Or. Historic! SocfeTf r.ii. Albany Democrat ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY- APRIL 20. I91 fOL XI VH SO 30 See Big Window Displays of Bargain Friday and Saturday Specials. WEEK END SPECIALS FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY and SATunSA? Choice of 50 One Piece Dresses Regular $12.50 and $15.00 Values for 750 The price we ask is less than it would cost to have them made. They are all new 1912 Styles, most of them samples, purchased by our New York Buyer, at a price. . You can see th'em in our big Show Windows There are White, White with black Stripes, Navy Blue, Copenhagen, Wine, Tan, Brown and Black Serges and Tan, Coral, Clue, Champagne and Pink Silk finished Poplins, in all sizes, for Women and Misses. Don't miss this opportunity to buy a Dress at half its real value. Hundreds of other Beautiful Dresses at a Saving in Price. YOUR CHOICE OF ONE HUNDRED DRESS AND TAILORED HATS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAIN DAYS ONLY The price set for these Hats Friday and Saturday is a BARGAIN beyond com parison. They would cost you $7.50 to $10.00 in any other store or small millinery shop. Styles for Women or Misses in large or small shapes, Turbans, Sailors, or Dress Hats. All New Styles of Milans, Chips and Hemps, some trimmed with flowers, rib bons and velvets. Others in strictly tailored effetcs. Also the new Sailors so much in vogue. See the big window display of $5.00 Hats for Friday and Saturday. SHOE DATES Friday and Saturday. Lots of New White Buckskin Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps. Chambers & McGune ALBANYS' LEADING CLOAK -AND SUIT STORE First Read this ad. SECOND: See Our Window. THIRD: , See Our Stock of Suits, and Then: Become the owner of one of ourv ALL WOOL, ABSO LUTELY GUARANTEED STYLEPLUS for $17.00 The Same Price The World Over. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO Styleplus Clothes Read the Styleplus Clothes Story in this week's Saturday Evening Post (aa March 30th) SI7 This store is the only authorized agency for Styleplus' Clothes' in this' community The Blain Clothing Co. CARPENTER AND PAINTER. Will work by day or contract. Let trs figure on your work. Can paint yorr hoiife 50 it will stay painted and make prices right. WM. KIRK, Home Phone 116& PAINTS AND VALLPAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING J. R. ELDRIBGE, Painter. 428, W. 2nd St., Altan ALBANY BEAT CORVALLIS. The Albany high school base ball team yesterday afternoon defeated Corvallis high in a close and exciting contest 4 to 1, showing good material on both sides. ' ' i m. " niuanv maue ' rfmarkabl strike iZt 16 Corvallis med, and Farmer struck out 8 tm,2ZJ : men. Albany made 6 hits, Ryalls lead ing with 2, and French, C. and L. Big bee and McCauley each one. In the ! fifth inning Carson Bigbee and Ryalls made home runs in succession. 3 errors I wtre credited Albany and 6 Corvallis. I Carter Lee, of the Athletics, officiated as umpire. i Following were the linups: . flnrvnllici Mnn. n C.. n ley, Price, Johnson basemen, Muse-rove it..... i . ... :. r. i, uoui, mums una martin neiaers. Alhnno n I t:i Ryalls. French, Briggs basemen, Mon teith ss, Hector. MuCauley, Holt fielders. THE ELECTION. The returns so far received indicate inat in the presidential race in Oregon, Roosevelt leads Taft by several thous and; that Bourne has been beaten by Selling by 4,000 to 5,000; that Ganten bein has beaten LalFcrty for congress and that it is ' between "'- e t i '.' ;- nnu no, as lor secretary of state. Hawley is of course nomi nated for congressman. For state food commis8iJ."rr 1C 18 closa- . , Wilson leads for "resident on the democratic ticket. Dr. Harry 18116 ia undoubtedly nominated for if. S. Senator. THE WORLD ,Tnr0 are moral and physical wrecks. Ihe Oragoman is the formjr, fortunate ly without influence. M. L. Duryea, manager of the E"-- Commercial Club. - "-- . rrsnera today seeing a Made In Linn Ex., greatly pleased with the fine offering. . Th6 0. E. will have rails laid to AN Pany by May l. and is already putting them down on Fifth street. The trolley is about a mile behind the