable
extent. Mr. Duder reports that his
: - .tltlf tt,A
IIlVC!)lllitllUII9 uciiiwiiaiioivw i
bitulithic material is very efficient. He
Says nc lllius 11 csjjctiuny ayajHtu m
streets with steep grades where a
rough surface is employed, and he ;
thinks it will be found satisfactory
in Salt Lake. .
He found cheaper paving, but in the
matter of wearing qualities, he de
clares, they were not satisfactory and
he does not believe it would pay to
adnnt them. I
F 0. WILL, lor Watches
15 acres in bearing apple orchard,
choice winter varieties, orchard in
good condition and within five miles
of Albany.
4 acres in strawberries and bearing,
35 acres in the tract, and nearly all in
cultivation, every foot good fruit or
berry land.
Small house, good barn, possession
when sold. The fruit and berries
from this year's crops will net the
purchaser one-third of the purchase
price of the farm.
... yiH.scJl this tract for one-half-. cjj
the price asked for similar lands ad
joining that have nothing on them,
and will give, time on a part of the
purchase price.
Full particulars, location and price
given to those that mean business, by
calling at my office, at No. 102 E.
First Street, Albany, Oregon.
Good farm 134 acres, 35 acres in
cultivation, 20 acres more ready to
plow with little work, 6 acres fine pas
ture besides other pasture in timber
tract, lots of good second growth fir
timber, over 3000 cords wood, crop
all in, 12 acres fine clover. Fair 5-room
house, barn and other buildings, good
well, line spring can be piped to house,
some fruit, 6 miles to Albany, and 3
miles to good town on S. P. railroad,
I 'A miles to station on S. P. R. R. and
1J4 miles to Oregon Electric; lots of
fine rolling orchard land, on county.
road, K. f. L., telephone, close to
good school. Price, $95.00 per acre,
small payment down and easy terms
on balance or will take good residence
in Albany up to $2000.00 and balance
Cusick Block. Albany, Oregon.
ALL over the world, hotels,
railways, steamship lines
and the best shops, know
"A.B.A." Cheques are as good as
gold. No difficulty la cashing
them, for your signature Identi
fies you. Pay your bills through
out your trip with them. Just as
you would at home with your
own check book.
J. F. Broughton, of Cottage Grove
was in the city.
C. L. Ransom, a leading M 11 City
man, was Here.
Merchant L. P. Hubbs, of Lebanon,
was in town today.
J is, Shahan, of Cottage Grove, was
in tne city today,
Mrs. John Sloper vent to Eugene
tnis atternoon.
Mrs. R. P. Landis, cf this city, died
at Ashland today, a fine young woman
Riley J. Savage, is heie from Idaho
uu a visit wuu uu uiuiuer, airs, uuao
Dr. Mack Denney, of Portland, is
nere to see bis lather, Jonn uunney,
gradually failing.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton .Hear
ing, a few miles from Albany, this
morning, a boy. The mother was
formerly Miss Verna Kelley.
Walter Turrell and daughter arrived
this noon from Tacoma to look after
their Cloverdale property, for which
Owen Beam is the local agent.
T. B. Williamson went to Corvallis
this afternoon to hear Sam Hill on good
roads. Mr. Williamson is a supervisor,
and says it is easy to make good roads
if you have the money, which is the
Mrs. D. H. Loonoy. MissLjony, Mrs.
J. D. Sherman, Mrs C. J. Canon,
Florence Reives, Georgia Bilyeu, Mrs.
C. il. Smith and Mtb. S. A. Pearce
were among a fine looking lot of Jeffer
son ladies who had been here to attend
t!ie Eastern Star meeting.
Fred Hammill and M if s Eva Moore,
of Hoiley, were married tonay at the
M. E. parsonage by- kev. Leech. Two
worthy and prosperous yonng people
who will make their home at Hoiley.
Dreamland Tonight.
Row motion pictures are made, now
at Dreamland is one of the most inter
esting films ever shown, tomorrow
Frank Lanning, of the Kalem Co. will
be here in person, an i on next Tue-Wed-Thur.
