Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 19, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    , . $100 PKR PLATE ..
was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay,
in New Orleans in 1842. Mighty cost
ly for those with stomach trouble or
indigestion. Today people every
where use Dr. King's New Life Pills
for these troubles as well as liver,
kidney and bowel disorders. Easy,
safe, sure. On1" " t Fred Daw-
I wish to announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination
for County Assessor. I have had
nine years' experience in the Asses
sor's office which I believe has thor
oughly qualified me to take up this
important work.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed executor of the last will and
testament of Mathew Acheson, late of
said county, deceased. All persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at the
office of Hewitt & Sox, in the City of
Albany, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated ApYil 12, 1912.
HEWITT & SOX, Executor.
Attorneys for Executor.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Linn. '
Department No. 2. Mary A. Booth, '
Plaintiff, vs. John W. Booth, Defend- :
am. '
To John V. Booth, the above named
defendant: t
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, You are hereby notified and re-;
quired to be and appear in said court '
in said suit, and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff on tile therein, on or
before the 11th day of May, 1912, and
you are hereby further notified that
if you fail to appear and answer said
complaint as aforesaid, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take a De
cree against you for the relief prayed
for in said complaint, to-wit:
A Decree of said Court dissolving
"the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and said plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you
by publication for six consecutive
weeks'prior to the said 11th day of
May, 1912, in the Albany Democrat, a
newspaper published in the City of
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, and of
general circulation weekly ' in said
county, by order of the Honorable J.
N. Duncan, judge of the County Court
of Linn county, Oregon, which said
order was made on the 23rd day of
March, 1912. And the said County
Judge, in said order for publication
of this summons upon you, has pre-
scribed said 11th dav of May. 1912, as I
the time on or before which you shall
appear and answer the said complaint
m said suit. . j
The date of the first publication of
tins summons in iniS sio iic.vh" report tine treatment and an inter
Is March 29th, 1912 eating time. The dabate was a big
WM. 5. RlbLfcY,: event there, witnessed by a large crowd.
Attorney for Plaintiff, i The judgc.s were Prof . Johnson of the
In the County Court of Linn 'Com
ity, Oregon. - - -
In the matter of Anna Dnnn, de-
To Alexander Dunn, Margaret J.
Parsons, Alice M.. Rogers, Maud A,
. Rogers, Ella Hand, George Hand,
Lida Hand, Grace Hand, Sarah A. -
rierce, William uunn, lizzie ivior
gan, Marcus Dunn and all other per
sons interested in sa;d estate:
Whereas, application having been
made in due form to the above-nam-
miT'?".! thCrSt f Jfarfh'
1912, by Marcus Dunn, administrator
of said estate, for an order and license 1
directing, authorizing and empower-
ing him to sell the Real Estate be-
longing to the estate of said decedent,
and described as follows, to-wit:
l-ots . numoered i'orty-one (1), end of a finger through a razor accident
iForty-two (42, Forty-three (43), ani, Mrs.jCecil Rampy wilhelm, of Har-Forty-four
(44) in Block Twelve (12), 1 risburg, was an Albany visitor yester
in . Bryant's Addition to the city of, day., , ,,' . .".
Albany, in Linn county, Oregon. . . Miss Mattie Swan, a former Albany
And whereas, said court fixed on teacher, was in the city yesterday visit
the 22nd day of April, 1912, at 10 ing friends.
o'clock a. m., at the court room of A fire alarm Saturday evening from
this court in the court house in Linn box 37 was a mystery, probably put in
county, state of Oregon, as the time without cause.
f!&C Phone people report a
,V7: t . " j
granting of said order and license of
Therefore, in the name of the State
of Oregon, You and each of you arc
hereby cited, directed and required to
be and appear at said time and place
then and there to show cause, if any
you have or if any exist, why an or
der of sale should not be made, as in
the Petition prayed for, and why said
Petition should not be granted and
said order and license should not is
sue. Witness, The Hon. J. N. Duncan,
Judge of said court with the seal of
said court affixed this 1st day of
March. A. D. 1912.