rails. Bal lasting will begin from this end baok, Pioneer Picnic, Times: The tWent.V-fnill.th annual ann;n ..J three days picnic of the Linn County Pinnae..1 A :ii ... i i '' ........... naauumiiuii win ue neia in KrnwnsvillA nn Wn4nnc,n.... tu.. i-.. and Friday, June 19, 20 and 21, 1912. ii ia pruposea mac me picnic this year will be better in every way, if that be nossible. nMA nam ami inlu.a.lim. features will be added and new regu lations adopted that will insure greater success and pleasure. Among the new attractions this year will be an exten sive exhibit of the resources of Linn county, an exhibit by tho public school children of their handiwork in home, shop, field and garden; also an exhibit bv the ninnppra nf rali.a nf ikn days in Linn county. Blue Rock Shoot.. The weekly shoot of the Albany Gun Club yesterday was a good one. VV. G. Ballack carried off the medal. The following scores were made: For Dupont medal. Ballack 24, Warner 21, Simons 20, Hackleman 21, French 23, Newport 11, Cline 16, Schultz 20, Boggs 12, Meyers 18, Bal timore 21, Stoltenberg 17, Leininger 23, NickerBon 18, Douglas 22, Drake 18. Cox 13, Clelan 19, Tracey 10, Pollak 20, Neeley 18, Hinz 17. For the Selby trophy. Ballack 22, Warner 17. French 18. Hackleman 19. Baltimore 18, Stoltenberg 12, Leininger 21, Nickereon 21, Douglas 9, Boggs 16, Clelan 19, Clins 17, Schultz 13, New port i, movers , uraKe is, Bimons IB, Tracey 18, Hinz 17, Cox 11, Pollak 13. A Bad Fall. W. F. Shane, foreman at tho Presbv. terian church, yesterday met with a serious accident. Ho was on the ap proach to the front door,' when he stepped on a pebble and was thrown to the ground below striking on the back of his head. He was taken to St. Mary's Hospital and Dr. Wallace called. There was concussion of the brain, but just how serious is not yet certain. In this county Roosevelt leads Taft nearly three to one. La Follette has re ceived a fine vote. Selling is far ahead of Bourne for senator. Gale S. Hill is ' winsiow ior district attorney abOIlt ttvn tn nnu in th... ... i :"1 . - - w.. i,o tuuuij, cum is said to have run ahead in Marion coun ty, ne is nominated by quite a margin. For mnrnamiralivaa ih. ........ l.i: V...HH.CO in lUUUUUUUlIB have nominated Chas Childs, L. G. Lewelling and F. H. Porter, and the democrats C. L. Shaw, J. M. Philpot and J. P. Cooley. D. B. McKnight is nominated for judge by the republicans and H. M. - -. uj 1.11 13 UCUJUClUlti, Sellino rpnnlvari (IRQ tn ri, 01 a in all but nine precmcta. fj S Hill -ll ceived 1038 to 616 for Winsbw in all uui, iiva piuciucts. D. Smith h.a V.nAn IJ ...ua usini iivuiiuaicu tur sheritr by the democrats, with Ed. Sehnnl npi-nnrl niul R1 IT opnv. k:uj u.,u 4-. ... i wiuui iiiiru. Ihe republicans have nominated D. H. uuuiiic, wiin iv. ij. wnite second and Ala B. MHrRhnll nnH A n Vna.nM A.t lowing. With eight precincts not reported D. S. Smith is ahead of Ed Schoel approxi mately 100 for sherill, with Pfeiffer about 40 behind Schoel. with four precincts to hear from Bodino hnn R17 Whila IFnan oon and Marsha 1 97. ' For Sheriff on the republican ticket the vote in the three Albanites, Price and Knox Butte, was Bodine 214, Fos- iui uo, luurcmuu 101, wnttQ Lit). w r. m..i.. L ii..j i ... u. ...a.no ia IIIIIIIIIUIUU lOT GlttTK by both the republicans and democrats, m.iu u. ui i' louui iur uasuHsor oy ootn. Grant Froman Is nominated for re corder by a small vote over M. F. TT UUll. With three precincts not reported Froman is ahead of wood for recotder about 60, which will brobably not be changeed materially. W. W. liYanoia ii tho K: f. treasurer. W. L. Jackson has a clean sweep for nnnnrinlanilanl nn fUn .t- U.U.U.V1IUVIIW Ull V,,n UUIlllli;! U lit blUllUl and J. W. Miller on the republican A. L. Geddes is nominated for sur- tju vj i ruuiKana ttiiij pernups by the democrats, and Wm. Fortmiller 1UI vv.uuo.. T. .T. RllMnt hna u hlo- mainIf,, tn county commissioner. The Weather. Range of temperature 49 36. The river is 3.6 feet. Prediction: Fair tonight and Sunday, WATCHES, P. M. French & Son. THE EMPIRE Titanic Storiei. The Titanic was going 23 knots an hour at the crash, a suicidal