The Passion Play, the dates
having been changed.
Orville Payne today had a warrant
issued for the arrest of Jas. Fields on
the charge ot the theft of $3, and was
himself held under $50 to appear as a
Rebekahs Attention. Remember the
entertainment this evening at the I. O.
O. F. hall in honor of the 93rd anniver
sary of the order, to which all Rebekahs
and their families are cordially invited.
Emma Brenuer, Noble Grand.
Albert Foster committed suicide at
Walla Walla yesterday. He was not a
former Linn county man, as some sup
posed. LOST. Largo belt pin, initials V. G.
Return to Young's Store, clerk 11'
WANTED. A comDetent. energetic.
young man to solicit in city, good
compensation and chance tor rapid
advancement. Apply Room 13 Nation
' al gnk Building, from 9 to 10 a. m.
In order to make room and
reduce our stock, we will
run a bargain sale for one
week at the Pratt Store, 109
W. 1st St.
Come and see what you
can save this week.
Fisher Braden Co.
Drs. Foster
Such as asthma, rheumatism, eczema, both acute and chronic, stomach
and intestinal trouble, female complaint, eye weakness, partial paralysis,
head-ache and spinal trouble. We invite an investigation of our system.
A brief consultation free.
Office rooms, 7, 10 and 11 Brenner Block, opposite P. O, West First
Street, Albany, Oregon.
Hours from 1 p, m, to 9 p. m, Mornings and Sundays by appoint
ment only.
Both phones.
Our Wants
LOST-Silver pini Greek letters P. B.
I. Return to Uem. omce.
FOR RENT Residence, 6 rooms.witfi
bath. See Dr. Ellis.
LOST. Lady's watch and fob, ia
city. Reward. Return to Democrat
FOR SALE. Inside house and lot,
cheap, nicely located. Inquire 516
E. 6.
WANTED One to five acres, dry land,
as near Albany as passible, for
slaughter house. M. B. Craft.
WANTED. Work by the hour. 104
West 3rd and Lyon. Home phone
343. t25
LOST. Gold ring, with inUid pink
cameo stone, in city, Leave at Dem
ocrat office.
WAITED. Lady wishes work of any
kind, by day or hour. Home phone
451. tl
WOOD. 16 inch body fir, at the Shingle
Mill. 25t
$60,000 TO LOAN on real property, by
j. i,. lynnsty, rtuy-ai-iaw. Kooms
over First Nat'l Bank, Aibany. 4-5t
FOR SALE. Orphington eggs, 50c a
setting. Chicago and Front Streets.
Home phone 296. 15 t
FOR SALE 120 cords fir and oak
wood, $l.bU per cord; also good
wagon, buggy and set of good work
horness. Inquire Arthur Moore,
Burns' Shoe Store. It
FLUFF RUGS. Made out of old car
pets. M. L. Sanders agent. Home
phone 441. 15t.
WANTED.-Work by the hour or day.
728 E. 1st. Bell 224 R.
FOR SALE-2 lots Fairdale ad at bar
gain. See I. R. Schultz. 16t
FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping
ana steering rooms Mrs. cnyeu, 24
Baker Street. 323t
FOR SALE An excellent buy in
good vacant business property, well
situated, in business district Call
on J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. 13t
Dr. Bernard Kavanaugh, Osteopath.
Bhvsician. announces the removal of his-
offices from the Schmitt-Hunt Building .
3rd and broadaltnn to the f irst Savings-
Bank building 2nd and Broadaioin bts.
Both phones.
Residence 223 S. Ferry St. Bell phone -
386 R.
HOPS 22834.
No. 52682 A. T. R.
By the Mighty Zombro, 2:11, the
greatest of Western sires. Dam Po
chahontas, dam of Little Maid, 2:18,.
Hops 52692.
Will be at Palace Feed Stables, N.
Ferry St., Monday and Tuesday.
R. D. COOPER, Owner.
Kleber Wood! manager, Independ
ence, Oregon. t9
& Lemon,