(L. S.) W. L. MARKS, Clerk.
By R. M. RUSSELL, Deputy
C. C. BRYANT. Attornev.
First Pub. March 8, 1912, last April
S, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that the linker-signed
has been duly appointed hv
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Linn County, administrator
of the estate of Anna Dunn, deceased
All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to presn!
the same to me properly verified as hy
law required, at my residence in Al
bany, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
First publication February 16, 1912
Last, March lh. 1912.
C. C. TSRVAXT. .Vl-r.i-.V.rrtor.
Senator Lafollette, of Wis., the only
real progressive for president on the
republican ticket, arrived this afternoon
abuut 2:35 und began speaking to ar
armory full of people as soon as an auto
could get him to tne armory; paying his
respects to botn President Talt, ulwaye
omitted by the Oregonian, and Roose
ve:t, the man with the Club, giving the
position plainly of the progressives,
seeking a government in the interest of
'.he people.
Charles Oh:ing and
Irvnp Ach(ab who wo lhe d b t
at North Bend and Profe380r Mar.
quaro, arrived home last evening,
coming out on tn8 Breakwater, and
u. u.. Kev. H. 1. Kutledge and D C.
C. Green. formerI manager of the Ore
gon rower uo. nere.
A local paper before hand said the
Nortti Bend team, a good one, stood a
good show to win and little to lose.
But they lost unanimously.
The Albany team will now debate
ftlamatn falls, at this city, on May 3.
The winner will then debate The Dalles
for the championship of the state.
j. Fred Yates, of Corvallis, was in
town 'oday
Th k h t returned ma
" " the Bay.
. ,. ,
Ta.ft . haa S008" Kin for
nomination an to in
- The weather prediction is: fair tonight
and Tuesday, with light frost tonight,
Francis Albro. the pianist, lost the
pleasant ride and picnic party at Water-
t00 vesterdav V .
loo yesterday,
Miss L. Mathew, the milliner, went
to to attend the mid summer millinery
opening, and get all the new ideas go
ing in millinery.
The Young Men's Base Ball Club de
feated Tangent Saturday 11 to 3 in a
good game. Next Sunday they will
play a Scio boy's club.
Bill Schmitt and his best girl, of
Portland, were in the city this noon on
their way home from a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Prof. Sam Dolan of Corvallis.
Mr. Carl Power, or Pendleton, was in
the city again today to Bee if his ship
ment of Pendleton blankets was all
right, also . He was down to Port
land 00 auto business.
Elkins Bros, are arranln? to open hp
electric supply storo at 220 Lvon strett
the first day of Mav. with a 'full stock
of fixtures, etc They receotly wired
theSt. Francis.expericncod electricians.
Saturday Pennsylvania went for
Roosevelt decisively, though Taft gets
a few deleuates, showing a strong sr-nt-lment
against the rcclwtit-n of 'Presi
dent Taft. lhe state also went strongly
for Wocdrow il:on,
Oliver M. Hickey, a graduate of Al-
uany uiifue, 13 running ior justice of j
peace at Portland, a big paying office .
inert, wun me following platform:
Not on the slati ; schooled by on sctive
law practice; hc-lieves that justice should
not be overridt-u by technicalities.
U O won thp tr-i fi!o- rrwt t Port
land i-a'imiay witn 25 pcinri, Vultpo-'
n'ah arriu.d, with ZV.i, and O. A. ('. i
thiid. The featur.-.s were a mile hy '
Hupcin. V O . in 4 32 2 3 'and a p.le;
v-t:t .y U IIjS, i.u!:i..n.4i, 12 ft iU
iccLes. '
r F a - !