speed among icebergs. Col. Aator lit a cigarette just before the boat went down. Mill. RllFf annlru ..lnnnn.l.. -.. .i L Hiv-oauilliy, wim a snnle, as ha was last seen by Miss Young, a friend, tho last woman to leave the ship. Frank M. Warren, of Portland, is de clared to have been one of the bravest men On thA UDaHnl a nnxn in . I M death. ' " l"" 1U 01 Ismay, the owner, is characterized as a coward. Mrs. John Jacob Astorsays there was plenty of rdbm in the boats for more., To Be Mairied. Mr. and Mrs P. C. Andorson went to Port and this afternoon, and Dr. Hill ? . j y?" Royce wi" tonight, and Lloyd, hdmund and Wallace Anderson will go on the early morning train, to attend tllA WO,lrlitin nt Vulll A 1 and a prominent young lady of Bridal VniL rinilirhtn!. nf nn n n .1. e .l , l ' " wi w, proprietors ot the lumber company, by which Mr. Anderson, one of Albany's best young men, has been employed for several years. They will te married at the Multnomah Hotel tomorrow afternoon. . Under an old agreement Mr. Royce is to be best man.- Notice. Noblest Holn make tho Shrlno lu.ll a success. Please promptly send your .......uuu vw Hctumur. mure candidates are needed. Special meeting will no field Saturday evening, April 20th, at the Masonic Temple, corner West Park and Yamhill street, Port laud, Ore., and if candidates enough, a cciomumui win do neid on April 27th. The Recorder is revising his mailing list. Every mombor will kindly help him by sending in their correct post office address. By order of tho Potentate. . B. G, WHI1EHOUSE, t20 Recorder. HArlAU rillVIllinn Mnln. Pii.ln. . it. , , . . , VjrulO Ub bll Albany Gun Store, The vntn f nr nraaMonf - in thn ih,.a miiuiiiHH Hnn r-ri"n wnn .n nn nrr uh nouseveit itjo, rait iyu. L. L. Swan Is again nominated for justice on the republican ticket and jonn ratlin lor constable in distriot 2, wiuie a. n. uouia is proDamy nomi nated by democrats and perhaps Chas, cua iur vuuaiuuie. - Geo. E. Rolfe, Prop, and Manager. TONIGHT '.y liy 11 n 15 Numbers- Good music Aii for 10 ccnts.v DREAMLAND I. Curing the Office Boy. This is a snappy, clean comedy. v2. Far from Erin's Isle. An Irish production, m.nlc in Ireland and America. A Kalcm feature. 3. His Mistake. One of Ltibin's best society dramas. 4. Billy's Stratagem. A vivid por trayal of the early days on the fron tier, one of the most thrilling ever produced, a fine Biograph. 5. The Little Dclicatesian Store. Full of laiiKhs. 6. Vaudeville Carlisle & Johnston in a clever playlet, entitled "Bud's Finish." 7. Cahler & Wadsworth Music ami effects. Coming Next Tuesday. Wednes day and Thursday, "How I'ictnrcs are M:Ie." Coming ext Sntunlay and Sun day, April 27-28, "The Passion Fb.y." Admission 10 cent.' Base Ball. The Albany Athletics and Pacific uentai uouege, or Portland, will play on the new grounds tomorrow afternoon, beginning at 2:30 o'clock, with the fol lowing lineups, in batting order: Albany Monson c. f., Lee ss. Baker Sb, Mickel If, E. Uooley lb, Salisbury rf, G. Dooley 2b, Shaw c, Patterson p. P. D. C.-McCullah c. f., Norby ss, McAllen 3b. Kisendel If. Earlvwina lb. Olsen rf, Lawson 2b, Thomas c, Lake, Linugias, mil p. Martin umpire. Look for a number in your Beam Fletcher bread. One lot of chilrlrens' hntft. Fnpelnl At the Womon's Hat Shop. H. F.MERRILL, Insurance, Loans, Bonds Room No. 1, First Savings Bank Building. 50C. FOR Kevere Sunday L'innm, Every Sun lay, at the Hotel Revere. 5:30 o 8 p. m , there will bo a choice dinner served for only 50 cents. Music by tho popular Wilson orchestra. Make reservation. St our Q C. Rings ye-o'ttiuwly want oot becavM of their gnat beauty and worth. Look If ther coit twice the price. With each ring you get a printed guarantee that iniora you agalnit loit ttonee (except diamondi), , GUARANTEED RINGS an made for men, women and chil dren. Over 2000 pattemi. Look for Q C. stamp intlde each ring., Call and get free birtlutone card. ' L. W. Ross, Jeweler Albanv. Or. NEW ST. FRANCIS GRILL Sunday Table de Hote Dinner .75c a plato. Tables reserved. 5:30 to 8 p. m. MUSIC. Just eceived Brass Jardiniers, Fern Dishes and PJanging Jardinxrs at merer & me;:e:.'s