Washington, April 15. Woodrow Wil
son's sweeping victory in Penn., prob
ably insuring him allot the 7d delegates,
means his nomination, without a doubt
It was a great victory in the face of the
tight by the special interests and ma
.nine politic uns, with their triple alli
ance. Wilson now has 1-12, Clark 107,
Gov. Marshall 30 and Harmon 1. Tlu
Wilson lead will increase.
News from Albany's Six
Commissioner Butler and daughter
Agnes, who is ofliciating-as timekeeper,
returned to Stayton, where work is
being pushed on the new bridge, with
28 men now in the force, to be increased
perhaps to forty.
Rev. W. P. White went to Portland
to preach the funeral sermon of Rev.
Norton, at the old folk's home, this
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Rrs. B. R. Wallace left for Baraboo,
Wis , her former home, and as well the
home of the famous Ringlings, where
she will visit with her folk3 several
Miss Helen Crawgord arrived from
Lebanon to hear the great La Follette.
Mrs. John Neeley returned from Leb
anon. Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Stewart and
youngest daughter of Lebanon, went to
Portland for a few days visit at the
home of Fred Brandshagen. Mr. Stew
art will also attend an electrical con
vention. Claud Ellison went to Portland.
Lawyer W. S. Risley went to Salem.
Doug. Hamilton returned to Scio,
full of moving pictures.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilsonanddaugh
ter, of North Plains, left for home
after a Corvallis visit.
J. R. Metzirar returned to his wan-
nagon at Jefferson.
Miss Gretchen Colton, of Portland,
returned home after a visit at the home
of her grandmother, Mrs. George.
Judge Kelley went to Portland to
hold court.
Dr. Withycombe, of theO.A.C, went
to Portland. .
. F. M. Mitchell went up the C. & E.,
on candidacy business.
I Miss Florence Ralston returned to
her school in the country.
J. B. Dickover returned to Portland
after a visit with his son.
Miss Carolin Cannon left for home
after a visit at the home of her grand
fathir, D P. Mason.
Funeral of Chas. Keifer.
A large number attended the funeral
of Chas. Keifer yesterday, at the family
home at Water and Main streets. The
services were conducted by the Odd
Fellows, of which Mr. Keifer had been
a member 43 years. Hon. J. K. Weath
jerford delivered the funeral oration, and
C. W. Sears, J. W. Ellison, Henry
Kirsch, Al Gordon, Andrew Johnson and
Jonn Keeves omciated as pall bearers.
All of the children of the deceased,
Mrs. Harry Noel and Mrs. Stephen
Riley of Portland, and Mrs. W. H.
Warner of this city, and the step child
ren, were present.
There was a beautiful display ot
flowers, which the deceased loved so
much. The burial was in the family lot
iu uie uuy cemetery. -
Portland Hotel People,
Mr.- and Mrs. M. C. Dickinson of
Wright & Dickinson, proprietors of the
Hotel Oregon, Portland, K. J. Linden,
father of Mrs. Wright, and Miss Dick
enson, spent Sunday the guests of the
Hotel St. Francis, , going to Corvallis
this morning, accompauied by Miss
Block on. a short trip. They were
greatly pleased with the hotel and the
fine business being done, by the former
clerk of the Hotel Oeegon, and his
partner. They had a Pope Hartford
car, a goodone.
May Rob:on' Success, ,
The extraordinary success of May
Robson in depicting the humor and
characteristics of eccentric old women,
for which she is unequaled, encourage
seversl writers to submit, their plays,
but those received were not adaptable
to the requirements, therefore she de
termined to write down her.viws and
ideas of the p'ot action and callaborate
with some experienced dramatist. The
resultwas entitled "A Night Out." At
Albany next'Friday night.
Was II Years Old.
Afc .tliA - nlnnoanf dmn a rkA.
Kroeschel Saturday afternoon, there
eleventh birth.luy of Viola Kroeschel,
with seventeen girls present. They had
a fine time in games, with tasty re
freshments, and each little gueat
received a basket of confectionary upon
leaviDg for home.
More Space Secured.
All of the floor space having been
taken for some time, part ot the exoo-sitii-n
will he displayed l; ewhera. The
Ladies of the Christian Church will
serve Boneless Chicken Pie Dinn.r in
the basem-nt of the church from 11
till 1:30 Friday April 19:h. Thechicken
p es will be madn in Albany and are
suio lu ue iimt-ciass. oUC.
Card of Thanh?.
Mrs. Chr,j Keiftr and children desire
to express their heartfelt thank for
kindness and sympathy during the lllnces
Bnd after the death of their hu'i anl
nd father, and particularly to the Odd
NO. 14.
On Sunday, April 14. to Mr. and Mrs.
Cook, of Denver street, a boy, tneir
fourteenth child.
In Portland on April 10. to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Walling, formerly of this
city, a girl. This makes Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Kaufman, of this city, grand
parents. On Sunday, April 14, at the home of
the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Swank, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yates,
a girl. All doing well.
lhe Civic Improvement Reception
The reception of the Civic Improve
ment Club Saturday afternoon ana
evening, at the home of Dr. Davis, was
a fine affair, with a large attendance,
about one hundred fifty. The refresh
ments were dainty and choice, nicely
served by some fine young ladies.
During tne evaning the following pro
gram was presented, greatly apprecia
Piano solo by Miss Nan Stewart.
Vocal solo Yellow Hoses, by Mrs.
Vocal solo Because Go Gave Me
Thine, Ina Hanson.
Vocal solo from Opera of Varde, by
Mrs. Geselbracht.
Piano solo by Mrs. C. H.,
scotuscn poems,
Piano solo by Miss Houck, Wedding
Vocal Solo by Miss Blanche Bammell,
Four Leaf Clover.
Vocal solo by Mrs. Watson, Isle of
The Club desire to express their
thankB for the large attendanc, those
on the program and those helping to
serve so well.
Fifty Years a Minister,
. The Oregonian tells of the long minis-
try or tne tattler or. A. W. Bowersox
01 tms city, as ioiiows .
Kev. J- Bowersox, who was returned
tA u r-i. r. -. TT-.1....J ;
church, North East Side, today will
enter on the duties of his 50th year as
an active minister of that denomination.
Rev. Mr. Bowersox was given a license
to preach in 1861 and received an bp-
pointment in 18b3 in Pennsylvania in
the Evangelical Association. He came
to Oregon 42 years ago. He served the
church of Salem loager than other
charges, and was also pastor of the
churches of Albany, Corvallis and also
of Yamhill county. He was elected
presiding elderin the Willamette valley.
When the split in the Evangelical Asso-1
ciation came, Mr. Bowersox went with
the United Evangelical branch, but is
now an active advocate for organic
union of the two brancnes. iie nas re -
' church be has served, for five years
tcivcu n wu.wi -v.-
! Kark in the Rfrvrm Vrhnnl
I ...
. . . , ,, , , , ,
Louie Daniels and Harold Rhondrs,
?a ? "Tu.
Parole du "good behavior were eUsmTnVtZVimi.tWonsl'oerre,,0n' A"
ordered sent back by Judge Duncan Keith of the Hamilton Store. .
and are again at th school. - I G. W. Rohrbough has returned from
Last week they robbed the store of Gates, where ho spent Sunday and es
Missall & Knapp of about $150 worth of . tablished a fine Sunday school,
things, and a few weeks ago the store Mrs. Price, a niece of Mrs. Snelling,
of Miss Alexander of about $50 worth and son, arrived this noon from Rick
ot things. The goods of Missall & reall, Polk county, on an Albany visit.
Knapp were all found where they had i Dr. Bill from the east is to Bpeak in
been hidden. The boys confessed to Albsnv tonight in the interest of Pres
the thefts. They will now be kept in ident Taft. for whom he would die if
the school until of ago.
The boys also confessed to breaking
into the house of the Albany Uun Liub
and destroying the shells.
An Obscene Young Man,
' Upon Instructions from Portland
Sheriff Smith last evening arrested
Frank Murphy wanted there on a sen
tence of six months in jail for using
obscene language on the Home tele
phone. While here Manager Middle ton
of the Home Tel. Co., saw Murphy, and
niB arrest was secured, un representa
tion that he would appeal the case, he
was allowed some freedom and Bkipped
here. Murphy was first captured uj 01
the second or third offense by the girl
in the office holding him in conversation
while a polireman got the proper place,
A Pioneer oi I845.
W. W: Collins died near Suver. Polk
county. Saturday evening at the sgu
of 69 years, after residing there almost
his entire life. He was born in Miss
ouri March 2, 1843 and crossed the
plains with his f.ilks when three years
of ago, reaching Oregon in 1846, among
tho first settlers of the valley. He was
a man of excellent character a, id good
habits, a prosperous resident of his
' He leaves a wifo and two children,
Mrs. Ed. F. Wiles, of this city, and
Ralnh Collins, of the home place.
The funeral took place at 2 p. m.
Former A bsny People.
Oregonian: Since the return-of Dr.
and Mrs. C. R Templeton from their
European trip they have boen the re
cipientn of much attention in a social
wav. On Thursday evening they wero
honor guc.its Ht a dinner parly given by
Mr snd Mrs. E. W. I.unt'don in their
beautiful new home in Irvington. On
Wednesday they were guests of Mrs.
H. W. liogue at an informal reception,
and attain on Friday evening Captain
and hirs James Gray entertained with
a dinner party at their country home in
honor ot the Templeton.
The Los Angeles Gun Club will give
i' tirt nnnul blue rork lournaTient
May 10-12. J35.0 in 'ash prizes will be
triven. This will bef 'l.owcd by tourna
ments at San Bernardino and Sun Ditgo,
with big prizes. There will aluo be
aviation contests, nutomotfiie races,
etc. Here' a chance for 'he crack
shots of Albany.
By the Man About Town,
The vitrified brick is now coin? down
along the PE&E track. It doesn't seem
to lit verv well, but when cemented in
will probably be just the thing.
New potatoes have arrived, and like
wise peas, Horn elsewhere.
The O. P. Co. has a force of men at
vtorlc getting seventh anil f ourth
streets ready for pavement, by getting
their nines down Dermanentlv. Then
east Third and Fifth will be next.
Some new houses in all parts of the
city, but nowhere near enough A cry
ing need here is good houses of five to
seven rooms for rental.
In about two weeks the moval of the
Youne brick to the PfeilTer corner will
begin, and many are anxious to see bow
it is done.
An Assault Case.
Hale Gould, and the Chinese cook of
the Revere had a Binall bout yesterday
afternoon on First, in which another
i young man figured, trying to part them,
'h ?ok Bt tnB Rus? 'i'Tf''""
ested. The case was tried before Jus
tice Swan this afternoon.
The defendant was found guitty and
fined 1U.
Advertising 1915 Ex.
A bic car was in the city yesterday,
run by three men in uniform, covered
with Panama exposition pennants and
flaring letters. The men are on a trip
over the United States advertising the
exnosition. eoimr from here north to
Poitiand Bnd the Sound cities before
! rninr east.
, 9
.H.R.Jones, of Salem, was in the
eity. . .
Geo. Campbell, of Corvallis, was in
the city last evening.
I Frank Davis, of Portland, n former
Lebanon man, was in the city today.
13 new memberss were received into
the M. E. church last Sunday by Rev.
Mr. Bob Chambers, of Eugene, is in
the city on a visit with his mother and
Mies Crane, dean of women, of the
arrived this, noon on an Aioany
j Fre(1 sloan wB3 recentlv drowned
1 wnle at work on a log drive above
i Lonanon.
Mrs. John Fisher went to Corvallis
today, the're by tue "mess Of hor
daughter, Mrs. smith.
I a now storv. The Jingo, will appear
in the Saturday Evening fost tomorrow
1 gee Riley Lobaugh about it,
Mrs. Keith arrived this noon from
Rev. and Mrs. D'V. Poling, of The
on their way home from Corvallis.
Ujl'es. spent last night in Albany, while
Former Albany people,
The address by Miss Rawlings, sister
of C. G. Rawlings, at the Baptist
church, on her six years experience as
a missionary in China, is highly Bpoken
The oevf ball ground just south of
tne oepoc la nearly ready ior use, a
good one. A fine grand stand is be ng
built bv McGilvrov and the diamond
win De a tine pne. ,
L R. Waters, with the J. I. Case
Thrashing Co., and headquarters at
Albany, oame up last night in a new
Case, a fine appearing machine, which
he will use In his travels.
W. A Cox, of Thomas, was in the
city yesterday in the interest of his
wood pile, which he wishes to sell to
Albany people, a fine grade of fir.
J. l Dixon, grand recorder of, the
A O U.W..of Oregon; is in the city,
and will be here a tew days in the in-tere-t
of this pioneer and prosperous
J. W Circle of near The Dalles,' is
in the city. He is a pioneer of Oregon,
in early days residing in Linn county
for a good many years. He sees a
good many striking changes.' - . -
Tha body of Rev. Smith Norton, who
recently died In Portland, and whose
funeral sermon Rev. White preached
yesterday, was cremated, and the ashes
will be sent back to Churchvillc, N. Y.
once his home.' , ' ,
W. A. Eastburn and part of family,
returned last evening from an auto
mobile trip to Portland, where they
visited the Douglas family, at A r Iota.
The roads were in fine shape, and the
trip was mado eatdly and pleasantly.
The 55th anniversary of the Cen'ral
Baptist Association will be celebrate!
al Lebanon this week beuinnl g WeJ
ncsd.iy. Rev. Elmoia will deliver the
annual sermon in opening, and Rev.
Hmson. of Hortland the closing sermon
Friday night.
La Follette ended a strenuous day
last nittht. when he spoko to un im
mense crowd at Salem. In one day lie
siioke at Eugene, Albany, Corvallis und
Salem, mudu possible by the uutomo-1
bile and rood roads. It wus c.nitnatcd
his total audience for tho day was
Tho bids for paving submitte-l nt
KuKcne arn int'jrenlnjj. A;il.ilt vrie.J j
iVurn SI CI to fl Hi. D ilorwav froi.p i
$1 15 to il 33, Cortland co- ent from I
il. 16 to tl.i.0. T.H.Ellis, of Eu-i'r."l
I r'i'i II Go for concrete pavernrnf.. N
7c navement in S'.itlit. Tne
Co. bi-l t2 for tne inched r-
t.i'.i: -
The regular meeting of Commercial
Club was held last night with the fol
lowing present. Manager Stewart,
Directors Van Winkle, tlecteit chair
man. Hammer, Stewart, Fortmiiler,
Shinn, French, Nutting.
The Rose Fair management asked
Albany to have a float in the fair Jure
10 15. Referred to publicity cammittte.
A letter from President U. R. Grav.
stated that the station called Farlow on
the road in Syracuse precinct had been
changed to Conser, as per request.
lhe manager was directed to take
the matter ot a station on the O. E. at
Oakvillo up with Mr. Uriswold, district
engineer, endorsing the movement.
lhe times ot illustrated lectures of
L. D. Malone and Sam Hill was ordered
changed, tne latter to Tuesday night
April 'id. and the former to Mi.mluv
night April 23.
The Portland Automobile Club asked
about route over mountains. Referred
to manager.
lhe International Dry Farming Con
gress at Lethbridge, Canada, asked for
some hop vines, andltho manager re
ported $'2 worth sent.
A lotter courteous from C. O. Chan-
man in reference to the coming business
men s excursion to the o. A. tj.
An invitation was ordered sent the
State Grange to meet here in 1913,
through Hon. C. L. Shaw.
Fred Lockloy spoke in reference to a
now advertising arrangement with
a number of features, at $750 a year,
much less than formerly. Referred to
committee on publicity.
ine manufacturing committee report
ed 84 spaces taken and only one loft,
with prospects of a lino exhibit. Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday.
News from Albany's Six Early
Goo. Rolfe, John Shultz, W. II. War
ner, Ernest Howard, Ed. and Earl
Fortmillor wont to Portland to see the :
base ball season open, hoping Portland
would win. , ,
W. W." Crawford mado his regular
trip in from his country home. On the
way lie and another man counted 75
Chinese pheasants, 38 on one side and 37
on the other, indicating a good crop of
Mrs. H. H. Howltt went to Salem to
attend the fjncriil of hor aunt, Mrs,
Sol. JJurbin, who died on Sunday, a
prominent resident ot the capitnl city
for many years.
Fred Lockley, of Sunset, returned to
Mr. Smith, of Smith & Cameron,
went up the C. & E.
E- G. Cowlcs wont up the C. & I?, on
a BV.Slr.C5s trin! ' '
S. N. Stewart went to Salem.
Mrs. G. W. Simpson and Mrs. Cecil
Cathay went to Portland.
Chas. Sternberg, a Portland Lawyor,
returned home.
Geo. D. O'Conner and Mr. Hall, of
the P, E. & E-, left for Eugene, after
a Corvallis trip.
A. Bending wpnt up to Jordan, his
former home, for a visit.
W. A. Hoover, after a Hoover trip,
went to Salem.
Mr. Bryant, after a -visit with his
daughter, Mrs. Crosno, went to Jeffer
son. .
A Roof Fire.
Fire caught this forenoon under thn
roof of the residence of Millnrd k
Hayes, at Fourth and Lafayette streets,
! "using a big smoke and considerable
damage from water. The fire denart.
ment responded promptly and soon had
the last spark out,- after cutting into
the roo'. A good deal of water was
used, saaking things In the house, the
principal damage.
Dreamland Tonight.
The program for tonight includes an
Edison feature film entitled The Coral
can Bros. This picture is remarkable,
both for its wonderful photography and
unusal story, one man appearing In the
picture and acting opposite himself,
this Leing accomplished by the best of
photographers and is the most difficult
art in motion photography and tho Edi
son Co. is in a class by itself in that'
kind of work. A feature film in every
W. Edgar Elkins died yesterday at
the home of his mother, Mrs Hubert
Moore, at the age of 25 years. Tho
body will be taken to Kings Valley, his
former home, for burial.
Alfred Martesen, aged 31, of the
A Inea, died this morning at the hospital.
He was born in Norway.
- I,
Harry Shea to lie Married.
Harry Shea left this noon for Placer-
villi-, Calif., where he will assist M.
MrCalman. the engineer, for four or
five months on a big Hum" project. On
the way he stopped off nt Eugene,
wlire he will he mtrried tomorrow
morning to Miss U'Hrion, F ather Moron
ollii-Uting, and the happly Couplo will
i-avi) in llif; evening on the Shaota
Limiled for I'laeerville, where thev will
BjieDd their honey moon.
TTvv Dr. Lowe the wrll known op-
jSfstiin p'.nie!riest will be
-'in.-'cles sy 1, Lebanon 2 Albany
3 snd 4. Don't fnil to have him est
your e cs fur glares Scorns of Lii.n
cminfyr f. rcnce 20 years experience.
Krrri'.'rti 'O- I hi- latH
T"hi CiiiHn r -'u-ned trnmthe refo.m'
hoi I I t tr cv r. vhro re left the
-!ho;-t'ei and DaimJi bovs. Onthswav'
j i csiriva r-nfping to thn other thini
! h.-- "!.: !!" i !--. nop ..i-.. n-in
ii'., u.-wii .i i,;